1978 Labor Day Camp Meeting

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They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space and add more audios.

All of our retail CD’s are high quality uncompressed WAV files.

We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a single track.

The retail MP3 CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.

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Are available on CD too.

The 1978 Labor Day Camp Meeting

The following is this camp meeting in podcast format.

These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.

Our podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

This set of six messages covers deep teaching on how to move up higher in the Spirit. Bro. Ellenwood believes that the end-time revival is on, and the Lord is going to let us come beyond the veil to reveal that which man is seeking. It is the desire of the Lord to reveal the Shekinah Glory to His people. We cannot abide in His presence without proper preparation. The following teaching will help you see the difference between the anointing and His abiding presence. We will pass from the in-part ministry to a spiritual authority that will issue from the throne, and it will be restored to the church. It’s for the faithful Christians who can’t stop hungering and thirsting after the Lord, letting the Holy Spirit take over their mind will and heart. It’s for the Overcomers! Get rid of what’s stopping you!

Lee Ellenwood

Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.

78LHCD10-1 – Lee Ellenwood – THE BREAD OF REVELATION 1-of-6
(Bread of Revelation)  Exodus 25:  God commands the children of Israel to build Him a house for His resting place in Israel.  It is easy to understand Brother Ellenwood’s description of the structural design and furniture found in the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. The subject of this teaching is the Table of Showbread found in the Holy Place.  When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we live in the Holy Place. This is what it means to be seated with Christ in heavenly places.  Jesus tells us He is that Showbread, the Bread from Heaven.  The Table of Showbread is a picture of the Body of Christ Church.  When God gets through with the next move of His Spirit He is going to have a divine arrangement of people.  Every man is going to know his place in the Body of Christ.  They will mingle and flow together and manifest the oneness of the Body of Christ.  God wants a ministry of bread in His Congregation, the Bread of Faces…the Bread of Revelation of Himself.  In Isaiah 58 God proclaims the fast of His choosing.  We are to wisely deal out His Bread from Heaven, the Christ, to His people who are broken hearted and bound with fetters.  Jesus Christ is the only Bread that can satisfy.

78LHCD10-2 – Lee Ellenwood – THE DAY OF THE LORD (2-of-6)
(Bread of Revelation) God is causing a body of truth to emerge that is entirely new, the truth about the Holy of Holies and the qualifications for coming into the Holy of Holies.  The remnant is those whose hearts are hungry and crying out for more of God and will have an earnest expectation for the Coming of the Lord.  The Lampstand in the Holy Place signifies the spirit-filled Church. God is bringing a company of spirit-baptized people out of the spirit-baptized people and through the Veil who will go up into the Holy of Holies as individuals, not as congregations.  II Timothy 2. The spirit of God is gracing these people and God is bringing them up into the Holy of Holies.  He is doing that right now.  The living anointed ones are being prepared by 1) Tribulation, unusual pressure  2) Assurance that as Kingdom people we will rule and reign with Him 3) Patient in Jesus Christ while He develops and fulfills His purpose 4) Exiled and criticized by spirit-filled Christians in the Holy Place.  5) Walk and live in the Spirit of the Lord.  This is how we come into Sonship.  “Unto you who fear my name shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings…” the day of the coming of the Lord.

78LHCD10-3 – Lee Ellenwood – INCENSE/TRUE WORSHIP) (3-of-6)
(Bread of Revelation)  Satan has set up his throne in the midst of the spirit-filled Churches, in the midst of the Holy Place.   God is getting ready to open the third gate into the Holy of Holies. There is going to be a great work of cleansing.  God is going to take His remnant up into the Holy of Holies and then bring them back to cleanse the rest of the Body of Christ.  The Sons of God will bind satan’s kings with chains and his nobles with fetters of iron.  Those who are longing for the appearing of the Lord are under unusual pressure.  To go through the veil you will have your own personal Gethsemane and your own personal Calvary.  Right now we are in the Holy Place at the Golden Altar of Incense, the place of our devotion unto God.  Let our prayers be set before the Lord as incense. Consider the composition of the incense. 1) Scacte – worship flows spontaneously, 2) Onycha – comes from the depth of our being, 3) Galbanum – reverence and brokenness before God, 4) Frankincense – the fragrance of Jesus Christ which perfects our worship.  When you are ministering unto the Lord you are burning incense in the Temple, in awe and wonder before Him.   Prostrate your whole being before Him and worship in spirit and in truth.

78LHCD10-4 – Lee Ellenwood – TELL MY PEOPLE (4-of-6)
(Bread of Revelation) 
Right now God is apprehending a people, putting His hand upon them.  His people, the seven stars in Revelation, are the peculiar treasure of the Lord.  However, we are never going to be in the next move of God unless we walk in humility and submissiveness before Him as low profile, unknown people.  He wants persons of dignity, might, power, gracious, full of kindness, integrity, and humility, who love the truth and who love Him.  God desires inward qualities of truth, justice, mercy, and compassion.  Holy Place people are in need of a great cleansing from God before the appearing of the Lord.  Jesus wants the First Fruits Company to tell His people that He is coming and to accept the cleansing that is required.  We cannot abide in His presence without proper preparation.  We patiently wait with longing for His return.  And as the lightening shines from the east to the west so will the coming of the Son of Man be.  Satan is before the Veil to resist every man who wants to be in that company who will prepare for His return.  Do not ask God to take away conflicts and battles.  From here on out we are going to have resistance from satan every inch of the way, spiritual warfare, so our spiritual man will become strong.

78LHCD10-5 – Lee Ellenwood – WORSHIP/WAY INTO THE HOLY OF HOLIES (5-of-6)   (Bread of Revelation) – At the beginning of the Book of Revelation, seven Churches are named.  These are also names of seven satanic strongholds.  Within these strongholds are demonic strategies that are just before the Veil. 1) Ephesus means ‘desirable’. The devil’s ways look desirable, but bring deception, destruction, and death. These are Jebusites.  2) Smyrna, myrrh and the Amorites have the same root meaning…heavy pressure, tribulation, bitterness.  3) Pergamus means height, pride. This corresponds with Gergashites which means dwelling in clay soil. 4) Thyratyra is the burning of incense, mixture. Jezebel established her throne there and introduced Baal worship. 5) Sardis means the enemy will try to defile you. This equates with Hivites. Those who will not be defiled are Overcomers, the Church within the Church.  6) Philadelphia is brotherly love, humanism.  Perezite means ‘belonging to a village’, fellowship on a horizontal level. 7) Laodicea means ‘the people rule’, materialism, commercialism, Cannonites.  In Laodicea are those who make merchandise of the holy things of God.  As we worship God, these satanic strongholds will be overcome and we will make our way through the Veil and into the Holy of Holies.

78LHCD10-6 – Lee Ellenwood – YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE HOLY OF HOLIES (6-of-6) (Bread of Revelation) – Brother Ellenwood brilliantly explains deep mysteries and correlations between the mountains of the Lord, the Tabernacle structure, Psalms, the olive trees and Revelation.  Psalm 91 belongs in the end times and to the Holy of Holies people. 1) He that dwelleth ( to sit down) in the secret place (“setr”, the bosom of God) 2) shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty which is a bright place, the radiance of His glory. 3) He is my refuge and my fortress and 4) I will trust in Him.  At the appointed time, the Sons of God, the Zion people, will come from their “setr”, the secret place of the Most High in the Holy of Holies, to the Body of Christ in the Holy Place, and then to the Outer Court to administer the judgment of tribulation.  They will see the wrath of God poured out upon the earth.  Demons will flee. The Anti-christ will be destroyed by the brightness of His appearing. Tribulation is going to go night and day.  People will fall around you, but no plague, fiery darts, arrows or pestilence will come near you.  He will cover you with his feathers and under His wings will you trust.  Our hiding place, our Holy of Holies, is our relationship with Jesus Christ.  Make Him your refuge right now before the third door closes.

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.

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Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

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both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

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