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These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.

They are clear enough, so we can conserve hosting space while growing. 


07LHCD9-4 – Phillip Fields – TIME TO GET REAL
The title of this message reflects the ministry name God gave to Bro. Fields – Get Real Ministries. He begins by sharing how God is using him to discipleship the broken. It has required him to yield to the flow, not try to control it. He has found that the infilling of God in his life is what has changed him and he knows God wants us to be filled with him. We all have need of a personal encounter with God. When you have forsaken the presence of God, ask Him to give you a willing will an open door to come in and bring change. He will meet you in your desperate need. Part of the reason change is difficult is the patterns learned from childhood. God will keep drawing you ? let Him love you. Learning to be holdable is the key to healing the deep hurts. If we are not seeing the change, fruit, etc. of God, it?s because we are doing our own thing. God wants to speak a fresh new word to you. Breakthrough begins with brokenness as you feed on His Word. Ministry follows this teaching.

07LHCD9-10 – Phillip Fields – A 3 FOLD CORD
God has a plan for you and it’s always good. The key to overcoming bondage is to bond with God. Allow yourself to learn, grow and to make mistakes. The real test of what God is doing in your life is in relationships. Jesus did not build an institution. He moves His Gospel through people. Phillip talks about the 3 fold cord spoken of in Ecc. 4:12 and expounds on many areas of 3s. All of us have been hurt by somebody. Exchange the ?yuk? in your life for the benefits Jesus paid for. If you are still living as a victim of sin, you are still in bondage. Let the light in ? shine on the dark areas and get healed and free. Jesus, in the garden prayed three times until his self (will) was into God?s will ? then came the impartation to go through to the cross. We have to be willing to have all of self emptied. Exchange old pain for new love and the acceptance God want?s to pour into you. You do not have to live in that childhood place of pain in your life anymore. You don?t belong in Egypt anymore. You belong in the Promised Land.


08LHCD3-1 – Phillip Fields – THE FEAR OF THE LORD
Phillip begins by saying when you can hear God’s voice everything else falls into place. Fear is an obsession with yourself. He just released a new book “Get Real With God”. It is a comeback story – almost from death – that he wrote because every time he was in a meeting someone would come up to him and say “I can relate to you”. Phillip says be open to what God wants to do. A learner is a disciple; are you willing to be one? Fear and being absorbed in self keeps us from being in this move of God. Being real, seeing what’s in our heart leads to freedom. Col 10:13 – lays a foundation for Kingdom living. It is a lot easier to please God than to please yourself. How are you spending your spiritual inheritance? Are you using it for a last minute ticket to heaven, a tool to judge others or a means of defense so people cannot get close to you? Have you ever been so busy doing the Lord’s work that you couldn’t see the Lord? He wants all of us to have the benefits of the gospel. You’re in, you qualify. It comes down to a couple of things. What is my responsibility in the Kingdom? To position ourselves strategically so we can fulfill our purpose when the Holy Spirit comes. We are the vessels. Experience conditions us. We have two hindrances: 1. Passivity – I can’t do it; fear of being hurt and disappointed. You become passive because you don’t want to get hurt again. The enemy has you captive because you are passive. The other extreme is 2. False responsibility- everything is my responsibility; you wear yourself out “like a hummingbird”. You develop a “Messiah complex” trying to grow feathers like an angel. You create problems by trying to be the Holy Spirit. It brings a lot of peace when you learn who you are and what your purpose is. John 8:14-16 – the number one priority of Christ was to bring honor to His Father’s Word. That is the fear of the Lord which is a passion to protect your relationship with the Father. If you can get this in your heart everything else will come into place in your life. The first change is for God to take you out of judgment and into mercy. Judgment in the body of Christ causes more pain than anything else. The key to walking in the fear of the Lord is a blinding encounter with God. Acts 9 – the story of Saul’s conversion. You understand God’s mercy. He wants you to have a living encounter with Him. How you respond to His discipline determines the fruit from this encounter..

08LHCD3-1LA – Darlena Fields – LIFE AFTER DELIVERANCE 1-of-2
08LHCD3-1LB – Darlena Fields – LIFE AFTER DELIVERANCE 2-of-2
Darlena begins by sharing a little bit of her testimony. Our perception of life is how we view ourselves and others and is what really drives our life. Everything filters through our perception from the time we are born. Most women struggle with victim mentality. She gives characteristics of victims who allow their life to be governed by external circumstances. Victims are pros at denial. Fear becomes the idol of their choice. After you receive deliverance you take perception back home with you. Darlena shares answers she has found in her own desperation for freedom and deliverance. Rom 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. False beliefs must be exchanged for truth. Usually what the enemy torments us with the most is the counterfeit of our purpose in life. She told us a quote from a book she read “our last and greatest human privilege is our perception”. Being victimized does not make us a victim. Reading God’s Word is filtered through our perception. Darlena shares examples of false beliefs acquired from birth on. Jesus said “it is finished”. Why can’t we believe that? The Bible says we’ve become saints. We have to stop living in the past, believing the past, etc. We have the philosophy of getting the devil out instead of getting God in. We have to become and believe the “new daughters” that we are, in Christ. Your place is only found in intimacy in God. She tells of a vision she had about the fear of the Lord. Trust God?s ability to rule us not the devil. Pro 30:21, 22 – recognize you are living in the present world and move above it. You will reproduce around you what you cultivate within you. II Tim 2:19 – who is your master? She tells us about false humility. The greatness of a king’s subjects brings glory to him. Darlena makes a declaration over the group present that true humility matures us to where the Lord wants us to be. Which team do you want to be on – the slaves or the royalty? She closes with an activity time to write down the attached names the devil has put on us as curses as opposed to the names God wants us to have.

08LHCD3-7A – Phillip Fields – HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD  1-of-2
08LHCD3-7B – Phillip Fields – HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD  2-of-2
HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD – The question is really, “How do you get close to Him?” If God hasn’t spoken to you, that is the starting place. What really helps is the Word of God. You don’t have to have the power you just need to know where to get it. Be willing to learn. John 17:3 Stop praying for results! Compassion in the New Testament is not pity but to draw you out of that place. Jesus pulled darkness out and light in. Our efforts are limited. Your brain uses an eye dropper; your Spirit can suck on a hose. Matt 6:9-10 Jesus said “Your Kingdom come”. For us to activate this we must hear God’s voice. Today we must hear the voice of God for our self. Jesus is our mediator. When we begin to see with spiritual eyes then we will hear Him. The Word of God must be current in our life. Be teachable! A disciple is a learner. Give yourself permission to learn. Position yourself to draw from Him. If you are going to hear God’s voice, He has to be your focus. You have favor, draw from it. We are not here just to hang out. God has not hidden His Kingdom from you; He has hidden it for you. Stop trying to live for God – draw from the well. We need lots of water. John 6:28-29 – what must we do to work the works of God? Believe in the One who is sent. A free person can ask for anything needed. Any problem you have is because of words and will only be solved by words. Our need – a Word of life. Anything you want to know – God has spoken. The devil cannot override the Word of God. There are 4 words that God gave that Phillip says he uses every day. 1. Listen 2. Wait 3. Obey 4. Stand. Learn to still yourself expecting from God. Come Holy Spirit. Just listen then write down what He says, then wait, whatever you see or hear check out in the Scripture. Obey – act on His Word to you. Free yourself up – simplify your life and stand on God’s Word. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done. Philip closes the meeting praying for release of hurtful relationships, pain, disease, old habits, and unholy images and to set the captives free. Receive from God and then give to others.  

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