1979 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

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The 1979 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

Lee Ellenwood

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Bill Britton.

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79LHCD12-1 – Lee Ellenwood & Bill Britton – WHY ARE WE HERE?
Brother Ellenwood leads the congregation in a time of singing and worship. Then Brother Britton gives his teaching on the tremendous drawing power of God which leads us to gather ourselves together. With this End Time people, those who are pressing on into God, there is always a gathering unto Him. It is good to have a commitment to a group of God’s people, to flow with them and grow in the understanding of what God is doing in this hour. Think about the drawing power of God when He orchestrated events to accomplish His purpose regarding the precise timing of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. The Bible makes it very plain that December was not the birthday of Jesus. Also, study the Scriptures to learn how God arranged events and ordained that Jesus would be crucified right on time to coincide with the Passover. In the autumn of each year, the Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated. Brother Britton believes it signifies the time when the corporate, many-membered Son of God will be birthed. Then the Veil will be rent and we will be changed into the full image of Jesus Christ. He comes to those who are chosen, pre-ordained of God. Let Jesus gather you to Himself to speak His truths to your heart.

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Lee Ellenwood

79LHCD12-5 –  Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (1-of-5)
This teaching begins with a review of what has previously been taught about the Tabernacle and how God is preparing a company of people to come into the Holy of Holies with Him. Then we begin a study about the eight visions Zechariah had all in one night. God reveals Himself as Jehovah of Hosts, the Lord of Armies. While the Armies of the Heavenlies are being formed and are coming together, God tells the prophets to tell His people, “Turn unto Me”! We have to turn from our self- confidence, our many hang-ups, our prejudices, those idols that we may be hiding away in our heart, self-love, coldness towards God, and our connections with the occult. The night visions of Zechariah begin at the ‘bottom’ among the myrtle trees. In Zachariah’s second vision, he lifted up His eyes and saw four horns. These are the horns that have scattered God’s people…always enemies, always conflict. All who have been walking with God down through the ages have faced those horns of opposition. God is in the process of training an army of technicians to come against the ‘horns’, against the power of satan, to break these awful horns into pieces and grind them into powder. We are called to enter into this work.

There are no #6, #7 and #8 cassette masters in our hard copy catalog

79LHCD12-9 –  Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (2-of-5)
The Night Visions are about what God is going to do in the End Times. A preliminary area of study is Divine History and the Reformation. After those ‘Spearmen’ finished their job, then the ‘Swordsmen’ came in and occupied the territory that had been opened to them. It was done in preparation for the Coming of the Lord which will give acceleration to what He is doing now. God is dealing with the Bride drastically because she is not at all ready. God is jealous for her with a great jealousy and is in a high state of passion to destroy all that afflicts her. When we join the battle, satan will resist, but that is how we develop strength. Those who God is apprehending are going through the trials of their lives right now. God is bringing His people from a place down at the bottom into purification so He can bring them up into His fullness. He wants to exchange our filthy rags for the exquisitely rich and festive garments of the High Priest. God is going to share everything He is and has, a changed, glorious body, a state of being far more glorious than another other, the highest possible state of being. Do not miss it! “If you will walk in My ways and if you will keep My charge, then you will also judge My house.”

David Bunch Sr.

79LHCD12-10 – David Bunch, Sr. – HIERARCHY OF SATAN
We are called out to possess the “Promised Land” and to put to death the enemy inhabitants of that land. These obstacles keep us from being a free-flowing channel to be used for the Glory of God. Special deliverance for problems of obesity included.

79LHCD12-11A – Bill Britton – TWO BROTHERS 1-of-2
79LHCD12-11B – Bill Britton – TWO BROTHERS 2-of-2
It’s time to set aside doctrines and move into the relationship that God is desiring to develop with His chosen ones. It is that relationship that is explored in this set of tapes. You will treasure the gems of truth that are extracted from the relationship between Joseph and Benjamin.

Lee Ellenwood

79LHCD12-12 – Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (3-of-5)
At the present time God is placing the Headship of His Body on His throne…the Father, the Son and the Manchild, the Overcomer. When the Headship is in place, the Holy Place will come into perfection and it will function. Each book of the Bible has its special place in the Tabernacle. It is wonderful to see the arrangement of the Books of the New Testament. At the present time, our place is in the womb of the Sun Clothed Woman where we are being formed. The Manchild will be born at the matrix, the place of the inner Veil. This is where we will come into our placement as Sons in Zion. The foundations of God are in His Holy Mountains, Zion (Kingship) and Moriah (Priesthood). In a historical episode attached to a night vision, a crown of silver and gold was set on Joshua, the son of the High Priest, and then the Royal Priesthood was established by Jehovah of Hosts. This is the inheritance of those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. The Breastplate of this High Priest represents intercession, identification with the groaning of all creation. Only those who wear Breastplates will wear crowns. The Royal Priesthood will build the Temple. God is going to throw all His power and might into this end-time move.

Lee Ellenwood

There are no #13 and #14 cassette masters in our hard copy catalog

79LHCD12-15 – Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (4-of-5)
The Lord Jesus Christ is sharing his High Priesthood with a company of people to bring restoration to His Church. (If He is apprehending you, already you are feeling a tug on your roots.) The perfecting of the Saints means to set in order or adjust. Neither the five-fold ministry nor another revival will bring restoration. The movement would apostatize, institutionalize, become sectarian and fall into the hands of man. Zechariah’s sixth vision is about restoration. The Lampstand of pure gold in the Holy Place symbolizes the Body of Christ Church. God is going to have a Body of Christ Church which is to be 100% pure. The Blood of Jesus is going to purify the gold of that Lampstand. In the Holy of Holies by the throne of the Lord of the whole earth, we learn that there are two Olive Trees standing there. These two Anointed Ones send forth their boughs to the Lampstand. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit,” saith the Lord. These boughs empty the pure and undefiled golden oil out of themselves through two golden pipes. Only these two, the King and the Priest, were ever anointed. God is going to pour out of Himself to purify His Church. This shows us the eternal arrangement, the pattern of restoration.

Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
There is no #16 cassette master in our hard copy catalog

79LHCD12-17A – Bill Britton – ALTAR OF INCENSE 1-of-2
79LHCD12-17B – Bill Britton – ALTAR OF INCENSE 2-of-2
Twice a day incense was offered unto the Lord. This message examines praise and worship, the type of incense that God requires today.

Lee Ellenwood

79LHCD12-18 – Lee Ellenwood – NIGHT VISIONS OF ZECHARIAH (5-of-5)
God is opening up a whole new body of truth that is going to exceed anything we have understood in the past. In the Book of Zechariah, Chapter 5, we have vision number six, the vision of the flying scroll. It has the same measurements as the Holy Place, 10 by 20 cubits. It is written upon on two sides and it goes through all the earth. It goes into every house. God is going to give the Holy Place people a ministry over all the earth, a ministry of blessing and of cursing. The Word of the Lord is going to come to every house on the face of the Earth. If people will not accept grace then God is going to send judgment. Then we have the woman (called Wickedness), sitting in a basket with a pound of lead on the top of it. The whole Babylonian system is going to be confined and sent back to Hell. Meanwhile, the Overcomers are judging themselves. That’s what the deliverance ministry is all about. God does not admit anything unclean into the Holy of Holies. There is going to be the greatest upheaval in the Church’s midst that the world has ever seen when God begins to release these Sons of God into the Body of Christ Church to cleanse it. Time is allowed for questions and answers from the congregation.

Lee Ellenwood

79LHCD12-22 – Lee Ellenwood – TWO INHERITANCES
God is offering us an inheritance that is in two parts. Let us choose the Holy of Holies…it is far superior to the inheritance of the Holy Place. All we have to do is live the normal New Testament life and fulfill our humanity. Trying to be ‘super normal’ reveals satanic power working there. Those who will go through the Veil and rule and reign with Christ are described in Matthew 5:1-12 Luke 6:20-26. “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. ‘Poor’ reflects an attitude of helplessness. “Blessed are those who mourn.” Let the mourning of creation come up through you into that Breastplate. “Blessed are the meek.” Do not dispute or resist God’s dealings. “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” What do you hunger and thirst for? “Blessed are the merciful.” Do whatever you can to help others. “Bless are the pure in heart.” What is your motivation for being in ministry? “Blessed are the peacemakers.” God’s peacemaking always involves a fierce battle. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake,” They will hate and reproach you and separate you from their company for the Son of Man’s sake. Be encouraged and rejoice, Overcomers!
There is no #23 cassette master in our catalog
Acts 3:20-21. “Behold, I come quickly” Maranatha! Scripture says His coming is imminent…no warning bell. The Lord is coming for a divine selection of those who will qualify, those who will come into the Holy of Holies are God’s servants to the fullest extent, who choose to come into the full stature of maturity, cleansed of corruption. This company of people is purging themselves. They are not talking about a ‘catching away’. The Temple of Solomon was built on a threshing floor. All kinds of unclean and dead things are mixed in with the wheat. (Spirit filled churches.) This heap of wheat needs to be cleansed. God is forming the Fan Company who will be the instrument of the cleansing and purging of the piles of wheat, a fan in the hand of the Holy Ghost. It’s going to be chaos in the Holy Place! A tornadic wind, “rahash”, will be mingled with fire and will burn up and consume the corruption in the Body of Christ Church worldwide…the creeping things, the idolatry, the obnoxious deceivers, all the filthy abominations. Then will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and God will finish His work. Maranatha!
There are no #25, 26 and #27 cassette masters in our online catalog

79LHCD12-28 – Lee Ellenwood – THE DAY OF THE LORD
The day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. The apostate Hebrew people were saying, “Peace and safety” in their day. It’s talking about today’s attitude within the Body of Christ Church. We have many in the Charismatic, Spirit-baptized, Pentecostal, Full gospel realm who are saying, “Peace and safety. The Lord is coming…someday.” Sudden destruction and ruin shall come upon this church system that man has erected to embrace the Body of Christ Church to dominate it. Apostasy began in Acts 6:1 and now it is coming to its fullness. Paul admonished, “Let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober.” The book of Hebrews was written especially for the benefit of those who are going to go through the Veil. Hebrews 9:28 “Unto them that look for Him, eagerly expect and anticipate Him…” Looking for the coming of the Lord has to be part of our daily relationship with God. It is not about knowing about His coming, but the having the hope of His coming in our heart daily, constantly. We could be ever so spiritual and working miracles and still miss it. Satan’s ploy is to put a spirit of drowsiness on the Saints. Chase away sleep. Fight sleep if you are going to be ready. Watch and pray.

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