Bill Smith


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Bill Smith
Free Audio Messages

Gospel of The Kingdom of God

Preached here at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp

 NOTE From years 2006 till now – We have Bill Smith messages on DVD video too.
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Eph. 4:4-15 is the basis of this teaching on the five-fold ministry gifts, the hand of God, summarized in the five “G’s.” The apostle, like the thumb, moves in authority to govern the Body of Christ. The index finger, which points the way, appropriately pictures the prophet who guides the church by revealing the mind of God. The evangelist, with the longest finger, reaches and gathers the people. The pastor guards and the teacher, as the little finger, can get into the ear farther than anyone else to ground believers in the Word. We are perfected by the five-fold ministry..

83LHCD5-5 – Bill Smith – BIRTH PAINS
Salvation is progressive: we are saved, being saved, and going to be saved. There are different levels in the church, as in Jesus’ day when three of the twelve walked in the inner circle with Him. He shared with them. We are in birth pains today because Christ is being formed in us so we can reign with Him.

83LHCD11-6 – Bill Smith – THE CITY OF GOD
God is raising up a city, right in the face of the enemy, that is binding Satan’s army and holding them until God’s Day of Judgment. You can be part of that corporate body. We must understand who we are becoming and that the purpose of deliverance is a walk of holiness. God wants to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Do you understand your part in this plan?

There was not a #7 cassette listed in our cassette catalog.

83LHCD11-8 – Bill Smith – GOD’S GRACE
We can all testify to the grace of God being demonstrated in our lives. John 1:16, “And of His fullness have all we received and grace for grace.” The text of this message illustrates God’s grace as witnessed in the lives of various ones in the Bible.


85LHCD5-2 – Bill Smith – FREE, BUT NOT LOOSE!
Bro. Smith labors to explain to the saints the truths found in Lev. 24 concerning the candlestick, wick, and oil. These represent a type of Christ and His church. Jesus must daily “trim our wicks”, as we are to be the light of the world. We are in the process of being perfected, purged, and purified so we can be formed into the likeness of Jesus. Persecutions, trials, pestilence, and famine are upon us, but these people whom God has chosen and appointed for this time shall be formed into an instrument for His purposes that will not break nor back down in the face of any trial. As Christ is exalted in our lives, so we will manifest hope and joy to the waiting, groaning creation.

85LHCD5-5 – Bill Smith – CONTINUE ON
Here we are encouraged to grow up in Christ, remain and continue in Him. As Bro. Smith says, “It’s not how we run for a while. We’ve got to bring this thing to the finish. That’s where the reward is. This spiritual pep talk exhorts the Body to come against the flood of error that the enemy has breathed out into the churches today. We must learn to exercise the authority of the Word of God that is written on our innermost being and say to the enemy, “It is WRITTEN!” Bro. Smith shows us again how this kingdom walk is a style of living that becomes our life, built on a solid foundation, submitted to God, and continuously victorious. This message will help you “hang in there” through those rough bumps in the road.

After salvation has come into your life, it is up to you if you want to go on with God. It is not the will of the Father for us to stay in the wilderness all of our lives, but if you choose to remain there, that is your choice. Some are coming out and they are coming out leaning on the arm of their Beloved. They were trained, tried and tested, and God is using and will use them to feed and nurture those who are still in that wilderness. We have all come through a falling away, but it is time for restoration with the heart of God! You make your decision. It will be overcomers who enter in!


86LHCD5-2 – Bill Smith – LET’S FINISH THE RACE
God is requiring us all to go farther than we have ever been willing to go before. We are coming into the formation of the Word of God. Man is not our example. We haven’t started the race to quit, but to see it through to the end – to see the promise fulfilled. Judgments are coming on the ministry so they can be used to purify the Body of Christ.


95LHCD11-4 – Bill Smith – THE FULLNESS OF TIME
“When the fullness of time has come, God sent forth His Son….” Galatians 4:4. We are approaching another fullness of time, on the third day from the cross and the seventh day from Adam. The interconnected lives of Hannah, Eli, Samuel, Saul, and David provide a picture of God’s workings in this hour. Pure seed is being raised up to lead the church in righteousness into the fullness of God. Deep teaching of present truth and revelation.


96LHCD5-4 – Bill Smith – A PURE SEED
A challenge to put ourselves into position for the birth of the manchild, as God’s pure seed comes forth in the earth. Only the manifestation of the sons of God will bring order out of the chaos of the world today! Personal ministry at the end of the service is included in this message.

God is seeking a corporate man – a champion – to turn the nation back to God and bring the presence of the Lord to the earth so that it will be filled with His glory! This company of overcomers will arise in the last generation as David, the last son of Jesse, was raised up to be king over the nation of Israel. Then the seals will be opened!

The time is fast approaching when that which is in part will be done away with because that which is perfect has come. All creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Are you moving toward that perfection?

96LHCD11-2 – Bill Smith – JOINED TO THE LORD
When we are joined to the Lord, we will be one with Him – one spirit, one mind, one will, one nature, one purpose. When we are truly joined to Him, the world will also see us truly joined to each other, as Christ prayed. Then we will be able to fight the good fight and finish the course, as God brings many sons to glory.

We are coming into another fullness of time, the end of one age and the beginning of another. God’s plan for man has not changed. He is looking for those who will do what He commanded Adam to do in the beginning: subdue (or conquer) the earth and keep (or guard) it. Everything that God made He pronounced good, but then Satan intruded. It’s time to rise up and conquer!


98LHCD3-2 – Bill Smith – IT’S TIME
It’s time to move behind the veil of humanity and see the glory of God. We’ve seen the displays of humanity, but now it’s time to see Jesus! It’s time for us, as men and women of God, to arise into a new level of authority, into a new level of the realm of the Spirit in God. It’s time for the children of light to come forth!


The devil has had Earth long enough, but the world cannot change itself. It is time you and I cry out today that we’re bringing the world under new management. The Word of God says the Earth is the LORD’s, and He has put us in charge. Become the oracles of God in this Earth and do what He has called us to do! Possess the land of God!

God wants to bring you into a new man. Signs shall follow those who believe, but we see people following signs. We don’t have to see signs because we believe our God! Jesus became a curse for us, but me must appropriate that in our lives. Jesus is our Rock, we must speak to Him. From Adam and still today, the serpent is trying to work against us, but we have all power and authority over him through our Rock Jesus Christ!

The enemy is after the seed of God. It’s time that we get rid of everything of accumulation and walk with God. The man is our LORD Jesus Christ, and the maid is the Church. He’s breathing upon the Church because she’s going to bring forth a seed that’s going to rule the nations with a rod of iron. God wants to rule through you!.

God wants the message and the messenger to become one. He is asking us to take a position that He can rule through us. It is time that we, as the people of God, bring the earth under new management! It will take total commitment and total surrender. The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof!


02LHCD5-2 – Bill Smith – DUE SEASON
In due season we shall reap if we faint not. We are today in due season. The body of Christ is a many-membered body – we need each other. God wants every bit of you to not be just hearers of the Word, but doers. God wants to bring you forth in the spirit of Elijah on this earth!


03LHCD4-1- Bill Smith – THE RIVER OF GOD
There is only one river of God, the river of life proceeding from the Throne of God. The river of God is clearer today than ever before. An inspirational message to get into the river of God, walk with the LORD and see God’s Word manifested in you! We must be totally submitted to God to let the river of God flow through us!

03LHCD4-3 – Bill Smith – TWO CHURCHES
The LORD unveils truth to us day by day. We must not allow mixture in His church. Many churches compromise the truth to increase their membership. The LORD is setting up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed. We need to be builders of that Kingdom. God’s people will stand firm; we are on the winning team! Arise in the Word of God and we will be the overcomers.


04LHCD5-1 – Bill Smith – NO MIXTURE
Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God,” Pure means without adulteration or mixture. God is calling a people who will bury the old man, old nature, old religious spirit and move into Him so He can empower them to see and occupy the Kingdom of God until He comes. (Luke 19:13)


06LHCD5-1 – Bill Smith – WE WOULD SEE JESUS
Jn. 12:21 “The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.” We are made in the image and likeness of God and He has given us dominion over the entire earth and all there is. (Gen 1:26) God wishes to rule this creation through believers. He has placed over His church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to perfect or mature the saints (His Church). The enemy of your soul (the devil) has raised up the Jezebel spirit to seduce the church and lead them astray (Rev 2:20). Bill then shows how to withstand the Jezebel spirit and follow the Holy Spirit to be transformed into the image of Christ (2 Cor 3:18). Excellent teaching of motivating the church for the end time.

Gen 12:1 “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:” As the Lord called Abram, so He is calling His people to come out from among them! Be ye holy as I am holy. (1 Cor. 6:17; 1Pet 1:16). God is building a holy habitation for Himself of which Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone and we are lively stones. This building is His church. Jesus Christ is the Head and we are all members of the body. Therefore, you must cry out for wisdom and understanding so that you can die to the flesh and live for Him. This message will stir you deep in the spirit man!


Bill begins his message with the words, God, bring me to the place you can trust me. I Sam 2:35 – God wants a faithful priest, a sure house. He can dwell in forever. God is on the move! From the flickering candlestick to the light of His presence, from Blue Cross/Blue Shield to divine health, from those who were on the wrong side of the tracks to Main Street, from fresh oil to anointing, to His presence. He relates the process God has taken him through in learning: to trust and obey, repent and believe, to rebuild after a storm, to witness miracles that only God could do in Mexico and Fort Worth, Texas. This message is a demonstration of kingdom living with signs, wonders and miracles following those who believe.

07LHCD4-5 – Bill Smith – GOD IS MAKING A MAN
You are in training for reigning. Bill’s opening remark provokes both questions and understanding. Psalms 17:15 summarizes the message. I will make the choice to behold His face in righteousness. I will not be satisfied until I awake in His likeness. God is purifying His body. Through the refiner’s fire, pure gold will reflect His image. As yeast is comingled with flour and loses its identity, so will God’s creation become one with the Creator. The question is posed, Why can’t I enter this destiny with my grandchildren like Joshua and Caleb entered the promised land. The question deserves an answer why not? Bill walks through the Word of God and paints the picture of an overcoming body who takes back what the enemy stole and lives to see His kingdom come on earth.

07LHCD11-1 – Bill Smith – THE THRONE ZONE
Bill begins by saying, We want to see Jesus, and God, bring me to the place where You can do what You want with my life. Teaching from Rev 4:1-5, he states, We are in the Throne Zone. Today, Jesus is being released in His Body and God is saying, Come up hither. We need the release of the power of God in the body of Christ. Bill asks the question, Why is the church so full of showmanship? Answer: Because there is no anointing. We must follow after the heart of God until He is manifested in our bodies, His likeness and His image, to do His work on the earth. He is bringing us into the realm of the Spirit that He has purposed from the beginning.


Bill was in Mexico in March and saw a man in a wheelchair healed by God’s presence. He tells how God protected a man in a truck from running off the end of an uncompleted road – where seven people had already run off and were killed. God wants the TRUTH revealed today, not religion – but God’s revelation. We are moving in the realm of the Spirit today; we are being beheaded. He is raising up carbon copies of Him – Jesus is in us. Hab. 2:14 – For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. God is telling us to dig deeper into the rock, Jesus. He is removing the flesh nature to fill us with more of Him. He is the true bread and we are eating of Him to be an exact copy – to reign with Jesus Christ. We are being changed from glory to glory into the same image by the spirit of the Lord. There is no place for the enemy in our households, we have dominion. We are becoming just like Him. We are on the winning team. We haven’t arrived until we get there. This is a battle of warfare. Learn to separate the precious from the vile. Every day says, God wash me, cleanse me, fill me. We cannot be satisfied until we awake in His likeness.

09LHCD5-5 – Bill Smith – IT’S YOUR MOVE
God is waiting on you. You are not waiting on God. The hour has come for you and me. It’s your move! Rev 22:10 the time is at hand. We are overcoming the first death with the second death. It’s time we walk out of our limitations and into God. Rev 21:1-7 co-mingled together, living in the same Spirit, overcomers. Phil 3:11 God’s telling us it is now. Don’t limit God. He is the deity. We need to get all we can and can all we get. I Cor. 15:20-22 we are children of light. In Adam, all die, in Christ, all are made alive. Vs. 23, 24 there is a difference between authority and power. Bill gives illustration to explain. We’ve been given authority over all the enemies. God called us out. It’s your move! God doesn’t use -used to be; He uses what is now. Rev 21:8 it’s time we move from the shadow into the substance. I Cor. 6:16, 17, Rom 8:18, 19 It’s time that we show up in the authority of God. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. Where is the door? The Word says Jesus is the door! We are going to be set free, body, soul and spirit. God is opening up these seals as we read in Rev 22. Don’t limit God. We go in His power – not ours. Ps 66:10-12 God has brought us into a wealthy place in Him. God is ready for us to walk out on a limb and watch the tree fall. Speak the Words of God and He does the work. Remember God has already moved and it’s your move now.

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