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All of our retail CDs is high-quality uncompressed WAV files.
We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost-effective than buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. It depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a single track.

The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is:
128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo,

MP3DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.
Our mp3 podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”

These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.
They are clear enough, so we can keep conserving hosting space.

Bob Trench


87LHCD5-3A – Bob Trench – HAVE YOU HEARD FROM GOD? 1-of-2
87LHCD5-3B – Bob Trench – HAVE YOU HEARD FROM GOD? 2-of-2
The moment you have heard from God you can be obedient and move in faith. But when you have not heard from God you are moving in presumption. God wants to speak to His people, but their ears are stopped and they do not hear His voice. That can be a spirit and it needs to be cast out. If you can hear from God and you get messages from God you can move in God and there will be an explosion across this nation. The kingdom comes when we do what the King says! Many if asked the question, “What has God said to you in the last six months?” wouldn’t know what to say. This message will challenge you personally to press in to hear from the Spirit of the living God.

87LHCD5-7A – Bob Trench – I WILL MAKE HIM LORD 1-of-2
87LHCD5-7B – Bob Trench – I WILL MAKE HIM LORD 2-of-2
Treasures of the kingdom of God are uncovered in this teaching. A tremendous move of God was experienced in the hearts and lives of young and old. Vital prophecy came forth as fire through the Prophets. The Gospel of Jesus is the most powerful force in the universe today. And He is looking for a people, as He has always been. Who are willing to follow His leading and voice so that His kingdom will come forth? They will say, “Nevertheless, not as I will but as thou wilt” not with lip service, but as unto Him with all their hearts.

87LHCD5-9 – *Erma Miller – PRIDE
**Bob Trench – LOVE
*We can get so high and mighty about what the Lord does through us, but without His anointing we are nothing. It was when Saul remained little in his own sight that the blessing of God was upon him. God is requiring meekness in this day – it is they who will inherit the earth – bringing in the kingdom of God. God hates pride and it won’t be in His kingdom. **Many people complain that they can’t get free from a particular demon, when in essence it is their own will that is the determining factor. Discernment that comes from God is truth and it will set he captives free. Love is the motivation that put Jesus on the cross and is what needs to be operating more fully in us. We need a baptism of His love to freely love one another.


89LHCD7-10A -*Norman Parish **Jack Harris ***Bob Trench – HIS IMAGE ****David Middleton 1-of-2
89LHCD7-10B  – *Norman Parish **Jack Harris ***Bob Trench – HIS IMAGE ****David Middleton 2-of-2
*Norman Parish gives a brief update on the ministry God has placed him over in Guatemala and also encourages and challenges God’s elderly and “retired” servants.  **Jack Harris leads the congregation in a 4th of July Pledge of Allegiance and ministers a prophetic word.  **Preceding Bob Trench’s message, he provides a short history of the Christian witness of several British Prime ministers.  Bro. Trench challenges the listener to embrace the fire and have the dross removed.  When a coin is made, metal is poured out and a machine stamps and presses an image upon it.  The image of Jesus Christ is being stamped in us and it is coming with a pressing.  When the stamp is removed, the world will see Jesus.  ****Following Bob Trench, David Middleton, a pastor from Columbus, OH, addresses the subject of spiritual warfare, exhorting Christians to go on the offensive in the war which is going on, to be involved in intercession and the pulling down of strongholds, to aggressively pursue deliverance.  With the Lord Jesus, we can have the victory.

89LHCD7-16A – Bob Trench – HEAVEN AND EARTH 1-of-2
89LHCD7-16B – Bob Trench – HEAVEN AND EARTH 2-of-2
Bro. Trench, before beginning his message, testifies of the glorious healing God recently performed after two-thirds of his liver was destroyed by cancer.  The doctors gave him only a short time to live.  With daily application of healing Scriptures, he exercised his faith and God literally gave him a new liver.  (Order his book – Delivered of Cancer – $2.50 plus postage)  Call LHBC office 501-525-8204 to order. The restoration of the home will bring “heaven on earth.”  Marriage is a blood covenant before God.  Bro. Trench shares priceless principles concerning the covenant relationship between a husband and wife.  As this understanding is applied in the home, the restoration will be forthcoming.  A message of encouragement to the multitudes who are standing in the gap for divine order to come to the home.

89LHCD7-17 – Bob Trench – PAST / PRESENT / FUTURE
Every individual is made up of three parts – past, present, and future. Bro. Trench shares how each one of us can look forward to a “great” future as we begin to change our attitudes concerning the past. What you do today is how you are going to be tomorrow. We don’t have to continue in the same thought patterns Satan keeps putting before us. We are joint-heirs with Jesus. The number one reason we fail to live successfully in the Spirit is that we keep dealing with things of the past. Jesus said, “I will remember your past no more.”.

89LHCD7-22 – Bob Trench – THE 4 MYSTERIES
Bro. Trench takes Proverbs 30:18 for his text and expounds on the four mysteries listed there.  He challenges us to copy the ways of an eagle in the air as we walk into a deeper relationship with God.  He warns us to be alert to the fact that every time we try to come closer to the Rock ourselves or to lead someone else to the Rock, the enemy will be there to chase us away.  He encourages us to rest in the assurance that the ship we are in will withstand all the storms and to work to pull others out of the sea.  He appeals to us to walk in a closer relationship of love with Jesus Christ.  This is an excellent, uplifting message.  Prayer for the congregation concludes the service.


Using personal testimony and humorous stories, Bro. Trench offers instruction on living as an overcomer. The joy of the Lord in your life will attract others to Christ!

97LHCD3-8 – *Bob Trench – COMMUNION and **Tommy Cook –

*Bro. Trench links communion with the toasts given at the Passover celebration and reminds us that it is a time of anticipation as well as remembrance. **Taken primarily from the Song of Solomon, this teaching explores the significance of the image of the garden as it relates to our intimacy with Jesus.

97LHCD11-2 – Bob Trench – KNOWING HIM IN GLORY
A call to move beyond the natural into the spiritual realm in our encounter with Jesus Christ. Matthew’s account of the transfiguration provides important insights into the reality of the glory of Jesus and the impact that knowing Him in this realm will have in our lives.

97LHCD11-7 – Bob Trench – SATAN’S PLAN
Satan has only one plan – to destroy our “roots” by taking away as much nourishment as possible. We must learn to grow deep in God, developing strong roots by drinking of the Living Water. Learn three ways to protect and nourish your spiritual “roots.”


00LHCD4-5 – Bob Trench – NO LIMITS
Bro. Bob starts out the service with a time of ministry as a follow-on to a prophetic word. Then, with stories and much humor, he exposes the manner in which religion puts limits on God. Are we eating off the floor or from the table? When you eat off the table, you get revelation. You’ve heard from the King! What limitations are you putting on God?

00LHCD4-6 – Bob Trench – PREPARE FOR WAR
God declared, “Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven” (Heb. 12:26). Major upheavals in the earth and heavens are just around the corner. We must “take heed” (make adjustments) to avoid deception. We must press into an intimate love relationship to Jesus that we might hear His voice clearly and walk under His covering.

More coming


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Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – Central Time.

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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
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