2018 Mid-Winter Camp
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All of our retail CD’s are high quality uncompressed WAV files.
We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker. For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time. Each full teaching is a single track.
The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is:
128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3
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The 2018 Mid-Winter Camp
Order Here – 18LHMP3CD12
The 2018 Winter Camp Meeting on 1 MP3 CD – $10.00
The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is:
128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3
The following is this camp meeting, only in podcast format.
Our mp3 podcast format for 2019 is the new, “24kbps at 24Hz” single track”
These are full messages with any ministry left on at the end too.
They are clear, and help us conserve hosting space so we can add more.
Randy & Callie Richey
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Randy Richey – UPROOTING THE ENEMY 1-of-2
Randy Richey – UPROOTING THE ENEMY 2-of-2
Randy begins this session with a testimony of how he became acquainted with the deliverance ministry and ultimately Lake Hamilton Bible Camp. He goes on to point out that this is not a ‘one shot deal’…that deliverance is a progressive lifestyle. He also emphasizes that it all starts with repentance. He begins his message with Jeremiah 1:8-10 where the Lord is talking to the young prophet. Randy says this scripture is the pattern for deliverance. We are to “root out, pull down, destroy and throw down”…this dismantles the enemy. Then we replace the work of our enemy with truth which sets us free. We still need healing…the wounds from past experiences. If we get delivered but not healed, we still have a problem. We may not have as many demons but there are still some areas that need attention, so now we build and plant”. Then we get a blueprint for deliverance. He begins with forgiveness and repentance, both individual personal as well as identification and goes from there, pointing out that it all must begin in the heart. Mark 1:14,15. John 3: We must be born again. Jesus said we must be born of water and the Spirit. Randy continues to lay out a pattern for deliverance and to walk us through it, giving scripture and declarations and ending in mass deliverance.
Kernaa & Jean Williams
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Jean is like a Holy Ghost tour guide. She takes us around one curve showing how we feel and think in our pain and struggle – then around the next bend is what the Scripture says. The whole journey is really about where our focus is and our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. God’s got us! He understands and He will deliver, but we must wait for Him. He is the final destination through all this back and forth but we have to keep at His “speed” to reach the end result. It’s when we try to navigate these twists and turns of life ourselves that we get ahead of what He is doing. That only leads to more pain and struggle! We are looking for Him just around the corner but He wants to speak to us from a different spot. That is why we must focus on Him and not on what we are going through. This message brings understanding to the experiences of pain and suffering. Embrace what God is doing through it! His ultimate goal remains – to conform us into His image and likeness. He wants us to learn to hear His voice so we can understand what we are going through. Jean looks at 4 ways pain and suffering can shape us. God doesn’t just want you to survive – He wants you to thrive. Message concludes with an altar call and prayer.
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2019
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Geri McGhee – HOW TO DO WORD STUDIES 1-of-2
Geri McGhee – HOW TO DO WORD STUDIES 2-of-2
Geri begins by reminding us that the Word of God is settled forever. He watches over His Word to perform it. Jesus is the Word of God. She gives testimony of how the Word has brought deliverance and healing in her life. Instead of going to the world, we need to run to God. Proverbs 25:2 says, “It’s the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter”. She says that when we read or search out the Word of God, we are creating an atmosphere for Jesus. The Word says that the root of pain is vexation and that ‘the curse causeless cannot come’ which tells us that we need to go after the cause….anger, unforgiveness, pride, idolatry etc. Repentance over the Word of God brings healing and deliverance. So, if we have a problem, we are to simply go to God, ask Him what the issue is, repent and watch Him set us free. For example, if you have a back problem, begin to look up all the scriptures on the word “back”, or symptoms, and see what God shows you. She then gave very specific details as to how this is done: finding the applicable word in scripture, then reading – not just that verse but all the surrounding verses in that particular chapter, repenting for everything mentioned, knowing that we or someone in our bloodline probably committed the mentioned sin and ask God to cleanse, heal and deliver. Geri uses several different passages, showing how to do this, leads us in prayer, asking God to show us our issues, and then does deliverance.
Kernaa & Jean Williams
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Kernaa Williams – DIVISIONS, ISMS & SCHISMS IN 2019 1-of-2
Kernaa Williams – DIVISIONS, ISMS & SCHISMS IN 2019 2-of-2
Jude 17-19 lays out the blueprint for this title. In the end-times there will be scoffers sent to cause division. This prophetic word is not just about the church. It includes government, families, educational systems, work places and more. We should be crying out for God to bring us into a greater measure of discerning of spirits. Kernaa profiles what an end-time scoffer is. They come to ridicule, belittle, discredit, find fault, and condemn others to promote themselves. This spirit operates behind the pulpit as well as in the congregation. In the Hebrew, a scoffer is the same as a fool. A scoffer does not want to be corrected. They will recruit others to join in their rebellion. Scriptural instruction is given as to what to do with those who cause divisions, isms and schisms. Extensive deliverance and healing for medical issues (over 60 minutes) concludes this sobering message.
Geri McGhee 1-of-3 – 2000 to 2008
Geri McGhee 2-of-3 – 2009 to 2013
Geri McGhee 3-of-3 – 2014 to 2018
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Geri dives right in with a statement that makes it clear. We are called to be overcomers and that means we must repent and get victory over the things that displease God or we will not inherit the kingdom. Whether it is fear, anger, depression, pride, etc… anything we put before God is an idol. She makes it clear that we’re not talking about an occasional slip. The issue is whether it’s our lifestyle to be angry. We’re to look for the root of our problem and deal with that. It really all boils down to our control or lack of it concerning our life situations…our way or God’s way. First Samuel 15:23 says, “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as iniquity and idolatry”. Regardless of the area, anywhere we are not submitting to God, there are unresolved issues and if we want to be free, we’ll deal with them. We must stop playing the blame game and deal with our own issues. She uses several scriptures to show us how important understanding is…it is necessary to understand in order for the truth to make us free – John 8:32. Geri says the way to get rid of anger is to give it to God…die to it, using John 12:24 which states “Except a corn of wheat fall into the earth and die, it abides alone: but if it dies, it bears much fruit”. She says to take it up the mountain and offer it to God – put it to death. Geri uses more examples, leads us in prayers of repentance and ends with deliverance.
Kernaa & Jean Williams
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Kernaa Williams – JANUS OR THE MONTH OF TEVET 1-of-2
Kernaa Williams – JANUS OR THE MONTH OF TEVET 2-of-2
Before Kernaa begins this teaching he shares 3 recent events that are fulfilling Bible prophecy. He then digs deep into the idolatrous background of the Gregorian calendar, with specific emphasis on Janus (January) and the paganism, witchcraft and impact it has, especially on the mind. Janus is two-faced and a keeper of the doors. Kernaa states, “satan’s false system (the Gregorian calendar) was introduced into our lives to hinder the blessings.” We are being governed by the Gregorian calendar but it’s time we understand God’s calendar. In the Hebrew calendar, we are in the month of Tevet (Dec 11-Jan 11). The Hebrew calendar is prophetic. It is not the Kabala and it is not Jewish mysticism. We are in 5779 on the Hebrew year which is an era of favor, grace and goodness as long as one walks in obedience to Jesus Christ. Kernaa says every month on the Hebrew calendar is connected to the 12 tribes. Tevet is connected with the tribe of Dan. He breaks down the month of Tevet and the blessings of aligning ourselves with the Hebrew calendar. Fasting, praying, purifying, placing things on the altar – these are all part of the month of Tevet. He reminds the people that you will still have to use January when you write a check but to pray about shifting to the Hebrew calendar and it’s applications to the Kingdom of God. Kernaa concludes the last 30 minutes with additional prayer, ministry and deliverance in the scope of medical issues.
Kernaa & Jean Williams
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The only time that you and I have is now, so there’s no time to waste to be out of the will of God. This message is really about God’s Kingdom business. He is not concerned about your age but with what you did with your time while on this earth. Jesus knew His time and purpose. Many times He said, “My time has not yet come.” This is an extremely thought provoking, practical, wise and timely message for all to hear. We want to be aligned with God’s timing and season in the decisions that we make. One of the surest ways to miss God’s timing for our life today is murmur and complain during our wilderness of dry season. The advice given in this message for the “dry season” is priceless. Jean explains why we must understand time and seasons. She shares 5 advantages of time, 7 things you must know about your season and 5 questions to ask yourself about your purpose. Wasted time is a wasted life. Extensive deliverance ministry concludes this excellent teaching.
Randy & Callie Richey
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Randy begins by reminding us of how even going to God for repentance is an act of faith and when that’s finished, we are not to look back. The reward for repentance is cleansing. There’s no progression while looking back. Once we are forgiven, we must change our ways…thus changing our future. If we continue to lament our past, we’ll repeat it. We make headway when we forgive our enemies, and pray for those that despitefully use us. We waste time by thinking about the past. We must get it in our mind that His blood is enough! We’ve been cleansed and each time we go forward being more loving, we’re being polished. Our heart change causes us to desire to do what Jesus says and little by little we begin to resemble Jesus. If we behave because we love Jesus and want to please Him, we’ll be free, but if we behave because we don’t like the consequences, we’ll not be. Our check list is 1st Corinthians 13. Randy says that the deliverance part is easy but then you must walk it out…hear and obey. Love causes that to happen. First we receive it from God and then we pass it on. The fruit of the Spirit is the result. Galatians 5: tells us what love looks like. The love that we receive from Him is what enables us to keep His commandments. John 14:15, 23, Luke 10:27, John 13:35. He gives us the ability to love as He commands. John 17:26 Jesus prays, “that the love wherewith thou {GOD} hast loved me {Jesus} will be in them and I {Jesus} in them”. Randy uses many other scriptures, did deliverance and then Callie, his wife came up and led us in declarations.
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Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
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