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The 1986 Summer Camp Meeting

Below is this camp meeting in podcast format.

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Tommy Cook
Gospel of the Kingdom
click above to see other audio messages

86LHCD7-1 – Tommy Cook – THE FEAR OF THE LORD
“We need a new revelation of God’s fear in our hearts!” Those who fear God, He’ll call “Mine” at the Day of the Lord. The promise is that they will discern the righteous from the wicked and this is certainly the day when we need discernment! Over thirty Scriptures bring new dimensions of understanding by the Spirit concerning the relationship of discernment and the fear of God.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
click above to see other audio messages

God is looking for and preparing a people He can trust with ruling His kingdom. If you can’t be trusted today with the Word of the Lord and that which He has given you, how will you be able to rule over more? We must understand the requirements of the kingdom and learn to obey. Firmness and stability that cannot be shaken must be worked in us. He has given us his Word to learn by; it’s up to us what we do with this responsibility.

Miscellaneous Speakers
click above to see their other audio messages

Many people want the baptism of the Holy Ghost but have a problem with the stigma of speaking in tongues. Tongues are evidence that you have the baptism. It takes a measure of faith to move out of the natural into the supernatural. Extensive praying in tongues will break bondages in your life. Special miracles according to Acts 19:11 were wrought during this service.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of the Kingdom
click above to see his other audio messages

God is after fruit in your life. The branch of the Lord (us) is beautiful and glorious; the fruit of the earth (us) shall be excellent and comely to those who escape the harlot system. The process of becoming an overcomer is likened to Aaron’s rod which budded, blossomed, and brought forth fruit, with the climax of bringing forth fruit in our lives to be that of ruling the nations with a rod of iron – establishing God’s government on this earth, by the Holy Spirit.

James Golden
Missionary the campground supported before he passed
click above to see his other audio messages

Weep with joy and thanksgiving as you listen to the recounting of many glorious incidents which happened to this family on the mission field in Belize, Central America, during the past eighteen years. In Isa. 45:2-3, God promises to take us THROUGH tribulation joyfully, victoriously, peacefully and with overcoming power. He promises to keep, preserve, prosper and bless his people right in the midst of it all. We can look beyond our troubles, situations of hardships and trials by faith to our God who calls us to go forth and conquer in His name.

There was not a #6 cassette listed in our hard copy cassette catalog.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom
click above to see his other audio messages

86LHCD7-7 – Jack Harris – MAN IN JERUSALEM
God always has a man in the transition – a man like Simeon, a type of the overcomer for our example. He was a man who walked with God and his life and purpose is likened unto what God is doing this day. We are admonished to seek to know Him as no generation has known Him before! Jesus was born before Joseph and Mary consummated their marriage. Likewise, before the marriage is consummated between Jesus and His Bride, the manchild will be born! The Spirit of God moves through Bro. Jack in many unique ways – one of those being in the realm of projecting. He shares a testimony of what God revealed through him concerning a terrible catastrophe that will hit the earth in the near future, in which the casualties will not be recorded by number, but by a percentage of the world population! God said, “When this comes to pass, get in your prayer closet and wait before the throne.”

There was not a #8 cassette listed in our hard copy cassette catalog.

Gene & Earline Moody
Deliverance Ministry
click above to see their other audio messages

The Curse of the Bastard (Booklet) – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter. 

86LHCD7-9 – Earline Moody – CURSE OF THE BASTARD
Most likely not a single person within the sound of this tape is not affected by the curse of the bastard (Deut. 23:2). It is a curse involving 10 generations and continues to perpetuate itself. The conception of a bastard brings a child of lust and not love. A child conceived this way is very often a sensual child, with problems of masturbation and later, severe sexual abnormalities. Earline was the third generation in the line of a bastard. She never knew why or what she was ashamed of, but was never comfortable with, people looking at her until after her deliverance. Ministry for deliverance from the curse and spirit of the bastard, and many other unclean sexual spirits, are cast out in this service. The deliverance is included in this message for you to get free also.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom
click above to see his other audio messages

For those who have never heard of this message, Bro. Harris shares some brief Kingdom definitions. An overcomer is defined as someone that is coming up over all those things that used to come up over them, and a dispensation is a period of time that God has allotted Himself in which He will dispense a portion of his life into humanity. We are coming to an end of a dispensation when God wants to open us up to the 7th and final dispensation that will bring us to the fullness of God (Eph. 1:10). We are in the processing stage – a time of preparation, to one day administer the laws of the Kingdom of God on this earth. The life and characteristics of Moses parallel that of the first-fruit company – the overcomers. These messages will bring an enlargement to your spirit by the Spirit of God.

James Golden
Missionary LHBC supported before he passed
click above to see his other audio messages

86LHCD7-11 – James Golden – GOD’S NATURE
God’s will is being done in Heaven, decently and in order, with lots of shouting and loud thunderings of praise and worship to His Name. He wants to lift the inhibitions and hang-ups off us that we have received through brainwashing. Such cunning craftiness constitutes mind-control and witchcraft and causes us to try to maintain our starchy dignity. We disturb the devil the most when we lift our hands and are not afraid to be free in the spirit and really worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
click above to see their other audio messages

Learn from this informative expose of occult contamination in the lives of today’s Christians. Curiosity lures us to experiment with various occult and psychic practices. Immediately upon doing so, we and our descendants are brought into terrible bondage to Satan. Erma shared how to use the space scientists and engineers’ trouble-shooting formula chart (symptom, probable cause, and cure) to help discern the operation of occult powers in a person’s life. She names about thirty examples of self-destructive behavior, which indicate occult involvement somewhere in the family. If you are serious about being cleansed of all iniquity, cooperate with the deliverance prayers on this message.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of the Kingdom
click above to see his other audio messages

To some, this is not a popular message and is contrary to traditions, make the Word of God of none effect? Perilous times are coming, but our God is able to bring us through! We must through much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God. Through the waters and the fire, He will be with us. God has a hand ministry of hail coming forth to tear down every tradition, doctrine of man, and a wall that separates man from God. Who shall be able to stand? God shall gather together His elect immediately after the tribulation. You won’t be able to hang on to your “rapture” if you listen to this message.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom
click above to see his other audio messages

86LHCD7-14 – Jack Harris – NO LIMITATIONS
The first two-thirds of this tape brings the glorious witness of a tremendous visitation of the Angel of the Lord within the midst of the congregation, producing life-changing utterances to the Body and specific individuals. It was truly the grace of God that allowed us to bask in His blessed presence. It was a profound realm of the Shekinah Glory of God that enshrouded the tabernacle with much life. Many had never experienced this intensity of God’s Spirit and presence. The young people especially were touched dramatically. Have faith – break out of your limitations – come to Zion – the trumpet is sounding!

Gene & Earline Moody 
Deliverance Ministry
click above to see their other audio messages

The Neurotic Personalities (Psychoneurosis) A
This above is listed in the Deliverance Manual
By Gene & Earline Moody

86LHCD7-15 – Gene & Earline Moody – Neurotic Personalities
The true source of most people problems goes back to trying to find ways to adjust to a horrible trauma that has happened in their mind or emotions. This message clarifies the definitions of the soul, mind, will, emotions, trauma, rejection, mistrust, neurosis, psychosis, psychopathic behavior, phobias, obsession, compulsion, anxiety, and disassociated personality, to name just a few. Prayer and deliverance follows and is custom-designed for the neurotic personality.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom
click above to see his other audio messages

86LHCD7-16 – Jack Harris – ON TO SONSHIP
When you come to Zion it will have been through divine order, divine placement, divine government, etc. Nothing accidentally happened to get you to Zion – God ordained it all and you will have gone through it all! Some have no concept of what our mission is in relation to the Kingdom of God. It is going to be an age of correction when we will eradicate from the earth the influence of the devil. If you don’t like restrictions, you won’t be a disciple of the Lord.

Miscellaneous Speakers
click above to see their other speakers audio

We are coming into times of tribulation, and trouble and we are going to need supernatural protection. Divine protection does not come as an automatic thing, just because we are born again. Psalm 91 is full of great and divine promises from God, that we might be delivered and be partakers of His divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world. The secret place of the Holy of Holies, made accessible to us through the Blood of Jesus. When you get to know what God is saying to you then you’re starting to come into the abiding place. It is not just one leap and all of a sudden you are walking in the secret place. There is a price to pay – it takes time. Start putting God first and everything else second. God is no respecter of persons, but you have to start exercising your throne rights.

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2 The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
click above to see other audio messages

We all labor under curses that are upon our lives due to our ancestors’ or our own disobedience to God’s laws. This is an avenue of deliverance that satan tries hardest to keep Christians blinded because curses are the legal ground whereby the strongman does not have to budge. When the light of this glorious gospel shines in your life it enables you to believe that curses are real. The miracle of deliverance is one that appropriates the Blood of Jesus to a life -redeeming it from the curse of the law, and setting the individual free in that area to receive the promises of the Spirit. There is yet much to be revealed in the vein of curses and the effects which they have upon our lives today. It is an area where the Spirit of the Lord is moving in this day. Those who are hungering to be conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus embrace having their lives stripped of curses because that is the true fruit of this part of the provision of the Cross. Deliverance is not the final goal; however, it is a means to reach that mark! Ministry to break curses is included with this teaching.

Howard Pittman
Testimony and End-Time Truths 
click above to see other audio messages

Jer. 15:1 says, “my mind could not be toward this people; cast them out of my sight.” Bro. Pittman emphasizes his unshakeable faith in the Word of God and testifies that God has ordained and commissioned him to go to the Laodicean church with this scathing message. God has designed it as shock therapy. He wants Christians to take spiritual inventory and not be overwhelmed by apathy. Many say, “Give me the world, my way, and myself.” God says, “Stop playing church with Me. Make Me Lord of your life or get out of My sight!” The purging fire of judgment is on the way. Bro. Pittman describes what he saw in the first, second, and third heavens: a panoramic view of Eph. 6:12 and how the ruling council of Satan operates. He urges everyone to ask their pastor why he is not teaching his flock about spiritual warfare and helping them to identify and expose the enemy.

Norman Parish
Kingdom Ministry, Bible Studies, & Deliverance Ministry

We need to reevaluate our beliefs about the dispensations. There have been some arbitrary decisions – divisions that have to do with human history and church history that are affecting our testimony and our ministry today. God has always established a relationship with His people on a covenant basis, from creation on. We need to find out what we can about the covenants that have a bearing on us today, so we can claim the covenant rights and blessings that are ours through Jesus Christ. This truth will not only set us free, but also could help keep us from all demonic interference.

Cleaning Your House (of demons) – A

Cursed Objects – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter.

86LHCD7-21 – Gene Moody – CLEANING YOUR HOU
We need to face the real world. Following Jesus is very simple – just do what He says! The Word of God is explicitly clear about what to do with cursed objects, which are graven images or anything used to honor a false god or idol (Deut. 7:25-26). Start clearing your home of things God doesn’t want there. Bro. Moody teaches how to discern which items could be contaminated by demonic powers. Get mad at the devil and get rid of him and his influence in your family and house.

Norman Parish
Kingdom Ministry, Bible Studies, & Deliverance Ministry

86LHCD7-22 – Norman Parish – THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM
The coming of Jesus Christ will mark the end of this age. Then the kingdom age will begin. The wars, pestilence, earthquakes and famines are not the sign of the coming of Jesus Christ. What is the sign of His coming? The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom by Word and deed, and the demonstration of the Holy Spirit by Word and power. The gospel of grace is being preached now throughout the world, but we seldom hear messages on the kingdom of God. This gospel of the kingdom MUST be preached in all the world before the end comes.

Howard Pittman
Testimony and End-Time Truths 
click above to see other audio messages

86LHCD7-23 – Howard Pittman – MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM
The devil enjoys tricking, deceiving and destroying Christians because they are so trusting, innocent and easy! Not only is this a message on how to fight but how to win against the wiles of Satan. If our helmet of salvation is not securely fastened the remainder of God’s armor is of none effect to us. Bro. Pittman dissects faith, pointing out the fallacies of intellectual, temporary and dead faith, and emphasizes the consequences of not having real, saving faith. The unveilings of the teachings of Jesus are given to the Kingdom. In the parable of the sower, you choose if you’re going to be a hundred-fold producer. Some said they had been waiting all their Christian lives to hear a message such as this.

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