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1986 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

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Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Kingdom Living, Holy Spirit Gifts

The tongue of the learned and an open ear, both are an illustration of the covenant of Zion. The prayer for this service is that the Word of God will take hold of us in new realms and areas of our hearts and that our spiritual capacity will be enlarged! We are admonished to turn our ears on. The Spirit is always speaking, but we have to tune in. The blood of the cross is true love, redemptive, atoning; a price was paid. It has two authorities in us; it redeems and it empowers. The blood of Jesus that spilled out on the cross fell to the earth. We are that earth! The creative breath of Pentecost is the same breath that was breathed on Adam. We are entitled to all that is available through the bloodline and the breath line.

Bill Smith
Gospel of The Kingdom

86LHCD5-2 – Bill Smith – LET’S FINISH THE RACE
God is requiring us all to go farther than we have ever been willing to go before. We are coming into the formation of the Word of God. Man is not our example. We haven’t started the race to quit, but to see it through to the end – to see the promise fulfilled. Judgments are coming on the ministry so they can be used to purify the Body of Christ.

Jack Harris
Gospel of The Kingdom
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86LHCD5-3 – Jack Harris – CALLED & CHOSEN OF GOD
What is our place in the Kingdom? What have we been apprehended for? Divine timing and placement are the principles examined here. Nothing happens by chance or accident in the plans of God. The five-fold ministries are not elected positions but God-ordained ones. They are for the perfecting of the church, so you need to be in church to be perfected. There are a lot of people uncertain in this hour and it’s good to know your calling.

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Kingdom Living, Holy Spirit Gifts

86LHCD5-4 – Chuck Flynn – THE EIGHTH FEAST
The word “feast” means to appear before the Lord. The eighth feast is described as the feast of ministry when that total anointing is manifested within us – the full authority of the purity of the Word of God. Jesus appeared to Paul to make him a minister and a witness, so He is appearing unto us to bring us into that fullness of ministry. The segment on clapping will release you into new dimensions of worship, authority and anointing.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

In God’s sight, the Laodiceans were poor, blind, and naked, yet people said they were rich, in need of nothing. A distinction is made between true and false prosperity. The more you put away iniquity, the more you will be able to delight in the Lord and your prayers will be answered (Job 22:23-28). Excellent teaching on iniquity.

The Lord is telling us how to live, how to walk, how to come out from under the powers that are on our family lines and in our blood line. We are going to come out of it! We have to have revelation truth from both the Old and New Testaments. Holiness, applications of the blood of Jesus, obedience to the Word of God, curses, the sins of our fathers, occult involvement, and abominations, are just a few of the topics addressed in this deliverance teaching. Many individuals were set free, especially in the realm of the occult and curses.

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

The Word of God establishes that it pays to receive a true prophet. We need more prophets in the land that see as God sees and are not afraid to warn the people, though many don’t want to be warned! Amos 8 states the importance of hearing the voice of the prophet of God “will send a famine in the land…of hearing the Word of the Lord.”

Glen & Erma Miller 1-of-2
The Founders of LHBC – 1975 – 1993
Glen & Erma Miller 2-of-2
The Founders of LHBC – 1994 – 2008
Deliverance Ministry

86LHCD5-9 – Glen & Erma Miller – INCEST: THE CLOSET DEMON
Incest is in Christians! We must wake up to the hour we are in and apply the Word of God to get ourselves cleaned up. All the knowledge and understanding of what it means to go to Zion will be of no value if you don’t get out the spots. Deliverance is the way! The fire of God was present to set the captives free! When ministry began, some who had been plagued for most of their lifetimes were released, the horrible power and reproach of it being lifted forever! It’s time to expose the works of darkness, lean on the arms of Jesus, and go on with God. It’s been said that if we have the knowledge of deliverance and continue to embrace our pet demons, then when Satan is unleashed in all his fury, those pets will take us over. Is it worth the risk?

Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn
Kingdom Living, Holy Spirit Gifts

86LHCD5-10 – Chuck & Mary Ann Flynn – Authority of The Atonement
Jesus is the fulfillment of our full authority through his atonement. It was up to Him to choose to fulfill the prophecies of old, that the full authority of the atonement could be realized in us. We also must choose to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in bringing to pass those true words of prophecy spoken over us. The blood that came from the wrists of Jesus gives man the confidence to live in this world. When men despair, Satan often takes them to the wrist to commit suicide. Life is worth living because Jesus’ blood has been shed!

Tommy Cook
Gospel of The Kingdom & Deliverance Ministry

86LHCD5-11 – Tommy Cook – SHOW ME THY GLORY
We’re dealing in the day of the Lord, the trumpet is sounding, God is coming down. This is a time of preparation to receive His Glory! Moses had to wait six days and the glory of the Lord covered the mount. God was preparing Moses in those six days to hear His voice because on the seventh day He was going to say “Come on up.” We’re in the sixth day, the time of preparation, cleansing. We’re to be ready, for God is going to say, “Come up higher, you’re going to behold My Glory in the seventh day.” God is calling a people up to behold His glory, but we’ve got to be holy, sanctified and clean it’s the pure in heart who will see God. When Moses raised up the tabernacle, the Glory of God filled it because he had built it according to the pattern God gave him. Jesus is our pattern, and as we are perfected into His image and likeness, (built according to His pattern) God will fill us with His glory!

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