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Joe Poppell
Free Audio Messages

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Joe Poppell has a healing type ministry.
These messages helps to raise your faith.


85LHCD12-11 – Joe Poppell – THE WORD OF TRUTH
Many think that healing and  miracles passed away with the early church. That’s not the testimony of the multitudes who were ministered to in this service! When the Word of God goes forth it does not return void. It’s not a “dead letter” Word; it’s Jesus the Living Word! The face of your mountain may not appear to be changing but as you speak the Word of God to that problem, the Word is hammering away (Jer. 23:29) on the back side, making it weaker and weaker until the day comes when it crumbles and you walk over the re-mains shouting, “Victory in Jesus!” Migraine headaches, deafness, curvature of the spine, thyroid problems, and gapped teeth were among those ailments that were miraculously healed by the power of Jesus. The anointing for healing rests upon this tape.

85LHCD12-13 – Joe Poppell – SIRS, WE WOULD SEE JESUS
Time and again Jesus said, “Your faith has made you whole.” The life that was ministered by this word came through faith in JESUS. He is the topic of this message. Miracles of healing are not to be scoffed at. Jesus is our healer today. Demonstration of this healing power was made manifest to many who received prayer.


90LHCD8-7A – Joe Poppell – MINISTRY OF HEALING 1-of-2
90LHCD8-7B – Joe Poppell – MINISTRY OF HEALING 2-of-2
Faith to believe is stirred up as Bro. Poppell shares accounts of many healings, including some from AIDS and cancer, and reads a number of Scriptures on healing and the power of God. Prayer for salvation and freedom from doubt precedes extensive prayer for physical healings. Many people received healing, some from conditions which had existed for years, and some from more than one problem.

90LHCD8-10A – Joe Poppell – WALKING ON THE WATER 1-of-2
90LHCD8-10B – Joe Poppell – WALKING ON THE WATER 2-of-2
This is a faith-building mes-sage Bro. Poppell lays the foundation for his ministry of healing by teaching on various attributes of the substance of faith. God wants us to keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus and our minds on the Word of God. Peter would have continued walking on the water had he not begun to look at the storm. Fear cripples faith and keeps it from working properly. This message concludes with an invitation to come to the Lord and ministry for healing of many physical problems.

90LHCD8-11 Joe Poppell – PRAYER
It was said that this was one of the best messages ever preached on the subject of prayer. Bro. Poppell begins by identifying Jesus as our example. He spent much time in prayer and as a result many miracles took place! Prayer is not just a means for us to communicate with God–it is also a time for us to hear from Him. We are all commissioned to pray, and that without ceasing. The Word of God makes it clear that it is God’s will for us to pray. One of the reason God’s people are fainting spiritually (backsliding, being deceived and defeated) is be-cause of their failure to pray. If you have prayed but have not seen the answer manifested, don’t allow the devil to dis-courage you. Just keep on praying. Daniel and Elijah are examples of the need to keep on praying. Bro. Poppell also identifies the reasons praying in the Spirit is of real value..

New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer !
Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.


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