Don & Ada Andrews

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Published on: October 24, 2017

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Don & Ada Andrews 


05LHCD12-21 – Don Andrews – ENTERING INTO HIS REST
Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. This service starts with praise and prophecy, then Don discusses a vision he received of the Holy of Holies during the praise and prophecy. He then turns to the experience of the Israelites crossing Jordan and not entering God?s rest because of the evil heart of unbelief. Heb 3:12-19. Later, David, called us to enter His rest in Ps 95:8-11 and encourages us not to harden our hearts. Today the Church relies on the flesh and is not able to enter the rest of God. We must lay down the flesh desires of our soul and cease from our own works that we can do the works of God and enter His rest. Service closes with a prophetic word from Cheryl Batts.


We are not very good at carrying God?s presence. We can deliver people out of where they are at but can we bring them into Jesus? Inside they are lacking something; not carrying God?s presence. We are supposed to be a spiritual people. Don illustrates this teaching from Ex 25:10-22 which is about the ark of testimony, What God is doing with man; carrying the presence of God in representation of us as a “mobile box” to have Him rest in. When righteousness comes in it feels like an affliction. But we seek righteousness because the opposite is rebellion. Don explains how the Israelites always carried the ark with them everywhere they went. Then they set it aside and started doing things their own way. He gives another example with Samuel. Don says being what God wants us to be is more important than doing things. Righteousness brings affliction. You are being set free to be in bondage to Jesus. I Chron 13:1-12 David was afraid of God, he saw God’s presence was there and he wanted to bring it back to Jerusalem. Isn’t this what we are supposed to do? Our prayer life should be our communication with God on a daily basis. We need good communication with God which moves us into a better ability to understand what God wants us to carry. God wants us to walk and carry His presence so that we can see what He is doing. We need to have an open-minded prayer and seek Him and His will to cut away our will and hear and see the things he wants us to hear and see not what we want to hear and see. Don shares a personal example. God is not interested in you having a testimony. He is interested in you to do it to praise Him for who He is and what He does. God wants us to flow with Him and carry His presence. Don closes with prayer.


09LHCD7-8 – Don Andrews – TRAUMA
We learn in this teaching that the traumas in our life can work for our good or for our harm. We must choose life. Trauma – to wound, pierce, shock. Sometimes it takes something traumatic to cause us to make right decisions. We must learn to enter into God’s presence and let Him circumcise our heart so that we want what He wants no matter what it costs. Demons tell us lies that open us to insanity spirits. Sin deceives and kills – Christians are looking for freedom – not a disciplined life. The law is good in that it is fulfilled in us. It is written in our hearts. Ps 51:15 says a broken and a contrite heart, God will not despise. He hears the deep cry in our heart and is waiting on us to turn completely to Him. Sometimes it takes trauma to bring that to pass. Prayer for God’s blessing follows.

God builds our value in Jesus. We are spiritual beings whether we understand it or not. What matters is our submission to Him. Our giftings mean nothing unless they are under His control. There’s no formula – it’s an individual work – He’ll bring it all together into His Body. We’re the ones who change in order to fit. Our will must be broken to agree with Jesus Lk. 4:18,19, Mt 10:7,8.

Rom. 8: 1 “Who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.” We are responsible for our personality – not our parents or spouses or friends, etc. The enemy loves to pull the puppet strings of our past to bring us into condemnation. Jn 3:17 “God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world.” We must stop living in the natural realm and move into Jesus having our life in Him. Our flesh will suffer but the long term rewards are unbeatable. We can have as much of God as we want and He gets the glory.

09LHCD12-6 – Don Andrews – EMOTIONS
Negative emotions affect our body as well as our spiritual development. Continued stress causes physical illness. However, it is possible to be stressed and not react. We can respond in the Spirit — choose our “self” or Jesus. Our response to Him gives Him honor. He is setting His church free to worship Him. Heb 12:14,15 says that with this He is well pleased. Our negative reactions do much to defile us. Know that what God is doing in us now will help someone else down the road.

09LHCD12-17 – Don Andrews – PROMISE LAND
What is the difference between soldiers and warriors? Soldiers get paid to fight and can return home after the battle. A warrior always fights. The battle is a frame of mind – the smarter you are, the more trouble you’ll have. The wilderness is our training ground – where we get experience. We’ll not trust God, if we do not have to. Only by walking daily with God, will we come into the promise land. Let’s not be in the wilderness 40 years and still be unbroken. God isn’t required to cover us if we’re not in Jesus. Get the warrior mentality. Fight the enemy until all his works are destroyed.

09LHCD12-5L – Ada Andrews – HIS LOVE
Ada gives testimony of having a spirit of fear come in as a child from previous generations. I Jn 4:18 “Perfect love casts out fear.” As she began to know and love Jesus, the fear began to leave. Taking violin lessons helped overcome the fear of man. Jesus wants us to see the love that is in His heart for us. He created us to be in love with Him. That is what being the Bride is all about. She says, as she decreased, He has increased and she sees Him.


10LHCD4-7 – Don Andrews – NEW LIFE
With much conviction Don expounds on the need to know Jesus and how that changes us – how He gives us a new heart – new life in us with no end to it. We hear a testimony of strong oppression but also of a stronger GOD. “Macho Man” was cast out! The peace that God’s presence gives is unexplainable. Don shares on how God showed him that there was nothing he could do to “produce God” – It’s all HIM or not HIM at all and we have to allow Him to produce in us. Say “YES”. 

10LHCD11-3 – Don Andrews – IDENTITY
In this teaching, we hear much testimony of God’s deliverance from what seemed an impossible place. We hear how He can take you out of a place of torment and transplant you into a safe place. We hear how God will even change your identity. Isn’t it funny how when God begins to set you free, your whole environment seems to change? Spiritual conflict with your life is conflict with God. An example is schizophrenia – Amos 3:3, Mt 6:24. Most deliverance is a process – a becoming. 1 Jn 3:1-5. Becoming sons of God – Rom 8:14. Anything is possible when we are with God. Deliverance prayers follow.. 

10LHCD12-17 – Don Andrews – GOD’S FREEDOM IN US
Things that aren’t resolved in our lives can effect our discernment. However, when we are set free, certain symptoms may reoccur but we can now tell them to leave. Our God is a God of love and whom He sets free, is free indeed. God will have a people – and don’t we all want to be part of that? We must be determined! God wants us to be where He is and there is continually more to reach for. Let God do a work in your life in order that you may be an encourager to others. We have a responsibility to give – to be a light. The river of God is flowing. Do you want to be in it? Prayer for healing and God’s blessing follows. There is no DVD available for this message.


11LHCD4-5 – Don Andrews – FEAR OF REJECTION
Don gives an extensive testimony of the work that God has performed in his life, beginning with prayers prayed for a special anointing in the spirit realm. There was much in his life that God had to deal with such as his equipment concerning martial arts. He learned also that power is another side of rejection. God began to show him what love is so that he became very conscious of endeavoring to please God and aware that God hears the cry of our heart. As the soul chooses God’s way, the flesh begins to die off. If it comes to just God and me, that is enough. He can bring us to be at peace with heaven and earth. Don shares many examples of how we can progress in the spirit realm by loving God and doing what He says – 1 Cor. 10:3-5, 1 Jn. 2:15 and Ps. 91. Prayer follows.

11LHCD5-5 – Don Andrews – REDEEMED
What should we do when attacked by the enemy? – withdraw into God’s arms. Redemption = rescue. Is. 54:5-8 is an illustration of God’s grace – beauty in action. God prepares us to deal with the demonic. We are accepted, loved, restored. We can live in peace with God and others, free from our past. Rom 7:5-9, the law is still connected to our sin nature, trying to draw us back in. However, God sets us free from all that. He gives us a battle and then tells us to walk it out. But when we are set free, it’s worth the price. Rom 8:1 tells us there is no condemnation to those who walk after the spirit. We have already been given the victory and now it’s being worked out. Don’t give the enemy credit for what God is doing in your life..

11LHCD7-12 – Don Andrews – SHEEP TO THE SLAUGTER
The enemy’s job is to separate us from God but the Word says in Rom 8:28 & 29, that all things work together for good – to them that love God and are called by Him. He planned a victorious life for us. If God is on our side, why do we fret? He loves us and is trying to separate us from things that separate us from Him and that love. If we want His presence, we must co-operate with Him. As the demons drop away, we see Him and His way clearer. We are enabled to hear and we can choose to obey. We must recognize that all the difficulty comes to purify us. He has a higher realm for us to operate in. Eph. 3:6-12. Is what is happening to us out of God’s control? Col 1: 16-21. The truth of who God is, is revealed in His people – His Kingdom is alive and moving.

11LHCD9-8 – Don Andrews – ABOVE THE STORM
God is faithful to deliver us. Don tells of five demon tormentors who had followed him since his childhood. As an adult they went with him to work. He always had fear. They made promises to him if he would let them come in. He knew there would be no hope if he yielded. He could get no sleep. Tiredness began to take over. Weary of the battle, he entered into a life of sin. He thought God could not forgive him. A huge demon appeared in his car and said “I have come after you. You are mine.” A small voice said, “Rebuke him in Jesus’ name.” He repeatedly rebuked the demon and he finally did leave him alone. Later, when he was 30 years old, Jesus came and in His love began to take him above the storm. It took time, never forgetting that love that came and found him and made it possible. We keep missing the small trail up the mountain. If we want what He has, we must bow and let Him have His way. He is taking us up to Zion. The fire on top will burn into us to purify us of worldly ambitions and desires. The world of evil is growing fast. God is making us ready for what is ahead. He wants us to give ourselves to Him. He takes us through the fires of testing to see if we stand firm. He says, “How much of my Son do you look like?”

11LHCD11-6 – Don Andrews – God’s Amazing Love
When Don came to the end of himself God said to him, “When I saw you struggling in your own blood, I said to you – live.” God will make a way for us to come into the reality of His love for us. The love of God is patient with us. We are exceedingly beautiful in His eyes. His love is poured into us so it can pour out of us. We will deal with people we do not want to be around and go places we would not choose to go, but to please God we will do His will. He will break down walls and barriers to soften our hearts. We are His. He is adorning us now, making us the person He knows we are meant to be – for His Glory…

11LHCD12-8 Don Andrews – WE HAVE ONE MASTER
Sometimes we get mixed up between God’s things and the enemy’s things. God gives us what we need for His purposes and in His time. The enemy promises “good things” but they will lead to our destruction. God is looking for ones He can trust just for Himself. He is always dealing with us. God has to purge us of the things that come from our past. He helps us to forgive people who have hurt and disappointed us. Then He gives us the grace to move in perfect harmony with Him. To know God’s heart will never be disappointing. To try to walk this walk in the natural will destroy us in the spiritual realm. He will change our hearts so we can be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove. His ways are far above our ways. He is our only answer.


12LHCD5-4 – Don Andrews – GOD’S PRESSURE
God’s pressure is growing today. We are getting “squished” so He can work things out of our flesh. We want to get to the place where pleasing God is the most important thing in our life. These places where God is applying pressure are becoming more narrow and compressed. God wants our whole heart. Allow Him to be God. The narrow ways keep getting narrower and we become smaller and smaller, as little children. In this way we can receive the heavenly things He shows us. The works of His love are challenging. Ask yourself, “Who do I belong to?” He is our destination. He makes the pressure so great we have to move some way. He is renovating our mind … bringing heart and soul into unity. When you lose yourself, the pride drains off. Sometimes when we are weak we speak a thing. The goal is to walk without offense. Allowing offense to come is an emotional issue. You are the one who has the problem. We need to understand what is going on and how God is dealing with us to bring us to Him. He is working righteousness into us. Anger and strife and all evil is going out. The things He asks us to do will change our lives. We must trust Him completely. According to His mercy He saves us. We learn to seek and to ask. He loves us. The pressure He applies allows us to be changed. He puts us in the places only He can go. This teaching is followed by prayers to break all resistance to God.

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