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The following is this camp meeting in podcast format.
These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too

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Robert and Michael Cameron
Salvation for the whole House, Bible living


84LHCD11-1 – Michael Cameron – GOD WILL SURELY VISIT YOU
And that He did! Bro. Michael brought forth words of liberty, encouragement, and vision as he declared the works of the Holy Spirit throughout the world. Praise, unity, and a steadfast determination to see the plan of God brought forth in the land today were the proclamations. We need to have a “going-through” spirit! Joseph was taken into Egypt as a slave and within that bondage, liberty sprang forth. An entire people were delivered. God uses every situation to bring about His perfection in us. We must be determined to be bound for “CANAAN LAND.” Holy Spirit ministry for salvation, baptism of the Holy Ghost, healing, and deliverance followed the message.

84LHCD11-2 – Robert Cameron – OVERCOMERS
Robert is Michael’s son and God is mightily using him in all areas of ministry. This young man shares four principles of what it takes to be an overcomer. His life is a testimony to young people of what God can do with one who is being liberated through the power of praise. The devil gets very upset when a church begins to move into high praise because he is one who knows the power and potential in praise. He was the leader of praise in heaven! Till he fell. Holy Ghost-filled praise is a powerful weapon for the believer. God is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

84LHCD11-5 – Michael Cameron – GOD HATH HEALED
The first in a family of drunks to get saved, Michael was instrumental in getting his three brothers and one sister to come to Jesus. Now over thirty members of the Cameron family are in ministry around the world. With the background in intercession that he has had, there is an anointing on this message for us all to believe for our unsaved and backslidden loved ones. A stand must be taken against the enemy. What God has promised He is able to perform!


85LHCD7-2 – Robert Cameron – PRAISE YE THE LORD
Let’s learn to praise the Lord and realize that which we were created for! We’ve only begun to come into the fullness of true Praise and Worship.

85LHCD7-5 – Michael Cameron – A VISITATION FROM GOD
Glorious testimonies of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Scotland upon hearts that were hungry for God. Precious anointing to teach on the conditions for bringing that fresh visitation from God that many of us are longing for in our families and in our nation. 


90LHCD11-2 – Robert Cameron – HOUSEHOLD SALVATION
God has always had a family plan. What He promises He delivers, and He has promised household salvation. Robert encourages us to believe for the salvation of our families by sharing his family’s testimony. He also gives steps we can take toward that salvation. Praise, prayer, and prophecy begin and end the service.


We must be as determined to see our families saved as Satan is to keep that from happening. This is an inspiring message that will encourage you to do as Noah did and “build for the salvation of your family.” We must not become discouraged by looking at the circumstances but stand in faith on the Word of God. A classic tape for those with an unsaved family.


93LHCD11-7 – Robert Cameron – THE 23RD PSALM
Are you being led by the Shepherd, or driven by the butcher?  According to the 23rd Psalm, if we are being led by the Shepherd we will experience assurance, peace, restoration, direction, protection, provision, and communion.  If we are being driven, it is not by the Shepherd!


94LHCD11-1 – Robert Cameron – TAKING YOUR CITY
Are you discouraged by the things you see going on around you?  Do you have unsaved friends and family members?  We are to reclaim and occupy the earth until the Lord’s return.  Drawing on Scripture from the book of Joshua, this teaching will encourage you to stand firm by providing specific instructions on how to do it.  An excellent teaching!

94LHCD11-8 – Robert Cameron – BREAKING STRONGHOLDS
We are living in desperate times.  If we are serious about occupying until He comes, we must move beyond the comfort zone into the commitment zone.  We must refuse to tolerate what we should be annihilating.  Praise is one of the most powerful weapons we have to break the strongholds over us and over our families.  Prayers to break strongholds are included on this message.


95LHCD11-1 – Robert Cameron – HUNGER AND THIRST
(Brief comments by Bill Smith and Chuck Worth are included at the beginning of the tape.) The promise of God is that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled. Satan would like to keep us focused on the past, but God is moving in a fresh way to satisfy the hunger and thirst of His people. How can you tell if a move is of God? The manifestation of His Spirit will bring transformation that will yield good fruit! Are you thirsty?

95LHCD11-7 – Robert Cameron – NEW WINESKINS
Once you get a dose of the new wine, you won’t know what you did without it! God is moving among His people! Usually, those who have been in the previous move of God are the harshest critics of the new move. They are like old wineskins, unable to hold the new wine. By a seven-step process they can be made like new wineskins, capable of being filled with new wine. The ministry at the end of the service is included on this message. Many became so full of the Spirit as Robert laid hands on them that they appeared to be drunk. Wonderful service!


96LHCD11-7 – Robert Cameron – THE ANOINTING
An excellent teaching on the purposes and results of the anointing! The anointing is for the church and we need to learn to allow its full expression in our lives. It is not enough to have the manifestation of the anointing. Manifestation should bring transformation and fruitfulness.

96LHCD11-8 – Robert Cameron – GOD STIRRING THE SPIRITS
A challenge from the book of Haggai. It is not enough to have our mind or our emotions stirred. We must be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to stir our spirits. The key to God’s blessing, now as always, is obedience! When our spirits are stirred, God’s glory will be manifested.


97LHCD11-1 – Robert Cameron – THE FIRE OF GOD
We need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and with Fire! The Fire of God will bring renewal. A marvelous teaching on seven things that the fire of God will do in our lives. Everyone who hungers for more of God will want to hear this tape at least once! Ministry to impart the Fire of God is included on this message.

97LHCD11-8 – Robert Cameron – GOING INTO THE ENEMY’S CAMP
Just as David brought everything back from the enemy’s camp in I Samuel 30, we have the power and authority to go and get back everything our enemy has stolen from us! Covers reasons the devil is able to steal from us in the first place and what we must do in order to be successful in taking it back. If you want your “stuff” back from the devil, you’re going to have to fight for it!


90LHCD11-2 – Robert Cameron – HOUSEHOLD SALVATION
God has always had a family plan. What He promises He delivers, and He has promised household salvation. Robert encourages us to believe for the salvation of our families by sharing his family’s testimony. He also gives steps we can take toward that salvation. Praise, prayer and prophecy begin and end the service.

No one pours new wine into old wineskins (Matt. 9:17); rather, new wine is poured into new (or renewed) wineskins. Bro. Robert defines seven steps used to renew wineskins that he parallels to the renewal that we must experience in our spirits. This process enables us to contain the new wine that is flowing in the body of Christ today. During the worship time before the message, the Spirit of the Lord descended on the congregation and we received a touch of that “new wine”. Many were healed and renewed by the sweet, gentle moving of the Spirit. Part of that portion of the service is included on the tape following the message.

98LHCD11-8 – Robert Cameron – PAUL’S UNSHAKEABLE FAITH
God dwells in a realm higher than any of your problems, so look higher and you will find God. Through faith and obedience, you will see God move in your behalf. Four reasons why Paul had “unshakeable” faith are explored enabling him to live a life of powerful service for God. 


99LHCD11-1 – Robert Cameron – A PASSION FOR GOD
It was said of Saul in I Samuel 11:6 that he “burned with anger” (NIV) when he heard the people weeping over the siege of Jabesh Gilead. He exercised his passion to rally the people of God to rout the enemy when others were willing to compromise! The devil’s agenda is to search and destroy; God’s agenda is to seek and to save. We cannot be passive about things of the Kingdom; we must burn with a godly passion if we are to see brought about the defeat of the enemy! Worship music by Robert Cameron playing and singing at the end of his message.)

01LHCD11-4 – Robert Cameron – GOD IS A FAMILY GOD
God is a God of families, He is interested in families. He wants to save our family. It’s His will that no one should perish. In the Old Testament, all twelve tribes were twelve families. Start believing for every member of your family. Cry out to God – where there is a cry, there is a reply. Take stock of who you are and what you have in Christ.

01LHCD11-7 – Robert Cameron – PSALM 23
“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The Bible talks about four types of shepherds; the good shepherd, the great shepherd, the chief shepherd, and our shepherd. The LORD is not only a great shepherd, or the chief shepherd, He is your shepherd! Our shepherd provides a sense of belonging, and a sense of assurance. He gives us peace and restores our soul. He provides a sense of protection, direction and provision.

99LHCD11-9 – Robert Cameron – HOW TO KILL YOUR GIANTS
Is the account of David and Goliath just a Sunday School story? After you hear this message, you will know otherwise. Bro. Robert presents several principles gained from David’s response to the Goliath in his life that will help us slay the giants in our lives so that we can walk the overcoming life in fullness!

99LHCD11-10 – Robert Cameron – KEEPING THE VISION FRESH
The story of Eli in I Samuel 3 is a sad picture of what happens when vision is lost. Bro. Robert identifies ways to keep our vision fresh so we might experience the fulfillment of the destiny God has ordained for our lives.


00LHCD11-4 – Robert Cameron – KEEP YOUR VISION FRESH
In 1 Sam 3:1, the story of Eli shows how we can lose our vision, and simply return to the ‘usual place’. It was described as a time of not many visions. It was not that God wasn’t speaking, but that man wasn’t listening. If we are given a vision and it tarries, we must wait for it. It took Joseph fourteen years for his vision to come true. Then one day he woke up a prisoner, but went to bed a prime minister. A lack of vision will bring four things; complacency, a lack of intimacy, a lack of sensitivity, and will bring calamity. We need to get out of the ‘usual place’ and keep our vision fresh!


01LHCD11-4 – Robert Cameron – GOD IS A FAMILY GOD
God is a God of families, He is interested in families. He wants to save our family. It’s His will that no one should perish. In the Old Testament, all twelve tribes were twelve families. Start believing for every member of your family. Cry out to God – where there is a cry, there is a reply. Take stock of who you are and what you have in Christ.

01LHCD11-7 – Robert Cameron – PSALM 23
“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The Bible talks about four types of shepherds; the good shepherd, the great shepherd, the chief shepherd, and our shepherd. The LORD is not only a great shepherd, or the chief shepherd, He is your shepherd! Our shepherd provides a sense of belonging, and a sense of assurance. He gives us peace and restores our soul. He provides a sense of protection, direction and provision.


03LHCD11-1 – Robert Cameron – UNITY BRINGS VICTORY
Brother Cameron opens the 133rd Psalm to show how unity brings the blessing of God. Satan’s strategy is to divide and conquer. If he (satan) can break the unity of the body then he can cause division and defeat. Unity does not come cheap but Ephesians 4:3 says “Endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.” To do this one must crucify the flesh and recognize the fatherhood of God. Romans 8:14 “For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Brother Cameron covers the four necessary steps to bring unity which will bring salvation, healing, and deliverance.

Brother Cameron begins by discussing the source and blessing of praise. He gives an in-depth discussion of praise and the blessings it brings. Then he opens I Samuel 16 and 17 to show the seven characteristics of a godly leader. Godly leaders are chosen by God who looks at the heart and are then trained by God. The seven characteristics of a Godly leader are then outlined with scriptural references. The results of such leadership are then reviewed.

If you walk in the will of God you will face opposition. Your response to opposition will determine the outcome “In the gale (strong wind) your course is determined by the trim of your sails.” In truth, some opposition (wind) is necessary to bring you to your final destination. Brother Cameron uses Nehemiah 4:1-13 as a text to show the biblical response to opposition. Using many scriptures he outlines the five steps to overcoming opposition and accomplishing our God given vision..

Brother Cameron’s opening statement, “When God gives you a vision you are immortal until it comes to pass.” He then discusses Joseph’s vision and his problems as recorded in Genesis 37-42 and Paul’s vision and the problems he and Silas encountered before it’s fulfillment. (Acts 16:25-34) He outlines the scriptural response to carry you through to the victory. A positive tape for those encountering difficulty in their God given ministry.


06LHCD11-4 – Robert Cameron – PASSING THE TEST
Robert starts out by telling us that when Zion prevails we will bring forth! He says the devil will tempt you to destroy you but God will test you to grow you. God is holding our hand, we are not holding His. We have to keep our vision fresh and clear. We have 2 ears and only one mouth so we should listen twice as much as we talk. God may give us unusual tests and the worst thing we could do is ignore these tests. Listing some tests, he gave examples of each: 1) Work the hours you are supposed to work 2) Talk to those who are less fortunate than you 3) Give help to someone even though it’s a con job. 4) Do things for your spouse above the call of duty. 5) Don’t cheat on your taxes. There are two types of dreams; supernatural and supper-natural. In Scripture Joseph had a supernatural dream. His tests alienated him from his family. Robert tells us the things that were tested in Joseph’s life and explains each one. Test #1 Loyalty, Test #2 Integrity, Test #3 Faith, Test #4 Patience, Test #5 Pride, Test #6 Love. Then he shows us why Joseph passed the tests. 1) He had the right attitude 2) He never gave up 3) He moved in when opportunity arrived 4) He realized the Lord had done this thing 5) He never retaliated 6) He forgave his brothers 7) He built Pharaohs house and waited his time. God used Joseph. This is a wonderful teaching comparing the tests in Joseph’s life to ours.  

06LHCD11-8 – Robert Cameron – 7 DIPS WILL DO YOU
“How to have a breakthrough in your life” or Robert’s short version “Seven dips will do ya”. This is a very informative teaching taken from II Kings 5 concerning Naaman, a man of character. God is a God of breakthrough in our lives. He mentions things that can stop us from having a breakthrough in our lives including fear, lack of faith and insecurity. We must think generationally. Don’t hide problems, face them and deal with them. Robert shares 7 hindrances Naaman had to deal with to have a breakthrough and they pertain to us also; pride, anger, presumption, prejudice, disobedience, offenses and defiance. He then gives us examples of solutions of how to get a breakthrough in finances, family, health and ministry. He closes with the statement that we need to get a revelation of who God is and when we do get a breakthrough we need to have a worshipful heart.

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