Monty & Sharon Mulkey

West Coast Church of Deliverance
242 Main st, Unit 5
Montrose, CO 81401

Phone: 805-444-1727

In 1989 Pastor Monty Mulkey founded the West Coast Church of Deliverance in Thousand Oaks, California. WCCD, an established ministry, also hosts deliverance seminars to further train new workers and to oversee the training of future missionaries to further the spread of the deliverance ministry.

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Monty & Sharon Mulkey

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99DELTRCD-5 – Monty Mulkey – Recognizing & Overcoming Rejection
The spirit of rejection is at the root of most, if not all, demonic strongholds, and can be very strong. To help us discern this spirit and those related to it, Bro. Monty identifies and discusses thirteen fruits of rejection. Anointed ministry of mass deliverance concludes this enlightening teaching.


The authentically viable ministry of deliverance is advancing and gaining power, according to Monty. Part of the responsibility of the ministry though is to train and support the next generation of the ministry. To be able to spread the ministry of deliverance, we must have love in our heart, and be willing to sacrifice everything for His works.

00DELTRCD-9 – Monty Mulkey – How Demons Get In
We are born with some demons already present due to generational curses. But demons may also enter through other ways. Many times they enter through the gates of our eyes, ears, and mouth. Witchcraft, alcohol, and paths of destruction are also ways in which demons may enter. Examples of paths of destruction are; lust, pride, rebellion, false religion, and jealousy. These wrong paths can set the course for your life.


01DELTRCD-3 – Monty Mulkey – Breaking The Bondages Of Gluttony
Why do we eat more than our body needs? The Scriptures are full of information on how to approach food. Spiritual issues can cause weight problems. An undisciplined and rebellious spirit is involved with gluttony. Food is often used as a source of false comfort for grief or worry. Although gluttony is a sin, it is often not taught in churches. It is a sin that affects a wide number of Americans today.

In Judges 6, Israel was greatly impoverished by the Midianites, because they disobeyed the LORD. The spirit of the Midianites still has influence today. They encamp around us just far enough out that they don’t really bother us, but they are just waiting for their time. The spirit is deceptive – it will cause you to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and for nothing to go right for you. God wants to use us to destroy these spirits – tell them to get out of our land!


04LHCD9-4 – Monty Mulkey – DISCERNMENT
Discernment is given for knowledge and protection. Synonyms are to understand and to perceive. One skilled in discernment can judge all things and tell the light from dark, bitter from sweet and good from evil. Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” We develop discernment exercising our senses to discern both good and evil. Brother Mulkey then discusses the things that can block your development and using discernment. He ends with a discussion of how to discern evil spirits and then closes with deliverance prayers.

04LHCD9-6 – Monty Mulkey – TOTALITARISM
Eph. 5:21, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” Totalitarism is despotic rule. Under a tyrant there is no appeal, only extreme penalty or punishment for non-compliance. Many families, both Christian and non-Christian live under a totalitarian system. This is due to a faulty interpretation of Scripture and leads to many hurt and wounded people. Bro. Mulkey discusses the symptoms of abuse resulting from these types of family relationships. He then discusses how forgiveness and healing occurs. Deliverance and healing prayers follow the teaching.

1 Tim 5:17 “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.” Brother Mulkey uses the example of Samson to show a judge who God counted worthy of the Hall of Faith in Hebrews, Chapter 11, that labored alone in judging and delivering Israel. He then asks who is coming along side of those laboring in the deliverance ministry. Where are the Aaron’s and Hur’s who came alongside of Moses to aid him in the battle to deliver Israel from the Amalek. (Ex 17:11-12) He issues a call for helpers in the deliverance ministry.


06LCCD2-2 – Sharon Mulkey – The Incredible Women of Deliverance
In this message, Sharon builds upon what we learned in the previous word by Junie about “being” what God created us to be. It all stems from time alone with God. This is where He cannot only root up and tear down but He will put in or plant. Sharon tells us that in this baby-boomer generation, we have the opportunity to show what deliverance will do as opposed to all the self-help info out there. But we can’t just say it. There must be a demonstration in our lives – radical transformation. We saw a demonstration of the “Incredibles” – pointing out how out of order we have become, giving Satan freedom to operate. She said that even when our desires are right, demons can block those desires from bearing fruit. God wants us to know the truth and be set free but it starts on the inside. She pointed out that one day, God will open “the book and compare what we have done with our lives – gifts and callings – as compared to His plan for us. There will be no excuse for disobedience and rebellion. So, how do we get it right? “Come away, My beloved.” As we spend time alone with Him, our hearts and lives will come into His order. We will be changed. This is a timely word, packed full of priceless gems!

06LCCD2-6 – Sharon Mulkey – What Lurks Behind The Door Of Opportunity
Sharon closes our women’s conference by telling us what to expect as we go forth as women of God. She reminds us that deliverance isn’t everything, but it is essential, doing what nothing else can do, getting rid of the big boulders in order that we can better deal with the challenges ahead in our walk. No one is too old or “too anything” for God to use. But there are things we must do. Freedom is for the DESPERATE! Our problem is: We want to feel better but we don’t want to change. Sharon made a really good observation. She said we don’t have to fear the demons coming back because when they are cast out, our will is free to resist them. Good Point! She also said that we must give birth. The fruit of our calling is others being set free – giving others reason to live and not die. She says we must remember that we don’t get “fixed” all at once. God doesn’t just begin to build, He must dig out all the rotten foundation and then begin to build. So do not be discouraged with small beginnings or slow starts. We’ve got to get rid of error so the truth can get it. Sharon ends by listing spirits that are prevalent in women so that we can be aware and prepared to stand against them as we go back to our daily routines much freer than when we came. It’s time that we “BE” what God created us to be and stop trying to “DO” all the things we’re expected to do!

Demons work overtime to keep you from hearing these messages. Lord Jesus, teach us Your ways. If people come into your group to complain about petty things, they are just there to cause a disturbance. Cast them out. Many people are coming to deliverance expecting a soft deliverance. We are going to be tested and tried. We are still like a marshmallow on the inside. Love is not based on words or ideas. Many ministers are in it for themselves. A true man of God will give his life for the sheep. If you want to see people set free, it will cost you everything. Ask yourself, do I want this or not? You can not have a hidden agenda. You will not be popular with family or friends. Many people refuse deliverance because they see imperfections in the deliverance minister. God will deliver all of us in His time. There is never a time when God is not working, taking out the spots and wrinkles. The closer we draw to Jesus, the more we see our sin. To get to the end of the race, the strong will must line up with God’s will. One day we will give an account for our lives. Every change God is doing in our life is the reward in eternity. God expects us to have treasure in heaven. Much deliverance concludes this message.

Do not get bit by the “I Am Great bug”. Only God is great. We will never be great. Having that urge and striving to be great is a religious spirit. It’s not God’s way. Who will be chief, let him be the servant? Give your life for others. The desire for greatness causes division in the Body of Christ. Pharisees do their works to be seen of men, but whoever exalts himself shall be abased. Esteem others better than yourself. Sadly, it is possible to be around Jesus and still miss knowing Him. Jesus used a child as an object lesson. Servants do small things. The smallest acts keep us on the right path. How hard it is to flush out the world system of thinking. Get rid of the desire for greatness, the spirit of the world, and religious spirits. Those spirits are rooted in emotional wounds from the past and the need to prove yourself. Ask God for healing. It takes time to work these things out of a person. Learn to be content and put on humility. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

Christianity is based on relationships on prayer and fellowship. The self-made, independent spirit is not the way of a Christian. We are to depend on Jesus. The independent spirit will separate you from God and lead you into rebellion against Him. It is worth the fight to get rid of it. Another spirit that partners with the independent spirit is being in the seat of judgment. It dulls the emotions. We resist strongly when God puts his touch on this spirit. Also, if not presented with God’s wisdom and counsel, and unless we have a relationship with the people we are ministering to, the Ahab Jezebel teaching can do damage to marriages and can cause unnecessary strife. Most often the independent spirit has been inherited. Religious spirits reinforce it. God made us to have relationships for our brains to grow normally. God wants to change us. He will fill the place in our life where He is to be. He wants us to have abundant life. More and more perilous times are coming. People need people. God created us to be this way. People will not change without deliverance. The more deliverance you get the easier the Christian life becomes. 

Demons work overtime to keep you from hearing these messages. Lord Jesus, teach us Your ways. If people come into your group to complain about petty things, they are just there to cause a disturbance. Cast them out. Many people are coming to deliverance expecting a soft deliverance. We are going to be tested and tried. We are still like a marshmallow on the inside. Love is not based on words or ideas. Many ministers are in it for themselves. A true man of God will give his life for the sheep. If you want to see people set free, it will cost you everything. Ask yourself, do I want this or not? You can not have a hidden agenda. You will not be popular with family or friends. Many people refuse deliverance because they see imperfections in the deliverance minister. God will deliver all of us in His time. There is never a time when God is not working, taking out the spots and wrinkles. The closer we draw to Jesus, the more we see our sin. To get to the end of the race, the strong will must line up with God’s will. One day we will give an account for our lives. Every change God is doing in our life is a reward in eternity. God expects us to have treasure in heaven. Much deliverance concludes this message.

Paul ministered to Timothy to fight a good warfare. But there will be those who wreck their lives by not using wisdom in spiritual warfare. Every soldier needs strong meat, not just milk. Drink deeply from the wells of deliverance. Endure hardness. Do not return to elementary teachings. Soldiers do not take off their uniforms for civilian events. Their home is wherever God calls them to be stationed. How do you go from being just a babe to Christian maturity a soldier for Christ? Out of our weakness, we will be made strong. In our walk with Jesus, we need the roadblocks removed. Those would be the demons. We need balance and sound teaching on deliverance as we go. The bigger the stronghold, the more work and time it will take to break it. We need to fall in love with Jesus. We do not need to get to a place of strength before He can use us. He will give us His strength and we will be made perfect in weakness. If we had no weaknesses or shortcomings, we would have nothing to be made strong. Then we will be filled with the power of God Deliverance prayers followed this teaching.


13LCCD2-1A – Sharon Mulkey
13LCCD2-1B – Sharon Mulkey
Deliverance deals with the root of people’s problems demons. Those bullies have been tormenting us, stealing from us and trying to destroy us all these years, making our lives miserable. Instead of using all our energy to push down negative emotions, we need to push the demons out. Bullying plagues every country, race, and class of people. Bullying shuts you down and drains your life out of you. You become hollowed out. The enemy wants to destroy the design God had for your life and replace it with his design. He wants to totally derail you. The devil knows who is marked for greatness by God. He starts working early in someone’s life to destroy God’s plan for them. Because of tremendous fears of confrontation and rejection and wanting so badly to have friends, a bullied person often will not tell anyone about what is being said and done to them. God wants to reclaim what has been destroyed in you. Only God can heal you. Your life will change when you get the demons out. God comes to pour in the oil and the wine to heal your wounds. Deliverance follows this teaching.

13LCCD2-4 –  Sharon Mulkey
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Why am I always getting picked on?’ Negative interactions at a young age are often a source of the bully spirit – for the one who bullies and the one who is bullied. If parents bullied you at home you may not have ever learned how to protect yourself. Alcoholic families breed bullied people and bullies. Women bully other women out of their sense of low self-esteem. The Queen Bee bullies a woman and gets other women to join her. Bullies are opportunists, jealous, weak, and insecure people, afraid their inadequacies will be exposed. Their tactics are often subtle. They connive and manipulate and may not be seen as a ring leader. They sabotage the work and reputations of others and spread rumors. They whisper secrets, purposely making sure the bullied person feels excluded from the clique. Do not be surprised at what the devil will do to intimidate you. Bullying is a dangerous business. It is a mine-field of murderous rage. The enemys intent is to put a cap and seal on your gift to bless the world. Are you going to let them steal from you the Father’s blessing, ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant.” Deliverance follows this teaching.

13LHCD9-1 – Monty Mulkey – THE SPIRIT OF CRUELTY
“Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7 The opposite of mercy is cruelty. Cruelty is defined as violence, a wrong, an injustice, damage, oppression, severity, to be harsh, to be difficult, ill-treated, hard-pressed, to have severe labor, to make difficult, to make burdensome, stiff, stubborn, and obstinate. Many of us carry the wounds of having been treated with cruelty. Thankfully, God is a merciful God. That is His nature and He expects us as Christians to be merciful…to become Christ-like. But we are often cruel with our unrestrained response toward the actions of someone who has done something against us. We may be very correct in thinking their actions were unjustified and harsh and we didn’t deserve it. Although we always want God’s favor, protection, and blessings, our own cruel response to the offender breaks the covenant with God. We have to let God be the judge. He will recompense. Then we are in a position to re-establish covenant with Him. 1) Confess your wrongdoing, 2) Ask God’s forgiveness, 3) Forgive other people’s cruelty to you, 4) Ask God to heal your wounds, 5) Forgive yourself. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

13LHCD9-2 – Sharon Mulkey – HYPNOSIS
God’s people must hear this teaching. The rulers of the world government are using hypnotic suggestions to bring about a passivity of the human will. Hypnosis opens your mind to believe anything. Hypnotic induction techniques tell you to “visualize” whatever you want to have or become. Visualization is the primary gateway for demonic infiltration into human consciousness currently being worked on a grand scale. People tamper with forbidden practices because of curiosity and because they are desperate for help. Pastors are supposed to preach salvation, healing, and deliverance, but instead many are being trained in neurolinguistic programming (NLP). You will be shocked to learn how casual conversation hypnosis is being used against all of us. Even facial expressions open us up to mind control. If you knowingly participate in hypnotism you are in this distinguished group: soothsayers, necromancers, charmers, enchanters, observers of times, shamans, witch doctors, sorcerers, wizards, consulters of familiar spirits. If you are serious about deliverance, the manual to get is “War on the Saints” by Jesse Penn Lewis. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

13LHCD9-8A – Sharon Mulkey – CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS 1-of-2
13LHCD9-8B – Sharon Mulkey – CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS 2-of-2

How is it possible that someone can just talk to me and I will be hypnotized? We must not be ignorant of the devil’s devices of beguiling and sorcery. Sorcery is supernatural power over people and their affairs and conversational hypnosis will give that power. Beguilers attract, delight, allure, captivate, enchant, fascinate, and charm…satan is a master at disarming your conscious mind. Unstable souls are beguiled with enticing words. Conversational hypnosis uses big words that are hard for you to understand and while you are trying to figure them out, someone who does not have your best interest at heart will bypass your prefrontal cortex and start implanting their ideas into your brain. Sadly, God’s people are allowing these abominations and worldly practices to be brought into our churches. Manipulators feed off our discontent and disillusionment. By demonic powers, they use therapeutic hypnosis to diminish our use of analytical thinking. To deny reality or attempt to alter reality with one’s positive words and or thoughts is witchcraft. Once these ideas are implanted they do not come out until they are cast out. Sharon implores us to be curious enough to search out the truth for ourselves on the subject of conversational, covert hypnosis. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

Monty shares with us his personal belief and perspective on how women are to be treated in the church. He challenges the traditional teaching on the spirit of Jezebel. He declares that he will be a voice to be reckoned with wherever he sees women treated unfairly, looked down upon, or given an inferior role at church or at home. Monty believes that the teaching of the spirit of Jezebel is a false doctrine, a theology that is not needed in the deliverance ministry. It is divisive, oppressive, breaks unity, stifles women in their role, robs the men, and blocks the flow of the Holy Spirit. Over the years and in his many travels, Monty has noticed that married couples who sit under this teaching do not have the intimacy they need. As ministers of deliverance, we are to set people free and encourage them to follow and serve the Lord Jesus Christ with the gifts and talents they have received from Him. Women warriors are needed in the Lord’s work to teach, preach and cast out demons. Women are to be valiant, strong, and full of faith, in partnership with their husbands. Jesus wants us to love and serve one another. We are laborers together, and we are one in Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord overall and the rest of us are His Body, His Church, and His Bride. 


Monty’s desire is to see people set free, procure the favor of the Lord, and grow spiritually. If you are tired of sickness and death and wondering where God’s favor is, learn how grumbling and complaining bring about the disfavor of the Lord. Note: Your personal happiness is your personal responsibility. Complaints come from unfulfilled desires and they seem to be rooted in self-centeredness, self-pity, spoiled-brat spirit, perfectionist spirit, and fear, for example. Be on guard against a sense of entitlement, also religious spirits which foster legalism and fault finding. Check yourself for arrested development…being emotionally immature. Philippians 2:14 “Do all things without complaining that you can be blameless and harmless without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation.” Develop holiness, a God-centered character, and a thankful heart that will yield all the fruit of the spirit. Leave off complaining. It will radically change your life. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching. Note: This CD is # 14LHCD7-1 There is also a DVD video of this exact message too. See DVD # 14LHDVD7-1

14LHCD7-3 – Sharon Mulkey – YOU ARE THE GIFT
In Romans 1:11. God has put spiritual gifts in us to the end that we may be established, rooted, and grounded in sound doctrine. A gift is something that is given without hope or expectation of a return. Until we know what our gift is and what we can do, we do not know who we are. We have been created in the image of God, and we are His gift to the world. We have been sent to the world to be light and salt. The only light the world will see is the light in you and the salt you are will bring life. 1 Corinthians 7:7 “Every man has his proper gift of God.” Psalm 90:1 “You were created before the foundation of the earth was laid,” and the gift God gave you He will not take away. Your gift is for the perfecting and equipping of the saints. The gift you are is needed in the workplace. Just your presence is enough to bring light and salt to darkness and decay wherever you go. But it is only a gift if you give it away. One day you will give an account of your stewardship of the gift within you, so do who you are. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.  

14LHCD7-5 – Monty Mulkey – GO CREATE SOMETHING
Create something today. This will build you up and it gives you joy and a sense of purpose. People today do not have skills. Learn a skill. Build something. Skills are more valuable than knowledge in the day of famine. Ephesians 2:10 We are to work and walk-in creating just as Jesus did. Proverbs 9:1 “Wisdom hath builded her house…” It doesn’t have to be something material…you could be building an environment of peace. Jeremiah 1:10 “This day I set you over the nations, over the kingdoms, for you to root out, to pull down, to destroy, to throw down, to build and to plant.” Christians being impoverished is the work of the enemy. Slackness is a cruel trick that the enemy pulls on Christians… “just wait on the Lord.” In the Hebrew language “wait” means to actively trust in the Lord. It is not passively waiting for God to do something for you. If you are in lack, take inventory of what you do with your time. Use your gifts and talents and skills. Do what God has called you to do. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching. (The DVD contains the praise and worship part of the service and Merrill Miller speaking to the congregation.)

14LHCD7-9A – Sharon Mulkey – UNWRAPPING THE PRESENT 1-of-2
14LHCD7-9B – Sharon Mulkey – UNWRAPPING THE PRESENT 2-of-2
Were you allowed to express your creativity as a youngster? There is something about doing creative things that brings out our humanity. When you are trying to figure out who you are and who you are not, cut out magazine pictures of what you are drawn to and put together a photo album. Fear of criticism makes us withdraw and be what everybody else wants us to be. Can you list four things in your life that you do not want to live without? What were your childhood dreams? If you are not developing your own gifts and talents you are building someone else’s kingdom. A sense of worthlessness robs you of God’s best. Abuse obliterates your will, desires, hopes, and dreams. Demonic spirits teach you to submit to the abuser so you can live. Only God can heal you. That’s why He brought you into deliverance. You are the present and God wants to unwrap you. You will have a life you can not even imagine. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.

New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!
Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – Central Time.

Recognizing & Overcoming Rejection
How Demons Get In
Breaking The Bondages Of Gluttony
The Incredible Women of Deliverance
What Lurks Behind The Door Of Opportunity
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