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Rod Johnson
Click above for his other podcast audio messages

Conditions in the world, the church, and the home have become increasingly horrible. While most of humanity is endeavoring to find peace in the lusts of the flesh, God is preparing a people who are saying, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done!” They know Jesus to be the Balm in Gilead and they see Him as the only answer to our aching society. People are searching for something that is real, something that will change their lives. God is bringing forth a “real” people who are becoming sold out to Him. Their only interest is that Christ lives in them and that they do the will of the Father. Their desire is to operate under the anointing that breaks the yokes of bondage in their lives and any life they come in contact with.

Mary Die messages are listed in
Miscellaneous Speakers
Click above for her other audio messages
Blanche Reynolds
Click above for her other audio messages

*This lesson focuses upon training up a child according to what the Bible teaches. The fruit of that instruction brought profound results in a court of law when a nine-year-old girl was asked to testify in a criminal case. A child’s truthful expression of his understanding of Bible principles is a mighty weapon towards the pulling down of strongholds. This short message is a must for parents as well as children. **This message takes a shot at Satan’s kingdom with both barrels. Included is an exposé of python, tracing it all the way back to Greek mythology, and a look at the origin of divination. The mind of man has become such a mixture partially because of the tremendous amount of psychic infiltration within the church. Why is Satan using divination to so controlling the minds of man? Because he knows when confusion controls your mind you are not going to be able to separate the precious from the vile. The meanings of Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamos are discussed and how their definitions relate to attitudes within the Church today.

Gene & Earline Moody
Click above for their other audio messages

FREE PDF Deliverance Manuals on Gene Moody’s website

 Selected Topic Studies – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter.

89LHCD7-3A – Gene Moody – SELECTIVE TOPIC STUDIES 1-of-2
89LHCD7-3B – Gene Moody – SELECTIVE TOPIC STUDIES 2-of-2
Among the topics, this message addresses are abortion, binding and loosing, steps leading to the possession. satan as a gradualist, sins of the ancestors, and prayer. This message will help the interested believer to daily gain ground toward the fulfillment of their destiny as an overcoming Christian. Deliverance prayers are included in this message. 

Tommy Cook
Click above for his other audio messages

The promises of God are given that we might be partakers of His divine nature. With those promises come problems, wherein God wants to teach us principles to bring us into His provision. Many become shipwrecked in the problem realm, never to experience the glory of living in the provision. Unbelief is a big monster constantly lurking in the shadows of the wilderness, attempting to destroy the purposes of God. Many who feel they are “dying in the problem” will be encouraged and uplifted by what God is saying in this message. Strengthen your grip and realize that He wants to take you through the problem in order to bring you into His provision.

Blanche Reynolds
Click above for her other audio messages

89LHCD7-5 – Blanche Reynolds – ATTITUDES OF MIXTURE (2 of 3)
These studies on the attitudes of the mixture discuss the revelation of Jesus coming forth as John saw Him. Each one of us, having Him in us, are being shapen according to the plan of His image. There is no set formula to be used for the unveiling of the Christ within, but the Spirit of the Lord is constantly revealing more truth to set the captives free, making more room for Jesus. The characteristics of Thyatira and Sardis and how they relate to the Church today are examined in Tape 2 of this 3 tape series. The listener is made aware of how Jezebel and her beguilements and bewitchments are actively operating in and through the religious system, the world system, and the home. The attitude of Sardis produces a mentality that causes one to not be accountable for his own actions, irresponsible, and unwilling to deal with personal problems. These and many spirits of witchcraft are dealt with during the deliverance service that concludes this message.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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This godly public schoolteacher knows first-hand the powers of the occult and witchcraft. She has faced Satan and overcomers. She proves that you can let your light shine even in the darkest times when Satan attacks. The power of Jesus resident in her is much stronger. Her school was only fifteen miles from a place in Mexico where human sacrifices were taking place. She tells how many churches rallied around and those who had never admitted that the devil had power suddenly began to teach on spiritual warfare and how to combat the enemy that was lurking at their very doors. Every parent and grandparent should hear this message, and by all means schoolteachers who think there is nothing we can do about the schools. She taught her class with wisdom, and she vows that you can be a consecrated teacher and stay in the public schools.

Tommy Cook
Click above for his other audio messages

This message is the conclusion of 89LHCD7-4. It further identifies God’s purposes in allowing conflicts and problems to come into our lives. Our experiences in the wilderness and the fire reveal what is in our hearts. We come to know God as our all-sufficiency during these trials and tribulations. This is an excellent message and will encourage you to “keep on keeping on” and press toward the position of overcomer that the Father has prepared for you.

Blanche Reynolds
Click above for her other audio messages

89LHCD7-8 – Blanche Reynolds – REVEALING OF THE CHURCHES (3 of 3)
This is the conclusion of the 3 messages concerning attitudes of mixture and Blanche finishes with an all-out attack against the devious wiles of Satan. Extensive deliverance ministry takes place at the conclusion of the service with many being delivered from the weaknesses of these seven churches. In this final message, she deals with the attitudes prevalent in the church of Philadelphia and Laodicea. Continued emphasis is placed on the influence of mythology and its destructive effect on us today. More of the tentacles of the jezebel nature is exposed. Jezebel plays on the roots of rejection in order to control her victims.

Glen & Erma Miller
Click above for their other audio messages

89LHCD7-9 – Glen Miller – ANCESTRAL CURSES
The focus of this message centers on a number of curses that the Bible says God places upon us because of our own disobedience or that of our ancestors. Numerous Scriptures speak of the curse being “visited the third and fourth generation” and some to the “tenth generation.” God is revealing the truth to a generation willing to believe His Word and take a stand against these ancestral curses. It is His timing to “reverse the curse,” releasing His people to become what He purposed in creation, to make man in His image and likeness. Jesus is the deliverer, and in His name, we are being changed! Deliverance to release families from generation curses ministers at the conclusion of this teaching.

Norman Parish
Click above for his other audio messages

Jack Harris
Click above for his other audio messages

Bob Trench
Click above for his other audio messages

89LHCD7-10A -*Norman Parish **Jack Harris ***Bob Trench – HIS IMAGE ****David Middleton 1-of-2
89LHCD7-10B – *Norman Parish **Jack Harris ***Bob Trench – HIS IMAGE ****David Middleton 2-of-2
*Norman Parish gives a brief update on the ministry God has placed him over in Guatemala and also encourages and challenges God’s elderly and “retired” servants. **Jack Harris leads the congregation in a 4th of July Pledge of Allegiance and ministers a prophetic word. **Preceding Bob Trench’s message, he provides a short history of the Christian witness of several British Prime ministers. Bro. Trench challenges the listener to embrace the fire and have the dross removed. When a coin is made, metal is poured out and a machine stamps and presses an image upon it. The image of Jesus Christ is being stamped in us and it is coming with a pressing. When the stamp is removed, the world will see Jesus. ****Following Bob Trench, David Middleton, a pastor from Columbus, OH, addresses the subject of spiritual warfare, exhorting Christians to go on the offensive in the war which is going on, to be involved in intercession and the pulling down of strongholds, to aggressively pursue deliverance. With the Lord Jesus, we can have the victory.

Linda Sutter
Click above for her other audio messages

89LHCD7-11 – Linda Sutter – Deception In The Church And Music
Deception has entered the church because we have not put the emphasis we should upon “redemption.” Without shedding of blood there is no redemption. For every truth God has created, Satan has a counterfeit. There is a true moving of the Spirit and a false. Sis. Linda reveals how the gifts of God have been changed “a little bit” through deception and gives instruction on how to discern the difference between the things of God and deception. Secondly, deception has come in through music. Music is being sung that does not glorify God. A study on the pitfalls of minor-key music is presented on this message.

Norman Parish
Click above for his other audio messages

89LHCD7-12A – Norman Parish – DEMONIZED CHRISTIANS (1 OF 2)
89LHCD7-12B – Norman Parish – DEMONIZED CHRISTIANS (1 OF 2)
This is the first of two messages addressing the controversial question, “Can a Christian have a demon?” This question must be answered by Scripture, for all the experiences in the world (no matter how valid they are) will convince a fundamentalist Christian that they can be demonized. This message presents an excellent, concise survey of numerous demonized people found in the Scriptures, and it begins with several of the people who were closest to Jesus. A majority of people is demonized because of involvement with sin, either past or present. To maintain victory in deliverance, sin has to be dealt with because it gives demons a legal right to stay. This teaching is concluded on message #89LHCD7-14A & 14B.

Jack Harris
Click above for his other audio messages

89LHCD7-13A – Jack Harris – BLIND & NAKED 1-OF-2
89LHCD7-13B – Jack Harris – BLIND & NAKED 2-OF-2
Brother Harris uses the Laodicean church as an example and applies it to us today, showing how we can be spiritually blind and naked. Aaron made the children of Israel spiritually naked and took away their hope in the living God by making them a false god. The same thing is happening in churches throughout the world today.

Norman Parish
Click above for his other audio messages

89LHCD7-14A – Norman Parish – DEMONIZED CHRISTIANS (2 OF 2)
89LHCD7-14B – Norman Parish – DEMONIZED CHRISTIANS (2 OF 2)
This concludes the teaching begun on message # 89LHCD7-12A & 12B. Christians are triune beings, made up of spirit, soul, and body. It is the spirit that is born again, not the body or the soul. Demons cannot operate in the spirit of a regenerated man. They can and do operate in the body and the soul. The soul is the battlefield between God and Satan. This is one of the finest messages we have ever heard on the subject of Christians having evil spirits. Perhaps your pastor would benefit from listening to it.

 Gene & Earline Moody
Click above for their other audio messages

Maintaining Your Deliverance From Evil SpiritsA
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter

89LHCD7-15 – Earline Moody – KEEPING WHAT YOU GOT
This message focuses on maintaining your deliverance. The significance of the right motivation for deliverance is presented: surrender, service, and obedience to the Lord. Many practical suggestions are offered including vigilance, commitment, gratitude, and avoidance of people and situations connected with the old way of life.

Bob Trench
Click above for his other audio messages

89LHCD7-16A – Bob Trench – HEAVEN AND EARTH 1-of-2
89LHCD7-16B – Bob Trench – HEAVEN AND EARTH 2-of-2
Bro. Trench, before beginning his message, testifies of the glorious healing God recently performed after two-thirds of his liver was destroyed by cancer. The doctors gave him only a short time to live. With daily application of healing Scriptures, he exercised his faith and God literally gave him a new liver. (Order his book – Delivered of Cancer – $2.50 plus postage) Call LHBC office 501-525-8204 to order. The restoration of the home will bring “heaven on earth.” Marriage is a blood covenant before God. Bro. Trench shares priceless principles concerning the covenant relationship between a husband and wife. As this understanding is applied in the home, the restoration will be forthcoming. A message of encouragement to the multitudes who are standing in the gap for divine order to come to the home.

Bob Trench
Click above for his other audio messages

89LHCD7-17 – Bob Trench – PAST / PRESENT / FUTURE
Every individual is made up of three parts – past, present, and future. Bro. Trench shares how each one of us can look forward to a “great” future as we begin to change our attitudes concerning the past. What you do today is how you are going to be tomorrow. We don’t have to continue in the same thought patterns Satan keeps putting before us. We are joint-heirs with Jesus. The number one reason we fail to live successfully in the Spirit is that we keep dealing with things of the past. Jesus said, “I will remember your past no more.”

Gene & Earline Moody
Click above for their other audio messages

 Hate, Vengeance, Envy, And Strife – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter.

Numerous Scriptures are cited, allowing the Word of God to minister to the heart. Opportunity is given to examine our lives and things from our past, which are hindering our family and marriage relationships, as well as our friendships. The presence of the Lord can be felt as the service closes in a ministering of His love to one another, allowing barriers to be broken down.

There was not a #19 or a #20 cassette in our hard copy catalog.

Rod Johnson
Click above for his other audio messages

Bro. Johnson teaches us about walls that are hidden in our hearts and minds that prevent us from walking in victory. God is ministering to us to crush the things that are hidden within us so we may learn, in humbleness, to look at ourselves with the love of Christ and in turn be able to minister the love of Christ to others. It is important for us to renew our minds and put on righteousness. We must slay the enemies that are preventing the mind of Christ from coming forth in us.

Bob Trench
Click above for his other audio messages

89LHCD7-22 – Bob Trench – THE 4 MYSTERIES
Bro. Trench takes Proverbs 30:18 for his text and expounds on the four mysteries listed there. He challenges us to copy the ways of an eagle in the air as we walk into a deeper relationship with God. He warns us to be alert to the fact that every time we try to come closer to the Rock ourselves or to lead someone else to the Rock, the enemy will be there to chase us away. He encourages us to rest in the assurance that the ship we are in will withstand all the storms and to work to pull others out of the sea. He appeals to us to walk in a closer relationship of love with Jesus Christ. This is an excellent, uplifting message. Prayer for the congregation concludes the service.

Linda Sutter
Click above for her other audio messages

The powers of darkness that came against Jesus were primarily religious spirits and they are the ones that will try to kill our relationship with God, or at least stunt our growth. Sis. Linda uses Luke’s account of the institution of the Lord’s Supper and the crucifixion to illustrate how we may be bound, perhaps unknowingly, by religious spirits due to teachings which we have received in the past. She then discusses some of the ways in which these spirits work, including causing us to separate ourselves from the body of Christ and causing false teaching and belief about marriage and singleness.

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