2012 Summer Family Camp
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All these FREE audio messages on this site are in podcast format.
Our podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”
They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space and add more audios.
There are MANY hundreds of free audio’s online.
We’re still recording the future eight camp meetings each year to post here too.
All of our retail CD’s are higher quality uncompressed WAV files.
We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker. For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time. Each full teaching is a track. Audio is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3
DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.
These above links go to our main website at http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com a new browser window will come up to take you there so you won’t lose you place here.
The 2012 Summer Family Camp
All 8 full messages in MP3 format on 1 disk – Donation $10.00
Plays on your Personal Computer, etc.
(128kbps, 44,100 Hz, For Stereo CD Quality Audio)
Order Disk # – 12LHMP3CD7
Below is our FREE Podcast audio messages
Any of these messages below are also available on
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
12LHCD7-1 – Kernaa Williams – DEATH SAINT – SANTA MUERTA
Recently the Williams’ went on a missionary visit to Mexico. In those meetings people came forward to be delivered from curses and spirits of death because they had worshipped a statue called Santa Mureta – the Saint of Death. Some other names for this demon are Lady Death, Sacred Death, White Girl, Skinny Girl, Goddess of the Dead. Worship of this statue requires blood sacrifice – animal or human. This practice is rooted in ancient Aztec religious rites. This statue wears a hooded shroud, has the face of a skeleton, often holds an owl in its hand, and has a globe of Earth attached to its body signifying world domination. Drug cartels participate in rituals of blood sacrifice to this statue to gain power and territory. This spirit is moving into the USA today. As a Church we must pull down these principalities and powers of death. In order to fight we must have an abundance of God’s Word in us. The Spirit of God is moving and saying, “Will the real men and women of the Lord stand up!” Deliverance prayers follow this teaching..
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
12LHCD7-2 – Jean Williams – THE SPIRIT OF WORRY
The definition of “worry” is “to harass; difficult to deal with”. In the authority of Jesus Christ we do not have to bow down to this spirit. Worry is sin. It affects the whole body. This spirit is on the rise to get us to doubt that God will take care of us. God rules. He has the ability to deal with every situation. Do you believe God rules and reigns in your life – for your future, health, job, family members, friends, finances? Release all worry to Him. What is not of faith is sin. Worry puts your focus in the wrong direction. Keep your eyes on Jesus. You will know peace because He is in control. Worry is satanic meditation. We must give Him all of us so He can use us for His glory. He says, “Come to Me and rest.” Do not allow a divided mind. You will either have the mind of the Lord or the mind of the devil. Choose Jesus. Know who you are in Christ. If you worry, why pray? If you pray, why worry? Believe, wait on God and He will move in that situation. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.
Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
Deuteronomy states that “the bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.” If one parent was a Hebrew and the other a non-Hebrew that person was considered a bastard and had to live in Ashdod. Someone under this curse always feels like they are on the outside looking in. You can break this curse off you and your family. It can even be broken off a baby before its birth. Babies are born under this curse because we are living in a day where people are neglecting to marry. Also people with strange looks, dress, manners, tattoos and such are usually suffering the results of a spirit of rejection. These people can not give or receive love. They have extreme fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, self-hatred, oppression, depression and suicide. Self-hatred can cause auto-immune diseases. A lying spirit operates with the bastard spirit. Without this being broken you are open to a huge religious spirit. The love of God in Jesus is the answer. Deliverance prayer follows this teaching.
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
12LHCD7-4 – Kyle Nees – THE OPEN DOOR
Jesus is the door, the portal – if you try to come any other way you miss the point of the door, the fullness, the glory – you miss all that He wants to give to you. Open your heart to receive the fullness. Kyle uses an illustration of a red bird that was pecking against the glass windows in their gathering place to bring home some poignant truths. The bird was fighting what he thought to be his enemies, when in essence he was fighting with himself. We waste a lot of time and energy trying to do things our way, and still the only open door is to do things His way. Jesus cures the blindness caused by our own reflection. When you are seeing too much of your own reflection, you will be fighting against yourself and never really come to the door. The bird’s erratic behavior kept him from the presence of what was in the building. Sometimes our actions, our thoughts, what we are preoccupied with keep us from going through the door. We can be right there and not even see that all we need to do is step through the door and step into the Glory. We want His image but can’t get past our own reflection and the blindness it produces. Prayer for surrender to the yoke of Jesus and the anointing concludes this message.
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
12LHCD7-5A – Geri McGhee – MEEKNESS 1-of-2
12LHCD7-5B – Geri McGhee – MEEKNESS 2-of-2
We lift up Jesus only when we humble ourselves. Ask God to show you all the deep areas of pride you are unaware of. Pride is like an iceberg – cut off the top and more will surface. The only time we become humble is when we choose death to self. It is a choice we make by God’s grace. The Lord uses our problems to show us what He wants to deal with next. It is the crushing in our life that brings the anointing, just as olives are crushed for oil. Jesus is meek and lowly. Leviathan is the prince of pride. Make no provision for the flesh and follow after meekness. Instruct others in a spirit of meekness. Jesus chose to go to the cross and we choose also. We go through trials to humble us. Jesus shows us that anything good in our lives is because of Him. Lord show us by Your grace how to be truly meek and humble and regard others before ourselves. The meek shall He teach His way. The meek are the gentle, tamed by God. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching..
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here..
12LHCD7-6 – Richard Tate – ATTITUDES
Richard gives his testimony of how he had been looking for God’s peace in the world. Then one day Jesus came to him and changed everything. In a Teen Challenge meeting God spoke to him saying, “Follow Me or I will never speak to you again.” He quit taking drugs and gave away all his stolen clothes. The Holy Spirit led him to a Samoan church which took him in. After marriage to Mara, about three years later, he had a great need. A man walked behind him and prayed about what was tormenting him. Later, he was singing, “Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord,” and he had a vision of a mountain with a path by it. There was a sign on it saying, “Relationship”. God showed him the mountain he was singing about and which represented this problem that had been tormenting him, was hollow. He has purpose for each of us. The things He does in our lives are eternal. He wants to reach through us to those who cannot help themselves. Our attitude determines how we walk and He changes us whether we like being changed or not. As we wait on God we will be changed.
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
12LHCD7-7A – Jim Landry – UNFORGIVENESS 1-of-2
12LHCD7-7B – Jim Landry – UNFORGIVENESS 2-of-2
Many of God’s children want others to be free. The spirit of unforgiveness is a major demon concerning God’s people. God has promised mercy to the merciful. The measure you measure out to others will be measured out to you. Forgive or be turned over to the tormenters such as sickness and infirmity. Forgive and do it quickly. The church needs reform so pray for restoration. God says, “Be ye perfect – bless them that hate you.” Jesus forgave us and we need to forgive each other or else a door opens for demons to come into our life. Hurt and offense that is not dealt with lets in bitterness. People get angry with God and wallow in self-pity. The biggest spirits in the last days are rebellion and bitterness. When we agree with God then we become blissful. If the offender is dead and the hurt is still in you, forgive them for your own good. If they are living ask God to bless them. Be honest with the Lord. Bind the strongman of unforgiveness and you will get free from the tormenters. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching..
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
12LHCD7-8 – Diane Bijeaux – RETURN TO ME
All over this land people within our churches are tired of business that is not God’s business. Especially the young people are seeking the presence of the Lord with their whole hearts. There are two kinds of churches: 1) Institutional churches – man-made customs and formats, organized programs polluted by paganism. The Prodigal Son’s older brother stayed at the house, going through the motions. His outward appearance was religious and conforming, but his heart was far from his father. 2) Organic churches – looking for life – nothing artificial or synthetic, but simply led by the Holy Spirit. Because of the famine in the land (no Word), the Prodigal said, “Is this all there is? What am I doing here?” He was transformed by the renewing of his mind. He came out from among them. He returned to his father’s house to achieve his destiny. Our Father wants us back. You can wither and die in religion or find fullness of life in the Spirit of God. Service concludes with an old-fashioned altar call.
Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry.
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)
Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.
We never take God’s provision for granted.
Thank You!,
Read all about the founders of LHBC.
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Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.
Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!