2009 Ladies Conference
What do you do when you face despair? We look at the story of David from I Sam 30. Be of good cheer for I have overcome says the Lord. She gives a background of the story. David decided to leave the country and go where the Philistines are. He was out of the country living in Ziklag. They burned everything and took David’s 2 wives. Vs. 6 – but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. Vs. 8 – God said to David, “Pursue for you shall surely overtake them and you shall surely rescue all.” Some of David’s army were angry and became discouraged. Discouragement is lack of courage and becomes despair. There is a saying “Hurt people, hurt people”. This is what the enemy did in David’s men. They turned against David. David could have depended on them but there was no one to depend on but God. Encouragement brings hope but discouragement brings despair. Encourage means to bind, to cleave to. Self-pity also comes on board when we have discouragement and despair. If despair is not dealt with it can become a root of bitterness. Eph 3:16, 6:10 be strong and mighty in the power of God. Isa 44:20 – a people who eat ashes. It is deception by the enemy. Sometimes it is convenient to live there, in the ashes. What is your Ziklag? Here are things David did which we need to do when in despair: 1) Remembrance – he recalled the goodness of the Lord; remembers the encouragement of the Lord. Stubbornness is steadfastness when the Holy Ghost is in it. References for remembrance: Psa 77:11, 20:7, 42:6, 105:5, 143:5, Lam 3:18-23 when we are in despair don’t wallow in our despair. Vs. 9 Besor brook means cheerfulness – stay by the brook until you are ready to move out. 2) Seek the Lord’s guidance – do not resort to your own plan. Never make a decision when you are in a moment of despair. Psa 138:3 3) Turn your thoughts towards God 4) Don’t let circumstances get the best of you. Treat others fairly. Misery loves company. 5) Pursue the enemy – take back what was stolen from us. Cindy closes with prayer.
What do you do when you face despair? We look at the story of David from I Sam 30. Be of good cheer for I have overcome says the Lord. She gives a background of the story. David decided to leave the country and go where the Philistines are. He was out of the country living in Ziklag. They burned everything and took David’s 2 wives. Vs. 6 – but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. Vs. 8 – God said to David, “Pursue for you shall surely overtake them and you shall surely rescue all.” Some of David’s army were angry and became discouraged. Discouragement is lack of courage and becomes despair. There is a saying “Hurt people, hurt people”. This is what the enemy did in David’s men. They turned against David. David could have depended on them but there was no one to depend on but God. Encouragement brings hope but discouragement brings despair. Encourage means to bind, to cleave to. Self-pity also comes on board when we have discouragement and despair. If despair is not dealt with it can become a root of bitterness. Eph 3:16, 6:10 be strong and mighty in the power of God. Isa 44:20 – a people who eat ashes. It is deception by the enemy. Sometimes it is convenient to live there, in the ashes. What is your Ziklag? Here are things David did which we need to do when in despair: 1) Remembrance – he recalled the goodness of the Lord; remembers the encouragement of the Lord. Stubbornness is steadfastness when the Holy Ghost is in it. References for remembrance: Psa 77:11, 20:7, 42:6, 105:5, 143:5, Lam 3:18-23 when we are in despair don’t wallow in our despair. Vs. 9 Besor brook means cheerfulness – stay by the brook until you are ready to move out. 2) Seek the Lord’s guidance – do not resort to your own plan. Never make a decision when you are in a moment of despair. Psa 138:3 3) Turn your thoughts towards God 4) Don’t let circumstances get the best of you. Treat others fairly. Misery loves company. 5) Pursue the enemy – take back what was stolen from us. Cindy closes with prayer.
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Tags: 2009 Ladies Conference available as FREE podcast audio messages clck here Carla Butaud - A MARRIAGE RESURRECTED (Part 1) Carla Butaud - A MARRIAGE RESURRECTED (Part 2) Cindy Parish - DELIVERANCE FROM DESPAIR Cindy Parish - FINDING VICTORY IN TIMES OF BONDAGE Free Podcast mp3 audio messages of the 2009 Ladies Conference at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Mary-Etta Hinkle - IDOLATRY (Part 1) Mary-Etta Hinkle - IDOLATRY (Part 2)
Published on: November 11, 2017