Walter & Deede Fletcher

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Audio Ministry of
Walter & Deede Fletcher

Also in converting a few of theses cassette tapes to mp3, I’m running into more tapes with “voice dropouts”, It’s like tiny pieces of the voice is missing. Hopefully, you’ll get the gist of what is said during those times.
Kevin, LHBC staff.


*Walter Fletcher – SORROWFUL **Tommy Cook – A CRY AT MIDNIGHT
*In I Chronicles 4, we find an account of a man named Jabez, whose name means “one who causes sorrow or pain.”  Jabez did not want to be like his name, so he asked God for 5 things, which God granted him.  **It is at midnight, the darkest hour, that the woman will travail and bring forth the manchild, that God’s power will be poured out and souls will be unlocked.  At one minute past midnight we are traveling towards dawn.

91LHCD5-7 – *Walter Fletcher – GETTING RID OF THE FIG LEAVES
*The Body of Christ is suffering from the fig leaf syndrome, trying to hide our sin from ourselves and from God. The redemptive questions which God asked Adam, and which He asks us today are designed to bring us to a place of honesty so our relationship with God can be restored, our fig leaves removed, and God’s glory made manifest. **Sis. Erma shares a testimony of how the enemy tore their family apart in an effort to get them out of the ministry in which God had placed them. After 17 years of separation from their daughter, restoration began as curses of alienation were broken by applying the principles in the book Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose, by Derek Prince). Jack Cannada concludes the service with the song and testimony of his family’s restoration. Note: Glen’s master tape ran out at the end as the song that was recorded live.

91LHCD5-8 – *Deede Fletcher – HE HAS ANOINTED YOU
**Walter Fletcher – THE BATTLE OF THE AGES
*The Lord has anointed us with His Holy Spirit. This anointing brings life to dry bones, removes spots and wrinkles, causes us to be fruitful, and enables us to praise and worship God anywhere, anytime! **Are we front line Christians? The battle of the ages began in heaven and continues on earth. The fearful man, the people’s man, and the carnal man are not fit for battle. Only the spirit man is fit.

91LHCD5-11 – Walter Fletcher – THE JOY OF FULL SURRENDER
The account in Mark 11 of Jesus sending the disciples to get a colt for Him to ride into town provides some interesting parallels for our lives as Christians. We, like the colt, were tied outside the door, in the street, loosed, released from other claims, and brought to Jesus for a purpose.

91LHCD12-7 – Walter Fletcher – IF IT PLEASE THE KING
The first two chapters of the book of Esther, together with Psalm 45, provide a picture of what God is doing in this hour. A feast is being given, a rebellious queen is being rejected, and a new queen is being prepared. God is providing the wine, but He will not force us to drink.

91LHCD12-8 – Walter Fletcher – PATTERN FOR REVIVAL
True revival comes as a sovereign act of God not as a result of the plans of men. If there is no individual revival, there will be no national or corporate revival. Revival will always alter the moral climate of the community and will expose hidden sin. The life of Gideon gives an example of how revival comes.

91LHCD12-7 – Walter Fletcher – IF IT PLEASE THE KING
The first two chapters of the book of Esther, together with Psalm 45, provide a picture of what God is doing in this hour. A feast is being given, a rebellious queen is being rejected, and a new queen is being prepared. God is providing the wine, but He will not force us to drink.

91LHCD12-8 – Walter Fletcher – PATTERN FOR REVIVAL
True revival comes as a sovereign act of God not as a result of the plans of men. If there is no individual revival, there will be no national or corporate revival. Revival will always alter the moral climate of the community and will expose hidden sin. The life of Gideon gives an example of how revival comes.

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*Deede & **Walter Fletcher – RESTORED VISION
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*Deede & **Walter Fletcher – RESTORED VISION
*There is unhealthiness in the Body of Christ and there is also a tremendous hunger for the things of God. The account of the healing of Bartimaeus shows what is necessary for God to restore our spiritual vision. **God wants to open our eyes so that we can admit light into the Body of Christ. There are six problems with our visions that He wants to correct so that we can have God-given vision.

91LHCD12-13 – Walter Fletcher – THE NEW ANOINTING
God often hides truth in personalities. The motivations and actions of Saul, David, and Jonathan provide a picture of the old anointing, the new anointing, and the believer who must decide where to place his loyalty. This century has seen a revelation of Jesus and a revelation of the Holy Spirit. A revelation of the Father is coming. Prayer for victims of incest and those who have not had a good relationship with their fathers ends the service.

God wants a people who want a mountain. Today we see a lot of claiming, but very little obtaining or reigning. Scripture tells us that Caleb had a different spirit. In order to take our inheritance, we must have that same spirit.

91LHCD12-19 – *Deede & **Walter Fletcher – PRAYER-THE PLAN
*God will not reveal His plan to us unless we pray. When we start to pray and follow the plan, problems will come but God will bring us to a place of refreshing. When we seek His face, His hand will be extended to rebuild the walls and restore the church. **Galatians 5:1 exhorts us to stand fast in liberty. The only way we can stand is to move in the Spirit. ***Communion and testimonies conclude the service.


92LHCD12-14 – Walter Fletcher – SONG OF THE BARREN
The account of Hannah, found in I Sam. 1, provides a picture of the church in this hour. All true revivals have been preceded by a barren, helpless condition — no life and no power. In Hannah, we see five steps that must be taken, or conditions that must be met, before God will pour out His power and bring forth life. Real trouble demands real solutions, and we must begin to call on God for them.

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*Col. Speed Wilson – BLINDING DOCTRINES **Charles Trombley
MINE HOUR IS NOT YET COME ***Walter Fletcher – THE TABLE OF THE LORD – *Are you on the road to Emmaus? Have your eyes been blinded by false (although popular) doctrines? This teaching covers the rebuilding of the temple, the 70th week of Daniel, the rapture, and many end time events. **The miracle at the wedding in Cana establishes the precedent and the purpose for the ministry of Jesus. It also challenges us to renew our commitment to be filled to the brim and continue that ministry. **Bro. Fletcher’s comments on the institution of the Lord’s Supper should be heard by all.


93LHCD5-2 – Walter Fletcher – A PASSION FOR GOD
God is looking for those with such an overwhelming passion for Him that working for Him is not enough, but they want to know Him. Knowing God is the secret to peace and power. All knowledge is based on our relationship with Him. Moses provides an example for us to study in order to see how this knowledge can manifest in our lives

93LHCD5-5 – Deede Fletcher – A RIGHTEOUS SEED
Many in the Body of Christ today have felt a stirring of God within them.  He is planting a righteous seed, which will develop within us until it comes to birth.  It will cause us to have a tenacity for salvation, a tenacity for prayer, and a tenacity for the vision that God has given us.  This is a wonderful, challenging message that should be heard by all who desire to see a fresh move of God in themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.

93LHCD5-11 – Walter Fletcher – THE RACE OF FAITH
The race of faith is a personal one.  No one else can run your race for you.  You must learn to run the race so as to finish the work God has started in you.  There is a cloud of witnesses watching, waiting not only to see you finish, but to see how you run the race.  This message will challenge you to run so as not to be disqualified.

93LHCD9-2 – Walter Fletcher – WISDOM IS BUILDING A HOUSE
Salvation through Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which the structure of our new life rests.  Wisdom shows us how we cooperate with God in the building of our house.  Will the house which you are building stand in the day of judgment?


94LHCD7-7 – Walter Fletcher – PRAYER & MINISTRY
As Bro. Fletcher stood up to proclaim the Word of God, the Holy Spirit led him in praying for and ministering to the people.  Receive your break through as you listen to and agree with the anointed prayers on this message.

People have disappointed us and we have become disappointed with God because we feel that He put us in those situations.  We add what we think God meant to what He actually said, and then we are frustrated and disappointed because we don’t see Him doing what we think He should.  Disappointment and frustration lead to bitterness.  Abnormal expectation ruin relationships.  We must learn to let them go.  Prayers to be set free and restore relationships conclude the service.

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