1988 Spring Camp Meeting

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All of our retail CD’s are higher quality uncompressed WAV files.

We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker.  For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time.  Each full teaching is a single track.

The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3

DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now. There is over 850 DVD video’s in our library now. See LHBC DVD List in PDF format

The 1988 Spring Camp Meeting

The following is this camp meeting, only in single track mono podcast format.
They are clear enough to help us conserve hosting space we’re paying for. We hope to get this whole cassette library converted to post mp3 online.  There is over 2,300 cassette masters.   We started WAV file recording from 2004 mid-winter camp till now. While hundreds of cassettes are online now, there is still much more to go. Cassettes are played into the computer in real time for the best quality.   Kevin, LHBC staff.

Tommy Cook and Jack Harris
Click on their names to see their other podcast audio messages.

88LHCD4-1 – Jack Harris/ And Tommy Cook – GOD’S GATHERING HIS PEOPLE TO PRAY
We must embrace change if we want to flow with God. The heart of God is seeking after those who are willing to lay down their lives for His purposes. This message deals with God’s end-time company of intercessors. They are a people that will stand strong in these last days because they “know their God.” They will be hid in Him, sanctified, and made worthy to be an overcomer. As Jesus was sealed by the Father, so this people will be sealed by the Father..

Jack Harris
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.

Much truth and revelation is going forth in this hour but many that are hearing the Word are not being changed. The Pharisees embraced Jesus when He was in the “Book” but when He became flesh and dwelt among them, their flesh didn’t want to deal with Him. Many who hear this message will say, “Amen, that’s what I’m pressing towards.” But in actuality, when the going gets tough, how many will continually follow on and say, “Not my will, but Thine be done”? If we will allow Him to coordinate our lives with His life, the death realm cannot hold us. Submission to the Holy Ghost must come and then we can find resurrection life even while we live. The death realm could not hold Jesus! And the Father is bringing many sons to glory!

Gene & Earline Moody
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages..

 From Adam to Ahab – Men’s Weaknesses – A
Also listed in the Deliverance Manual for this chapter above. 

88LHCD4-3 – Gene Moody – WEAKNESSES OF MEN
From Adam to Ahab, men’s weaknesses are discussed. Ahab characteristics are prevalent in many of the men in the Bible. This study looks at the nature and some of the common weaknesses of Ahabic men. God is purging Ahab from the church today, bringing His divine order and government within the home. This tape is a helpful tool for husbands and fathers to be set free of these detriments to their spiritual man. They can be delivered as they enter into the deliverance service that follows the message.

Tommy Cook
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages..

A warning to the Church! The man of sin is being revealed. Satan is right in the midst of the earthly, spiritual and heavenly temple and there he is being exposed. He will do all he can to cause you to fall because of sin and iniquity. Satan fell from heaven (the presence of the Lord) because iniquity was found in him. He is causing an apostasy and raising up his own company of those who oppose God. Let it not happen to us. We must press towards that mark – in Him – where satan can find nothing in us. The Holy Spirit is calling us to repentance towards the things in us which are not of God. His will is to forgive and deliver us from that which is displeasing to Him.

Jack Harris
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages..

The Spirit of God is wanting to bring “an enlargement” to those who will be willing to believe and receive what He wants to do. Only by a spirit of revelation will you be able to grasp what is said. Jesus is the only source of true resurrection life and it is His life that is freeing us from this body of death! Absolute removal of sin in your life will stop death and reverse its process. Many in the church have lived in such a death realm all their lives that they are unable to believe for what this message conveys. The Spirit of the Lord is speaking of walking into life, eradication of sin, defeat of death, being in-Christed in the first resurrection, first fruits, and more.

Glen & Erma Miller
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages..

88LHCD4-6A – Glen & Erma Miller – THE BASICS OF DELIVERANCE 1-of-2
88LHCD4-6B – Glen & Erma Miller – THE BASICS OF DELIVERANCE 2-of-2
True to their calling, Glen and Erma deliver this necessary message to help the body of Christ in their pursuit toward being without spot or wrinkle. The Word of God mandates that evil spirits be cast out of believers by believers. The Holy Spirit is constantly bringing more light to uncover these demons that dwell in the dark crevices where the blood of Jesus has not yet been appropriated. God says that He will drive out these enemies little by little. With all that God has on the horizon in the realm of deliverance, there are some basic requirements that still must be adhered to. We must follow God’s order in all things. Ministry for deliverance accompanies this teaching.

Tommy Cook
click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages..

88LHCD4-7 – Tommy Cook – CROSSING JORDAN
God is bringing us across Jordan into a new order, a new land, a new generation, and a closer walk with Him. The method He used yesterday isn’t necessarily going to be the way He does it today or tomorrow. It’s out with the old wineskins and in with the new! There is a people arising on the earth that are going to cross Jordan – a people hearing the beckoning call to come up higher and see Jesus. They are those whom God has given the desire to press out of the natural into the supernatural; out of death into life; out of doubt and unbelief into the fullness of God. It’s time to move out of the carnal into the spiritual, to be hid with Christ in God. Don’t be afraid of what is ahead! Let go and let God have His way.

Tommy Cook
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages

Excellent anointed teaching on the gifts and fruits of the Spirit and their purposes. Many believers lag behind in actively pursuing the operation of these gifts because they do not comprehend the purpose of them. God has placed these gifts within us that we might minister one to another as vessels of His love to bring glory to Him. For every gift of the Spirit there is a fruit to complement that gift. The gifts of the Spirit are of vital necessity to the Christian desiring to be used of God to fulfill his commission of Mark 16:15-18. A release to move into greater liberties on spiritual gifts can come as you are ministered to by this message. 

 New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.

Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. 

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!,

Read all about the founders of LHBC.

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