1994 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

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The 1994 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

The Following is this camp meeting,
only in mp3 podcast format.

Glen & Erma Miller
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94LHCD12-1 – Glen Miller – UNTO US A SAVIOR IS GIVEN
In fulfillment of prophecy Light came into darkness with the birth of Jesus Christ. The darkness did not and could not comprehend the Light, and it cannot comprehend the light that is within us. Jesus provides a pattern for us in that the promised Child became the Son and took the throne.

Glen & Erma Miller
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This question can be answered with two words – ignorance and rebellion. We are ignorant of what God requires of us because we do not know His Word, and we rebel against following those commandments that we do know. Deliverance and repentance are necessary in order for us to fully follow and serve the Lord.

Glen & Erma Miller
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94LHCD12-3 – *Glen Miller – THE SONS OF GOD
**Tommy Cook – THE FEAR OF THE GOD – *Who are the sons of God? Using numerous Scriptures, Bro. Glen answers this question and outlines the promises given to them by God. **When we lose the fear of God, we begin to attack those He has placed in authority. This brings the wrath of God and the departure of His presence. Losing the fear of God leads to rebellion, idolatry, and spiritual adultery.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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The soul is that part of man which is like God. Satan wants to steal it from you in order to separate you from God. We understand and receive the Word through our minds – a part of our soul. Restoration of the soul enables us to receive and keep deliverance in areas where the soul had been missing. God wants us whole! Prayers for restoration and deliverance are included on this message.

Glen & Erma Miller
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Teaching and deliverance prayers covering a number of areas including Lamaze, drinking, unbelief, rejection, forgetfulness, the occult, and sexual sins.

Tommy Cook
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94LHCD12-6 – Tommy Cook – THE ELECT OF GOD
“When the Son of Man returns shall He find faith on the earth?” Yes! The faith of a people who are believing God to give them the victory over the adversary and his kingdom, trusting God to bring the elect body of His chosen ones into their full inheritance, crying out in faith day and night to be avenged of God. God calls us out, but we must overcome. Not seeking God is the equivalent of forsaking Him.

Miscellaneous Speakers
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If God is your Father and Jesus is your Elder Brother, then you are a part of the Israel of God today. The kingdom of God hidden in you will be made manifest. This teaching will challenge the ideas of many concerning the interpretation of Daniel’s vision. Remember, we should never try to prearrange what God is going to do, but be ready to accept what He does.

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
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If you know who you are in Christ you can stand against the enemy – this is the basis for spiritual warfare. The only righteousness you have is imputed to you through Christ. Disobeying the commandments of God will cause you to lose blessings and health. The only way you can keep God’s commandments is through the Spirit working in you. Prayers for healing and deliverance are included with the teaching.

Jack Harris
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94LHCD12-9 – Jack Harris – THE EUNUCH MINISTRY
This teaching focuses on one particular category of eunuchs – those who make themselves eunuchs for the kingdom’s sake. This is a dimension that satan cannot counterfeit. The eunuchs were under the king’s care, directed by him, and held positions of great responsibility particularly as keepers of the women. The book of Esther lists nine eunuchs whose names show their functions and provide a parallel for us today. (A favorite teaching – A classic.)

Miscellaneous Speakers
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94LHCD12-10 – Billy Shoffner – KINGDOM HARVEST
We need a vision of the harvest that is fast approaching. This teaching outlines the five things that are necessary in order for the harvest to begin. In a day when bigger is assumed to be better we should remember the example of Jesus who had to change the life of one person—the Samaritan woman—in order to bring a harvest of the entire city.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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94LHCD12-11 – Jim Coffey – SOUL TIES
This is an excellent teaching covering some Biblical examples of soul ties, the difference between good ones and bad ones, and ways in which they are formed. Receive deliverance and understanding as you listen and learn!

Miscellaneous Speakers
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There is One on the throne and in the throne and He is the authority in all things. We cannot do anything of ourselves, but we are laborers together with Him. God didn’t raise up the Church to have it end in weakness! God has set us here to cause the nations to be turned to the Lord, to overcome the beast/antichrist system, and to see the reward of the greatness of God.

Tommy Cook
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94LHCD12-13 – Tommy Cook – TWO NATURES
The war is now and it is taking place between the two natures that reside in us. The beast nature tries to set up the antichrist spirit within us to take the place of Christ and war against Him. But the Holy Spirit residing in us raises up a warrior spirit which allows us to overcome the beast nature in us and fight against the political, economic and religious system which Satan is trying to establish. All Christians need to hear this.

Jim & Mildred Coffey
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God does not want us to be ignorant. Satan attacks our minds in order to keep us from understanding and receiving the Word and to blind us with unbelief. Christ tore down the veil and provided for complete restoration of our minds as well as our bodies. We must be quick to repent and willing to learn. Prayers of restoration and deliverance are included on this message.

Howard Pittman
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94LHCD12-15A Howard Pittman TESTIMONY 1-of-2
94LHCD12-15B Howard Pittman TESTIMONY 2-of-2
Bro. Pittman lays a foundation for his teachings later in the meetings by sharing both his upbringing and what happened to him in the spiritual realm while he was physically dead.

Glen & Erma Miller
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94LHCD12-16 – Glen Miller – BLOOD & FAT – FALSE TEACHINGS
This message covers the Scriptural basis for not eating blood or fat and other dietary laws, and includes deliverance prayers for curses resulting from disobedience in this area. Also included is a warning against false teachings, specifically the doctrine of ultimate reconciliation, and an explanation of campground policy concerning the giving of personal prophecy without having an elder or pastor present to judge it. 

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
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94LHCD12-17 – Dr. William Null – OUR WARFARE PART – 1-of-2
We are at war today because satan’s rebellion against God failed. He couldn’t touch God so he wants to destroy His image. Our primary weapon in our battle against him is “It is written.” The chief stumbling block in our battle is pride. When we humble ourselves and submit to God then the devil will flee when we resist him. Every Christian needs to hear this message. 

Howard Pittman
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94LHCD12-18 – Howard Pittman – PRINCIPALITIES & POWERS
In the battle against Satan you are either a soldier or a prisoner of war. There are no neutrals. (Ask yourself, which are you?) If you are a Christian, he has a plan specifically designed to defeat you. He is not omniscient, omnipotent, or omnipresent and so relies on his chain of command for intelligence and the implementation of his plans. Daily repentance is one of the keys to successful spiritual warfare. Very enlightening!

Kyle Parmer
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94LHCD12-19 – Kyle Parmer – FREEDOM IN CHRIST
As Christians, we are not to use feeling, perception, emotion, experiences, etc. as the basis for reality. Our reality must be based on God’s Word. That Word says that He HAS delivered and translated us and we ARE seated with Him above all principalities and powers. It’s time for us to start living like we believe it! If we are dead with Christ and the old man has been crucified then we must stop letting him get up and walk around. Are you ready to believe the Word?

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
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94LHCD12-20 – Dr. William Null – OUR WARFARE PART – 2-of-2
This teaching examines the connections between bitterness, rebellion, witchcraft, lust, stubbornness, unforgiveness and idolatry. These are areas where satan commonly attacks and opening the door to him in one frequently leads to bondage in several of them. We must be quick to repent and ask forgiveness in order to keep the doors shut. Deliverance prayers are included with the teaching. Listen to this and move into deliverance in your home or prayer group. Try this for victory!

Howard Pittman
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Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
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94LHCD12-21A – *Howard Pittman – SATAN’S CONSPIRACY **Dr. William Null – THE LORD’S SUPPER 1-OF-2
94LHCD12-21B – *Howard Pittman – SATAN’S CONSPIRACY **Dr. William Null – THE LORD’S SUPPER 1-OF-2
*God kept no secrets from His people. He put everything we need to know in His Word. At the proper time, He pulls back the veil and allows us to understand the truth. Satan’s conspiracy to defeat and eradicate the church, to wipe out the name and image of God from the earth has been revealed. What has been a covert war has now become an open one. If he succeeds, we will have no excuse for allowing it to happen! **Excellent explanation of the significance of communion as the renewal of the covenant.

Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003 – Deliverance Ministry
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008 – Deliverance Ministry
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We all have spiritual gifts and we should use them in proportion to the faith given us. They are given in order that God’s Spirit may be made manifest in us and they are irrevocable. This teaching examines all nine of the spiritual gifts and how they operate. This message would make a wonderful gift for your pastor or Sunday School teacher, or a good addition to the church library.

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