1995 Mid Winter Camp Meeting

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The 1995 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

The following is this camp meeting, only in podcast format.
Our mp3 podcast format for 2019 is the new, “24kbps at 24Hz” single track”
These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.
They are clear, and continue to help us conserve hosting space. 

Please prayerfully consider donating to this free audio ministry.
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
See the donation link on the home page. Thank You!

George Wingate
Glen & Erma Miller
Jim & Mildred Coffey
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*George Wingate **Glen Miller – REMEMBRANCES OF YESTERDAYS
***Jim Coffey – *Bro. Wingate comments briefly on our war against Satan. **Testimony of various past experiences in the deliverance ministry. ***Covers the importance of binding in spiritual warfare and the availability of deliverance to all who seek it.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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95LHCD12-2 – Jim Coffey – THE LOVE OF GOD
Salvation, healing, and deliverance are all manifestations of God’s love for us. God wants to demonstrate His love for others through us. We must believe not only that God can but that He will!

George Wingate
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95LHCD12-3 – George Wingate – THE POWER OF WORDS
In Genesis we find that God’s words brought immediate results. Our words bring results also, although they may not be seen immediately. We must learn to control our tongues or the devil will control us! We must train ourselves to say what God says, not relying on the information supplied by our five physical senses.

Glen & Erma Miller
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God is looking for someone to stand in the gap and make up the hedge. Only intercession by God’s people will avert the judgment that will begin with the household of faith. Other topics covered include some common erroneous teachings, Glen’s experience in Westminster Abbey, and the promises to the overcomer.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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95LHCD12-5 – Mildred Coffey – SOUL TIES
Covers a number of ways in which soul ties are formed and the soul fragmented. Deliverance prayers are included on this message. Glen Miller said at the end, that this was one of the best messages on Soul Ties he’s ever heard at that time in 1995 when this message was given.

(NOTE: – We also recommend that you listen to Cheryl Batts.
See her audio # 05LHCD4-3 in her audio directory for Soul Ties too.

George Wingate
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95LHCD12-6 – George Wingate – THE DAILY WALK
A challenge to us all to move toward maturity in Christ. This teaching covers some essential measures for keeping deliverance and healing. A good “reminder” lesson for all Christians and one that would be especially helpful for new Christians.

Glen & Erma Miller
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95LHCD12-7 – Glen Miller – ANCESTRAL CURSES
Covers a number of curses listed in the Bible which affect not only the one who breaks God’s law but also his descendants, some for three or four generations and some for ten. Deliverance prayers are included on this message.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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95LHCD12-8 – Jim Coffey – RECEIVE THE WORD
Satan does everything in his power to prevent us from hearing the Word. If he can’t do that, he tries to pervert the Word we hear. The Word will purify us and sanctify us, if we walk in it. Deliverance prayers to free us to hear and receive the Word are included on this message.

George Wingate
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95LHCD12-9 – George Wingate – A RENEWED ATTITUDE
When you don’t obey the Word you set yourself up to be your own god. We must renew our minds with the Word. When we do that, there will be a change in our attitude, our speech and our lifestyle. Obedience is better than sacrifice!

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
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All spiritual weapons of attack are spoken. Praise, prayers, confessions, and proclamations are launched out of your mouth. Satan also launches weapons against us out of the mouths of his servants, and sometimes out of our own mouths as well. God allows us to choose blessing or cursing. Deliverance prayers are included on this message.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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Jim & Mildred Coffey
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Bitterness often hides deep within us. We deny the hurts, but don’t forgive. We do not voice our thoughts, but we dwell on them, letting them take root. We may even fool ourselves into thinking it isn’t there, but we pay the price. Unforgiveness is a major block to healing and deliverance. It binds you, the other person involved, and God. Deliverance prayers are included on this message.

George Wingate
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95LHCD12-12 – George Wingate – CONFORMED TO HIS IMAGE
Faith is the victory that overcomes the world; feelings don’t have anything to do with it! When we are conformed to the image of Christ, the Word will be alive in us. The process of being conformed hurts, but we must learn to desire the undesirable in order to obtain the desired result!

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry

95LHCD12-13 – Dr. William Null – THE WORD, THE NAME & THE BLOOD
These are ours to attack the enemy! The promises of the Word are our weapons, the Name gives us authority, and the Blood gives us our power. Deliverance prayers conclude the service.

Howard Pittman

95LHCD12-14A – Howard Pittman – HEARING FROM GOD 1-of-2
95LHCD12-14B – Howard Pittman – HEARING FROM GOD 2-of-2
Man has three sources of knowledge: his five physical senses, his ability to reason, and his contact with the spirit realm. We receive knowledge from God through faith. One way He speaks to us is through dreams and visions, but not all of them are from Him. This teaching gives some gu3idelines for discerning the source of dreams and interpreting them.

George Wingate
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95LHCD12-15 – George Wingate – OVERCOMING SATAN BY FAITH
Without faith, hearing the Word accomplishes nothing. It is only by faith that we are able to please God, fight the good fight, and act out of unfailing love. Pretending you have more faith than you actually do will get you in trouble when the enemy attacks! Don’t be seduced away from the true faith.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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95LHCD12-16 – Mildred Coffey – THE ACCURSED THING
We need to fear God enough that we are not afraid to be different! That includes removing things from our homes that are accepted by the world, but which open the door for demonic activity. This is a very practical teaching with specific things named. If in doubt, throw it out!

Howard Pittman
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95LHCD12-17A – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 1-of-2
95LHCD12-17B – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 2-of-2
Bro. Pittman includes an account of his salvation, call to the ministry and introduction to spiritual warfare, but focuses primarily on his death experience, what he saw in the spirit realm, and the message which he was given to proclaim on his return.

Kyle Parmer
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95LHCD12-18 – Kyle Parmer – ALL THAT IS OURS
God is for us! He is not looking for reasons to deny us. How much salvation/healing/deliverance can we have? ALL OF IT! God is not reluctant to answer and help His children. We can have a full measure of maturity in Christ! A wonderful message of encouragement and challenge.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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95LHCD12-19A – Mildred & Jim Coffey – THE BLOOD OF JESUS 1-OF-2
95LHCD12-19B – Mildred & Jim Coffey – THE BLOOD OF JESUS 2-OF-2
This teaching covers numerous Scriptures on the blood sacrifice, the blood covenant, and all that is ours through the Blood of Jesus. Deliverance prayers in related areas are included on this message.

Howard Pittman
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95LHCD12-20 – Howard Pittman – SATAN’S GOVERNMENT
Christians, not the lost, are called to war against Satan. In order to be effective, we must understand how he operates. This is a detailed description of the organization of satanic forces which Bro. Pittman saw in the spirit realm while physically dead.

George Wingate

95LHCD12-21 – George Wingate – LAWS OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE
A look at some of the basics that form a foundation for effective warfare. Ministry to individuals at the end of the service is included on this message.

Gene & Earline Moody
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George Wingate
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95LHCD12-22 – Gene Moody – FREEMASONRY
This teaching outlines the roots and occult connections of Freemasonry (including the related organizations of the Eastern Star, Job’s Daughters, Rainbow Girls and DeMolay). People are snared by their lack of knowledge! Christians should shun any type of secret religion or organization whose practices are carried on in secret, or which requires the taking of ungodly oaths to an organization or individual. Deliverance prayers conclude the service.

95LHCD12-23 – George Wingate and various speakers
TESTIMONIES – COMMUNION – A service of music and testimonies by various people concludes with Communion Scriptures and comments by George Wingate.

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