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Art and Lily Johnson and Steve Bell briefly greet the people prior to Doc speaking. Be challenged by the Word of God! Paul says we are not all going to die. Our inheritance is not in heaven but on the earth. The key is, to be alive and remain! The saints of God are going to take the Kingdom and possess it forever. It’s in the Word and three men have already walked in it. God is preparing a company that will put the last enemy underfoot!

84LHCD5-5 – Doc Agan – WE WON’T ALL SLEEP
God is our example – not a man! Scriptures that you have read time and time again will take on new meaning as you listen to these messages on life. They’ll turn you around in your thinking and tear down some more of your traditions. It’s a truth that is working in this man’s life and he lays it out for all who would like to partake. Deut. 30:11, “For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it and do it?” There’s something here for all to get hold of.

10LHCD4-8 – Doc Agan – NO EGG
All creation awaits the manifestation of the sons of GOD.  Acts 27:20, Col 1:27. Doc says “Our extremities are GOD’S opportunities.” With many scriptures, we’re shown how GOD excels in doing what we can’t do for ourselves. Some scriptures used were: Mt 19:26 – With men this is impossible but with GOD all things are possible. 1Cor 15:51, Jn. 8:50-51, 5:24, 11:25,26, We’re reminded of Sarah and Abraham and others – the Shunammite woman, Hannah, Elizabeth – all who could not possibly do anything on their own and how GOD came thru in each case. God has not changed. He’ll do it again!

God will always meet your needs, but sometimes it will only be at the point where you’ve come to the end of yourself. Provision for our every need was met at Calvary, but we have yet to tap into the fullness of it. Reaching out to God in your distress will bring results.


10LHCD4-4 – Doc Agan – FEW MEN LEFT
Doc gives numerous scripture references in this teaching. Joel 2:11 says that the day of the LORD is great and very terrible. He points out that our light can’t shine unless there is darkness. Sinners will be consumed from off the earth. The earth has been given to us – the kingdom is ours – the overcomers. The day of the LORD has begun. The red horse takes peace from the earth. The black horse brings famine. Jesus said that the ones that endure to the end shall be saved – Mt 24:13. There will be few left. Enter into your chamber and hide until the indignation pass. We have Rev 21 and 22 to look forward to. 

10LHCD4-8 – Doc Agan – NO EGG
All creation awaits the manifestation of the sons of GOD.  Acts 27:20, Col 1:27. Doc says “Our extremities are GOD’S opportunities.” With many scriptures, we’re shown how GOD excels in doing what we can’t do for ourselves. Some scriptures used were: Mt 19:26 – With men this is impossible but with GOD all things are possible. 1Cor 15:51, Jn. 8:50-51, 5:24, 11:25,26, We’re reminded of Sarah and Abraham and others – the Shunammite woman, Hannah, Elizabeth – all who could not possibly do anything on their own and how GOD came thru in each case. God has not changed. He’ll do it again!

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