1999 Winter Camp Meeting
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We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker. For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time. Each full teaching is a single track.
The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3
DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.
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The following is this camp meeting, only in podcast format.
Our mp3 podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”
These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.
They are clear enough, so we can conserve hosting space while growing.
The 1999 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting
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99LHCD12-1 – Donny Morris – TREE OF GOOD AND EVIL
Just as Eve in the garden was enticed by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so the church today (the woman, the soulish realm) is being enticed by the enormous explosion of knowledge and the “witty inventions” of man, both good and evil. Jesus, the last Adam, unlike the first, was fully obedient to God and broke the curse, yet the Church, his bride, as a whole is still lusting after worldly knowledge and what it can bring rather than the presence of God that brings true life, eternal life.
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99LHCD12-2 – Chuck Worth – MAN IS THE GARDEN
This message is the introduction and part one of a verse by verse study of the first chapter of the Song of Solomon (continued on 99LH12-6). Chuck has a marvelous understanding of biblical typology, and we are given a good dose in this teaching. He starts out by exploring the concept of the garden of God-Eden, a picture of man – which lays a foundation essential to an understanding of the Song of Songs – a compelling portrayal of the relationship between the bride (the believer) and her lover (Jesus)..
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99LHCD12-3 – Mildred Coffey – HOW TO BIND THE STRONG MAN
For those new to the deliverance ministry, Sis. Mildred covers a number of basic deliverance concepts, with particular emphasis on binding and loosing and its importance to our being able to walk free from the manipulation and control of evil spirits in our lives.
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The Delinquent Personalities (Psychopsychosis) – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter.
Bro. Gene introduces us to the “three P’s”: psychoneurosis, psychopsychosis, and psychopathic personalities. In this teaching, he specifically covers the psychotic personality (psychopsychosis), its characteristics and spiritual roots. Many of this family of spirits are identified and addressed in mass deliverance.
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99LHCD12-5A – Donny Morris – BY ONE MAN 1-of-2
99LHCD12-5B – Donny Morris – BY ONE MAN 2-of-2
Bro. Donny continues his teaching started on 99LH12-1 by focusing on the finished work of Christ, the last Adam, in restoring all that was lost by the first. The “old man” Adam, the man of sin, was crucified, and Christ, the new man, was raised up in glory, a new species – who we are if we will only believe and partake of that “tree of life” made available for us. Powerful!
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99LHCD12-6 – Chuck Worth – THE GARDEN REVEALED
Chuck plunges right in to a continuation of the study of the Song of Solomon started on. What we see are the stages of the Shulamite’s spiritual growth from a “soulish” individual burnt black by the sun-the “mark of the beast”- into that bride of whom the lover declares in So 6:9: My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her that bare her. Can we find ourselves in her? Do we seek that intimacy with Jesus above all?
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99LHCD12-7 – Mildred Coffey – REBELLION
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry (1Sa 15:23). This message has some excellent teaching on witchcraft as it relates to the spirit of rebellion. Refusal to obey the voice of the Lord will block our ability to hear from God and if not repented of will open us to deception by familiar spirits.
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99LHCD12-8 – Mildred Coffey – GENERATION SOUL TIES
In this teaching we are reminded of how critically important it is to confess the sins of our forefathers (and mothers!) and to break the inherited curses. Some of the curses that are discussed specifically are eating of blood, shedding of innocent blood, adultery and fornication, and witchcraft. We are exhorted to remember God’s promise in Joel 3:21 – For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed – as we obey the Word and apply its truth to our lives. Be delivered as curses are broken and demons cast out.
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There are many pictures throughout the Scriptures of the warfare between light and darkness. God promises the complete overthrow of evil, but He will use His people to accomplish it. Engaging and defeating the enemy is mandatory – God means business. He has given us supernatural weapons of deliverance, and these we must use to destroy the works of the devil and rid creation of his influence.
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99LHCD12-10 – Dale Copeland – THREE WORLDS (1 OF 3)
This is a profound teaching that deserves serious attention and time to digest. What does the Bible mean when the word “world” is used? What “world” is it? What is God’s purpose in creation? Have the traditions of man and the spirit of antichrist so blinded our eyes that we get comfortable with what Jesus came to destroy? These questions are well worth pondering, and Bro. Dale will most certainly provoke your thinking. This message along with 99LHCD12-14A & 14B is needed to grasp the full import of what he wants to convey.
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99LHCD12-11 – Mildred Coffey – NIMROD, THE HUNTER OF SOULS
One tactic of the enemy is to fragment men’s souls through trauma or witchcraft. Parts of the soul are removed and replaced with demonic entities or personalities that bring great bondage. To restore the soul these demons must be cast out and the soul fragments called back from wherever the devil has them. Sis. Mildred explores many facets of this and presents illustrations from her wealth of experience to bring greater understanding so that we can set the captives free through the mighty Name of Jesus!
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99LHCD12-12 – Howard Pittman – THE FALL OF MAMMON
This is a prophetic teaching warning of the coming of God’s judgment on the world’s economies resulting in a total collapse of mammon – the money system. Using the Parable of the Unprofitable Servant in Luke 16 as a foundation along with other scriptures, Bro. Pittman joins many other prophetic voices in the world today waning us to prepare spiritually and physically for difficult days ahead.
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99LHCD12-13 – Jack Harris – THE KINGDOM OF GOD
After an absence of a couple of years, we are thrilled to have Bro. Jack back to “stir up [our] pure minds by way of remembrance” of his wonderful past teachings. He reminds us of his call to teach the “Kingdom of God” as God has given it to him. With that in mind, he reviews the seven “dispensations” of God’s grace and shows us the progression of God’s plan for the ages – to bring forth His kingdom on the earth. We are at the dawning of that Kingdom Age when resurrection life and light will emerge in fullness to destroy evil, disease and death in all of creation.
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99LHCD12-14A – Dale Copeland – THREE WORLDS (2 AND 3 OF 3)
99LHCD12-14B – Dale Copeland – THREE WORLDS (2 AND 3 OF 3)
This teaching is a continuation of that on 99LH12-10. Bro. Dale provokes our thinking by asking some penetrating questions: What does it mean to be saved? Or lost? What are we saved from and what is the end of our salvation? Heaven? When are we to be recipients of the fullness of the promise? Has not our religious teaching caused us to settle for less than what God has provided and to put off until the future that which is ours to inherit now? He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
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99LHCD12-15 – Mildred Coffey – THE OCCULT
This teaching focuses primarily on witchcraft – how it operates and how we can become its victims through deception. Sis. Coffey begins by relating some personal experiences, then moves on to addressing specific forms of witchcraft: counterfeit “ministry”, use of familiar spirits, Jezebel, divination, etc. Witchcraft results in destruction of the soul and must be carefully guarded against. Deliverance prayers follow.
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99LHCD12-16 – Howard Pittman – GOD’S REMEDIAL JUDGMENT
Bro. Pittman continues in his God-ordained mission of warning the church by teaching on the preliminary and remedial judgments of God. Laws are given to protect and bless; defy them and they will curse. He goes on to cite a number of specific instances, quoting statistics published by the U.S Weather Bureau, of God’s remedial judgments in operation in our country when there has been open defiance of God’s laws. For example, the fires that devastated vast areas of Florida started on the heels of the hedonistic festivities of gay day in Orlando, Florida, culminating in the mayor flying the gay flag over the city. Yet God’s mercy was displayed in the midst of judgment. Statistics show that judgments by natural disasters, such as tornadoes, floods, drought, and the like, have risen dramatically in recent years. God is warning America! Will we take heed?
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We are God’s “battle axe and weapons of war.” In the midst of great idolatry and apostasy, Ezekiel (chap. 8 and 9) saw judgment come to God’s people. Yet the intercessors (those who sighed and cried over the abominations) were marked and protected. Are not these the sealed and protected overcomers of Revelation 7? There are eight promises to the overcomer that Bro. Glen reviews. Will we be among that remnant who stands in the gap for His people?
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The Pathologic Personalities (Psychopathic) – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual Main Menu for this chapter.
Teaching on the “three P’s” is continued from 99LHCD12-4. In this message, Bro. Gene specifically covers the psychopathic personality, its characteristics and spiritual roots. Many of this family of spirits are identified and addressed in mass deliverance ministry.
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In this message Bro. Glen covers some teachings to which God has brought new light over the years that has changed his thinking from what has traditionally been taught on these subjects. For example, the time of the year of Jesus’ birth, the concept of “pleading the blood”, the need to appropriate the finished work of Calvary to break curses rather than assuming they are all “taken care of at salvation.” Several biblical curses are discussed. Let us take heed that we do not “add or take away” from the words of this Book (Gen. 1:1 – Rev. 22:21). Blessed are they that do His commandments (See context Rev. 22:14-15).
There was not a 99LHCD12-20A-or-20B Cassette Master
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99LHCD12-21 – Glen Miller – THE CURSE OF SEXUAL SIN
As an introduction Bro. Glen tells of the time they ministered on incest to students of a Christian college. Incest is one of many sexual practices that violate God’s ordinances and bring a curse on one’s life. For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people (Lev. 18:29). Yet grace is freely given for those who truly repent – incest, harlotry and murder can be found in Jesus’ lineage. Timely teaching for a nation awash in immorality and perversion, and churches often lax and indifferent.
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99LHCD12-22 – Michael Blades – THE WARRING REMNANT
The Lord is raising up an end-time army that will defeat the forces of darkness and reign victorious over their enemies! Though the modern-day church as a whole does not proclaim this word, nevertheless God has His holy remnant that will hear His voice and march at His command. The two-edged sword of salvation and deliverance will slay the enemy, and as we obey His Word and do His bidding, we will be a part of that remnant people. Hallelujah! Bro. Glen anointed everyone present as the New Year rolled in to be empowered as deliverers in this final hour.
New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.
Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!
Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.
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Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)
Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.
We never take God’s provision for granted.
Thank You!
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