2007 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting
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The 2007 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting
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The following is this camp meeting in podcast format.
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Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008
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Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s
07LHCD12-1 – Dr. William Null – UNFORGIVENESS
If you will not forgive, it stands as a wall between you and God. Unforgiveness is to seek revenge. Matt 6:12-14. In Rom 12, God says vengeance is mine. Release them to God. Matt 11:25-26 forgive that He might forgive you. Walking in righteousness, peace and joy is walking in the kingdom of God. Using the parable of the unjust steward, he explains that because of unforgiveness you will be turned over to the tormentors. God does not do these things to you; you do them to yourself by walking out from under God’s covering refusing to forgive. Start praying for God to bless the person who comes to your mind that has hurt you. If you want somebody to pay, you will pay. Matt 45:43, Jesus says love, pray for your enemies. God made every soul on this planet and wants you to pray mercy on them and He will be merciful to you – Luke 6:35-39. Dan 9:9 forgiveness is a gift of God. When your heart is right, God will give you this gift. Doc shares his personal testimony of a recent experience of not forgiving. This resulted in a near death experience and a 7 week hospital stay, much surgery, pain, etc. all resulting from unforgiveness. Forgive and if you have hurt someone, go and make it right. Doc closes this teaching with prayer. .
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07LHCD12-2A – Chris Simpson – THE BLINDNESS OF THE REALITY WE SEE 1-of-2
07LHCD12-2B – Chris Simpson – THE BLINDNESS OF THE REALITY WE SEE 2-of-2
To introduce this teaching, Chris tells of a vision about a candle that he was given a couple of years ago for their ministry. The interpretation told him their ministry was out of balance. They have been teaching deliverance for many years. LHBC has been a “mother-ship” for his ministry in deliverance. But there is another side and that is healing. God gave Chris a Word – “go back to your root”?. He says the key to supernatural healing is compassion, moved with love. We need the Holy Spirit and power, as Jesus, who went about doing good. The definition of doing “good” here is healing all who are oppressed by the devil. Chris always believes it is Jesus’ will that we be healed. The pastor’s job is like going to a gas station and filling up your vehicle. The pastor trains us (fill us up) but then we are to drive our car away, using the fuel to go and do other things. The fuel moves your vehicle. Chris shares some of the teachings of Jesus from Acts 17 and Mark 6; Discipleship 101 and 102. In Mark 8:1, the Lord did the same teaching again because they didn’t get it. He tells us when we allow influences of our culture to come into us we become hardened. One reality we see is that it is harder to heal a brain stem than a headache – but it isn’t. In Matt 15:36, Christ is teaching the disciples a reality. Jesus has called us to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils and cleanse the lepers. PERIOD! Chris closes this excellent teaching with Mark 8:17-21 – this rebuke is to you and me and is warranted today. We are blinded by the reality we see. The Word is given to reprove, correct and rebuke us. What is our calling? Wherever you go just say “I’m available” to Jesus. Chris invites us to go on a “healing safari”. He ends with prayer to open our eyes getting past the blindness of the reality we see.
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07LHCD12-3 – Glen Miller – CURSES
Glen starts with a testimony of being born in Pentecost in 1921 when it was taught that no Christian could have a demon or a curse. He later found, that, and many other things including the rapture, to be false teachings. The shedding of innocent blood (as in abortion) has to be accounted for according to God’s Word. Glen gave an example of demons in Erma that caused him to change his theology. Derek Prince prayed for Erma – the demon spoke out of her (not in her voice) and said, ”I’m not coming out. I won’t let her believe the Bible.” Well, that one and a whole lot more came out. He shares 5 scriptural aspects of the blood; 1. To apply 2. To appropriate 3. To cover 4. Sprinkle 5. Wash in the blood of the Lamb. Lev 3:13-17 – he shared that the Lord showed a diabetic that a curse was on her family from eating blood. She told Glen if he would pray for her and break the curse of eating blood, God would heal her. And God did. The curse Jesus carried for us, we have to apply it. All of us have some curses through family lines. Gen 19:34-38, Deut 23:1-3 – incest and illegitimacy are a curse for 10 generations or 400 years. God’s curse on Judah’s line had to run out before David could become King. Ex 20:5 shows us a third and fourth generation curse. Sexual sins are a 10 generation curse. We are dealing with more than just what we do. In Deut we find curses of 3rd, 4th, and 10th generations. Glen discusses other false teachings and traditions. He says we must trust in “It is written”. The Kingdom of God has to be in us before it can be in the earth. We are a Kingdom of Priests unto our Lord Jesus. He closes with Rev 22:18-20, and prayers to break curses over the congregation.
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017
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07LHCD12-4 – Geri McGhee – DO YOU HAVE EARS TO HEAR?
Your protection in these last days is to hear and obey God. Geri gives testimony of being born again to be a disciple. We are to be changed from glory to glory. We can do self-deliverance, John 12:24. When we are not listening to God we may be going back to an issue with our father or mother. This can also be the cause of later hearing loss. Repentance will be the first choice to try. We need to ask God to straighten out our thinking and He will. See Job 34:3, Hos 4:2 and Isaiah 6:9. The ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Neh 9:16-37. Stubbornness leads to a stiff neck; a cold shoulder to God’s Word. II Kings 17:13-20 may be the cause of shoulder pain or problems. Pro 1:24-33 – promises for listening to God. Isaiah 42:20 – seeing not hearing. Mal 2:2 – God curses not listening to and obeying Him. II Tim 4:3 – have ears for false teachers. Stay on the potter’s wheel because the potter is really smart. Watch what is coming up in your spiritual garden. Plant good seeds. Isaiah 5:3-listen that you may live. I Kings 3:9 – a hearing heart was Solomon’s prayer. Examine your heart. Do you have ears to hear? In closing Geri speaks deliverance prayers.
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We live in a fog, a realm of darkness in this world but God has called us to live in the heavenlies. I John 3:22 gives us 2 conditions – 1. Keep His Commandments – love your neighbor as yourself 2. Do things pleasing in His sight – (a) one way is works you think are pleasing to Him (b). Heb. 11:6 is the second way to please Him – by faith which is the key. And the key to faith is persistency. Get out of the box and do faith exploits. Chris shares personal experiences of faith throughout this teaching. Chris gives more illustrations of being radical for God with radical faith. He explains the story of Jonathan’s faith and also another example is David and Goliath. God likes it when you are a “radical fanatical”. You’ll hear what “popcorn prophecy” is. Guess what? The world is your oyster. Jesus wants us out of our comfort level to be available to Him. God has called us to be radical. He gives more scriptures on this as Matt 9:1-2, Mark 2:4, Matt 9:20, 11:11. Acts 10:38 is our call. God is waiting for you. Matt 11:12 – bottom line is true faith is anything but wimpy. Chris prays for God to show us something radically fanatical to do. Concluding with last scriptures, II Sam 7:1-13 which is really where the temple was originated; in David’s mind. He was thinking outside of the box. The key is resistance. If it takes effort, the better it is for you. Faithful ones will get the rewards in heaven. The point he wants to make is do whatever is in your heart. What are you willing to do?.
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07LHCD12-6 – Tom Stone – CONFUSION
Tom begins this teaching with Lev 18:1. He shares a word of knowledge for a closet where the door has never been opened. The Holy Spirit does things to draw you. As soon as you come under Jesus blood there the battle begins. The battleground is the mind. If you have had blood transfusions you need to break all soul ties. Tom read God’s rules for sexual conduct as told by God to Moses for us. God is concerned for His children. We can repent of our ancestors’ sins. We can be forgiven for our sins because of Jesus blood. God can set us free and restore things. Using a personal illustration, Tom spoke of being delivered from anger, saying it took more than once and it will with you too. A vagabond spirit – not feeling welcome any place; you may be spewed out of the land. God condemns sin but loves you and does not want you cast out. Jesus wants people who believe in Him and love Him. He brought us out of Egypt and now He is getting Egypt out of us. Relying on the Holy Spirit helps us live in an abundant life and helps a lot of people get free. Tom closes with prayer for breaking generational sins, binding religious spirits and many more.
Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015
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07LHCD12-7 – Carla Butaud – LIVING BY FAITH
Jer. 1:10 – Carla starts with personal examples of the results of speaking negative things (Joel 2:28, Eph. 3) and also speaking positive words and results. God is beginning to put His mind-set into His people for His purposes. Pro 23:7, We need to change our thinking. James 3:1-6, Anything not spoken in love or exhortation is a curse. Gen 1:26, God said it was so. Ex 14:13, Moses as an example of this type of prophesying. God has given us authority in the name of Jesus to be used in times of impossible situations. Ezek. 37:3-6, God told Ezekiel to tell the dry bones to live. Carla shares more personal examples of speaking positive thoughts in times of crisis and how God is glorified. Rom 4:16, We all have storms in our life and as Christians we should respond differently than the world. We are asking God to do things He has given us authority to do. Heb: 1:1, Your circumstances will not change God’s Word but God’s Word will change your circumstances. All we can see is what we see but God sees the big picture. Live as though the answer has come and leave the mess to God. Peace in the midst of the storm. Rom 4:17-20, Abraham considered not the circumstances..
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07LHCD12-8 – Clement Humbard – WHAT IS MAN?
Clement begins by reading I Cor the 12th chapter and 13:1&2. This teaching goes through these scriptures. Heb 2:9 quotes the Ps 8:5. He exalts Jesus and starts out with an exercise of putting sin, fear, poverty, the old man, sickness, disease and the devil under foot. Clement explains when the time will be that Jesus will come back. The most real person on earth is the Lord Jesus Christ. Most of I Cor chapter 2 tells us we know absolutely nothing except what the Holy Spirit in you reveals to you. In the text in I Cor, Clement calls attention to 3 things; vs. 4 – Gifts of the Holy Spirit, vs. 5 – Administrations of the Lord – 5 fold and vs. 6 – Operations of miracles of God. God can work through any of these or none of these. God is never doing just one thing. What you may think you do something for may not be His purpose for having you do it. We must remain a servant. It takes the Spirit of God to perform miracles as Isaiah 11 tells us. These signs shall, shall, shall follow…… The 7 Spirits mentioned in I Cor 12 are wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, faith and love. They are mentioned in Rev 1:4-7, 3:1, 4:5 and 5:6. These 7 fold spirits bestow the 9 gifts of the Spirit. In conclusion, Clement gives us many confirmations in Acts showing that the Holy Spirit is not limited to speaking in tongues only. We need to get so much of God our sickness and unbelief are crowded out. Waiting upon the Lord or “praying through” as the old timers called is something we should all do. Clement closed with prayer for a continual filling in the Holy Spirit on this day.
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017
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07LHCD12-9 – Geri McGhee – SHAME AND GUILT
Shame means to distort, etc. and leads to guilt. If we deal with it God’s way, He removes the shame. Anywhere you get your button pushed you have a wound and it is an idol. She references Deut 32:15. It is ok to make your needs known to the Lord but if you are angry, it is an idol. Rev 9:20, Producing from the flesh leads to eye cataracts. Gal 5:19, If you practice anger you will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Matt 13, anger and jealousy are fruits of idolatry. God uses the turkeys in your life to change you. Deut 32:23-39, if we put our trust in God, we will never be ashamed. Geri shared some of the causes of shame – when a child is not covered by love, grows up with criticism, poverty, alcohol in the family, what we think we ought to be, sexual sins, living a sinful lifestyle, a past life, children not having a dad, etc. II Sam 13:10-19, sexual sins open you up to shame which opens you up to a spirit of death. II Kings 19:26, pride-trusting in your own abilities – vs. 28, 22 shame because of wickedness. A root of torment is unforgiveness. Psalms 44:7, root of shame-hating God’s children. Ps 53:5, rejection, Isaiah 45:16, 42:17, trusting in idols, Isaiah 45:24, angry at the Lord, basically anger from an unresolved childhood issue with a parent. The need is to forgive. Repent, praise God and go free. Isaiah 54:4, Geri closes with prayers of repentance and forgiveness for all.
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07LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – THE AGE OF THE ANTI-CHRIST
Howard begins this teaching by using a scientific example to prove the Bible. This is followed by his testimony of death and what transpired at that time. He begins with receiving knowledge of the spiritual realm and spiritual warfare. In Rev 13:7-9 John wrote of this. The age of the anti-Christ who is to come to rule the world. Howard says the authority to cast out demons was not given to the church but to the believers. Rev 6:2, the church will be deceived and give their authority to the anti-Christ. He plants his ministers in the church. There are signs everywhere in the scripture. Three things are to happen. II Thess 2:7 – 1, The mystery of iniquity will increase 2. The falling away which is already present. 3. He who must be removed. Matt 24:13 – a remnant will be faithful. Isaiah 49:13, Moral standards are dropped. I Thess 5:2-9, when he who holds back (the man of sin) is taken out of the way, then the day of the Lord can come. I Thess 5:4, the man of sin appears as a man of peace. A hero ushered in by the people. He will get in power by bringing peace and prosperity. The enemy’s job is to make you as ineffective as possible; try to drown you in problems. Phil 2:15, if you live the life you will be a bright light and a real menace to the demons of darkness. Walk your talk. Howard refers to Matt 13 and 24. He says one in four stay with the truth. We need hope for the days ahead. Repent and turn back to Jesus.
Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015
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07LHCD12-11 – Carla Butaud – ALL THINGS NEW
Carla opens with prayer for the Lord to speak to us. God hears our words and whether you know it or not He is taking you at your word. Are you ready for God to do something new in your life? It will require you to change your life. She gives a definition of insanity – it means doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. She would like for it to be your desire for God to do something new in your life. Rev.21:5, God says I make all things new. It is an adventure to live with God. Another thing she would like to see you do is keep things simple. God speaks when He has an ear. The 3rd thing she would like for you to do this next year is try to forget everything you know because there is knowledge that can get in the way of what God wants to do and wants to say. She gives an example in the scripture John 20:11 and in her personal experience. She tells us 3 scriptures she is going to particularly turn her attention to in this coming year – Pro 3:5-6, Matt 6:25-33, Phil 4:4-8 and gives illustrations on each. Eph. 5:23, pray over your wives and children. I Cor. 7:1-5, the relationship between husband and wife. The word power in this verse means to exercise authority upon. Carla tells a personal experience with this scripture. We must practice all these things so you’ll get more “gumption to your unction so you can function”. II Chron. 16:9, the word perfect here means ready to cooperate. She closes talking a little bit about faith starting with James 2:17 – the works that He is talking about here is if you don’t work your faith to get you through a circumstance then your faith is dead, you don’t have faith. We need to be able to activate our faith or it is dead. God needs people of faith. Carla says this is just kind of a little pep talk to go into the New Year with. Some of the things we are going to have to put down are our own desires, wanting to be our own god, set down our own idolatries, our own agendas and allow Him to live through us and guide us and direct us, acknowledge Him in all of our ways and He will direct our paths. John 21:18 tells us when you mature you let Him have your hand and He guides you where you might not want to go but if He is with you it will be ok. She closes with prayer.
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07LHCD12-12A – Cheryl Batts – Spirit of Arrested Development – 1-of-2 07LHCD12-12B – Cheryl Batts – Spirit of Arrested Development – 2-of-2
As we are living longer some of the people behind us do not know the miracle working power of God. This spirit of arrested development keeps you from growing past the age of 13, works in the mind and starts in a child. Isaiah 5:13, captivity because of no knowledge. Fill children with Jesus at an early age. Pro 3:1, God is telling us to instruct our children. This spirit will not allow a normal conversation on any issue. Small children are selfish. Mine! John 10:10, being childlike and even in looks, in some instances, are the result of this spirit. It can return the victim anywhere from 13 years to younger. Many more symptoms are shared by Cheryl. This demon may cause people to drink or have temper tantrums. They never seem to learn from their experiences – I Cor. 13:11 and cannot balance having more than a few friends at a time. Cheryl follows with much good instruction for parents concerning their children. Arrested development is a strong demon operating with a cluster of more demons. In praying, start at age 2 under the leading of the Holy Spirit, go up the ages, bind and cast out and release maturity in each prayer. When you are being prayed for you should be praying on the inside also. It’s where 2 or 3 are agreed that the answers come. You have a responsibility; fight or not, putting all you can into your deliverance. You will not get all the deliverance God is making available for you if you don’t take that responsibility. When you hear this CD you can take it to others so they can be set free. Have mercy on the ones with this spirit because there is a lot of fear associated with it. Cheryl closes by acknowledging God’s greatness and deliverance prayers from the spirit of arrested development. This is a powerfully anointed deliverance service and many people were delivered...
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07LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – THE WILDERNESS LAND
Howard begins by asking us, “If we had a gold mine what would we do?” Yes, we’d dig out the nuggets. This is what the Bible is a gold mine and we must dig to get the nuggets out of it. Then, by way of introduction he gives us interesting biblical history on who the Jews and Hebrews are and how we fit into the picture. He says he will get to his teaching on hope but needs the background to get into what we are going to study about; the wilderness land. God made preparation for everything that was coming down the pipe over 6000 years ago. God is protecting us to reach the end of that path if we will follow Him. This wilderness land he was preparing is for an event that is going to take place 6000 years from the Garden of Eden. I Chron. 17: 9 and in Isaiah 55:5 – the prophet Nathan and the prophet Isaiah both let David know Israel was the most powerful nation on earth at that time. Nathan said God’s going to move you and put you in a new promise land where you won’t ever have to move again. He was talking about the pleural seed; it was going to be moved to another land in another time far away. II Sam 7:10, talking about this wilderness land and another verse in the NT directed to these same people. The Bible tells us in Revelation 12:1-4 – He knew that Jesus was coming and He was making preparation to take care of Him but God had made preparation long before to preserve that seed, that single seed that He promised to Abraham. In this chapter 12 the woman is Israel, His people. This wilderness land is prepared for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see who can recognize where they stand on the roadmap of time. They will be able to discern the voice of God that speaks to your Spirit for He will do nothing without first warning His prophets. Daniel 8:21, the government is already in place it doesn’t have to be formed. The book of Daniel tells us who the major builders behind the last civil government of time will be and Howard explains about each one. You’ll find the wilderness land in the 18th chapter of Isaiah. We do have hope; our hope is in Jesus Christ. Micah 4:1, the top of the mountain means the strongest place on earth. Howard tells of some of his life journeys in Africa and other places and how God always has taken care of everything. He threw this in as lagniappe, which he said is something for nothing. In closing, he calls the elders of the church down to lay hands and anoint with oil and he offers prayer for healing.
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017
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07LHCD12-14 – Geri McGhee – BUTTON PUSHERS
Button pushers are rooted in an area of your heart where, when you were hurt as a child or some other time, you did not go to God, you were provoked to anger, you receive a lie and your heart goes after something else. And that something else is idolatry. Here in America we have false gods and do not even realize it. Every thing that makes you mad, afraid and depresses you is linked to a false god. Wounded spirits can come down generationally and you can be born with a wounded spirit. Babies can hear in the womb. Geri encourages all to find what purpose we have in life. We are all sowing good or evil by the things we do. She says when you get your button pushed you need to start looking for the idol. Personal experiences are shared by Geri. Gal 5:19, things not acceptable to God. Every place you get your button pushed you may stuff it or you may explode because you have a wounded spirit. Rev 3:10, deal with your stuff and overcome. The button pushers are things that God is letting manifest in His timing because he says I am ready to heal it. You are always healed when you go to God in your pain. When you say I am a wounded person you are saying I’ve got lots of false gods. I’m just an idol worshipper. Col 3:2, do not provoke your children to anger because it sets in motion the law of sowing and reaping. Geri shares many personal experiences in this teaching. Do not speak negative words over your children. Wherever you have an idol you have an issue of sadness in your heart. Get in the mirror of God’s Word and seek out repentance whether you think you are guilty or not. The Word is what heals you the world cannot. What you say is directing the course of your life. Geri then prays Lord what pushes my buttons and asks all to repent of what the Lord shows them. Then she closes with deliverance recitations from a wounded spirit, button pushers, etc.
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07LHCD12-15 – Tom Stone – SOUL TIES
Tom begins by saying it is not who we are but who God is. He said a prophet flew over this area and said it would be a safe place and to remember that. He recaps some of the week’s teachings and includes personal testimony, which leads to the subject of soul ties. Soul ties in the Bible are like Jonathan and David, they knitted their souls together and they loved one another. We need somebody to war for our souls. There are 2 or 3 ways we can make soul ties as we walk down through our lives. One way is just to look into someone’s eyes. But if you get in a confrontation with them, that is an evil soul tie. Gal 6:2 – bear one another’s burdens to fulfill the law of Christ. Soul ties represent a bonding of persons together, agape love. Eph 5:31 – this is a soul tie that is honored by God. There are 2 kinds here; one is come together in love, in one accord, a good soul tie. The other is an unhealthy one no unity, anger and wrath with your spouse. By breaking evil soul ties and submitting to the word of God you can restore families. The act of submission is emptying yourself out. You can’t break a good soul tie but you can break an evil soul tie. Tom shares examples from personal experiences. In a divorce there is great trauma and there are soul ties that need to be broken. I Sam 18:1- a good soul tie. Gen 44:20, a good soul tie is formed with a child and parent. Eph 4:16 – the church forms a good soul tie so that we can watch for one another’s soul. Good soul ties between parents provide security throughout the child’s life. Soul ties formed in the body of Christ are not only desirable but necessary. For they enable the body of Christ to mature and to fulfill it’s calling. We need to be able to come together and pray for one another and form these proper soul ties. But if we jump the fence we are making evil soul ties. Sometimes ministers need to break soul ties with people they pray for because their garbage can get on them. It’s a bad soul tie during deliverance but a good one right afterward. Good soul ties are founded upon love. Demonic soul ties are founded upon lust or anger or bitterness. Tom concluded with prayer and proclamation and deliverance to break soul ties.
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07LHCD12-16A – Glen Miller – SO YOU WANT TO BE A MANIFESTED SON? 1-of-2
07LHCD12-16B – Glen Miller – SO YOU WANT TO BE A MANIFESTED SON? 2-of-2
Romans 8:19 – the manifested sons of God are to be the authority under Jesus for the future. They are not self-called but servants of God. Glen shares some of the requirements to of being a son of God. 1. The Bible – truth Lev 18:1 2. Keep the commandments, judgments, ordinances and statues of the Lord. These are still to be kept but when Jesus said “it is finished”, the animal sacrifices were done – Jesus is our sacrifice. Lev 26:1, Deut 4:1-2 –hear the keys and do them. I John 5:3 this is the love of God-keeping God’s commandments. Deut 12:32, 7:9God keeps covenant with them that love Him to 1000 generations. Rev 22:13-20 – we need to study to learn God’s commandments and to obey them so He can bless us. Another subject Glen shared is the history of the scattered Hebrew tribes, how Jeremiah took his great-granddaughter to Ireland. They are in the history books-from Adam to David, to Queen Elizabeth of England. Joseph of Airametha took 13 people to England, including the mother of Jesus (his sister) and built a colony, approximately four years after the crucifixion of Jesus, which is now being excavated. Glen shared many more interesting facts of history in this teaching. Several heresies are also shared in this teaching. We need to rightly divide God’s Word. In Peter’s vision, the animals represented the standards of the heathen nations. They have a right to the Gospel too. In Rev 2 and 3 the seven churches are heathen nations. In Isaiah 18:1-7 a prophecy concerning the USA is given. Deut 15:5-6. Deut 27 lists the curses and the blessings are listed in Deut 28. So by the Word, who are God’s chosen people? Glen opened a question and answer session for this teaching, at this time to close it out.
Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015
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07LHCD12-17 – Carla Butaud – KEYS TO THE KINGDOM
Carla begins by a welcoming prayer for the angelic host and Holy Spirit to be present in this meeting. She then gives us scriptures for her text regarding keys to the kingdom. To mention a few; Matt 6:14-15, 7:12, 5:7, 6:12, II Cor 9:6, Gal 6:7, Luke 6:38, etc. Carla gives many interesting personal illustrations of how these principles work in her life. Matt 16:19 is seen by Carla as a personal scripture to her and she explains how. Spiritual principles work just as real and strong as principles in the world and are very important in our Christian walk. She illustrates mercy and judgment in her life. Everything she has judged she is living. When you judge someone you will get a chance to be tested because when we judge others we tend to do it in our self-righteousness. Correct in a loving manner so you can be corrected in a loving manner. In your Christian walk how generous are you? Remember there is a sowing and a reaping. In the Kingdom of heaven money will not buy you anything. II Cor 1:4 – judge not but have mercy. The principle here is give and it shall be given to you. We are so selfish; it’s all about us. Get “WHY?” out of your vocabulary and you will be all right. Some things are so simple we miss it. Carla uses many of her personal experiences to further explain how these scriptures work in our lives. She concludes the teaching with deliverance and opportunity for repenting.
Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008
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Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s
Jesus called demons mostly unclean spirits. Eph 6:11-12 tells us who they are. In II Cor 12:1 Paul talks of the third heaven. Jesus told the thief on the cross He would see him in Sheol this day; the place of the righteous dead and after the resurrection on to Paradise. In Gen 1:1 we see the heavens being spoken into being. A description of the Hindu religion follows. The Buddhist religion came out of the Hindu. Doc says Eph 6:12 shows an evil angel who sits in the second heaven and plans for earth bound unclean spirits. There are ranks of different evil angels of great beauty. In II Pet 2:10 and also in Jude it says do not speak evil of dignitaries, call them what God does in his Word. The devil got authority from Adam and gave it to the evil angels but we have authority Jesus gives. Eccl 10:20 – talking first about thoughts and about your voice. The blood of Jesus cleanses from dead works we have repented of. What causes unclean spirits to come in? SIN – yours or your fathers. The devil will have people in your life to tempt you, offend you, etc. Acts 14:22 – through much tribulation you will enter the Kingdom of God. I Tim 3:12 – all who live a godly life will suffer persecution. Keep binding these things that are tempting you and you will find the peace of God. Study the Word of God and repeat It to the devil. Rom 13:10 – respond in love; bless don’t curse. Talk to God, ask for His help. When you feel pride or fear welling up, ask for God’s grace. Rom 5:3-5 – God gives hope, faith and love. Jesus was perfected through the things he suffered. Pro 6:5 deliver yourself. Remember II Chron 7:14 and much more!
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017
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07LHCD12-1L – Geri McGhee – CRY OUT
There are things in our life that are never going to change until we cry out. Geri shares scripture passages that are examples of crying out; Ps 17:1, I Kings 8:28, II Chron 6:19 and many others from the book of Psalms. How long and when do we cry out? Ps 55:7, Ps 86:3, Pro 2:3-5 and Eccl 10:10 give us the answer. She shares scriptures from Psalms that are commands to cry out. When you cried out as a child what happened? How were you responded to? You will feel the same way about the response you received when you cry out to God. There are 5 factors essential to crying out 1. Recognize helplessness 2. Recognize hopelessness 3. Realize no one can solve my problem but Him 4. Surrender unconditionally 5. Expect results. Geri gives us 8 reasons God might not hear our crying out. Honor your Father and your Mother means you forgive them of their poor stewardship of you, by sundown. Closing with prayer to forgive parents in order to remove blocks between us and God, Geri emphasizes we need to learn to cry out to God. This teaching concludes with deliverance and an invitation to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit..
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2017
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Geri first tells us the core of the message is “don’t let the sun go down on our anger”. This opens your life up to demon spirits. Bible tells us in Matt 13:25 that the enemy sows tares while men are sleeping. This means we become a captive of the enemy in whatever area we are angry in. She believes that in whatever area we are sick there is unforgiveness somewhere. God wants us to live a lifestyle of repentance; it is not a one time thing. Every day we can find something to repent of. It means I am going to get it right before the devil gets his teeth in me. Everything we go through has a lesson in it. She gives an example about her father. Repentance does a healing work in your life. There is a spiritual root to why you get sick. Deut 28 tells us sickness is a curse. Pro 26:2 says that a curse cannot light without a cause. There may be things from your childhood that you have forgotten. One of the major roots to eye problems is pride. God said he sent His Word to heal you. Look up in the Bible all that you can find on whatever part of you is sick or hurt. Sometimes when we have a physical problem, God is trying to get our attention about something. If you find out the cause of the curse, healing can come unless God is ready to take you to heaven. Pain is rooted in vexation of heart. Honor, which means forgive here, your father and your mother, so that life is going well for you. Geri goes through some scriptures for people with back problems and trusts God will heal you today. If somebody puts burdens on your back you cannot see them but can feel them. If you had eyes to see like an angel or demon you could see the burdens on somebody’s back. If you had a wounded spirit, crushed to the bone as a child, it throws your back off and it causes back problems. You have to deal with it or you will continue getting crushed. You’ll either get bitter or better from the things you go through. Choose better because bitter will kill you. Another root to a back problem is the spirit of leviathan, which is the spirit of pride. Another root is having a Pharisee spirit, like growing up around people who were perfectionist or legalistic. They tied excessive burdens on your back and weren’t even willing to lift a finger to help you. Geri tells many other roots to back problems in this teaching with explanations of each and scriptures pertaining to them. She closes with prayers of repentance and forgiveness recitation with all present and thanks that LHBC is a river in the desert.
Carla Butaud 1-of-4 – 2004 – 2008
Carla Butaud 2-of-4 – 2009 – 2012
Carla Butaud 3-of-4 – 2013 – 2014
Carla Butaud 4-of-4 – 2015 – 2017
Carla Butaud – Kingdom of God Series – 2006 – 2015
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07LHCD12-3LA – Carla Butaud – EXPOSING SATAN’S DEVICES 1of2
07LHCD12-3LB – Carla Butaud – EXPOSING SATAN’S DEVICES 2of2
Carla starts by saying we all have torments – II Cor. 2:11. Unfortunately we are ignorant of his devices. We need not be. Eph. 6:10-11 – We need to know what to look for. No matter how strong you get, you still have the enemy coming against you. Marriages are really in need of some teaching on warfare. If your house has termites, they can destroy it before you become aware of them. She shares many personal examples of a witch’s curse against her and her family. You don’t play around with the devil. People are intrigued by all this witchcraft coming out in public. She shares how the weather and water are being cursed from satanic forces and we must annul these curses and take dominion over the elements. She gives an example of Jesus rebuking the storm. Satan uses these attacks to distract people away from the purposes of God. Many distractions of demons are shared. satan wants to keep you in constant fear. When you say one thing and the other person hears something else, there is a lying spirit standing between you and it’s laughing. Sometimes they are in your house trying to destroy you and your family and home. The armor of God is not a little outfit we put on, it is a way of life. Isaiah 2:12, God is our rear guard. Bind and break all witchcraft working against you and your family and all God’s people every day. Dispatch angels for protection. Bind the spirit of witches and wizards. If we know about these things ahead of time we can foil the plans of the enemy. If you and your husband are having a problem just know the enemy is having a party. Other examples and prayer follows closing the teaching.
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