2013 Labor Day Camp Meeting
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All these FREE audio messages on this site are in podcast format.
Our podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”
They are clear enough so we can conserve hosting space and add more audios.
There are MANY hundreds of free audio’s online.
We’re still recording the future eight camp meetings each year to post here too.
All of our retail CD’s are higher quality uncompressed WAV files.
We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker. For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time. Each full teaching is a track. Audio is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3
DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.
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The 2013 Labor Day Camp Meeting
Order Disk # – 13LHMP3CD9
All 11 messages in MP3 format on 1 disk – Donation – $10.00
This is the entire 2013 Labor Day Camp Meeting which will play on a Personal Computer or any CD/DVD player that says that it supports MP3 audio.
Below are our FREE but lower quality podcast audio messages
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13LHCD9-1 – Monty Mulkey – THE SPIRIT OF CRUELTY
“Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7 The opposite of mercy is cruelty. Cruelty is defined as a violence, a wrong, an injustice, damage, oppression, severity, to be harsh, to be difficult, ill treated, hard pressed, to have severe labor, to make difficult, to make burdensome, stiff, stubborn, and obstinate. Many of us carry the wounds of having been treated with cruelty. Thankfully, God is a merciful God. That is His nature and He expects us as Christians to be merciful…to become Christ-like. But we are often cruel with our unrestrained response toward the actions of someone who has done something against us. We may be very correct in thinking their actions were unjustified and harsh and we didn’t deserve it. Although we always want God’s favor, protection and blessings, our own cruel response to the offender breaks covenant with God. We have to let God be the judge. He will recompense. Then we are in position to re-establish covenant with Him. 1) Confess your wrong doing, 2) Ask God’s forgiveness, 3) Forgive other people’s cruelty to you, 4) Ask God to heal your wounds, 5) Forgive yourself. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
13LHCD9-2 – Sharon Mulkey – HYPNOSIS
God’s people must hear this dynamic teaching. The rulers of world government are using hypnotic suggestion to bring about a passivity of the human will. Hypnosis opens your mind to believe anything. Hypnotic induction techniques tell you to “visualize” whatever you want to have or become. Visualization is the primary gateway for demonic infiltration into human consciousness currently being worked on a grand scale. People tamper with forbidden practices because of curiosity and because they are desperate for help. Pastors are supposed to preach salvation, healing and deliverance, but instead many are being trained in neurolinguistic programming (NLP). You will be shocked to learn how casual conversation hypnosis is being used against all of us. Even facial expressions open us up to mind control. If you knowingly participate in hypnotism you are in this distinguished group: soothsayers, necromancers, charmers, enchanters, observers of times, shamans, witch doctors, sorcerers, wizards, consulters of familiar spirits. If you are serious about deliverance, the manual to get is “War on the Saints” by Jesse Penn Lewis. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here..
Let us always be mindful that out of the abundance of the heart a man speaks. On Judgment Day we will give an account for every idle word we speak and by the words of our mouth we will be justified or condemned. We all have spoken hurtful words that cannot be taken back. We are sorry, but the damage has been done. Demonic words are meant to hurt, steal joy and destroy relationships. We are given guidance in the book of Proverbs which contains many promises regarding good words. Scriptures admonish us to speak the truth in love according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, but unfortunately it appears that in this country today, plans are in place to restrict our freedom to speak about what we think and believe. Our freedoms are eroding away much as termites slowly eat at the foundation of a structure. The battle is in the heavenlies, not against flesh and blood. Kathy reminds us that as Christians, we are to love the Lord our God with our whole heart and our neighbors as ourselves, regardless of our many differences. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
13LHCD9-4 – Stan Joslin – WOUNDED PRIDE
There is a component of healing that goes hand in hand with the message of deliverance from the spirit of cruelty. Often the root of evil actions of cruel people is their wounded pride. Wounded pride can be explained in these basic points: 1) most pride is birthed by wounds and insecurity, 2) wounded pride is compensation, a self-affirming treatment that has gone terribly wrong, 3) pride masks and attempts to hide the insufficiency, the inadequacy, the inferiority that some people feel inside of them. Masking never really heals the wound, just overcompensates for it again and again. Compensation is a mechanism by which an individual attempts to make up for some real or imagined deficiency of personality or behavior. Stan gives many excellent examples of how pride enters because of unbearable wounds and how a sense of shame and failure is perpetuated. When the time comes to pray for a person with wounded pride, first minister to their wounds, build the person up, and self-worth comes forth. Then it is time to tear down strongholds and let the cleansing begin. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
13LHCD9-5 – Kathy Joslin – INTEGRITY
Merrill Miller, the President of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, shares his thoughts at the beginning of this message and can be viewed on the DVD of this teaching. Integrity means you do the right thing when called on, and if you do not intend to keep a vow, do not make it. Kathy further clarifies the definition of integrity and gives examples of people in the Bible who displayed it. Boaz had integrity when he recognized his brother’s right to Ruth’s hand before he took her for himself. Esther’s uncle, Mordecai, gives us an example of uncompromising fearlessness by exposing the plot against the life of King Ahasuerus. Extreme conditions or enormous pressures test integrity, the kind of testing Job went through. With all the testing, Job’s integrity stayed intact. Pray that when we are tested we have the integrity of Job. Joseph insisted that his personal integrity was based on his determination to not sin against God. And David, even with all his mistakes, had integrity of heart. People are watching us so our standards have to remain higher than those of the world around us. At the slightest slip-up they are right there to point the finger. Whenever the Lord reveals to us areas in our heart He wants to make ready for Himself, jot those things down. When the right time comes, submit to deliverance. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
“Who is going to be there for your children and grandchildren when you’re not there?” God will have to break into our business, our self-centeredness, our busy day, our schedule, our little errands. If we take our time to bless people in our everyday lives, that will create a legacy for our descendants. There will come a day when your children and grandchildren will need someone to help them in their time of need, heartache and sorrow. Who is going to show compassion and consideration when they need it? You can leave a legacy of spiritual inheritance that will affect the lives of others for all eternity. Your godly lifestyle can profoundly affect your children. 1) You will instill in them a desire to follow the Lord Jesus when they see that Jesus is the center of your life, 2) Let godly principles govern your life. Instill in them a reverence for God’s Word and a faith that conquers the trials of life. Show them how to have a forgiving heart and how to be kind, generous and compassionate. 3) Let the patterning of your own life-style be orderly and have the heart of a servant. God will pour out His Spirit upon your seed. What legacy do you want to leave your children and your children’s children? Prayers of deliverance and blessings follow this teaching.
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017
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13LHCD9-7A – Geri McGhee – PAIN – GOD’S ALARM SYSTEM 1-of-2
13LHCD9-7B – Geri McGhee – PAIN – GOD’S ALARM SYSTEM 2-of-2
The answer to every problem you have is in the Word of God. Go to spiritual roots and you will find that pain is tied in with soul ties. Geri says she sees many people healed by breaking soul ties and dealing with old wounds and unforgiveness. Through soul ties, you acquire the demons, mental problems, sexual problems, addictions and physical infirmities and pain of the person you are bound to, in the soul realm. Geri develops this lesson with diligence and great care helping us to understand how many ways vexation and sin will snare us and as a consequence we are continuously tormented in our bodies and souls. For example, if you watch pornography, through soul ties you will have a pedophile spirit, a homosexual spirit, adultery, fornication, and lust. It is possible that a soul tie can be established in you because of an event that happened to a forefather. Perhaps you have pain today because of physical abuse you received as a child. Learn how the Philistine spirit will bring great pain and destruction to you. If you have pain in your body, find out where the vexation is. Get it out of your heart and get pain out of your body. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching and soul ties are broken..
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
13LHCD9-8A – Sharon Mulkey – CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS 1-of-2
13LHCD9-8B – Sharon Mulkey – CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS 2-of-2
How is it possible that someone can just talk to me and I will be hypnotized? We must not be ignorant of the devil’s devices of beguiling and sorcery. Sorcery is supernatural power over people and their affairs and conversational hypnosis will give that power. Beguilers attract, delight, allure, captivate, enchant, fascinate, and charm…satan is a master at disarming your conscious mind. Unstable souls are beguiled with enticing words. Conversational hypnosis uses big words that are hard for you to understand and while you are trying to figure them out, someone who does not have your best interest at heart will bypass your prefrontal cortex and start implanting their ideas into your brain. Sadly, God’s people are allowing these abominations and worldly practices to be brought into our churches. Manipulators feed off our discontent and disillusionment. By demonic powers, they use therapeutic hypnosis to diminish our use of analytical thinking. To deny reality or attempt to alter reality with one’s positive words and or thoughts is witchcraft. Once these ideas are implanted they do not come out until they are cast out. Sharon implores us to be curious enough to search out the truth for ourselves on the subject of conversational, covert hypnosis. Deliverance prayers follow this teaching.
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
What God is after is simple and pure devotion to Christ. Do not let your mind be distracted and led astray. You have an influence and ambassadorship to the people in your life. Seek God for full repentance, deliverance and the work of sanctification. In the book of Revelation, Jesus speaks “to him who overcomes” We must not be distracted by whatever will keep us from the simplicity that is in Christ. Do not make this complicated. Christ wants us to surrender so He can have our heart. He wants to deliver us from the spirit of this world. “Buy Gold” from Jesus. His gold has been refined by fire. When there is a fire of testing, where do you turn to for comfort? He says, “Come to Me, you who are heavy ladened. Hear the voice of My Spirit coming through My Word.” He advises us to “purchase white garments” so the shame of our nakedness will not be revealed. If we are willing to pay the price, He will bring us through our trials and temptations and He will be our garment of righteousness. He chastens those whom He loves, so be zealous and repent…grieve over your sin. Pray for the spirit of repentance that leads to salvation and deliverance from evil.
Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015.
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13LHCD9-10A – Carla Butaud – HEALING 1-of-2
13LHCD9-10B – Carla Butaud – HEALING 2-of-2
Carla begins by sharing about the healing of an autistic child who could not talk, hear, learn or communicate. God wants His people healed. He carried our sorrows and bore our grief and became the curse for us. They tore Jesus up completely and He did that for us. With His stripes we are healed…made well, healthy, mended, cured, repaired thoroughly, made whole, free from defect or damage, intact, having all it’s parts. Carla sums it up with a little word to y’all from Him. “My Child, when I shed My blood on the cross of Calvary, I took upon Myself the payment for sin that otherwise would have been required of you. I suffered the shame, condemnation, damnation and punishment for your sin so you wouldn’t have to. You are forgiven. At the same time I took upon Myself the suffering of every sickness, disease and affliction known to mankind and destroyed its power over you. You are healed. I also suffered all forms of bondage and the torment that goes along with it so that you could enjoy complete rest and freedom. You are delivered. I did all this because of My great love for you. I pray you will receive it all with joy. Jesus Christ of Nazareth”. God wants to move us from where we stand asking for healing, over to the place where we simply receive it…
Click on their name to see their other free audio messages here.
Monty shares with us his personal belief and perspective on how women are to be treated in the church. He challenges the traditional teaching on the spirit of Jezebel. He declares that he will be a voice to be reckoned with wherever he sees women treated unfairly, looked down upon, or given an inferior role at church or at home. Monty believes that the teaching of the spirit of Jezebel is a false doctrine, a theology that is not needed in the deliverance ministry. It is divisive, oppressive, breaks unity, stifles women in their role, robs the men and blocks the flow of the Holy Spirit. Over the years and in his many travels, Monty has noticed that married couples who sit under this teaching do not have the intimacy they need. As ministers of deliverance we are to set people free and encourage them to follow and serve the Lord Jesus Christ with the gifts and talents they have received from Him. Women warriors are needed in the Lord’s work to teach, preach and cast out demons. Women are to be valiant, strong and full of faith, in partnership with their husbands. Jesus wants us to love and serve one another. We are laborers together, and we are one in Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord over all and the rest of us are His Body, His Church, and His Bride..
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How The Believer Can Take Control
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Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.
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Jesus is Your Deliverer!