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Below is the ministry of Lee Ellenwood who spoke here at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp from 1978 to 1980.

37 messages that were just on cassettes, but I found to be much better quality on Glen’s ” reel to reel master tapes. We hope these messages will stir your heart for something even more personal with the Lord Jesus Christ in your life.

Our co-worker Sandy went back and listened to all the Lee Ellenwood messages, and added in the rest of the file descriptions that we’re missing.  About 30 of them. She was glad to hear all these messages she said. Sandy, loves to listen to Jack Harris, and Tommy Cook who taught the sonship message here. But she said Lee Ellenwood seemed to have a clearer revelation of the sonship message.

To me, this is pressing on towards being more in-Christ in our personal walk with the Lord.  That’s the high calling in Christ Jesus. To be more like Him. His nature working in us. This is really a TOTAL WORK of the Holy Sprit. That’s what all these endless trials are for. That breaking process is no fun.  We don’t always see exactly what He’s doing in us. But it’s needful in molding and changing us into His likeness. 

Derek Prince in his audio message here on “The Gift of Rightousness.” He writes it’s very clear to me:  “Righteousness is free – you just need to believe. What frustrates us from receiving it is we think we have to earn it. Then the real problem surfaces – that being self-righteousness. It takes humility to say, “I have nothing to offer.” 

Lee Ellenwood uses the tabernacle in the old testament, and how it applies to Christians in the new testament.

These Lee Ellenwood messages are also on higher quality audio CD’s too. Some of these messages we’re not great quality. I had to use filtering software. And then some we’re still hard to understand.

This set of six messages covers deep teaching on how to move up higher in the Spirit. Bro. Ellenwood believes that the end-time revival is on, and the Lord is going to let us come beyond the veil to reveal that which man is seeking. It is the desire of the Lord to reveal the Shekinah Glory to His people. We cannot abide in His presence without proper preparation. The following teaching will help you see the difference between the anointing and His abiding presence. We will pass from the in-part ministry to a spiritual authority that will issue from the throne, and it will be restored to the church.

78LHCD10-1 – Lee Ellenwood – THE BREAD OF REVELATION 1-of-6
(Bread of Revelation)  Exodus 25:  God commands the children of Israel to build Him a house for His resting place in Israel.  It is easy to understand Brother Ellenwood’s description of the structural design and furniture found in the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. The subject of this teaching is the Table of Showbread found in the Holy Place.  When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we live in the Holy Place. This is what it means to be seated with Christ in heavenly places.  Jesus tells us He is that Showbread, the Bread from Heaven.  The Table of Showbread is a picture of the Body of Christ Church.  When God gets through with the next move of His Spirit He is going to have a divine arrangement of people.  Every man is going to know his place in the Body of Christ.  They will mingle and flow together and manifest the oneness of the Body of Christ.  God wants a ministry of bread in His Congregation, the Bread of Faces…the Bread of Revelation of Himself.  In Isaiah 58 God proclaims the fast of His choosing.  We are to wisely deal out His Bread from Heaven, the Christ, to His people who are broken hearted and bound with fetters.  Jesus Christ is the only Bread that can satisfy.

78LHCD10-2 – Lee Ellenwood – THE DAY OF THE LORD (2-of-6)  (Bread of Revelation) God is causing a body of truth to emerge that is entirely new, the truth about the Holy of Holies and the qualifications for coming into the Holy of Holies.  The remnant is those whose hearts are hungry and crying out for more of God and will have an earnest expectation for the Coming of the Lord.  The Lampstand in the Holy Place signifies the spirit-filled Church. God is bringing a company of spirit-baptized people out of the spirit-baptized people and through the Veil who will go up into the Holy of Holies as individuals, not as congregations.  II Timothy 2. The spirit of God is gracing these people and God is bringing them up into the Holy of Holies.  He is doing that right now.  The living anointed ones are being prepared by 1) Tribulation, unusual pressure  2) Assurance that as Kingdom people we will rule and reign with Him 3) Patient in Jesus Christ while He develops and fulfills His purpose 4) Exiled and criticized by spirit-filled Christians in the Holy Place.  5) Walk and live in the Spirit of the Lord.  This is how we come into Sonship.  “Unto you who fear my name shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings…” the day of the coming of the Lord.

78LHCD10-3 – Lee Ellenwood – INCENSE/TRUE WORSHIP) (3-of-6)  (Bread of Revelation)  Satan has set up his throne in the midst of the spirit-filled Churches, in the midst of the Holy Place.   God is getting ready to open the third gate into the Holy of Holies. There is going to be a great work of cleansing.  God is going to take His remnant up into the Holy of Holies and then bring them back to cleanse the rest of the Body of Christ.  The Sons of God will bind satan’s kings with chains and his nobles with fetters of iron.  Those who are longing for the appearing of the Lord are under unusual pressure.  To go through the veil you will have your own personal Gethsemane and your own personal Calvary.  Right now we are in the Holy Place at the Golden Altar of Incense, the place of our devotion unto God.  Let our prayers be set before the Lord as incense. Consider the composition of the incense. 1) Scacte – worship flows spontaneously, 2) Onycha – comes from the depth of our being, 3) Galbanum – reverence and brokenness before God, 4) Frankincense – the fragrance of Jesus Christ which perfects our worship.  When you are ministering unto the Lord you are burning incense in the Temple, in awe and wonder before Him.   Prostrate your whole being before Him and worship in spirit and in truth.

78LHCD10-4 – Lee Ellenwood – TELL MY PEOPLE (4-of-6) (Bread of Revelation)
Right now God is apprehending a people, putting His hand upon them.  His people, the seven stars in Revelation, are the peculiar treasure of the Lord.  However, we are never going to be in the next move of God unless we walk in humility and submissiveness before Him as low profile, unknown people.  He wants persons of dignity, might, power, gracious, full of kindness, integrity, and humility, who love the truth and who love Him.  God desires inward qualities of truth, justice, mercy, and compassion.  Holy Place people are in need of a great cleansing from God before the appearing of the Lord.  Jesus wants the First Fruits Company to tell His people that He is coming and to accept the cleansing that is required.  We cannot abide in His presence without proper preparation.  We patiently wait with longing for His return.  And as the lightening shines from the east to the west so will the coming of the Son of Man be.  Satan is before the Veil to resist every man who wants to be in that company who will prepare for His return.  Do not ask God to take away conflicts and battles.  From here on out we are going to have resistance from satan every inch of the way, spiritual warfare, so our spiritual man will become strong.

78LHCD10-5 – Lee Ellenwood – WORSHIP/WAY INTO THE HOLY OF HOLIES (5-of-6)   (Bread of Revelation) – At the beginning of the Book of Revelation, seven Churches are named.  These are also names of seven satanic strongholds.  Within these strongholds are demonic strategies that are just before the Veil. 1) Ephesus means ‘desirable’. The devil’s ways look desirable, but bring deception, destruction, and death. These are Jebusites.  2) Smyrna, myrrh and the Amorites have the same root meaning…heavy pressure, tribulation, bitterness.  3) Pergamus means height, pride. This corresponds with Gergashites which means dwelling in clay soil. 4) Thyratyra is the burning of incense, mixture. Jezebel established her throne there and introduced Baal worship. 5) Sardis means the enemy will try to defile you. This equates with Hivites. Those who will not be defiled are Overcomers, the Church within the Church.  6) Philadelphia is brotherly love, humanism.  Perezite means ‘belonging to a village’, fellowship on a horizontal level. 7) Laodicea means ‘the people rule’, materialism, commercialism, Cannonites.  In Laodicea are those who make merchandise of the holy things of God.  As we worship God, these satanic strongholds will be overcome and we will make our way through the Veil and into the Holy of Holies.

78LHCD10-6 – Lee Ellenwood – YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE HOLY OF HOLIES (6-of-6) (Bread of Revelation) – Brother Ellenwood brilliantly explains deep mysteries and correlations between the mountains of the Lord, the Tabernacle structure, Psalms, the olive trees and Revelation.  Psalm 91 belongs in the end times and to the Holy of Holies people. 1) He that dwelleth ( to sit down) in the secret place (“setr”, the bosom of God) 2) shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty which is a bright place, the radiance of His glory. 3) He is my refuge and my fortress and 4) I will trust in Him.  At the appointed time, the Sons of God, the Zion people, will come from their “setr”, the secret place of the Most High in the Holy of Holies, to the Body of Christ in the Holy Place, and then to the Outer Court to administer the judgment of tribulation.  They will see the wrath of God poured out upon the earth.  Demons will flee. The Anti-christ will be destroyed by the brightness of His appearing. Tribulation is going to go night and day.  People will fall around you, but no plague, fiery darts, arrows or pestilence will come near you.  He will cover you with his feathers and under His wings will you trust.  Our hiding place, our Holy of Holies, is our relationship with Jesus Christ.  Make Him your refuge right now before the third door closes.

This set of ten messages below by Lee Ellenwood below deals with the cleansing of the church. Are you looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus? There is a purging of His the people in the Holy Place. God is beginning his work of perfection. He is preparing a people for His next move that will involve the coming of the Lord and the final destruction of the enemy by binding the strongman and spoiling his house. The book of Revelation is a book of the Second  Coming. He is unveiling and uncovering truths, and this book prepares us for his coming. What is the consummation of this age? When is the tribulation coming? What is the last trumpet? When is Jesus coming for the First Fruits people? When will we be changed and when will we be caught up? When is the falling away coming? Who is the man of sin? When are we going through the veil into the Holy of Holies? Answers to these and many other questions will help you to come closer to the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ!

79LHCD6-0  – Lee Ellenwood – BINDING THE STRONGMAN (1-of-10)
In the supernatural realm, our planet is completely shrouded with a black covering because satan is the de facto ruler or prince on Earth, although his reign is soon to end. Satan has built up a hierarchy that completely surrounds this planet. There is a prince over every political division and nation on Earth. When we are worshipping God, we are punching holes in that black shroud. We are tearing it asunder to release Earth into the condition that God had created it originally. Matthew 12:29, Jesus says, “How can one enter into a strongman’s house and spoil his goods unless he first bind the strongman, and then he will spoil his house?” Paul and his companions bound the beasts over Ephesus, and that city was released unto the blessings of God. Over every city, over every community, over every neighborhood there is a satanic force. It is possible to bind these strongmen and release our cities, states and nations unto the blessings of God. At this present day God is going to use His anointed people to rise up and bind these strong powers that are over our cities and deliver those who have been taken captive by the enemy. Bind those strongmen of darkness and trample them under your feet.

79LHCD6-5 – Lee Ellenwood – OUT AND INTO GOD (2-of-10)
Brother Ellenwood begins by reminding us to stay alert to these areas of concern to the Church: 1) John 1:35 “Looking upon Jesus…Behold the Lamb of God.” Those of us who want to move on in end-time things must come back constantly to the Blood of Jesus. We need to turn one another over to the Lamb of God. 2) There is a Jezebel spirit in the Church today that is determined to usurp the place of the Lamb and manipulate and dominate others. We need to get rid of it. 3) Regarding ministry, there’s nothing that takes the place of a person with another person. Lost and hurting people need someone to put their arms around them and kneel with them in prayer. When Jesus ministered to those in need, He often invited them to His “sitting down place” for that day. He poured out everything He had to them. Right now Jesus is preparing a place for those who will make the ultimate sacrifice and consecration unto Him. People are polarizing and choosing where they are comfortable in the Tabernacle. The “called out ones” can only be comfortable in the Holy of Holies. Jesus is in His “sitting down place” in the bosom of the Father, calling out His own whose heart’s deepest desire is to move into God.

79LHCD6-9  – Lee Ellenwood – SPIRITUAL WARFARE #1 (3-of-10)
The next great thing God is going to do is purify His Church. In Isaiah 1:25-26 God says, “I will thoroughly purge away thy dross.” He is going to take away the “tin”, the alloy, impurity, mixed in the gold of God. In the end-time book of Judges we learn that for hundreds of years the judges were relentless in cleansing the land of idolatry and the temple of its filth and corruption. The Temple had been defiled, desecrated and vandalized by rebellious Israel. Right now God is doing a new thing. He said He will restore Judges, ‘shaphat’, as before. He is raising up a company of people, Zion people, Covenant people, Overcomers, whom He will empower and anoint to discern between the righteous and the wicked. God has chosen them to be the agency of cleansing in the Body of Christ. These are ‘Yashah’ people, people of action and passion. They have transitioned from mild and gentle sheep into fierce and aggressive lions. They understand militancy. If we are faithful and press on into the fullness of God, His reward is the bringing us up into a new state of being, a body completely redeemed.

79LHCD6-13 – Lee Ellenwood – SPIRITUAL WARFARE #2 (4-of-10)
In this last hour the kings of the earth in the evil realm of satan are gathering themselves against us. They are sorcerers, witches, reprobates. Cain slipped in (doesn’t like the way of the cross), Korah came in (rebellion), then Baalam (has ministry for sale). Jezebel, a spiritual adulteress joined the church. Her children in the Holy Place cannot or will not cleanse themselves, so God will get it done. Eglan, the King of Moab, brought the corruption and defilement of literal and spiritual adultery into the Holy Place of the Temple of God. That spirit of Moab has set up his throne today in the Body of Christ Church. Judge Ehud had a message from God for Eglan…a two-edged sword of destruction that he plunged into his fat belly. You’ll never be in the Yashah people and be able to plunge that sword unless you hate satan and all the enemies of God with a perfect hatred. God is preparing a company of simple, humble people to destroy the headship of the satanic kingdom and go through the ranks of the enemy. We do not have weapons…we ourselves are the weapons of God, weapons of a new dimension. We are His battleaxes, Ehud people joined unto God. Be led of the Spirit. Let God do what He wants to in your life.

79LHCD6-17 – Lee Ellenwood – PREPARATION FOR THE SECOND COMING (5-of-10) – The drama of the Second Coming of the Lord is in the Book of Revelation. Even the descent of the New Jerusalem is part of it. The Day of the Lord begins with a sunrise. Jesus comes as the Sun rising, His countenance as the sun shining in its strength. Then He apprehends a handful of people and they are called, ‘The Messengers”, or “The Stars”. This is the most wonderful treasure that God has. Right now He is forming a handful of people who are above all the treasures of His universe, this beautiful handful of people is the treasure of all His treasure. Malachi saw this and he called it the ‘segulah’. After these people come into their changed bodies, they come into the realm of the spirit…then He brings them back and they purge the Church. This is the story of Revelation 2 and 3. Then when they have purged the Church they are caught up into the heavenlies. From that vantage point they purge the Outer Court. People are looking for world wide revival, the gospel preached to every nation, a harvest of souls, the restoration of the Church, a Church without spot or wrinkle. Jesus will bring all this with Him when He returns. His coming will be an acceleration of what He is doing now. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

79LHCD6-20 – Lee Ellenwood – SPIRITUAL WARFARE #3 (6-of-10)
God brought Deborah on the scene in Chapter 4 of the Book of Judges. She was a ‘shophatine’ and shows us how a woman can be female in body and yet ‘male’ in the realm of the spirit without losing femininity or dominating men. The aggressive male gender is expressed spiritually in the Holy of Holies. Right now God is looking for a people with willing hearts and lot of fight in them. Judges 5:2 “Praise the Lord for the avenging of Israel, when the people willingly offered themselves.” Jesus said first we have to bind the strongman if we are going to spoil his house. Gather together with other believers in prayer, wait upon the Lord, and let His Holy Spirit operate among you. You can lay hands on a map of the world, globes and telephone books to bind those evil strongmen over people, cities and nations. Whenever He leads us to battle, you can trust Him to get the victory. Unfortunately, so many mighty men and women are sleeping. Wake up! You are one of God’s mighty ones! “There’s nothing but victory”, says the Lord. Lay aside the garment of discouragement, the garment of weakness, for the Lord says that there is nothing but victory. He calls us to walk in a highway, a highway of victory.”

79LHCD6-23 – Lee Ellenwood – SPIRITUAL WARFARE #4 (7-of-10)
In the Kingdom of God there are no ‘giants’, those with an exaggerated sense of their own importance, Philistines, an overpowering spirit that wants to dominate. The Holy Spirit works most freely in an atmosphere of humility, love, and faith. The Holy Place of the Body of Christ church is the locale where we learn dependency, the relationship of the Bride to her Beloved. Now God is bringing forth a people who are militant in spirit, as expressed by the ‘male’ spirit. This spirit is for women as well as men, a spirit of authority and power with God…the place of authority in Sonship. Deborah the Judge exhibited this spirit, yet God wants His women always to be beautiful and feminine, not mannish in demeanor, not a manipulating Jezebel. God is calling His people to war but the common reaction to His call: “too busy”, great reasonings among them. “Curse ye with curses”, says the angel of Jehovah to the Churches. “You would not fight and you gave shelter, asylum, to the enemy.” The little housewife, Jael, was used by God to destroy the headship of the enemy, the strongman of the Syrian Army, who had been dominating the land. She used weapons at hand in her poor, humble tent. She was not “too busy”. 

79LHCD6-25 – Lee Ellenwood – GOING THROUGH THE VEIL (8-of-10)

God wants to share His throne with those who love Him. The initiative is on the individual…it is up to us to choose where we dwell. If we choose to “seter” with Him, we will have the radiance, the glory, the effulgence of the Mighty One who sits on the Throne. The storm of tribulation is coming and it will continue day and night. Psalm 91: “I will say of Jehovah, He is my refuge, even the most High, my habitation (seter). Psalm 27: At the time of the storm, God is going to set the headship members into position. Rejoice that the judgments of God are removing the terrible demonic forces out of the earth. Revelation 4: The four living creatures cry “Glory and honor and praise and thanks to Him who sits on the throne and lives forever and ever!” Isaiah 30:27: The general aspect of Jesus is that of the sun shining in its strength, burning with His anger. Now Jesus is giving us a probationary time when we can prepare to go through the Veil. We need to live in a state of readiness for the coming of the Lord. Pray at every opportunity, ”Come quickly Lord Jesus”. Purify yourselves. If you want to go through the Veil, if you are sincere with the Lord, He says, “I’ll show you how. I will guide you with my eye.”

79LHCD6-26A – Lee Ellenwood THE APPEARING OF THE LORD JESUS (9-of-10)
This is a discussion of the structure of the coming of the Lord Jesus as Brother Ellenwood understands it. A picture is forming and is being built on some premises. 1) The Book of Revelation, Apocolypsus, is the book of the Second Coming. It means an unveiling, an uncovering. 2) The angels in the book of Revelation are people, not spirits. They are messengers. 3) The Revelation of Jesus Christ was given to His messenger Malachi who showed us things which must come to pass. 4) Time element: Brother Ellenwood is not setting dates, but seems that God is working in 1,000 year periods. The seventh 1,000 year period, the seventh day, is a time of perfection. The appearing of the Lord is not connected in any way to the seven year period or to any known date. He is coming before the seven year period to the First Fruits people. I Thessalonians 4:13-16. We will be changed at His appearing. Then Jesus will give us a job to do, and after a period of time He will “catch us up”. Jesus is coming in the midst of apostasy and ‘the man of sin’ will be revealed. The Lord will come with a war cry against our old Adamic nature. Let us prepare to be those spirit baptized people who fear the Lord in the midst of the apostasy.

79LHCD6-26B – Lee Ellenwood THE APPEARING OF THE LORD JESUS (10-of-10)
This teaching contains about 20 teachings compacted into one. In Revelation I, all of Jesus’ words in that portion of Scripture are that “last trump”. I Corinthians 15:51-52. The Lord is bringing back the dead anointed ones, and He joins them with the living anointed ones so that on the earth the whole Body of Christ will be present. Jesus will be in a high state of passion when He comes for His people. “They shall be Mine in the day that I make up my ‘segulah’, My jewels, My special treasure.” To be apprehended of Him is the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus. He will come in the midst of the Seven Candlesticks. Read Revelation 1:13-16 to learn what He will look like. We are going to look like Jesus when He redeems our bodies. Phase 1) Isaiah 62:11 is about the cleansing of the Holy Place. Then an unknown period of time will pass. Phase 2) I Thessalonians 4:17 The Church will be purged and set in Divine Order. Jesus will meet His people in the air for the purpose of escorting them back up with honor to the Heavenly Holy of Holies. Then His First Fruits people will be sent back to Earth to administer the unmitigated judgments of the tribulation and obliterate satan’s kingdom.

The Spirit is calling, “Come up higher!”

Those who will be going into the Holy of Holies must be properly cleansed and clothed. Zechariah jumped into his own vision said “let them put a clean turban on their head” which means God is giving us new headgear – a new mind.  The high priest wore a turban and the insignia on it said, “Holiness to the Lord!” Just knowing about the coming of the Lord does not prepare you. God will respond to those who respond to Him! Only two people recognized Jesus when He came into the temple Simeon and Anna. The kings and priests will have a ministry of judgment. People judging themselves now, that is deliverance.

Excellent series of six messages for those who are hungering and thirsting for more of the Lord Jesus in His fullness.

79LHCD12-1 – Lee Ellenwood & Bill Britton – WHY ARE WE HERE?
About 20+ minutes is Lee Ellenwood below, and the rest of the message is by Bill Britton.  Brother Ellenwood leads the congregation in a time of singing and worship. Then Brother Britton gives his teaching on the tremendous drawing power of God which leads us to gather ourselves together. With this End Time people, those who are pressing on into God, there is always a gathering unto Him. It is good to have a commitment to a group of God’s people, to flow with them and grow in the understanding of what God is doing in this hour. Think about the drawing power of God when He orchestrated events to accomplish His purpose regarding the precise timing of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. The Bible makes it very plain that December was not the birthday of Jesus. Also, study the Scriptures to learn how God arranged events and ordained that Jesus would be crucified right on time to coincide with the Passover. In the autumn of each year, the Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated. Brother Britton believes it signifies the time when the corporate, many-membered Son of God will be birthed. Then the Veil will be rent and we will be changed into the full image of Jesus Christ. He comes to those who are chosen, pre-ordained of God. Let Jesus gather you to Himself to speak His truths to your heart.

79LHCD12-5 –  Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (1-of-5)
This teaching begins with a review of what has previously been taught about the Tabernacle and how God is preparing a company of people to come into the Holy of Holies with Him. Then we begin a study about the eight visions Zechariah had all in one night. God reveals Himself as Jehovah of Hosts, the Lord of Armies. While the Armies of the Heavenlies are being formed and are coming together, God tells the prophets to tell His people, “Turn unto Me”! We have to turn from our self- confidence, our many hang-ups, our prejudices, those idols that we may be hiding away in our heart, self-love, coldness towards God, and our connections with the occult. The night visions of Zechariah begin at the ‘bottom’ among the myrtle trees. In Zachariah’s second vision, he lifted up His eyes and saw four horns. These are the horns that have scattered God’s people…always enemies, always conflict. All who have been walking with God down through the ages have faced those horns of opposition. God is in the process of training an army of technicians to come against the ‘horns’, against the power of satan, to break these awful horns into pieces and grind them into powder. We are called to enter into this work.
79LHCD12-9 –  Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (2-of-5)

The Night Visions are about what God is going to do in the End Times. A preliminary area of study is Divine History and the Reformation. After those ‘Spearmen’ finished their job, then the ‘Swordsmen’ came in and occupied the territory that had been opened to them. It was done in preparation for the Coming of the Lord which will give acceleration to what He is doing now. God is dealing with the Bride drastically because she is not at all ready. God is jealous for her with a great jealousy and is in a high state of passion to destroy all that afflicts her. When we join the battle, satan will resist, but that is how we develop strength. Those who God is apprehending are going through the trials of their lives right now. God is bringing His people from a place down at the bottom into purification so He can bring them up into His fullness. He wants to exchange our filthy rags for the exquisitely rich and festive garments of the High Priest. God is going to share everything He is and has, a changed, glorious body, a state of being far more glorious than another other, the highest possible state of being. Do not miss it! “If you will walk in My ways and if you will keep My charge, then you will also judge My house.”

79LHCD12-12 – Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (3-of-5)
At the present time God is placing the Headship of His Body on His throne…the Father, the Son and the Manchild, the Overcomer. When the Headship is in place, the Holy Place will come into perfection and it will function. Each book of the Bible has its special place in the Tabernacle. It is wonderful to see the arrangement of the Books of the New Testament. At the present time, our place is in the womb of the Sun Clothed Woman where we are being formed. The Manchild will be born at the matrix, the place of the inner Veil. This is where we will come into our placement as Sons in Zion. The foundations of God are in His Holy Mountains, Zion (Kingship) and Moriah (Priesthood). In a historical episode attached to a night vision, a crown of silver and gold was set on Joshua, the son of the High Priest, and then the Royal Priesthood was established by Jehovah of Hosts. This is the inheritance of those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. The Breastplate of this High Priest represents intercession, identification with the groaning of all creation. Only those who wear Breastplates will wear crowns. The Royal Priesthood will build the Temple. God is going to throw all His power and might into this end-time move.
79LHCD12-15 – Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (4-of-5)

The Lord Jesus Christ is sharing his High Priesthood with a company of people to bring restoration to His Church. (If He is apprehending you, already you are feeling a tug on your roots.) The perfecting of the Saints means to set in order or adjust. Neither the five-fold ministry nor another revival will bring restoration. The movement would apostatize, institutionalize, become sectarian and fall into the hands of man. Zechariah’s sixth vision is about restoration. The Lampstand of pure gold in the Holy Place symbolizes the Body of Christ Church. God is going to have a Body of Christ Church which is to be 100% pure. The Blood of Jesus is going to purify the gold of that Lampstand. In the Holy of Holies by the throne of the Lord of the whole earth, we learn that there are two Olive Trees standing there. These two Anointed Ones send forth their boughs to the Lampstand. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit,” saith the Lord. These boughs empty the pure and undefiled golden oil out of themselves through two golden pipes. Only these two, the King and the Priest, were ever anointed. God is going to pour out of Himself to purify His Church. This shows us the eternal arrangement, the pattern of restoration.

79LHCD12-18 – Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (5-of-5)
God is opening up a whole new body of truth that is going to exceed anything we have understood in the past. In the Book of Zechariah, Chapter 5, we have vision number six, the vision of the flying scroll. It has the same measurements as the Holy Place, 10 by 20 cubits. It is written upon on two sides and it goes through all the earth. It goes into every house. God is going to give the Holy Place people a ministry over all the earth, a ministry of blessing and of cursing. The Word of the Lord is going to come to every house on the face of the Earth. If people will not accept grace then God is going to send judgment. Then we have the woman (called Wickedness), sitting in a basket with a pound of lead on the top of it. The whole Babylonian system is going to be confined and sent back to Hell. Meanwhile, the Overcomers are judging themselves. That’s what the deliverance ministry is all about. God does not admit anything unclean into the Holy of Holies. There is going to be the greatest upheaval in the Church’s midst that the world has ever seen when God begins to release these Sons of God into the Body of Christ Church to cleanse it. Time is allowed for questions and answers from the congregation.

These below we’re 3 loose messages, and not apart of any audio set, but we’re still part of the 1979 Mid-Winter (79LHCD12) camp meeting.

79LHCD12-22 – Lee Ellenwood – TWO INHERITANCES
God is offering us an inheritance that is in two parts. Let us choose the Holy of Holies…it is far superior to the inheritance of the Holy Place. All we have to do is live the normal New Testament life and fulfill our humanity. Trying to be ‘super normal’ reveals satanic power working there. Those who will go through the Veil and rule and reign with Christ are described in Matthew 5:1-12 Luke 6:20-26. “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. ‘Poor’ reflects an attitude of helplessness. “Blessed are those who mourn.” Let the mourning of creation come up through you into that Breastplate. “Blessed are the meek.” Do not dispute or resist God’s dealings. “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” What do you hunger and thirst for? “Blessed are the merciful.” Do whatever you can to help others. “Bless are the pure in heart.” What is your motivation for being in ministry? “Blessed are the peacemakers.” God’s peacemaking always involves a fierce battle. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake,” They will hate and reproach you and separate you from their company for the Son of Man’s sake. Be encouraged and rejoice, Overcomers!

We need to be awakened to the fact that the coming of the Lord is imminent! “In a moment” we shall all be changed. A moment is the smallest possible division of time. That is the coming of the Lord and the change of our bodies! Look for Him!

79LHCD12-28 – Lee Ellenwood – THE DAY OF THE LORD
Let us watch and be sober! There is no place in the New Testament where we are told that there is going to be a warning signal for the coming of the Lord. It is not enough to have the doctrine of the Second Coming. We have to come into a new kind of lifestyle if we are going to be ready for the coming of the Lord, and looking for the coming of the Lord is going to be a part of our daily relationship with God.

This series of four messages beautifully portrays the love story of the book of Solomon, likening it to a drama with three principle characters. It essentially is a lesson to teach us that our relationship to the Lord must be one of total dependency on Him. It is a walk through the Holy Place. That is not our goal, but we have to go through it to reach the Holy of Holies. Those people that God will have to go through the veil are those
who have made themselves ready.

80LHCD6-8 –  Lee Ellenwood – SONG OF SOLOMON (1-of-4)
The Song of Solomon is a musical drama and is highly stylized. It was probably enacted and sung in King Solomon’s Court. It is presented in terms of The Bride in the Holy Place, and expresses our dependency on Jesus. In the drama there are three main characters, a Shepherd, a type of Jesus Christ, the Shepherdess, in our context a type of the Body of Christ Church, and the King, Solomon himself. The Shepherd and Shepherdess are in love with each other. The King tries to break up the romance because he wants her for himself. God is telling us our love for Him is going to be tested. We must thirst and hunger after Jesus, desire Him, our heart will cry out for Him, just Him. The King prepares a feast for the Shepherdess and adorns her with the finest jewels. He compliments her great beauty and says he will make her the Queen of the realm. She politely declines his offer and returns to the countryside and her Shepherd. The devil drove Jesus into the wilderness to tempt Him with the material world, and he tries to allure us with covetousness. But when the sweet fragrance of the Lord comes to us and we are filled with His presence, those things mean nothing. Home is not a place, it is a person.

80LHCD6-10 – Lee Ellenwood – SONG OF SOLOMON (2-of-4)
Lee Ellenwood reviews the placement of the furniture in the Tabernacle, and the significance of the Outer Court, the Holy Place and the Holy Holies. Right now God is preparing His Overcomers to judge the Body of Christ Church in the Holy Place then the Outer Court. The Song of Solomon belongs in the Holy Place. It has to do with our relationship with Christ now. The Shepherdess makes her consecration to her Shepherd. She says, “I will be happy if I can just be with Him.” We want our love to be for Jesus Christ alone. The Shepherdess did not know about the wealth of her Shepherd. Jesus, our Shepherd, wants to know if we love Him just for Himself or for what He can do for us. We go through testings and strippings so the Lord can find out if we still love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. The love of the Shepherdess is tested again when she is brought back to the King’s court. Looking through the lattice she hears the sweet voice of her Beloved. Solomon 2:10-11. He says to us, “Rise up, come away, my Beloved” into the Holy of Holies. The Lord is encouraging us in these days to lift up our faces to Him. He wants to hear our voices. The new day is beginning to breathe.

80LHCD6-13 – Lee Ellenwood – SONG OF SOLOMON (3-of-4)

There is a word of warning in Solomon’s love story. Song of Solomon 2:15 Beware (seize and strangle) the little foxes (whatever offends the Lord) that spoil our vine of tender grapes. The time of the pruning is come, right down to the stump, so we will bring forth much fruit, and there is the making of litter. Foxes love this litter and make their nests there, so we need to burn that litter. Meanwhile, in the high altitudes of the Hills of Lebanon the King makes another play for the love of the Shepherdess. She feels awkward in the court of the King (the world and its temptations). There was so much beauty in her the King offered to make her his Queen. But her heart belongs to her Shepherd. He has followed her and comes along to remind her they might not ever have material wealth. She tells Him that there is nothing in the world she wants more than Him. He reminds her of his deep love for her, that she has dove’s eyes, meaning she is faithful. He speaks to her of her perfection and her dignified posture. She has ravished his heart with just a glance. That is how Jesus loves us. He wants to ravish us with His love. We are His “garden enclosed”. He wants us for Himself. Let Him in completely and fully.

80LHCD6-16 – Lee Ellenwood – SONG OF SOLOMON (4-of-4)
The Shepherd comes to visit the Shepherdess one evening but she says, “I’m too sleepy, go away.” She changes her mind, but by the time she gets to the door, He is gone. This reminds us that our relationship with the Lord is very sensitive. She describes Him to her friends in Chapter 5:10-16 with this ‘photograph’: A man of war, a standard bearer, the chiefest of 10,000, God and man in one, altogether lovely. Let us be more about the revelation of Jesus Christ than anything else. He thinks of us as His garden, and the Tabernacle can be taught in these terms…almond trees, wheat, a river of water, olive trees…a garden for beauty, fruit, shade, fragrance. Every spirit-baptized assembly should be a beautiful garden, but it has to be pruned, weeded, spayed for insects and blight…it needs the deliverance ministry. So the Shepherdess goes through her ‘pruning’, her personal wilderness, and becomes beautiful with what the Shepherd has imputed unto her. She learns to be submitted, not to take things in her own hands but lean on the arm of her Beloved. Her declaration, “I am my Beloved’s and He is mine,” matures to, “I am my Beloved’s and His desire is toward me. In the end, it’s all about Him and what He wants.

The Elijah company will pour out the judgments of God upon the earth. There are three essential signs of those in the Elijah ministry: 1) Jesus possessions, authority, and abilities; 2) Kingship; 3) Priesthood. Spiritual warfare against demonic forces is a priestly function. Those of the Elijah ministry shall know God not know about him. Their allegiance, obedience and adoration is so complete that their desires are to clean up and pull out anything on the face of the earth which brings injury to God’s holiness.

80LHCD6-20 – Lee Ellenwood – THE ELIJAH MINISTRY (1-of-2)
The essential thing about the Holy of Holies is the Son, Jesus Christ. Whatever accrues to Him, He shares with those who qualify. Peter’s shadow is a foretaste of a day when everything we need is contained right within the man, the radiance of God shining out from him. Regarding end-times, this is Ellenwood’s understanding of things: God is raising up the priesthood of His Elijah Company, common people from nowhere special, to execute the judgments of the great tribulation. This Elijah Company comes forth from God’s presence with that sheepskin mantle to deal with all that offends God. The primary focus of Elijah’s ministry is to annihilate Jezebel and her children, satanic Baal worshipers. The synagogue of satan has infiltrated, mingles with, imitates and has invaded the beautiful Body of Christ Church. Spirit-filled people who are not ready for the coming of the Lord are going to go through the seven year period of tribulation, the full seven years. As long as they resist the temptations of the anti-Christ system, they will be supernaturally protected. Outer Court people will suffer the tribulation just like the sinners do. They must refuse the mark of the beast, or else. Choose to be in the Elijah Company.

80LHCD6-22 – Lee Ellenwood – THE ELIJAH MINISTRY (2-of-2)
Should we store up food for the days of trouble that are on the horizon? Perhaps the Lord is speaking to you about gathering food for those who are not ready for the Lord’s Appearing. Those who go through the Veil will not need it. Study how this will come about. In Revelation Chapters 1, 2, and 3 Jesus appears to those who are looking for His coming and takes them through the Veil. The Lord will choose from those who respond to His invitation. God will use Overcomers, also called His Elijah Company, to purge the Body of Christ Church, and bring it back into divine order. The purging will occupy a seven year period. Jesus said to pray that we be counted worthy to escape those things that are coming on the earth. But what will happen to the people who are not ready for the Second Coming of the Lord? These are “The Woman”, the Church. This Woman flees into the wilderness for seven years where the Manchild will preserve, feed and nourish her. Psalm 91: “Dwell in the secret place for He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shall you trust.” Our place of safety is our relationship with Jesus Christ, to be in full union with Him. Right now we are deciding where we will spend the ages.

In this set of three messages below Bro. Ellenwood teaches on what he believes the next Feast to be fulfilled before the coming of the Lord the Feast of Trumpets. He takes us into the Word of God and shows when the trumpets are sounded. They point to the end-time and Jesus coming forth as King of Kings. What is the trumpet? It is an authoritative voice. In the Feast of Trumpets, God is going to have a company of people to whom He is going to give the victory of Jesus over Satan, and they are going to go forth and apply that victory and bring down the power of darkness WITH AN AUTHORITATIVE VOICE!

During one of the services we had a Jericho march. About the third time around, people started to get really quiet before the Lord and take it seriously. The Holy Spirit descended mightily. After the seventh time around, we came with force against the strongmen over families, towns and countries. The glory of the Lord descended and that evening tremendous deliverances were wrought.


80LHCD12-3 – Lee Ellenwood

Lee Ellenwood reviews the background teaching of the furniture, gates, courts, Veil, structure and purposes of the Tabernacle. A good basic teaching is found in Kevin Conner’s book, “The Tabernacle of Moses”. Study the building and furniture, the divine substances used, the chronology, the priesthood and the people involved, and the divine history. The three great critical events of our lives are marked by three gates: First: our decision to choose whether we will go to heaven or to hell. Second: as we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit we become a part of the Priesthood of God. Third: God takes a spirit-baptized people out of a spirit-baptized people to come to the level of Kingship. Our hope and desire is that the Holy of Holies will eventually become our eternal residence. If we miss going through this third gate we will have missed it for all eternity. Ellenwood introduces the series of the seven Feasts of the Lord which are celebrated in the Tabernacle: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. We anticipate the final fulfillment of the Feasts when God will execute everything for which His Son gave His life, our full redemption. Be ready.

80LHCD12-6 – Lee Ellenwood – THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS (2-of-3)
We should mark well these things, ponder them, search the scriptures, and pray over them. The Seven Feasts are grouped into three feasts or festivals. The Festival of Passover is composed of Passover, First Fruits and Unleavened Bread. Secondly is the Feast of Pentecost which is separate but closely related to the Festival of Passover. Thirdly, there is the Festival of Tabernacles composed of the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Tabernacles. It is possible that the last Feast of Trumpets will be the time when God’s people will receive their changed bodies. I Corinthians 14:8, “If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall give himself to the battle?” Let the trumpet sound long and exceeding loud with an authoritative voice, “Hatz-o-serah! Numbers Chapter 16 is the Great Chapter of Truth about the Feast of Trumpets. The Book of Revelation tells about the Last Trump that Deity blows. John turns to hear what the trumpet voice says, “I am Alpha and Omega.” This is Jesus Christ declaring the Last Trump with authority and power to gather together His poor in spirit, merciful, meek people. God changes these completely submitted, “lifted up ones” into mighty warriors.

80LHCD12-12 – Lee Ellenwood – THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS (3-of-3)
Following the usual preliminaries of answering questions, clarifications, an admonition or two of what is on his heart, a preview of upcoming messages, and a review of the previous lesson, Ellenwood gets settled into his message for the day. He warns us be aware that satan’s throne at the present time is in the Holy Place. Satan’s strategy is to take over the spirit-baptized people, to concentrate his power and authority there. Cain, Baalam, Korah, and Jezebel have joined the congregation to destroy it from within. But God is going to raise up ‘a fan in his hand’ to cleanse this impure heap of wheat. The day of the Feast of Trumpets will be the first phase of the Lord’s appearing. We will hear that authoritative voice of the trumpet sounding the alarm. The Body of Christ Church that was not ready for the coming of the Lord will seek the ministry of the Overcomers. As in the days of Ezra, the Word of the Lord will be understood perfectly and will be exalted. The weapons that bind the strongman must come from the presence of the Lord. In the Feast of Trumpets our God is going to have a company of people who come under the anointing from being in His presence and bring down the powers of darkness. Maranatha!

In this set of three messages below, Bro. Ellenwood gives us a new picture of the OVERCOMERS. The coming of the Lord is not simple it is a very complex thing. God is bringing forth truth in this message, and if you want to go through the veil these messages will help you understand how to qualify. Bro. Ellenwood illustrates characteristics of the 4 living creatures and incorporates them into what we, as overcomers, are to become.

80LHCD12-9 –  Lee Ellenwood  – 4 LIVING CREATURES OF REVELATION (1-of-3)
“The Eagle” – Donation $4.00 – In the Holy Place in and around the Throne are Four Living Creatures, along with the 24 Elders and the Seven Stars. The Four Living Creatures are not “beasts” but are Living Ones, redeemed by the wondrous Blood of Jesus Christ. Clearly they are people. We study the Four Living Creatures to find out the nature and the character of those that go through the Veil. The Fourth Living Creature is like a flying eagle. “Eagle” comes from the Hebrew “nesher” which means to tear in pieces with the teeth and rend. Eagles live in a solitary fashion and are swift. They have keen sight, their eyes behold afar off. They dwell in high places that look to the height of the hills. Eagles love the high places where the atmosphere is clear. They are birds of prey and serpents fear them. Unlike other birds which need a long runway to achieve flight, the eagle can take off and go straight up. God’s Eagle Saints devour the enemy. They are not afraid of a savage, violent battle. His Eagle People must learn how to fly, so at times God will find it necessary to break up their comfortable nests. Finally, in our lives, sometimes our “feathers fall out”, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” as His Eagle.

80LHCD12-15 – Lee Ellenwood – 4 LIVING CREATURES OF REVELATION (2-of-3)
“The Man and the Lion” – Donation $4.00 – The Man: If your motivation to be a Son of God is egoism, you are not going to make it. Even if God has given you a further understanding, do not isolate yourself somewhere. God made man a social being, so find the best possible church in your town to attend and be a blessing there. It is essential to understand that the first purpose of man is to be in God’s image and likeness, expressed by the Fruit of the Spirit. Secondly, we are to have dominion and authority over the creation of God, expressed by the Gifts of the Spirit. The human is an extension of God and is His representative. Man is a creation that is very good, that is, the essential humanity that we are apart from sin, corruption and the Adamic nature. Delight in being His Man. The Lion: Colonel Speed Wilson explains how the training operation of the Marine Corp develops their functioning military units. This helps us understand the military spirit and lion nature of God and His people. Numbers 23:24 “Behold the people shall raise up as a strong lion.” Lion language: “shaag”- seeking prey, “naham”- pounces on prey, “hagah”- the victory is mine. Hunt down the enemy, drag him out of his hiding place and destroy him as His Lion.

80LHCD12-18 – Lee Ellenwood – 4 LIVING CREATURES OF REVELATION (3-of-3)
“The Ox” – Donation $4.00 – The Ox is the least glamorous of all of the Four Living Creatures, but perhaps the most important. These are characteristics that God will plant in His people. The Ox is strong and can push with his horn. He is yoked for the purpose of plowing, sowing, threshing and separating the wheat from the chaff. An ox has to do with the bringing forth of the harvest. He is a clean beast slaughtered as a sacrifice. This heavy animal is used in plowing. God has Ox People who are pioneering, breaking the ground and opening up new ways. Ox People will cleave the darkness. Wherever they go darkness will have to flee till all the Earth will be filled with the Glory of the Lord. Oxen have become tame and gentle. Evil spirits are wild and rebellious. Do not have close associates who are rebellious, who do not recognize authority and will not come under submission. “Come unto Me all you that are burdened and heavy ladened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, learn of Me and I will give you rest.” This is a picture of Jesus as the Ox. You will feel the pressure of His yoke when you confess to God that you desire to go through the Veil and submit to the qualifying fire to be His servant and sacrifice as His Ox.

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