2012 Ministers Conference



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We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a track. Audio is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

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The 2012 Deliverance Ministers Conference

Any of these messages below are also available on

DVD Video


All 8 messages on 1 disk – Donation $10.00
This is the entire 2012 Deliverance Ministers Conference in MP3 format which will play on a Personal Computer or any CD/DVD player that supports MP3 audio.

Order Disk # 12DELTRMP3CD


Monty & Sharon Mulkey

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


Do not get bit by the “I Am Great” bug. Only God is great. We will never be great. Having that urge and striving to be great is a religious spirit. It’s not God’s way. Who will be chief, let him be the servant. Give your life for others. The desire for greatness causes division in the Body of Christ. Pharisees do their works to be seen of men, but “whoever exalts himself shall be abased.” Esteem others better than yourself. Sadly, it is possible to be around Jesus and still miss knowing Him. Jesus used a child as an object lesson. Servants do small things. The smallest acts keep us on the right path. How hard it is to flush out the world system of thinking. Get rid of the desire for greatness, the spirit of the world and religious spirits. Those spirits are rooted in emotional wounds from the past and the need to prove yourself. Ask God for healing. It takes time to work these things out of a person. Learn to be content and put on humility. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Monty & Sharon Mulkey

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


Christianity is based on relationships – on prayer and fellowship. The self-made, independent spirit is not the way of a Christian. We are to depend on Jesus. The independent spirit will separate you from God and lead you into rebellion against Him. It is worth the fight to get rid of it. Another spirit that partners with the independent spirit is “being in the seat of judgment”. It dulls the emotions. We resist strongly when God puts his touch on this spirit. Also, if not presented with God’s wisdom and counsel, and unless we have a relationship with the people we are ministering to, the Ahab – Jezebel teaching can do damage to marriages and can cause unnecessary strife. Most often the independent spirit has been inherited. Religious spirits reinforce it. God made us to have relationships for our brains to grow normally. God wants to change us. He will fill the place in our life where He is to be. He wants us to have abundant life. More and more perilous times are coming. People need people. God created us to be this way. People will not change without deliverance. The more deliverance you get the easier the Christian life becomes.


Jim & Alberta Landry 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.


12DELTRCD-3 – Jim Landry – ROOT WORKER
Root workers think they are doctors. Many deceived root workers are preachers. In our ministries, be careful we do not bring in stuff to help Jesus out. He does not need help. Jesus said beware of false prophets. You will know them by their fruits. You should be able to discern that. The American term for root workers is “Hoodoo”. We are given examples of cases in which root workers practice their hexes, vexes and spells. When ministering deliverance, the word of knowledge will reveal which scheme the enemy is using to prevent the preaching and receiving of the Word of God. These sins of charms, hypnotism and sorcery are against God and are an abomination to Him. Some of this is being done on the internet. Do not overlook the fact that a root worker can put a hex on children to be homosexual. Root worker witchcraft is being done by people from a variety of racial origins. Most of us have several types of blood in us – white, black, Indian, etc. We are indeed a multi-racial society. We all share in the responsibility to root out the root worker in ourselves as we do spiritual warfare against those who are determined to be the enemies of God. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Bo & Jean Fisher 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

We are to keep the unity of the Spirit even though we have divergent views on things. Bo tells about a group of preachers in his city. Although they are from different denominations, they agree on God to be in their city, schools and churches. It is important that we do not isolate ourselves. Many have a zeal for the Lord. Each has a different tool in God’s hand. Get the Church outside of the walls of the church. We have the light of Jesus in us. Let it shine. The holy seed, Jesus, is planted in us to bear the fruit of the Spirit. Demons can hinder growth, so we need these out. The New Covenant is when this prophecy is fulfilled. Jesus says the New Covenant is to Israel and Judah and us today. We are descendants of Abraham by faith. The old was not perfect so the new has come. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice for sins. He did away with the first sacrifices and replaced all that by His sacrifice. By accomplishing that, He allows us to go face to face with God. Our sins and iniquities are remembered no more. The body and blood of Jesus brought in the New Covenant. We had nothing to do with it but we benefit from what He did. It is a miracle. In Christ we are a new creation. We have peace with God.


Bo & Jean Fisher 

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Jean shares how she grew up in church and had a good upbringing, but she was not thankful. Not being thankful cuts you off from God and opens you up to many wrong things, such as a dark and hard heart. You will do strange, ungodly things. Giving thanks is a choice. Gratefulness makes it possible for us to grow in God. Give thanks in all circumstances. God sees eternally. When I am giving thanks, I am saying I trust God. It breaks self-pity and other such negative thought patterns. In this world we will have tribulation, but Jesus says, “I have overcome the world”. When we praise Him we are complete. We are created for relationship with Him. When the Israelites came out of Egypt they were never thankful or content. King David gave a good example of a thankful heart. Jesus gave thanks after breaking the bread and passing out the cup. Paul gave thanks as he broke bread on the sinking ship. We are to give thanks as we are going through trials and tribulation. Of the ten lepers Jesus healed, only one turned back to thank Him for what He had done. Giving thanks is a mighty witness to the world. We cannot receive more from Jesus until we are really thankful from our heart for where we are right now. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.


Deliverance – Questions & Answers

Click above to see other free audio messages.

12DELTRCD-6P – Various Ministers – Questions & Answers on Deliverance
Panel Discussion – Questions addressed include: Is the gift of visions one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus told them to “depart from Him.” Where did they go? Was it because of a wrong motive to serve themselves first? When is it boldness and when is the independent spirit in operation? Are tares and wheat growing together for this time, too? Why do some spirits come out better with oil and some with laying on of hands? Doing deliverance “one on one” is effective, but how can we be successful in group deliverance? When you are ministering deliverance to those new to you, what do you do first? Would you lead them to repentance and renunciations first or bring them to Christ and salvation and after that, minister deliverance? How do you discern when a familiar spirit is operating? Is it scriptural for women to be pastors and ministers of deliverance? Can a woman who wants to stay a Mormon get free? When do you call a spirit of Jezebel what it is and cast it out? How do you confront a minister who has a spirit of Jezebel? Is drumming evil? To break a hex or vex, why is it not enough just to apply the blood of Jesus? Is there a lot of competition among ministers? Is it Biblical to ask the Holy Spirit to come if He already lives in us? How do you deal with a man hating spirit in a woman minister? There is no DVD available for this session – only a CD.


Monty & Sharon Mulkey

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Demons work overtime to keep you from hearing these messages. Lord Jesus, teach us Your ways. If people come into your group to complain about petty things, they are just there to cause a disturbance. Cast them out. Many people are coming to deliverance expecting a soft deliverance. We are going to be tested and tried. We are still like a marshmallow on the inside. Love is not based on words or ideas. Many ministers are in it for themselves. A true man of God will give his life for the sheep. If you want to see people set free, it will cost you everything. Ask yourself, do I want this or not? You can not have a hidden agenda. You will not be popular with family or friends. Many people refuse deliverance because they see imperfections in the deliverance minister. God will deliver all of us in His time. There is never a time when God is not working, taking out the spots and wrinkles. The closer we draw to Jesus, the more we see our sin. To get to the end of the race, the strong will must line up with God’s will. One day we will give an account for our lives. Every change God is doing in our life is rewards in eternity. God expects us to have treasure in heaven. Much deliverance concludes this message..


 Monty & Sharon Mulkey

Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.

Paul ministered to Timothy to fight a good warfare. But there will be those who wreck their lives by not using wisdom in spiritual warfare. Every soldier needs strong meat not just milk. Drink deeply from the wells of deliverance. Endure hardness. Do not return to elementary teachings. Soldiers do not take off their uniforms for civilian events. Their home is wherever God calls them to be stationed. How do you go from being just a babe to Christian maturity – a soldier for Christ? Out of our weakness, we will be made strong. In our walk with Jesus, we need the road blocks removed. Those would be the demons. We need balance and sound teaching on deliverance as we go. The bigger the stronghold, the more work and time it will take to break it. We need to fall in love with Jesus. We do not need to get to a place of strength before He can use us. He will give us His strength and we will be made perfect in weakness. If we had no weaknesses or shortcomings, we would have nothing to be made strong. Then we will be filled with the power of God Deliverance prayers followed this teaching.


Any of these messages are also available on

DVD Video


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Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

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both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!,

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