1992 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

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1992 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

Tommy Cook
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92LHCD5-1 Tommy Cook – THE FLESH MAN
Trusting the flesh brings curses. Trusting God brings blessings. The flesh man must be overcome by exercising faith and self-denial in daily warfare. The struggle between David and Saul typifies the struggle between the spirit and the flesh. Bro. Tommy shares many Scriptures to exhort us to repent of sin, crucify the flesh, and get rid of the demons! Deliverance prayers and prophecies to individuals are included in this message.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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92LHCD5-2 – Mildred Coffey – REJECTION
Rejection frequently comes in at birth or even while still in the womb. It causes us to feel isolated and robs us of our ability to receive or give love. Many times deliverance is hindered because the memories of the words or actions that opened the door for rejection are so painful that they are buried in our minds. Until they are brought up we cannot forgive those who hurt us and therefore cannot receive forgiveness and deliverance. Rejection leads to rebellion and the two combine to cause destruction in our families.

Glen & Erma Miller
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92LHCD5-3A – *Erma Miller – CARNAL OR SPIRITUAL?
*Sin deceives us and brings confusion and death upon us. In these last days many call evil good and good evil. Sis. Erma teaches on curses, panic attacks, and various spirits of infirmity, ending with how to bind the strongman. **Bro. Glen lays the ax to the root cause as he ministers in the delivery room on 18 spirits that plague many people today, including rejection, unforgiveness, murder, and suicide. He teaches on sexual sins (cause and cure) and how to be set free.

Jack Harris
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92LHCD5-4A – Jack Harris – I’LL BUILD MY CHURCH 1-OF-2
92LHCD5-4B – Jack Harris – I’LL BUILD MY CHURCH 2-OF-2
These messages include a prophetic word to the Body of Christ. Bro. Jack brings a stirring message of our blessed hope and protection in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – the obedient Lamb – and asks the question, “Are yours token or real commitments?”

Jack Harris
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When the children of Israel paid the tithe of their sheep, the sheep passed under a rod, signifying that they belonged to God. In order for us to be set apart for God we also must pass under the rod – the five-fold ministry – for instruction, guidance, protection, and correction. Most churches today accept only the pastor, teacher, and evangelist. Therefore, they cannot be all that God intends.

Jack & Carol Cannada
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92LHCD5-6B – **Carol Cannada – **SPIRITUAL LEPROSY
*Many marital problems have their roots in the relationship of the husband and/or wife to their father. The blessing of a father, given to his children, was an important part of Jewish worship. We have failed to realize the importance of that act. Through lack of knowledge many have suffered. Bro. Jack stands in the gap and leads the congregation through prayers of forgiveness and release, then blesses them with the blessing of a father. This unique ministry which the Lord has laid on his heart will touch you as it did those in attendance. **The first effect leprosy causes in the physical body is a loss of the ability to touch and feel. Unforgiveness, rebellion, and rejection can cause a spiritual leprosy that robs us of our ability to touch others or to feel the touch of God. It affects us first in our families. God wants to cleanse us from that leprosy and restore our touch.

Tommy Cook
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92LHCD5-7 – Tommy Cook – THE SEVEN “ITES”
Ps. 11:3, “If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Bro. Tommy deals with the sin in the church. He explains the seven “ites” of Deut. 7:1, the meaning of each, and how to deal with them. David had three anointings: prayer, praise, and power. The higher you go in the anointing, the more enemies you will have, but the more power you will have to overcome. In order to overcome, we must be men and women after God’s own heart who will fulfill all of God’s will. Praise and an ear to hear the Holy Spirit’s instructions will rout the enemy. This is a powerful “how-to” teaching.

Tommy Cook
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God has a virgin coming forth, chaste, pure, mature, holy, the Lamb’s wife – not married to the minister, but married to Jesus Christ. This remnant seed will be humble and walk softly before God in order to be used by the Lord. Jesus, stronger than the strongman, has come and lives in us and gives us power over all the power of the enemy. We clear out the old by deliverance to make room for the new from heaven. Rev. 12:11 tells us how to overcome the enemy. Don’t get discouraged – there is a healing ministry coming through ordinary people. God wants to use you. Fight the good fight. Walk humbly and holy before God.

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
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92LHCD5-9A – Dr. William Null  – MAGIC 1-of-2
92LHCD5-9B – Dr. William Null  – MAGIC 2-of-2
When most people think of “magic” they think of sleight-of-hand tricks. It is actually much more. The three main divisions of magic are sorcery, witchcraft, and divination. Dr. Null explains the characteristics of each of these divisions, how they open the door for demonic entrance, and the curses that come as a result of their practice. Deliverance prayers are included after the teaching.

Jack & Carol Cannada
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92LHCD5-10A 1-of-2
92LHCD5-10B 2-of-2
Jack & Carol Cannada / Deanna Harris – MINISTRY
Two common themes run through this session of music, prayer, testimony and teaching. The first is that fear leads to barrenness of spirit and a quenching of the fire of God. The key to being delivered from fear and stirring up the fire is really knowing and accepting the love of God. The second is that in order to go on with God, we must release to God those people for whom we intercede and their sins so that we are not bowed down with heaviness, and we must also let go of all pride and selfish ambition. Deliverance prayers for individuals and also for the entire congregation are included in the anointed ministry on these messages.

Jack & Carol Cannada
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92LHCD5-11 – Jack & Carol Cannada – MINISTRY
The Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way in this last session of the camp meeting. Anointed music alternates with ministry to individuals, teaching, and deliverance prayers on the subjects of self-pity, timidity, fear, and lust.

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