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CD’s, MP3’s Sets, & Cassette Tapes
** Cassette conversions to mp3 Audio This Month **
All of our retail CD’s are high quality uncompressed WAV files.
We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker. For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time. Each full teaching is a single track.
The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3
DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.
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The 1999 Labor Day Camp Meeting
The following is this camp meeting, only in podcast format.
Our mp3 podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”
These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.
Clear enough, to conserving hosting space and keep adding more audios.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
“Take heed to the ministry – that thou full fill it (Col. 4:17). Using scriptural examples, Tommy shows us ministers who fulfilled their calling and those who didn’t. He lays out godly patterns for ministry, challenges us to manifest the supernatural and warns us of opposition and apostasy. He concludes with an interesting study of the four faces of the cherubim-representing manifestations of the beast nature in man that must be overcome with God’s nature.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
99LHCD9-2 – Col. Speed Wilson – FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION
Much of the end-time teaching commonly accepted in the body of Christ is rife with error and inconsistent with the overall truth of the Word. Col. Speed deals with a number of these issues, bringing clarity out of confusion with concise scriptural word studies.
Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008
Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
99LHCD9-3 – Dr. William Null – SINS OF THE FATHERS
Under the old covenant the effects of ancestral curses were inevitable. Since the cross we have freedom from the curse – but deliverance is not necessarily automatic. In this teaching, various types and manifestations of curses are discussed as well as steps to freedom by appropriating the merits of Calvary. Continued on 99LHCD9-6
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
99LHCD9-4 – Ken & Annie Schisler – THE COMING STORM
Sister Annie (with Bro. Ken translating) shares a vision given to her in 1989 of a terrible storm of darkness to come upon the earth. From the beginning its greatest purpose was against the people of God. This is an hour requiring great carefulness of the people of God, as the enemy will operate with great subtlety and guile. Through it all there are two positions available to the people of God in relation to the storm – above it or below it. NOW is the time to establish our position, and it is critical that we do so. How? Listen to this message and be instructed and encouraged!
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
Is there witchcraft in the church? Jezebel, a type of the harlot church, is probably more powerful than we are aware, and is determined to snuff out the true anointing, replacing it with dullness and apathy, and ultimately, apostasy. Beware of the tares coming up with the wheat! Tommy identifies several symptoms of psychic attack. Watch, lest we are ensnared by the subtleties of satan’s wiles.
Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008
Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
99LHCD9-6 – Dr. William Null – OTHER CURSES
“Doc” continues with his teaching on curses (From 99LHCD9-3) by addressing the power of the spoken word – to build up or to destroy. Bitter words are like poisoned arrows. Blessings bring healing. Forgiveness gives up the right to vengeance and will nullify the power of a curse. Good teaching!
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
Bro. Speed draws from his experiences during three wars and his years in the Pentagon to prelude his warnings of times of trouble ahead for America. Identifying enemies “both foreign and domestic,” he lifts our awareness of the need to prepare both physically and spiritually for that which is soon to come to pass.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
Where is the place of His glory? God wishes to adorn His sanctuary with His glory – His light and splendor. His sanctuary is where there is honor and worship – at His feet in His presence! Using several beautiful examples from Scripture, Ken reveals to us those who are privileged to experience that glory. Let us cry out with Moses, “I beseech thee, show me thy glory!”
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
Healing belongs to God’s people! To walk in that healing we must appropriate the Word and the Blood – it must become our meat and drink as we partake of Him. Those who take it unworthily-judging others rather than themselves-are not discerning the body of Christ. “For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep” I Cor. 11:30.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
Who or what is the church in the Book of Revelation? Bro. Tommy finds four churches in Rev. 12! This book is full of word pictures illustrating different perspectives of the overall view God wants us to see. Tommy excels in comparing Scripture with Scripture so we “get the picture.”
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
99LHCD9-11 – Ken & Annie Schisler – THE PLACE OF INTIMACY
The love of Jesus – who can know it? Demons can’t understand it and can’t endure it. They must flee. It is like a fire. This intimate love for God is the one means of access to that secret place of protection from the storm – a place where hearts melt and flow together – a place so few ever find. The door is open. Will we enter in? A special time at the altar concludes this service.
** NEW Cassettes to mp3 Audio This Month **
New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.
Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!
Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.
Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry.
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)
Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.
We never take God’s provision for granted.
Thank You!
Read all about the founders of LHBC.
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