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The 1990 Labor Day Camp Meeting

Miscellaneous Speakers
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90LHCD8-1 – David Akers – FRESH OIL
Oil is a liquid. It seeks a level, evaporates, seeps out of any crack, and can become polluted. Therefore, being filled once is not enough. We must keep being filled with the fresh oil of the Spirit. Fresh oil will result in new revelation, insight and power, keep us running smoothly, and give us more miles to the gallon! A time of prayer, praise, and prophecy follows the message.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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Bro. Akers covers several topics on this message, beginning with the importance of praise in obtaining victory over the enemy. He shares his testimony of receiving the Holy Spirit and talks extensively on the importance of discernment of spirits and being able to recognize the voice of God. Anointed praise and worship conclude the service.

Gene & Earline Moody
Click above to see their other podcast messages

Respect, Fear and Nervousness– A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter

Bro. Moody makes clear the difference between two types of fear. The first type is actually something that the Christian should desire: respect or reverence for God and His covenants, commandments, statutes, and ways. The second type is not of God. It is destructive, leading to dread, anxiety, and nervous habits, rather than the peace and calm that results from the fear of the Lord. Extensive prayer for deliverance from fear and many related spirits follows this teaching. Excellent for group study.

Glen & Erma Miller
Click above to see their other podcast messages

One of the areas where we have often been taught in error is that of curses. The curses of the Old Testament still apply. Curses may be passed down family lines for three to ten generations. Familiar spirits and infirmities may also be inherited. All curses are not automatically broken and all demons are not expelled at the time of salvation. The provisions that have been made must be appropriated. Prayers to break many curses are included in the service and many were set free.

Linda Sutter
Click above to see her other podcast messages

Spirit of Asmodeus – By Linda Sutter Free PDF

Many times we see things happen and know something is wrong, but we don’t know exactly what it is or what causes it. This has been the case with many of the things that have been destroying marriages and families, seemingly with more frequency and intensity in the last few years. Revelation followed by research has provided the answer: the spirit of Asmodeus. This message includes information on his origins, history, functions, and manifestations. Many were set free during the deliverance session that follows the teaching. 

Glen & Erma Miller
Click above to see their other podcast messages

90LHCD8-6A Erma Miller – ARE YOU YET CARNAL? 1-of-2
90LHCD8-6B Erma Miller – ARE YOU YET CARNAL? 2-of-2
According to the World Dictionary, the word “carnal” means: in or out of the flesh, bodily; material or worldly; having to do with or preoccupied with bodily pleasures, sensual or sexual; one who has carnal knowledge of; implies relationship to the body or flesh as the seat of basic physical appetites, sexual appetites, as carnal lust; gratifying the five senses, usually implies grossness or lewdness; sensual, of the animal nature of man; one who delights in sinful pleasures; flesh devouring; a person without spiritual interests; one governed by his appetites. Christians! We must crucify the carnal man so that the spirit man can grow and mature!

Joe Poppell
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90LHCD8-7A – Joe Poppell – MINISTRY OF HEALING 1-of-2
90LHCD8-7B – Joe Poppell – MINISTRY OF HEALING 2-of-2
Faith to believe is stirred up as Bro. Poppell shares accounts of many healings, including some from AIDS and cancer, and reads a number of Scriptures on healing and the power of God. Prayer for salvation and freedom from doubt precedes extensive prayer for physical healings. Many people received healing, some from conditions which had existed for years, and some from more than one problem.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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On this message Bro. Akers addresses two areas. First, he reads the account of David dancing before the Lord and the events which followed, drawing parallels between the Ark of the Covenant and the anointing. He then gives examples of ways the enemy attacks and shares his testimony of coming to an understanding of curses and being stricken with Multiple Sclerosis. Praise and prayer conclude the service.

Gene & Earline Moody
Click above to see their other podcast messages

The Curse of the Bastard (Booklet) – A
The Curse of Incest – A
Also listed in The Deliverance Manual for this chapter

90LHCD8-9A 1-of-2 – *Earline Moody – BASTARD
90LHCD8-9B 2-of-2 – **Glen & Erma Miller – INCEST
*Any child begotten out of wedlock brings a ten generation curse and begotten means conceived, not born. So marrying after conception does not change the effect. Sis. Earline discusses a lengthy list of characteristics that may be symptoms of this curse in operation in our lives. None of us knows everything our ancestors did for ten generations back! **Sis. Erma shares testimony of the work of the spirit of unbelief and encourages us to fight against it and stand in faith. Bro. Glen shares the Biblical definitions of incest, which also carries a ten-generation curse and probably affects us all. Deliverance prayers are included on these messages.

Joe Poppell
Click above to see his other podcast messages

90LHCD8-10A – Joe Poppell – WALKING ON THE WATER 1-of-2
90LHCD8-10B – Joe Poppell – WALKING ON THE WATER 2-of-2
This is a faith-building message Brother Poppell lays the foundation for his ministry of healing by teaching on various attributes of the substance of faith. God wants us to keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus and our minds on the Word of God. Peter would have continued walking on the water had he not begun to look at the storm. Fear cripples faith and keeps it from working properly. This message concludes with an invitation to come to the Lord and ministry for the healing of many physical problems.

Joe Poppell
Click above to see his other podcast messages

90LHCD8-11 Joe Poppell – PRAYER
It was said that this was one of the best messages ever preached on the subject of prayer. Bro. Poppell begins by identifying Jesus as an example. He spent much time in prayer and as a result, many miracles took place! Prayer is not just a means for us to communicate with God–it is also a time for us to hear from Him. We are all commissioned to pray, and that without ceasing. The Word of God makes it clear that it is God’s will for us to pray. One of the reasons God’s people are fainting spiritually (backsliding, being deceived and defeated) is because of their failure to pray. If you have prayed but have not seen the answer manifested, don’t allow the devil to discourage you. Just keep on praying. Daniel and Elijah are examples of the need to keep on praying. Bro. Poppell also identifies the reasons praying in the Spirit is of real value.

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