1988 Summer Camp Meeting

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1988 Summer Family Deliverance Camp Meeting

Blanche Reynolds
Deliverance Ministry – Bible Living

88LHCD7-1 – *Blanche Reynolds – CLEAN YOUR CUP
**Jerry Garner – HEALING – *“Deal with yourself!”
Only you can be accountable to His dealings in your life. It’s time to get honest and confront those enemies you know are there! The religious gloss has lost its shine. The façades are being ripped off. Ignoring the problems or blaming them on others won’t cut it any longer. It’s time to put on Jesus! **Ministry to the congregation concludes the service and many were healed in their physical bodies. You too can be healed as you yield to the anointing on this message.

Linda Sutter
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

88LHCD7-2 – Linda Sutter – THE LAW OF GOD
The world’s emphasis upon individuals’ rights has programmed the body of Christ to have things “my way.” God is calling out a people who are willing to submit unconditionally to “His way.” They embrace the laws of God as a reflection of His love and mercy, given for our good. The enemy would keep you blinded to the true purposes of these laws with the flippant idea that “I’m not under law; I’m under grace.” Allow the Lord to deal with that perversion of grace and reveal to you the true intent of His ways. The Holy Spirit will never lead you to break any of God’s Laws. But you can get willful and choose to yield your members to sin.  Linda shares a pertinent vision the Lord recently gave her concerning how perversion is infiltrating the homes of this nation via the airwaves. Only by the blood of Jesus can your home be spared from the judgments of God that are about to come on this land. The Spirit of the Lord wants to bring repentance in YOUR LIFE. Sin over a little time causes you not feel convicted about much of anything. Pretty soon people can’t tell you from anyone else in the world. We’re all going to give an account when we die. Better to learn to walk closer now. Cry out to Him. Let Him have your heart & life.

Blanche Reynolds
Deliverance Ministry – Bible Living

88LHCD7-3 – Blanche Reynolds – ZION’S LAWS AND INSTRUCTION
God’s mercy is being extended to give us time to deal with those things in us which set themselves up against Truth. If this message is new to you, the place to begin is right where you are. No longer can we continue judging everyone else. Concentrate on what is in you that breeds death! We are becoming what God ordained for His creation from the beginning. The Word of God is becoming life in us. The mountain of the Lord’s house is being established. The more deliverance you receive the less the natural realm rules you. Deliverance ministry is included at the close of this teaching. Many of God’s people were released from bondages Satan has held them captive with all of their lives.

Miscellaneous Speakers

88LHCD7-4 – Jerry Garner – BALANCED DIET
This is a time of preparation for the Bride of Christ; a time to be responsible to God for that which He has revealed to us. His Word is working mightily and is being revealed in great measure to those proving themselves trustworthy to handle its authority. In Isaiah 7:15 it was prophesied that Christ Himself would need a steady diet of “curds and honey” that He might “know to refuse evil and choose the good.” We need a balanced diet, not just of the Word of God but of the Word of God made life in us that we too can discern between what is of God and what is not.

Miscellaneous Speakers

With a divine call upon one’s life comes continual processing to produce maturity. These are days of preparation for the sons of God. With that in mind, we study David and the seven places he stopped while he was running and hiding from Saul. This wilderness journey was experienced in the flesh but something unbelievably spiritual was happening to David and it left an exact pattern for us today. God used Saul to drive David just as He uses satan in our lives to bring us into a deeper walk with Him. Each of the seven steps that David made correlate with 2 Peter 1:5-7, which are the seven steps to God. Excellent message for the overcomer!

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry

We are a generation of selfish people and are teaching our children to be the same. Genuine repentance and a willingness to dethrone the “god of self” must follow awareness of this idolatry. Selfishness is the motivation for many of our actions and is a direct result of disobedience to God’s Word. It was the key factor in Satan’s fall and unless we attack this iniquity in our own lives it will eventually separate us from God’s presence. Much deliverance takes place in this service and many spirits related to the “self nature” were evicted from God’s people.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

88LHCD7-7 – Tommy Cook – GOD’S NEW ORDER
God is raising up a new order. They are those who can see through the old order, the harlot system, the religious system in the land. They are hearing and obeying the voice of God that is saying, “Come out of her, My people!” There is an existing flesh man that continually provokes the spirit man to pray. The old order consists of a way of thinking that is out of date. God is doing something behind the scenes. The womb of the church is bringing forth a manchild. The new order is coming in on the wings of prayer proclaiming a Living Word! If you are to be a part of the new order that God is bringing forth you can expect to be dealt with severely by Almighty God!

Miscellaneous Speakers

88LHCD7-8A- Jerry Garner – FIVE KINGS OF THE FLESH 1-of-2
88LHCD7-8B- Jerry Garner – FIVE KINGS OF THE FLESH 2-of-2
We have been called to liberty, only we are not to use our liberty as an opportunity for the flesh. In the five lords of the Philistines found in Joshua 13:1-3, we find our flesh man revealed to us. If you have ears to hear and a heart to receive God will do a work in you through this message. He is purging His temple because He wants us totally clean before Him: body, soul and spirit. The evil spirits reside where there is agreement with the flesh. You’ve got trouble if you cast out the spirit but fail to crucify the flesh on a daily basis.

Blanche Reynolds
Deliverance Ministry – Bible Living

Our understanding needs to be opened to see vital truth in this hour. The Lord Jesus is revealing Himself to those who desire to see Him. When revelation hits you cannot stay the same—change must come! In the natural realm, we’re at home in the flesh. We’re used to operating in the sense and feeling realm, but God is moving in the Spirit realm. He is calling together a spirit man who will walk after the dictates of the Spirit and know the life of the Spirit until he is not moved to gratify the flesh. Deliverance ministry is included on the tape and is directed towards the subconscious wherein lies many strongholds of satanic bondage.

Howard Pittman 
Testimony and End-Time Truths 

88LHCD7-10A 1-of-2
88LHCD7-10B 2-of-2
Deception is throughout the church and satan has changed their spiritual food, the meat of the Word, and is feeding them bologna. The great falling away is taking place under the guise of deception. Bro. Pittman saw the council of Satan and watched the rulers plan their strategy against the saints (Eph. 6:12). They are out to make the saints ineffective, making them believe they are OK if they do good works. He stood at the Throne Room entrance and heard the thundering voice of our God. What God said is quoted verbatim on these message. It was earth-shaking as he heard the words, “You are a Laodicean Christian.” You serve a false god, SELF.” Are you ready to stand and meet your Maker at the end of that tunnel? Absolutely every Christian should hear this message. It will stir you. Dozens of people ran to the altar as conviction gripped the congregation to repent of lukewarmness and playing the hypocrite.

Howard Pittman
Testimony and End-Time Truths 

Explanation of Bro. Pittman’s crossing the veil, where the spirit separated from the body, and his passing through Satan’s kingdom. The heavenly highway is referred to as a tunnel. The government of God is copied by Satan with his ruling council. He has divided creation into territories or principalities with a prince over each one. Any threat to his kingdom results in immediate attention and full scale warfare against the Christians (spoken of in the Word as wrestling). Some demons must be cast out, others must be overcome. The mind is the first battlefield, and only a remnant wants to be free, because it requires dying to self. Satan is out to destroy your light and work on your flesh to kill you. Are you a threat to him?

Gene & Earline Moody 
Deliverance Ministry

Children Drug Addicts A
Also Listed in the Deliverance Manual

88LHCD7-12 – Gene Moody – Children & Drug Abuse
It’s appalling that the Christian world looks to the psychiatric profession instead of to the Bible to raise their children and handle illnesses of the mind. This lesson is meant for ministry to children and also adults who have been treated with drugs to control the mind. It could also apply to “street drugs” which have similar effects on the person. In the past five years the number of children committing suicide is up over 600%. Evidence is mounting that this tragedy is directly related to psychiatric treatment of children at an early age. Deliverance ministry is included with this timely message.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

In this study the portrait of the sons of God is painted by the majestic hand of God, using a variety of scriptural analogies. The precious sons of Zion are the work of the hand of the Potter, and the work is being done that He may be glorified. Requirements and restrictions are being handed out from the throne of God and the results of His screening process will produce sons made into His image and likeness. The Word of God came through this prophet as fire in his mount!

Miscellaneous Speakers

88LHCD7-14 – Jerry Garner – THE FLESH MAN
Along with the full inheritance we have in Christ Jesus comes a wrestling with the flesh man that none of us can escape. It’s time, by the Spirit of God, to reckon this flesh dead unto sin but alive unto God. When God changes your name He changes your character. We must be willing to submit to Him and learn of Him and He will teach us who this flesh man is so we can deny it. Only then can Jesus truly be proclaimed Lord in every area of our lives. Included with this message is a profile of the harlot church and the admonition to allow God to empty you of her cup of fornication.

Blanche Reynolds
Deliverance Ministry – Bible Living

88LHCD7-15 – Blanche Reynolds – A FAMINE FOR HEARING THE WORD
Deliverance is serious business. It calls forth areas in our life that in the natural aren’t pleasant to look at. It would be easy to fling away your consciousness by judging everyone else. God is unfolding in this hour the message of deliverance to “set creation free.” The Word of God is life in us and it is revealing the mixture that is in us. The mixture that is revealed must be cast out and the Word of God that remains will endure forever. The Word that is yet to be revealed cannot be measured with any kind of doctrine that you have known thus far. There is much “death word” being taught, but there is a Word of Life coming forth that is delivering a “life meal” to those who are hungering for it. Deliverance ministry concludes this teaching.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom

88LHCD7-16A 1-of-2
88LHCD7-16B 2-of-2
The word that Jesus speaks is a Living Word. It is quickened by the Spirit and it is life. In Genesis the creative Word produced life. In John the written Word became flesh. The living Word speaks of things far beyond what we can imagine, referring to the highest order of being “hid with Christ in God.” As we yield to the dealings of the Holy Spirit we are becoming that Living Word. Contained within this message are priceless principles of truth on divine order, divine government and change which must take place in order for the Kingdom of God to be birthed. This is a living Word that the Holy Spirit is speaking to those who will hear.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom

We must move by revelation if we’re going to follow on to know the Lord. The ultimate revelation is for us to “know God.” You cannot have a determination through the humanistic will that will bring you to sonship. You have to come through revelation. It is a sovereign move of God. If you are to move by revelation you must become aware of the spirit world. Everyday we are exploring uncharted areas. We have nothing by which to judge our progress. The kingdom of God comes not by observation. Only One has gone before us. We know that He came from Calvary to Zion, but oh, the things that happen along the way! The mercy and grace of God is allowing a people to hear the call and soar to the heights of Zion!

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2
The founders of LHBC
Deliverance ministry

We all labor under curses that are upon our lives due to our ancestors’ or our own disobedience to God’s laws. This is an avenue of deliverance which Satan tries hardest to keep Christians blinded to, because curses are the legal ground whereby the strongman does not have to budge. When the light of this glorious gospel shines in your life it enables you to believe that curses are real. The miracle of deliverance is one that appropriates the Blood of Jesus to a life, redeeming it from the curse of the law, and setting the individual free in that area to receive the promises of the Spirit. There is yet much to be revealed in the vein of curses and the effects which they have upon our lives today. It is an area where the Spirit of the Lord is moving in this day. Those who are hungering to be conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus embrace having their lives stripped of curses because that is the true fruit of this part of the provision of the Cross. Deliverance is not the final goal; however, it is a means to reach that mark! Ministry to break curses is included with this teaching.

Linda Sutter
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

God is positioning His people in a place of authority in His Name to take background. Various circumstances, which often are related to sin, have caused the land to be defiled. Such things as the Civil War, Indian occupation, witchcraft practices, abortion, and homosexuality are only a few examples of things that happened on the land which hinder the flow of the Spirit today. Just as the Word of Life is entering into the hearts and lives of the people of God to transform them the land must experience spiritual as well as physical redemption. Today the Blood of Jesus has been shed for total redemption. We have the privilege of breaking these strongholds and redeeming the land for the purposes of the kingdom of God.

Miscellaneous Speak

88LHCD7-20 – Jerry Garner – DON’T BE LUKEWARM
A journey through the Scriptures looking at lukewarmness from a variety of angles. The profile of a lukewarm Christian includes selfish motivations, forgetting past blessings, refusal to die to self, and being unstable as water. The only way to guard against lukewarmness is to go all the way with God. Following this teaching came a most glorious time at the altar that went on for hours. Lives were saved, rededicated, delivered, healed and restored. God truly rent the heavens, drenching us in his glory. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you with the anointing that rests upon this message.

Blanche Reynolds
Deliverance Ministry – Bible Living

88LHCD7-21 – Blanche Reynolds – THE ROD IN YOUR MOUTH
Moses had the rod in the natural; Aaron’s rod budded, a progressive work of the nature within. In every generation, the authority of the rod has been exposed. In this day, because we have the right as heirs of salvation to be in the image of Jesus, He gave us a birthright that gives us the authority of the “Rod.” The Rod is in His mouth and He is smiting the earth and the oppressor. The rod is in your mouth and in the name of Jesus we are delivered. He is moving us to the place where we have understanding of that authority. As we are obedient to pick up the rod and command our being to the attention of that Word, we see the authority of His power at work in us.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

Helpful admonitions to pave the way for walking in victory after you have been delivered. Always keep in mind that when you are doing spiritual warfare it is against the demonic spirits and not the individuals. A sure sign of deliverance in your life is that you want to be where Jesus is and you desire to obey Him. Position yourself to be holy. Whatever direction the Lord launches you into deliverance you can expect opposition from the enemy, but rest assured that when God calls you into a ministry He will equip you for that ministry.

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