C. R. Oliver

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C.R. Oliver

Free Audio Messages
Gospel of The Kingdom of God Ministry

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NOTE – Some of C.R. Oliver audio messages are available on DVD video too.


08LHCD9-4A – C.R. Oliver – THAT’S RIGHT BROTHER 1-of-2
08LHCD9-4B – C.R. Oliver – THAT’S RIGHT BROTHER 2-of-2
Ten days before this message was given, God gave Brother Oliver a word for the people at LHBC. (At that point he had not been invited to speak). The Lord gave him a question and then some probable answers with explanations. The question; How have we gotten where we have gotten now? He says the Rabbi of redefinition means there is no tolerance. The first probable answer is: 1. Could it be that the church compromised where the early church never would Pray for more boldness to stand when under persecution. God is a consuming fire. 2. Could it be that the early church responded more quickly to the call of the Spirit? Acts 8:26 – Philip went. God wants us to be instant in season or out of season. 3. Could it be that the people of God thought that holiness and righteousness were not an option. Without holiness no man will see the Lord. 4. They loved and invested themselves more deeply in each other’s life than this time is capable of. They loved each other without reservations. There is no fellowship today; we need to get to know a brother in Christ. 5. Could it be that money was not a major concern to the early church? 6. Could it be that the early church hungered for the supernatural and weren’t satisfied with the ordinary. 7. The early church looked at the political arena and realized they were more powerful. They knew God’s Kingdom would rule. Luke 3:1-2 – the Word of God is still bypassing the rulers to ones in the back side of the wilderness. 8. The early church ministry was to God; just what pleased God. 9. Their level of expectation was attached to their prayer life; they were Spirit led. He closed with Ezek 44:12-15 which is the premise of what God showed him is happening. Sanctify yourself today because I am going to do marvelous things tomorrow. Zadok in Hebrew means righteous ones. God says agree with Me on these things and I will use you more than you have been used in your life.


09LHCD4-1A – C.R. Oliver – THE PLACE OF THE SAINTS 1-of-2
09LHCD4-1B – C.R. Oliver – THE PLACE OF THE SAINTS 2-of-2
Brother Oliver shares nuggets from his books. Solomon’s Secrets, was given over 20 years of study. Sons of Zadok, was given from Ezekiel and Zachariah, and teaches the difference between the clean and unclean, etc. It is time the believers know who they are. En Punto, is about knowing where you ought to be. The gap is closing on understanding the truth. Listen to the voice of God. The Regal Pair, tells about what a Pharisee really is. We will see the Kingdom of God explode in our churches or they will die. Ministry is doing exactly what the Holy Ghost tells you to do when, where, etc. The Greek word for Holy and Saint is the same. Sealed Unto His Coming, is a commentary on every book in the Bible. Rev. 13:6-7 – you are a target in this war. Realize, there is a place in God where you cannot be overcome. There is power in being a Saint. Called to be Saints, title came from Romans 1 and 1 Cor in which the same words are used. Limiting the Holy One of Israel is the primary sin of the modern church. The Saints will judge the world. It is time the world saw a saint in action. We need to give God what He paid for.

09LHCD4-4 – C.R. Oliver – SAINT’S PRAYERS
He is coming in great power any way He chooses. The shepherds are not pleasing to God. God is dealing with holiness. Be on time. If you don’t pray, there are things in the spiritual that will not be done. We are to pray continually before the throne from within. The prayers, circling the earth, cause a creation to take place; makes the highway of our God. Rev 5 – give us direction so our words mean something. The perfume of heaven is the Saint prayers. Rev 8:1-6 the incense is the prayers of all the saints. Mingle your prayers with all of theirs. We have got to change our prayer life. It is not what you say or how you say it, it is the deep desires of the heart; the language heaven understands. Rom 8:26-28, Eph 6:10-17, Jude 20, Daniel 4:17, Col 1:24-29. The book of Acts is the acts of the saints.

Praying is an entering in process. Saints live on a different level. We pray for one another – the Holy Spirit prays through the saint. Putting on the armor of God means to pray and do warfare in prayer. Sometimes we need to ask God to repair the track ahead of the train. Col 4:2,3. Saint power, plus God gives us a word from Him. Prayer is labor as Paul said in Col 4. We need to get saint thoughts in our minds. Saints must abide in strong, knowledgeable, worthy, quality prayers so they can mingle with the prayers of Moses, Elijah, etc. I Peter 4:7 is a word for us today. Take a moment with God in prayer, and He will see you through. C.R. shares many scriptures on prayer. The difference in saint praying is: being in prayer with other saints, praying in line with the prophetic, praying with the mind of the huge saint pool, and it brings attention in heaven.


Using Abraham as an example, we see how sometimes doing the will of God brings us into unusual circumstances. Moses, Joseph, Job, and Jeremiah are all pictures of the unexpected dilemmas that occurred because of the sins of the prophets and priests. The clergy have not lived or preached the kingdom of God. So … How In The World Did We End Up Here? Almost everything that was in the early church is missing in the present day church. Jeremiah exposes the unholy clergy that no one challenges. God can remedy this by captivity or if we choose, we can repent and begin to challenge the rebellion of the leadership in God’s house. Ministers of God, the battle is on! Will you join the fight? You will respond – one way or another. This message brought the congregation to their knees before God!


Book – Called To Be Saints – $15.00 By. C.R. Oliver 
Called to Be Saints serves as an overview of its main character, The Saint. It examines the life and work of the saints. Scriptural documentation is included integral to the text for easy reference as well as an explanation of the derivation of words from both the Greek and Hebrew languages. Many parallels are drawn between Old and New Testament passages, along with comments regarding their relation to modern churches and the saint. Care is given to allow the Spirit to expand the various items of discussion in order to lead the reader into his or her own special understanding. Since there is a dearth of teaching about the saints and little recognition of their part in the end-time scenario, this text is a much needed resource. Clear expressions about the nature and role of saint is made on every page. By the conclusion of the book, the reader will be able to distinguish between the participants of religion and those who are saints. Exciting differences await discovery as the chapters unfold. Paperback – 215 pages

Book – Consumed By HIS Fire – $15.00 – By. C.R. Oliver
Because there is a dimension in God beyond what is commonly called “the
anointing,” this book is a must read. John the Baptist said, “He shall baptize
you in the Holy Ghost and Fire.” By doing so, he was addressing that quadrant.
The Spirit of God directed this text; He spoke about depths of understanding
which had been undefined. There are still areas which remain in that category.
One must, as with any Biblical study, rely upon the Spirit for continued
revelation. Several interesting venues are drawn upon within this work. The fact
that Moses and Elijah were on the Mount of Transfiguration was not coincidental
to their exercises in fire. Moses’ burning bush attuned him not to fear the fire
of God while on Mount Sinai. Elisha’s call for fire on the altar before the
prophets of Baal was rewarded with a fiery chariot at his transmogrification. In
this study, the reader will learn how God has used men and women through history  to burn with the same flame that characterizes Him. In the spiritual fire
birthing of the Twentieth Century, there arose persons who reached into the
greater realms of His glory and claimed the dual baptism. John G. Lake, Rees
Howells and Martha Wing Robinson were just a few who walked on these levels.
Exploring the many Bible texts found in this book will forever imprint one’s
mind. No longer will there be room for a gospel with no fire or a fellowship
with no flame. Those on the Emmaus road were not unique when they said, “Did not our hearts burn within us?” Theirs was a foretaste of what would occur in the
upper room on the day of Pentecost and what would characterize all who walk with
Jesus. Association with those mentioned above will cause the reader to reassess
his walk with God. The reader will soon recognize the compromised churches as
the five oil less virgins who have lost their inward fire. The reader will
discover Pentecost was but the ignition, the first strike, on an undaunted
flame! Various aspects of fire will be explored along with its power to protect
or inversely to devour. Hence, examination of the two Witnesses found in
Revelation is made. Their words carried devouring fire for their enemies. May
the body of Christ be characterized as those, “Consumed by His Fire!” ? Paper
191 pages

Book – En Punto – $15.00 – By. C.R. Oliver
En Punto is Spanish for “on the mark”. (The book is in English!) At least one indispensable prerequisite exists for those who aspire to engage in what is described in this book. The practice of En Punto requires a pure heart that can only be the result of coming into covenant with God on God’s terms. Man’s schools, discipline and training can provide certain theological formation, but only a direct and sustained encounter with the presence of God will result in transformation. The precepts illustrated in this text hit hard at the lax nature of the modern church and call, through Biblical study, for a tightening up of the believer’s life spiritually, in order to be sensitive to the voice of the spirit. One of the deep premises of this text is that somehow through the ages following the early church, the true model for ministry has been lost or changed. En Punto is about restoring that model. Compromising tolerance characterizes the demeanor of the church in the Twenty-first Century. En Punto stands as a challenge to this un-divine order. Somewhere in the realm of Christendom, there must arise a clear call to strict obedience to the Holy Spirit. When the new millennium arrived, spiritual history changed forever. En Punto declares this new day as important to world history as A.D. was to B.C. The old order is forever done with as the Lord establishes a dominion in the hearts of people unparalleled in spiritual history. He is assembling His Church–one that hears His Voice and does only what He instructs. En Punto is about that body of believers. Paper ? 252 pages.

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Every day there will be personal ministry.

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