Kyle Parmer

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Kyle Parmer

Kyle also has a Facebook page.

NOTE: Kyle was a big help to Glen Miller over the many years when he came to camp meetings. Helping Glen with the recording. You still hear his voice on many of these cassette transfers. He was also a very good speaker. He also loves to praise the Lord while playing the piano.

Enjoy his audio messages below.

1994 Mid Winter Camp Meeting

94LHCD12-19 – Kyle Parmer – FREEDOM IN CHRIST
As Christians, we are not to use feeling, perception, emotion, experiences, etc. as the basis for reality. Our reality must be based on God’s Word. That Word says that He HAS delivered and translated us and we ARE seated with Him above all principalities and powers. It’s time for us to start living like we believe it! If we are dead with Christ and the old man has been crucified then we must stop letting him get up and walk around. Are you ready to believe the Word?

1995 Spring Camp Meeting

95LHCD3-5 Kyle Parmer
As Christians, we all want to experience to the fullest the life Christ brings. However, we overlook the fact that Scripture plainly teaches that in order to do that we must first be conformed to His death, sharing His suffering. Then, when God begins to take us THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, we either panic or give up. We must persevere! As we continue to pray in these situations, we begin to see things from God’s perspective and can begin to praise Him.

1995 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

95LHCD5-2 – Kyle Parmer – LET HIM IN
In order to cope, we learn to put up a front and hide things from others. Unfortunately, we try to do the same thing with God and keep Him out of the areas of our lives where we most need Him to come in. We need to get over our pride and embarrassment and allow Him to clean things up, then minister healing through the power of His love. Only then will we be able to live up to the challenges of the Christian life as outlined in Colossians 1. This is an excellent teaching that will challenge Christians at all levels of maturity.

1995 Summer Camp Meeting

It is time to quit pointing fingers and take responsibility for our actions and attitudes, particularly with regard to religious groups that we have left. There is no room in the Bride of Christ for being bitter or judgmental. We must be consistent in revealing the nature of Christ and manifest His desire for unity and restoration or we will end up repeating the same mistakes that we criticize. The question is not have we come out, but has it come out of us?

95LHCD7-17 – Kyle Parmer – DOMINION
God gave man dominion over creation and he intends for us to have dominion in our lives. We must engage our mind and will to lay hold of what God has for us. To take dominion, we must quit denying the truth of God’s Word and use it as our basis for judging reality. When we begin to take dominion many things will change in our lives and we will be able to reach beyond the realm we are in, into the realm of life, into the heavenlies, and begin to bring the life of God into the present day. Don’t stagger at the promises through unbelief!

1995 Labor Day Camp Meeting

95LHCD8-5 – Kyle Parmer – GUARD YOUR HEART
God desires that we desire only Him. In order to achieve that, we must learn to guard our hearts, keeping out those things that Satan tries to plant there and keeping self off the throne. Our commitment to God to serve Him as Lord should be the dictating factor and the stabilizing factor in our lives. (Great for the entire church.)

1995 Thanksgiving Camp Meeting

95LHCD11-5 – Kyle Parmer – INTIMACY WITH JESUS
Moses spoke to God face to face, as a friend to friend. We have a better covenant than Moses does, but do we have that level of intimacy? We can, but we must desire it. When we seek a greater level of intimacy with Christ we will look to Him for our identity, not to other people or to things. We will become more and more like Him, and others will see that made manifest.

1996 Passover (Spring) Camp Meeting

96LHCD4-5 – Kyle Parmer – APOSTASY
Challenging teaching, showing how Christians have been influenced by false teachings which have permeated the religious world, calling us to repentance and righteousness, and outlining some of the ways doors are opened for demonic activity in our lives. Our motto should be, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

1985 Memorial Day Camp Meeting

95LHCD5-2 – Kyle Parmer – LET HIM IN
In order to cope, we learn to put up a front and hide things from others. Unfortunately, we try to do the same thing with God and keep Him out of the areas of our lives where we most need Him to come in. We need to get over our pride and embarrassment and allow Him to clean things up, then minister healing through the power of His love. Only then will we be able to live up to the challenges of Christian life as outlined in Colossians 1. This is an excellent teaching that will challenge Christians at all levels of maturity.

96LHCD5-5 – Kyle Parmer – PURITY IN HEART
The longing of God’s heart is for fellowship with us. If we truly understood this, temptation would lose much of its appeal. We need the Word of God (Jesus) in us, His nature entwined in us, so that His life can flow out through us to the world. We need to destroy the works of the evil one, not play with them!

95LHCD5-9 – Dr. William Null – BLESSING OR CURSE
This teaching covers the three kinds of curses, their basis for operating, and their results. God always gives us the choice between blessings and curses. Living in the flesh brings curses; living in the spirit brings blessings. Provision has been made for the curses to be broken. Deliverance prayers are included in this message.

1996 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

Sharing numerous personal examples, Bro. Kyle shows how many of us fail to claim all that God has for us, and therefore continue to live in defeat. But God is faithful! He continues to deal with us in compassion. A wonderful message of encouragement to the body of Christ.

1997 Summer Family Camp Meeting

97LHCD7-17 – Kyle Parmer – ABIDING IN HIM
Abiding in Christ is more than a mental exercise. It begins with a true salvation experience and is developed through studying, believing, and obeying the Word. When we truly abide in Him, the world will see Him through us. A message which will both encourage and challenge.

1997 Labor Day Camp Meeting

97LHCD8-5 – Kyle Parmer – IN HIS PRESENCE
A call to move beyond a superficial relationship with God to walk in the light of His presence. Only as we come to that place can His kingdom be made manifest in us and through us. Then we will know the peace and joy that are to accompany righteousness. Don’t let fear hold you back!

1997 Mid-Winter Camp Meeting

97LHCD12-14 – Kyle Parmer – SUCCESS / FAILURE
Many of the problems in our lives come about because we have the wrong ideas about success and failure. We become so involved in trying to do something for God in our own strength that we don’t let Him work in and through us. Fruit doesn’t produce relationship; relationship produces fruit. What matters is that God is pleased with us.

96LHCD12-17 – Kyle Parmer – DEAD TO SIN
Are you walking in the likeness of Christ’s resurrection? If not, it may be because you have not been planted (buried) together with Him in the likeness of His death. A strong message which will challenge you to examine yourself and repent!

1998 Spring Camp Meeting

98LHCD3-5 – Kyle Parmer – DEATH TO SELF
Christianity is more than a decision; it is a state of being! If the Word condemns us, we need to repent and conform ourselves to the Word. That is obedience, not legalism! In order to be consistent in our faith and our walk we must die to self. 

Come to a camp meeting!
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.
Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – Central Time.

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Published on: January 24, 2019

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