Jack Duran

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Jack Duran

Taught here at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp

These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.

FREE podcast audio messages
They are clear enough, so we can conserve hosting space while growing. 


Peace is our greatest weapon to defeat the enemy. Satan wants to rob is of our peace, our identity, and everything that is good for us. We must defeat him. Things should be getting better where we are even if they are getting worse everywhere else. We must learn to help ourselves and then use our knowledge to help others. Bro. Duran outlines four steps we must take to win the battle. Deliverance prayers in a variety of areas are included at the end of this message.

91LHCD8-5 – Jack Duran – DO YOU WANT TO BE FREE?
You will never be a great warrior until you defeat yourself. The greatest need is for a spirit of discernment. Revelation leads to deliverance. We need to take our rightful authority and destroy the works of the evil one. Prayers for marriages and families conclude the service.


96LHCD5-2 – Jack Duran – GOD AS OUR PROVIDER
Who or what do you trust as your provision in the area of finances? Sharing both biblical principles and personal testimony, Bro. Duran challenges us to get free from the lust for money and learn to trust God. A strong message of encouragement and a call to repentance!

The enemy wants to bring you into confusion. He comes to kill, steal, and destroy. But God wants to set you free! He will destroy the works of the evil one so that He can be glorified in you. Bro. Duran shares some of his experiences in the deliverance ministry, encouraging us to be honest, bringing the works of darkness into the light so they can be seen and dealt with.

96LHCD5-11 – *Jack Duran **Dr. William Null – DENYING YOURSELF
* Jack shares first. We are called to live as a new creation. In order to do that we must move out of the carnal realm, especially in our thinking, and learn to trust God. Carnal thinking brings destruction! **How much are you willing to devote, what are you willing to pay, to know God better? A challenge to dethrone self and let the Holy Spirit rule in our lives by exercising discipline in the areas of prayer, Bible study, fasting, and service to others. Deliverance prayers aimed at breaking the power of the antichrist spirit acquired through occult involvement and idolatry are included on this message.


97LHCD7-2 – Jack Duran – THE ANOINTING
God has called us to be a sanctified, holy people. We need to understand where we stand in God in order to walk in the power of God. The anointing calls us into the kingdom, into salvation and deliverance, into ministry. Learn to take your place!

97LHCD7-10 – Jack Duran – THE NAME OF JESUS
The Name of Jesus contains the whole realm of the kingdom of God and all its power and authority. This message will encourage you to appropriate that power and authority, both personally and in your ministry, as you destroy the works of the evil one!


99LHCD10FT-1 – Jack Duran – HOW DO I KNOW?
To walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant, which we have a right to expect, we have to KNOW something and we have to DO something. “Faith is…the evidence…” We have evidence—proof—in the Word of God. We have information…that forms the foundation on which we stand to receive the promises. This powerful faith-builder on what we KNOW (“we have information”) is followed on 99LHCD10FT-5 by what we must DO.

In Deuteronomy God gave them information—the land of Canaan was theirs by inheritance as promised to Abraham. But they had to take possession. They had to start somewhere. The outcome was guaranteed, but they had to engage (contend with) the enemy. We must magnify the Lord above our obstacles knowing that His power in us is greater than our foe. Bro. Jack shares glorious testimonies of God’s faithfulness to bring victory in spite of overwhelming opposition. He had information! Don’t miss this one!

Guilt is the flaw, and shame is the signal. Guilt is an emotional reaction to behavior, while shame is an eternal judgment against oneself. We must share our faults with one another, accountability brings us into deliverance. We must let go of guilt that lingers after we have been set free. A very important message!


Guilt is the flaw, and shame is the signal. Guilt is an emotional reaction to behavior, while shame is an eternal judgment against oneself. We must share our faults with one another, accountability brings us into deliverance. We must let go of guilt that lingers after we have been set free. A very important message!


God’s purpose is to perfect us, to make us more like Jesus. Our warfare is in the spiritual world, not a physical war. We need to understand the power that is within us, and to learn the root cause of the things happening in your life and others. God wants us to exercise spiritual discernment in our walk with Him. He gave us the power and authority.

We have the power to break curses. We need to understand who we are in Christ, our position in Christ, and our authority in Christ. There has to be a revelation of who He is in us. To break curses is to obey the LORD. We all have the responsibility to break curses, we all have inherited curses to break. A curse will not come without a cause.

02LHCD9-7 – Jack Duran – THE MERCY SEAT
The mercy seat operates in deliverance for us if we understand the blood, for without the blood, there can be no healing. His blood frees us from the curses. God has made a way for us through the blood, without the shedding of His blood, there could be no breaking of curses. He has chosen us, and he continues to make choices today.

You can come under a curse that you are personally not responsible for, but have inherited. Some of the greatest curses passed down through generations are divorce and poverty. Brother Jack teaches how to get knowledge of generational curses in your life. No curse comes without a cause. Sin can bring a curse, and sickness may manifest as a part of the curse. We need to understand the workings of God in our lives.

More of his coming as I keep converting cassette masters to MP3 


New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.

Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!

Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.

Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry.

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)

Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.

We never take God’s provision for granted.

Thank You!,

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