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Howard Pittman
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Howard Pittman has been coming to Lake Hamilton Bible Camp every year since early 1984. He usually came at Mid-Winter camp. But sometimes he came over the Labor Day camp. He always shares his testimony, but over the years he has shared other subjects too. I’ve added some of those different teachings in this mix below.
UPDATE. Now that I’m doing this site in “camp Meeting Order.” Eventually all of Howard Pittman’s cassettes will be converted to post in mp3. You can see where I’m at by viewing this site by Camp Meetings
NOTE Howard Pittman passed away in March, 2019. He was 90 years old. LHBC is still carrying his books at Also some of LHBC camp meeting VIDEO messages are being posted freely on YouTube Kevin, LHBC Staff.
Audio dates are old to new. Example: 85 = 1985, etc.
85LHCD9-1 – *Tommy Cook – THE FRUIT OF ZION **Howard Pittman – SPIRITUAL WARFARE- *”The Fruit of Zion” is a brief exploration into today’s travailing within the church and God’s purposes in cleaning the filth out of the daughters of Zion. God is endeavoring to bring forth the fruit of holiness in His many membered Son. **Bro. Pittman lays the groundwork for a series of teachings that every Christian should hear. Emphasis is placed on the last day attack by the enemy. This strategy has been so cleverly designed that even the elect are in danger! Spiritual warfare is learning to resist the devil.
85LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – THE OTHER SIDE
“In this day you had better know the spirit that speaks to you.” Satan almost tripped this man up at death’s door! We must know the real; only then can we recognize the counterfeit! “It’s important to you that you know why God condemned me and called my life an abomination before Him,” says Bro. Pittman. “You deserve to go to hell if you’re too lazy to read the Bible!” The best tactic the enemy uses is to try to get you wrapped up in yourself. The seriousness of this message goes far beyond what can be described in these few words. Christian, you can play church right into the pits of hell!
87LHCD12-11A – Howard Pittman – SPIRITUAL WARFARE 1-of-2
87LHCD12-11B – Howard Pittman – SPIRITUAL WARFARE 2-of-2
The majority of Christians fail to recognize the existence of satan, much less the fact that they have a personal adversary whose purpose is to destroy them. His techniques for destruction are designed to operate in those areas of your flesh where there is weakness. If he successfully gains your cooperation he will “put your light out” by causing you to publicly compromise your Christian principles. This expose of the enemy’s tactics makes ever so clear your need to die daily, giving no occasion to the flesh or its desires. No death experience is without pain, nor is it easy, but this death produces life! Moment by moment we must purpose in our hearts to make Jesus Lord of every situation.
87LHCD12-15A – Howard Pittman – THE LIE EXPOSED 1-of-2
87LHCD12-15B – Howard Pittman – THE LIE EXPOSED 2-of-2
This extraordinary testimony reveals how sad it is that many of God’s people, who are so sincere in their quest to serve and please Him, have allowed the enemy to deceive them. Satan’s intention, beginning with his rebellion in heaven, has been to lift himself up as God. He continues his war against the Almighty by using unsuspecting, naive Christians who are not aware of their entrapment to the self-life which feeds on “I will be as God.” God’s conditions have not changed. His first commandment remains in effect – “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” In Bro. Pittman’s audience with God, he was given a second chance and a commission to tell the Laodicean church of their impending judgment if they continue to serve the god of “self” after hearing the truth.
88LH12-15A – Howard Pittman – THE COVERT WAR 1-OF-2
88LH12-15B – Howard Pittman – THE COVERT WAR 2-OF-2
(Prior to Bro. Pittman’s message you will hear a glorious, prophetic word of life given through Jack Harris.) There is an invisible war being waged against the saints of God and the majority of Christians are not even aware that they are a target. The adversary is counterfeiting God’s work. Deception is invading every avenue of Christianity and we must understand how to “try the spirits.” Bro. Pittman gives three scripturally-based rules of thumb that will help you escape the tentacles of deception. The government of satan is extremely organized and strategic and it is imperative for born-again Christians to be informed of his tactics. Two of satan’s modes of attack are through the lusts of our flesh by tempting us to sin and by buffeting our flesh. “NO” is the word to defeat the devil! The purpose for Jesus to become manifest in the flesh was to destroy the works of satan. Our help in this battle against principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places is in the Name of the Lord! Jesus is the Victor.
88LHCD12-18A – Howard Pittman – THE MYSTERY DEMON 1-of-2
88LHCD12-18B – Howard Pittman – THE MYSTERY DEMON 2-of-2
God spoke audibly to Bro. Pittman, telling him we are in the Laodicean church age, and then gave him a command to “go tell.” With that in mind, this message is to those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. One of the greatest failures of the church today has been their gross underestimation of the adversary. Satan is endeavoring to set himself up as god of this world and cause all flesh to worship him. His plan is highly organized and his leaders are extremely capable of carrying out his orders. Each spirit has its own particular job to do and that is their area of expertise. The mystery demon is identified as the order of spirits responsible for exotic diseases and catastrophic illnesses. These are coming down upon us through the ancestral curses that are put upon us by God because of disobedience to His Word. Unrighteous sexual acts remain an abomination in the sight of God. In spite of rampant immorality in the world today, unless they are repented of they will continue to bring physical death to the human body. In the vein of spiritual warfare and deliverance, this message exposes the enemy spirits of perversion and sorcery. This service concludes with a call to repentance before God.
90LHCD12-16 – Howard Pittman – THE ANTICHRIST
The insight that Bro. Pittman received in his death experience continues to unveil truth to us today concerning world affairs. The results of what he learned about the sophisticated workings of satan’s kingdom have brought tremendous enlightenment to the body of Christ in the area of spiritual warfare. This message on the antichrist is no exception! The clarion call “for the wise to understand” will continue to ring in your spirit long after you have heard the warnings that this man of God speaks forth. Bro. Pittman proclaims that the church will lead the antichrist to his throne because they have abdicated their God-given power to call the shots and put the enemy in his place. According to Bro. Pittman, our only hope is for the sleeping church to wake up! A message which should be heard by everyone, but especially those in leadership in the church and in the home.
A sub-title for this message could be “A Treasury for the Overcomer”! God has dispensed truth into Bro. Pittman concerning satan’s wiles in order to help Christians walk away from traditions and errors that have caused them to perish spiritually, financially, etc. The two primary issues addressed here are: 1) why people can’t receive or keep deliverance; and 2) the formula God gives in His Word to defeat catastrophic illnesses. “Catastrophic ” illnesses, by Bro. Pittman’s definition, are those things for which there are no cures and which result in death–diabetes, cancer, etc. The Pittmans have walked this truth out in personal experience, and he states, “We did it by the rule book, and we won!” He believes that of God gave us His Word to walk in victory by, then we must not be playing by the rules if we are walking in defeat! Very enlightening on healing the impossible.
94LHCD12-15A Howard Pittman TESTIMONY 1-of-2
94LHCD12-15B Howard Pittman TESTIMONY 2-of-2
Bro. Pittman lays a foundation for his teachings later in the meetings by sharing both his upbringing and what happened to him in the spiritual realm while he was physically dead.
95LHCD12-14A – Howard Pittman – HEARING FROM GOD 1-of-2
95LHCD12-14B – Howard Pittman – HEARING FROM GOD 2-of-2
Man has three sources of knowledge: his five physical senses, his ability to reason, and his contact with the spirit realm. We receive knowledge from God through faith. One way He speaks to us is through dreams and visions, but not all of them are from Him. This teaching gives some gu3idelines for discerning the source of dreams and interpreting them.
96LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – HOLY BIBLE, WHOLLY TRUE
God’s Word is settled forever! We must know what it says and truly believe it in order to stand against the enemy in the days to come. The Word of God is our only offensive weapon and many Christians don’t even know how to use it! A strong message for the church!
96LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – 7 STEPS TO TOTAL HEALING
There have been many teachings on healing and many Christians have been healed. However, many have not been healed or have not held on to their healing. Why? For many it is because they only received a partial teaching or because they failed to keep their guard up against the enemy’s repeated attacks. Prayers for healing and deliverance are included on this message.
96LHCD12-16A – Howard Pittman – SATAN’S MASTER PLAN 1-of-2
96LHCD12-16B – Howard Pittman – SATAN’S MASTER PLAN 2-of-2
We are moving into the final stage of satan’s master plan. This teaching outlines his plan along with his three major methods of attack and the ways in which we can stand against him and fight back.
97LHCD12-10A – Howard Pittman – KNOWING YOUR ENEMY 1-OF-2
97LHCD12-10B – Howard Pittman – KNOWING YOUR ENEMY 2-OF-2
There is great danger in being ignorant of the spiritual realm because we do not war after the flesh. But if we recognize and understand our adversary and his government we will have a much greater advantage in the battle!
97LH12-13A – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 1-of-2
97LH12-13B – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 2-of-2
A humorous look back into his childhood years followed by a vivid account of his encounter with death, passing through the blackest veil, losing sight of the physical world, opening the door to see the reality of the spiritual world in a way he had never known before. How prepared are we to meet God?
97LHCD12-16 – Howard Pittman – AFTER SIX DAYS, THEN WHAT?
Examines specific scriptures and principles which indicate that the thousand year reign of Christ on the earth is imminent and encourages us to redeem the time we have left.
98LHCD12-10A – Howard Pittman – THE GREAT MIRACLE 1-of-2
98LHCD12-10B – Howard Pittman – THE GREAT MIRACLE 2-of-2
This is Bro. Pittman’s own story, culminating with his traumatic physical attack, his journey crossing the veil into the spirit realm and his appeal to God for his natural life to be restored. In the process God revealed many facets of the operation of spiritual beings, both angelic and demonic, corrected the focus and direction of his life and commissioned him to tell his story to the body of Christ wherever God would send him as a warning of God’s judgment on the Laodicean church. This is an example of a life full of good works and apparent dedication to God that was lived in the flesh and for self, and was therefore not acceptable to God. This is a strong WARNING for us all to examine ourselves and our works before God!
98LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – JUDGMENT
In this message, Bro. Pittman fulfills his mandate as a watchman, warning God’s people. Judgment starts slowly, as a trickle on a dam, to give ample opportunity to repent. Sooner or later there is a point of no return, and man is confirmed in his iniquity, as in Noah’s day and the time of Moses in Egypt. Twelve great signs of God’s judgment in our day are cited – the trickle on the dam. Let us repent and make ourselves READY!
Bro. Pittman shares his knowledge that he received from the LORD while being declared technically dead in 1979. He was allowed to see 5 orders of demons with warfare plans against the world. Violating any of God’s sanitary, sexual, or dietary laws, or denying God is, or worshipping false gods are the five ways that you open the door to allow the curse of the LORD to manifest. Jesus saved us from the curse of the law, (Gal 3:13) but the curse of the LORD can come upon us if we don’t follow His statutes.
01LHCD4-5 – Howard Pittman – WHERE IS GOD?
To be in His presence, we have to know where God is. God is in the present, here and now. The present is where the spirit meets the physical, it is where He is. Bro. Pittman reveals his personal testimony of God’s plan for his life, which was revealed while being declared dead in 1979. Do not miss this miraculous testimony!
01LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – BACK FROM DEATHS GRIP
Published author Bro. Pittman shares with us his experiences while being declared legally dead. He shares his background, as a police officer and a Christian, yet he had no experience with demons or the supernatural. He describes being in the Veil, the darkness, and the spirits that spoke to him there, and going to the other side, until God returned him to his body. Even if you have heard his testimony before, it is a unique and inspiring message.
01LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – SATAN’S KINGDOM
While being declared legally dead, Bro. Pittman passed through the Veil and was allowed to see the workings of demons in the physical world. No spirit is all knowing or omnipotent, so satan formed a spiritual government, dividing creation into territories and put a prince to rule with a counsel. He describes the actions of a frog-like demon in our world, one of the major demons working in the world today.
02LHCD12-11 – Howard Pittman – WHAT’S IN THE NAME?
We have entered into the “beginnings of sorrows” – a pre-tribulation period of time. All power is given into the name of Jesus Christ and to all that believe in Him all things are possible! If we know Him, we have the authority to use that name, before which every creature must bow. We don’t realize how powerful His Name is! Our sword is the Word of God. We need to know our weapons and our power to face the final coming tribulation.
02LHCD12-14 – Howard Pittman – 7 STEPS TO ETERNITY
God will do nothing without first sending forth a warning to His people. If we are attentive, we can hear the warning, and we can see it in the events transpiring everyday. Bro. Pittman shares not only the events that are going to happen, but gives Scripture supporting every event. Discussing the beginning of the pre-tribulation of Daniel’s seventy weeks, learn about the events to come from a man who God raised from the dead to share His Great Plan.
02LHCD12-17 – Howard Pittman – GOD’S PRESENCE
You cannot escape God, He is everywhere. We want to come into the presence of God because it is there we receive power through His Word that we take into our being. We will receive His Word, which is able to heal and sustain us, but we have to come into His presence in order to do it. What is it like to be In His presence? Psalms 84:10 is the only place in the Bible we are given a measurement for joy – for every minute in His presence equals sixteen and a half hours of our time – a ratio of one thousand to one. An exciting and informative message!
This is the first of three tapes by Brother Pittman. He gives his personal testimony of the events leading up to a death experience in which his spirit was taken from his body to first the second heaven and then to the third heaven. He witnessed satan’s headquarters and many other things in the second heaven before he was then carried to the third heaven. He explains the commission he received from God to tell the story.
03LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – SATAN’S HEADQUARTERS
Ephesians 6:12 *”For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Brother Pittman continues with his personal testimony. He describes the above verse in detail having witnessed it in person. He describes how satan has organized his spiritual host as an army with an efficient chain of command so that each person on earth is constantly observed and his words and actions are recorded. A plan of action is then devised to neutralize any threat to satan’s kingdom. An excellent tape to gain understanding of the wiles of the enemy.
03LHCD12-14 – Howard Pittman – THE END TIME
Revelations 13:7 *”And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.” Brother Pittman details the events leading to the revealing of the anti-Christ (man of perdition). He begins with the first of three conspiracies – the rebellion of satan and the end showing by scripture the events leading to the emergence of the man of perdition. He closes with a list of seven goals necessary to bring the anti-Christ to power. An interesting and well documented study.
04LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – THE WARNING
In 1979, Bro. Pittman witnessed five classes of demons in the second heaven. They were the warrior, greed, religious, mystery demon and perversion spirits. Satan’s master plan called for the lowest class – perversion spirits – to lead the attack and conquer the earth. He showed how the warning he issued 25 years ago is now almost fulfilled and the end is fast approaching.
04LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – PERSONAL TESTIMONY
Bro. Pittman was raised on a cotton farm in southern Mississippi during the depression. He found salvation in a rural Baptist church. After military service in WWII, he entered seminary but later found his life’s work in law enforcement. He worked as a supply preacher, jail preacher and opened his home to abused children. In 1979 he was in a political contest for sheriff when he suffered sudden massive internal bleeding from the rupture of a major blood vessel. While being transported to the hospital, his spirit was taken into the second and third heaven. He was allowed to return to give the church a warning from God the Father. His message is vital for us today.
05LHCD12-11 – Howard Pittman – THE ANTICHRIST
Ezk 33:7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. Howard begins by stating his call to be a watchman on the wall, declaring God’s Word. He then shows how the prophecy in Ezk. 7:19 was fulfilled before his eyes in the past six months following Hurricane Katrina. He then shows how this is relevant to the appearance of the antichrist to take the world and the church by deception. Be warned!!!!
Howard continues his teaching on the revelation of the antichrist. He begins with a discussion of the beast and the false prophet in Rev 12 and 13. He then compares these with the four beasts described in Daniel 7. The first beast in Rev is shown to be a composite of the four beasts in Daniel 7. The first beast is a diverse political system which arises out of the governments of this world which are controlled by satan (Luke 4:5). The second beast which arises out of the land is a diverse religious organization (one world church or religious system). Since true Christians insist that Jesus is the only door to the true God, they must be eliminated. This is done through control of the money by the first beast. Bro. Pittman then makes interesting observations of who the first beast is and when he will manifest.
05LHCD12-17A – Howard Pittman – THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST 1-of-2
05LHCD12-17B – Howard Pittman – THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST 2-of-2
Gal 1:12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Bro. Pittman shares a revelation of Jesus Christ and the unseen spiritual forces which are at work in the resent world. He describes an overview of both the evil spiritual kingdom of satan and the glories of the Kingdom of our God. He points out many errors in the way the gospel is being presented and leading many Christians into the church of Laodicea. Those who follow the Laodician teaching are in danger of Jesus vomiting them out of His mouth. He presents a five point message to the church given him by the risen glorified Jesus Christ.
06LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – STUDY OF DEMONS
Howard touched on part of his testimony throughout this teaching, beginning with the fact that he was pronounced dead in August of 1979. He tells us that his testimony can be read in it’s entirety in his book entitled Placebo. This book is available from the LHBC bookstore. He said the voice he heard was so over-whelming his spirit cried out that God was speaking to him. He saw Ephesians 6:12 acted out. The first thing he saw was warfare plans being drawn up. Howard explained the job of a principality prince over an area of people. He says there are 3 ways demons can attack you; temptation, buffeting the flesh and through inherited generational curses. There are 2 emotions that rule the dark world; hate and fear. You will find out about the “cast” system. There are 3 basic theories that have run throughout Christianity concerning who demons are. Howard gives very interesting analogies and scriptural references on each of the three: 1. Disembodied spirits – created by offspring of angels mating with humans 2. Fallen angels 3. Disembodied spirits of the preadamic race. He says these 3 theories are born into the society of today. Howard says theory number 2 cannot be because of Jude 6. Angels can take on human form for specific assignments. Demon spirits cannot – they are prisoners reserved for the end. He gives many scriptures pertaining to these theories. In closing he says if you know your name is in the book, so does Satan. The 7 pieces of Gods whole armor is all you need. He ended with a prayer of confessing Jesus.
Howard teaches an amazing story, through his research in several authentic books, of how the eagle renews his youth. Then he asks the question “What really causes sickness in the human body?” Sin, James 1:16 is the cause of all sickness. Psalms 78:49-50 tells us of the destruction of a whole race of people for their national sin causing catastrophic illnesses. Two of the sins these people were destroyed for are incest and beastiality. Some people didn’t participate but they tolerated or accepted it. The treasure we are looking for on earth is good health. Deuteronomy 7:4 tells us Moses was 120 years old and he walked to his grave. Hebrews 9:27 – we all have to die but we don’t have to die sick. Ecclesiastes 7:17 – we can extend our life or we can shorten it. What if we could have a “pill” to give us health like Moses? There is a pill. It is called the “GosPill”. It adds years to your life and renews like an eagle. The Gospel “gos-pill” has 7 ingredients which Howard lists and explains. Sin kills the physical body quick. He says there are only 2 sins that God won’t forgive: 1. Worship of antichrist and 2. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Continuing with scriptures on the story of Naaman and Luke 4:40 – God’s will for healing, Howard then tells us God loves persistency. But why don’t some folks get healed? He brings us 10 reasons in scripture concerning godly people that didn’t get healed that he gleaned from Dr. Donald C. Stamps’ notes. Do we want to die like Moses? Howard said the hope of this message is to inspire us to persist as Christians. It was designed to build confidence and faith in the believer. Renew your strength like the eagle. This is an excellent teaching on sickness and health.
07LHCD12-10 – Howard Pittman – THE AGE OF THE ANTI-CHRIST
Howard begins this teaching by using a scientific example to prove the Bible. This is followed by his testimony of death and what transpired at that time. He begins with receiving knowledge of the spiritual realm and spiritual warfare. In Rev 13:7-9 John wrote of this. The age of the anti-Christ who is to come to rule the world. Howard says the authority to cast out demons was not given to the church but to the believers. Rev 6:2, the church will be deceived and give their authority to the anti-Christ. He plants his ministers in the church. There are signs everywhere in the scripture. Three things are to happen. II Thess 2:7 – 1, The mystery of iniquity will increase 2. The falling away which is already present. 3. He who must be removed. Matt 24:13 – a remnant will be faithful. Isaiah 49:13, Moral standards are dropped. I Thess 5:2-9, when he who holds back (the man of sin) is taken out of the way, then the day of the Lord can come. I Thess 5:4, the man of sin appears as a man of peace. A hero ushered in by the people. He will get in power by bringing peace and prosperity. The enemy’s job is to make you as ineffective as possible; try to drown you in problems. Phil 2:15, if you live the life you will be a bright light and a real menace to the demons of darkness. Walk your talk. Howard refers to Matt 13 and 24. He says one in four stay with the truth. We need hope for the days ahead. Repent and turn back to Jesus.
07LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – THE WILDERNESS LAND
Howard begins by asking us, “If we had a gold mine what would we do?” Yes, we’d dig out the nuggets. This is what the Bible is a gold mine and we must dig to get the nuggets out of it. Then, by way of introduction he gives us interesting biblical history on who the Jews and Hebrews are and how we fit into the picture. He says he will get to his teaching on hope but needs the background to get into what we are going to study about; the wilderness land. God made preparation for everything that was coming down the pipe over 6000 years ago. God is protecting us to reach the end of that path if we will follow Him. This wilderness land he was preparing is for an event that is going to take place 6000 years from the Garden of Eden. I Chron. 17: 9 and in Isaiah 55:5 – the prophet Nathan and the prophet Isaiah both let David know Israel was the most powerful nation on earth at that time. Nathan said God’s going to move you and put you in a new promise land where you won’t ever have to move again. He was talking about the pleural seed; it was going to be moved to another land in another time far away. II Sam 7:10, talking about this wilderness land and another verse in the NT directed to these same people. The Bible tells us in Revelation 12:1-4 – He knew that Jesus was coming and He was making preparation to take care of Him but God had made preparation long before to preserve that seed, that single seed that He promised to Abraham. In this chapter 12 the woman is Israel, His people. This wilderness land is prepared for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see who can recognize where they stand on the roadmap of time. They will be able to discern the voice of God that speaks to your Spirit for He will do nothing without first warning His prophets. Daniel 8:21, the government is already in place it doesn’t have to be formed. The book of Daniel tells us who the major builders behind the last civil government of time will be and Howard explains about each one. You’ll find the wilderness land in the 18th chapter of Isaiah. We do have hope; our hope is in Jesus Christ. Micah 4:1, the top of the mountain means the strongest place on earth. Howard tells of some of his life journeys in Africa and other places and how God always has taken care of everything. He threw this in as lagniappe, which he said is something for nothing. In closing, he calls the elders of the church down to lay hands and anoint with oil and he offers prayer for healing.
08LHCD12-13A – Howard Pittman – PLACEBO – AND HIS TESTIMONY 1-of-2
08LHCD12-13B – Howard Pittman – PLACEBO – AND HIS TESTIMONY 2-of-2
Howard shares his testimony beginning with the background of his life from birth 11-24-1928 until 8-3-1979, the day he was pronounced dead where it all began. He continues sharing hardships over the years as a child and how he was blessed with a home filled with love; His real life experiences. Eccl. 1:9 – we will have another depression and we are on the verge of it now. We are coming close to the last generation of time. Prophets are talking about the coming storms. What God did for Howard was not because of him but in spite of him. Howard relates scriptures during his death experience. How can the devil defeat you if you can cast him out. He saw the heavenly highway where only the redeemed can walk. Isaiah 35:8. Howard closes with 5 points that are a message to the church he was given during his death experience. 1. This is the Laodicean age 2. Your adversary, the devil-give no love, no fear 3. If you expect to see miracles you have to live your life with Jesus 4. As was in the days of Noah so shall it be now, wealth and pleasure 5. God is recruiting an army – Matthew 3:11.
Jeremiah cried about Judah. Jeremiah is the second longest book in the Bible. Brother Pittman shares about the potter getting the clay ready and to make it as the potter wants it to be. He shares 4 judgments: 1. Past – John 16:8 of sin John 5:24 2. Of all nations – Matt 25:31-33 3. Of the lost – Rev 20:11-15 4. Our judgment of the believers work. II Cor. 5:10 the mercy seat of Christ. Eccl 1:9 – no new thing, what has been will be again. Nations run in 9 cycles. We are in number 8 now. Brother Howard shares the 9 cycles with scripture reference. It is just a little ways until we are back to the 9th cycle. Jer. 51:13 – to this nation. If they repent, I (God) will not bring judgment on them. Jeremiah pled 40 years for Judah who reached the point of no return. Ephraim, Manasseh and Judah were the 3 to bring God’s blessing to the world. Jesus came from Judah. Gen 3:13 – Fight between Satan and God’s people started. If we are faithful to His Word, God will be faithful to us in times of great tribulation. The anti-Christ Matt 24:15 – the USA needs a miracle now. We need intercession on our knees for God to spare our nation.
08LHCD12-17 – Howard Pittman – 45 DAY MYSTERY
Matt 13:34, 35 Jesus said He would reveal great mysteries in parables to us. Howard speaks of 8 parables in Matthew. The book of Daniel has great mysteries and we are going to unravel one of them in this teaching. Daniel 9:24 speaks of 70 weeks which is the amount of time God gives in which 6 specific things will occur. The next verse 25 – 69 periods of seven equals 483 years. Verse 26 – 2 things will happen. Verse 27 – signing a peace treaty between Israel and her enemies. In Daniel 12:12 notice 1335 days adds 45 days from verse 11. What happens between the end of tribulation and the beginning of the millennial reign? Those who make it through will be so blessed. Howard believes Jesus has revealed the mystery of this time in the parable of the wheat and tares Matt 24:15-28. The tares look exactly like the wheat. Jesus was painting a picture of His church. The devil cannot enter into a Christian church without a host. Look at Matt 7:21-23. This calls for extreme inventory of where you stand before God today. In the 45 day period is a picture of the tribulation. The Bible is the only offensive weapon we have, the Sword of the Spirit of the Word of God. Judge your life only by the Word of God. Matt 23:28 It is easy to be deceived because of lack of knowledge. Howard gives example of how false preachers deceive even the elect. Take this message as a warning to inventory your life in Jesus. Deut 13:3 God uses this to test if you know His Word. Rev 16:14 the devil can work miracles. We are called to war and we need to know every part of our weapon which is the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Know it by heart and it will reveal to you.
2nd THESS 2:1-3, Is 13:6, Joel 2:11,12 speaks of The Day of the LORD. How terrible it is – a day of judgment, a great falling away, the man of sin revealed. However the wise shall understand -1 Thess.5:4. We must prepare. Bro. Pittman describes the condition of the Cotton Candy Doctrine – church of today. We have allowed this to happen because our focus was in the wrong direction. We MUST repent and pray and stand fast! Phil. 4:1, Josh 1:9. We can win this war on our knees.
09LHCD12-13 – Howard Pittman – WILDERNESS LAND
Mt 24:15-37 God does nothing except He first tells His prophets. Bro Howard says that this is the “fig tree generation” – the end of time as we know it- beginning with the rebirth of Israel in 1947. He says 2017 will be a very big year in the church. Which way will it go? If we be Christs’ we are adopted Israelites. Israel will be planted in a new place, 2nd Samuel 7:10. God has said He would hide, feed and protect in the midst of the turmoil. Those that make it to the end will be saved.
10LHCD12-7 – Howard Pittman – GOD’S SECRETS
There is no new thing under the sun! Eccl 1:9 The Bible is like a gold mine – dig, dig, dig. Howard talks about how when the Roman Empire fell, the Holy Roman Empire sprang up. We were told how Queen Elizabeth would not renounce her Christian faith and how she and King James touched and changed the whole world. We heard about things that had been secrets from the foundation of the world and would be sealed until the last days. Dan 12:8,9. Can that mean now? Howard then gave testimony of his death experience and went on to explain a little about a 45 day mystery in scriptures. There is much scripture and much discussion of the meaning in this study.
10LHCD12-10A – Howard Pittman – PERSONAL TESTIMONY 1-of-2
10LHCD12-10B – Howard Pittman – PERSONAL TESTIMONY 2-of-2
Howard shares his testimony going quickly from childhood to the time where he worked for the police force, was in the army, and ran for political office. Then suddenly, he was dead – stopped breathing, a burst aneurism which caused massive blood loss. He tells of the effort to revive him and how he could see what was happening but was no longer in his body. The rest of the message tells what was revealed in this time of separation from his body – in detail. God gave him a message to bring back to the church which he has faithfully continued to do for many, many years.
10LHCD12-11 – Howard Pittman – THE 45 DAY MYSTERY
Howard points out that there are things in the Word of God that are revealed at the time appointed. In addition, they will not always be revealed to all at the same time. This particular session talks of the days seemingly unaccounted for in scripture concerning the days of great tribulation spoken of in Dan 12:11 & 12:12. This is likened to the days of Noah. The ark door was closed one week before the flood. We are aware of the dark clouds and signs on the horizon. God has a plan of safety for us and we need to be aware. Much more information is included.
11LHCD12-1A – Howard Pittman – THE GREAT MIRACLE 1-of-2
11LHCD12-1B – Howard Pittman – THE GREAT MIRACLE 2-of-2
Jesus warns His Church that “Not everyone who says, `Lord, Lord` will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Brother Pittman shared his testimony. He had lived a good and honorable life. In 1979 he “died” of heart failure. While doctors worked to revive him, he was crossing the veil of deepest darkness. There, he encountered an evil spirit which tried to persuade him to yield to death. That devil left when it was recognized. Then holy angels showed him the Heavenly Highway. 1,950 of God’s people throughout the world had died during that 15 minute time period but only 50 were going to make it to Heaven. The Church is being seduced by peace and prosperity. Unless we wake up God is going to spew us out of His mouth. We must be willing to pay the price for the Crown of Life. This is a serious and sober message. Prayer for confession of Jesus concludes this message.
11LHCD12-2 – Howard Pittman – WE’RE IN A WAR
We are all called to war. As a soldier you are never without orders. Somebody up higher has the plan. The enemies of our soul council together to plan war on us. A prince sits above and sends a demon to each believer to search them. The battlefield is in our head. To be victorious in this battle 1) be honest with yourself 2) learn from the Book and hands-on experience 3) get wisdom, faith and love. Wisdom is the ability to discern God’s will for your life. There are three kinds of faith – intellectual, dead and saving. The kind of love we must have is Jesus love. He cried for others pain. The key is patience – calmly enduring until the end.
12LHCD12-2A – Howard Pittman – PLACEBO 1-of-2
12LHCD12-2B – Howard Pittman – PLACEBO 2-of-2
Brother Pittman shares his supernatural ‘life after death experience’ with us. August 3, 1979 he was declared dead in an ambulance while en route to a hospital. He tells how he was swallowed by a veil of darkness so vast that there is no way in the world a human could imagine what it was like. He felt abandoned, forsaken, all alone. He heard a beautiful voice tell him to stop breathing, just rest, no more pain. But Brother Pittman resisted the devil and he did flee. Then he was shown how the Ruling Council of satan operates. We need to realize that demons will not be defeated until the end of time and we must deal with them daily until then. They are determined to create as much havoc in our lives as they can. The only way they can defeat us is by our permission. They lie, trick us and deceive us. Demons know what our flesh wants. What they hate most is when we live the Gospel. The church is facing the greatest deception that was ever before us. The anti-Christ shall cause deceit to prosper and will magnify himself in his heart. He is going to use the things we pray for to deceive the church – peace, prosperity and security. We must make Jesus Christ Lord and promote Him to be the absolute ruler of our lives. Do not give in to the #1 selling false god which is ‘self’.
13LHCD12-1A – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 1-of-2
13LHCD12-1B – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 2-of-2
Brother Pittman begins his testimony by recalling the events of his life from his birth in 1928 during the Depression. It is interesting to hear how people got along without electricity, telephones, cars and television. Sunday School and Church attendance were central to his life experience from his youth all the way to adulthood. He lived a life of caring and service as a soldier, pastor, preacher, foster parent and police officer. In the Fall of 1979, as he was about to enter the political arena, the main trunk artery in his body cavity ruptured, causing a devastating blood loss. In spite of the best efforts of local medical teams, his body died. For 15 minutes he was in the Veil between heaven and earth. He refused to obey the devil’s lovely voice encouraging him to quit breathing and die. Then angels escorted him through the Veil into God’s marvelous light. He saw the heavenly highway of the redeemed. Sadly, the Eternal Judge was not pleased with Brother Pittman’s life because he had been in Christian service to meet his own selfish ambition, not for the Glory of the Lord. In the balance of this dramatic message Brother Pittman tells us in great detail how his life was changed forever. He gives five points for the Church today so the fire of salvation will burn the world out of us.
13LHCD12-4 – Howard Pittman – THE 45 DAY MYSTERY
How can I be born again? It is a spiritual birth and it does mimic the physical birth of a three fold process…conception, development and delivery. In this teaching he develops the message in the book of Daniel about the last days for the Church. There is a mystery so terrible that Daniel stated that it would be a great blessing to those who made it through the 45 Days. In the book of Matthew, Jesus compares Daniel’s vision to the parable of the wheat and the tares. You have to be an expert to tell the difference. Tares are counterfeit of the real grain of wheat. This paints a picture of the church of Jesus. The devil plants tares in a fellowship to create discord…a host, a church member who is deceived and is a fake. In Matthew, Jesus tell us that whoever does the will of His Father who is in Heaven will enter into eternal life, otherwise he is considered a worker of iniquity. We must know Jesus Christ – we must have a personal relationship with Him. Our name has to be written in the Book of Life of the Lamb stating that we belong to Him. During the mysterious 45 days is when God’s angels will gather up the tares and remove them from the earth and the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ will begin.
13LHCD12-5 – Howard Pittman – WHERE WE GO AFTER DEATH
All over the world he has been bombarded with this question: “If there is an afterlife, where does the spirit of man go after physical death?” In 2 Corinthians 5:8, Paul stated that if you are a born again believer, at the moment your body dies you are present with the Lord. His Throne Room is in the Third Heaven. Brother Pittman describes the several heavens over this earth. Many people want eternal life but they do not want to give up their other gods. Pittman is convinced there are different levels of punishments in hell for those who do not belong to God…irrevocable sentences that must be carried out. That is why Jesus created the Heavenly Highway, a way of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it… Isaiah 35:8. Every generation of man has tried to deal with demon spirits. Only one group of people has been given authority to cast them out and that is Christians…and most of them reject this power. There will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth. Satan has a personal attack plan for every individual. This teaching gives vital information exposing the strategy of the kingdom of darkness to destroy us completely. Do not compromise your Christian principles…keep your light shining brightly. (There is no DVD for this service).
14LHCD12-4A – Howard Pittman – THE GREATEST MIRACLE 1-of-2
14LHCD12-4B – Howard Pittman – THE GREATEST MIRACLE 2-of-2
Our fight with the devil is daily and we have to win the battle daily. The devil is determined to kill everyone who tries to serve the Lord. He is a thief, a murderer and a destroyer. Brother Pittman gives a thorough account of how God worked the greatest miracle in his life. God asked him to share his story all over the world and God has furnished him with food, shelter and the means to travel wherever he was asked to testify. For 30 years he has come to LHBC Camp Meetings to witness to the Body of Christ here. He warns us to be sure we know the voice of our God, because satan can take the lost at will, (II Cor. 4:4), because he is the god of this world. If you are lost, you are under satan’s jurisdiction. You are his prisoner. If you belong to Jesus, you are not a citizen of this world, no longer satan’s prisoner. You are an Ambassador of Christ, God’s child in the direct line of the King. The devil doesn’t care if you sing, preach, teach or shout, but if you start to live the Christian life, you scare the devil to death. When we are in Christ, we have His light. When the lost see that light of Christ, you can get them out of the devil’s prison. So let them see the light of Jesus Christ in you.
Demons can attack human beings in these three separate ways: 1) They can possess. 2) They can afflict. 3) They can obsess. A born again believer cannot be possessed by an evil spirit, but a Christian can have a demon and be oppressed by the devil. One way the devil oppresses Christians is to try to drown us in personal problems every day to keep us from doing our duty to God. The devil is the most dirty fighting, murderous rascal that has ever been created and we are to wrestle with him. The place of this contact contest is the battlefield of our mind. The three different ways he attacks our mind have to be handled in different ways. We know the master plan of satan is to take over the world. He is using the weakest of all demons to do that. That demon is despised by the other demons. He looks like an overgrown green slimy frog. Those unclean spirits promote same-sex marriage which is the key to satan’s success. Demons are individuals and have different assignments. Satan’s system is organized like the caste system with the strongest, most powerful demons at the top, the principalities. We are going to see demons working miracles in the churches. The elect must study the Word of God or be deceived.
15LHCD10-1 – Howard Pittman – THE COMING WAR
This teaching is based on 40 years of Brother Pittman’s historical research and study of the Scriptures. He warns that all Biblical prophecies are pointing to these days as being the last before the return of Jesus Christ to Earth. He believes that a war of great devastation is coming very soon. He begins his teaching with Ezekiel 38 and Zachariah 14, and shows us Israel’s path of migration down through the centuries. The trail begins in Genesis 48:15 when Jacob (Israel) passed his name on to Ephraim and Manasseh. This has prepared the way for the events which have brought our world to the brink of utter annihilation. Israel is the target and the key to this great tribulation. Pittman teaches us that God has scattered the true Israelites throughout the world. He keeps them hidden in plain sight. God will bring His people forth in these last days. This war which is about to break out in the Middle East will continue throughout the world. Muslims intent is jihad … to completely eradicate Christianity. This is the time of “Jacob’s Trouble”, but God will save him out of the fire. Be confident in this … we are saved when we confess Jesus Christ as Lord, the only Door that leads to the Father.
The purpose of Pittman’s message is to rightly divide the word of truth concerning some perceived conflicts in the Bible. What is important to God is what is in our heart, the context of what we really believe, our real intention. When an imperfect man tries to reflect a perfect law, he has to deal with conflicts. There is a difference between the letter and the spirit of the law. The letter kills but the spirit brings life. The law was not to be man’s executioner, but his friend and his guide. We need the life-giving spirit of the Rhema word to operate in conjunction with the Logos of God, the letter of the law. Rhema means a specific spoken word. Everything was created with the Rhema word. This is the only way for a miracle to occur. The Rhema word does not violate Logos, it simply sets it on the side. Logos means the natural law, the driver and conductor of time and has no provision for a miracle. For example, every child of God is created by the specific spoken Rhema word of God when we come through the fountain of Jesus’ blood and become born again. God set in place the principle of toleration to deal with man’s failures in relationship to His perfect law. The Holy Spirit will lead us to all truth.
15LHCD12-2 – Howard Pittman – JACOB’S PUZZLE – PT 1
This message is the culmination of 60 years of Bro. Pittman’s diligent study of history. You have to learn all the Scriptures contained in this teaching because there are many who will dispute it. Jacob’s Puzzle contains the answer to the mystery of the ages. What are you going to find when you solve this puzzle? You will find where Israel is today, who they are and how this came to pass. I Chronicles 17:9 God will plant Israel in another place where they will live in peace and will be moved no more. Every promise God made to Abraham always included “the seed” which will bear the brunt of both the punishment and the promises of God. Grace and salvation came through Abraham’s seed. Ezekiel Chapters 19, 20, and 21 tell how God had to punish His people for their rebellion. Revelation13:7-9, Isaiah 62:1, Jeremiah 30:7 (Jacob’s Trouble). ‘Jacob’ is not found in today’s nation called Israel. Who are the real Jews? They are the bloodline descendants of the tribe of Judah. In Daniel 12 learn that only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be preserved from the punishment to come. “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” When all else fails, read the Manual.
15LHCD12-4 – Howard Pittman – JACOB’S PUZZLE – PT 2
This message includes many Biblical and historical subjects of great interest: The Bible teaches us that God promised to bless the world through the seed of Abraham’s children. God kept His Word by blessing Joseph and the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, (today’s British Empire, the Commonwealth of Nations) and the United States of America (the most powerful single nation on earth.) The House of Israel is God’s Covenant People. ‘Iysh’ is a Hebrew word for ‘man’. ‘Brit’ is a Hebrew word for ‘covenant’. So ‘British’ is a word which means ‘Covenant People’. ‘Saxon’ comes from ‘Isaac’s son’. Today Queen Elizabeth occupies David’s throne. The British Commonwealth of Nations is ruled by the Throne of David, fulfilling the promise made to Jacob and Isaac through the birthright of the firstborn, Ephraim and Manasseh, the true House of Israel. In 1800, God’s promise began to unfold. The British Empire and the United States enjoyed wealth and dominion until about 1950. Since that time the blessings have been squandered and the nations have turned away from God and His commandments. God now promises His everlasting wrath. Tragedy can be averted if we repent and turn back to God.
16LHCD12-4A – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 1-OF-2
16LHCD12-4B – Howard Pittman – TESTIMONY 2-OF-2
In his 88 years of life, this is the 37th year Brother Pittman has come to LHBC to share his inspiring testimony. He relates the events of his life as a young boy, in the seminary, army, and as an officer in the police force in New Orleans. He and his wife had been foster parents to many unwanted and abused children. His life had been dedicated to public service. He had been faithful to his Christian principles and considered himself to be a “saved” man. Then on August 3, 1979 he met his appointed time to die. He encountered a sweet voice encouraging him just to quit breathing. But that was satan lying to him. Pittman resisted him and he fled. God showed him satan’s form of government, the delegated authorities in his national plan, generational plan, fellowship plan and individual plan for the destruction of God’s people. Pittman was shocked when God said his own life had been based on self-serving and was considered unacceptable. Space does not permit the telling of this unforgettable and heavily anointed testimony.
16LHCD12-5A – Howard Pittman – THE PROPHECY 1-OF-2
16LHCD12-5B – Howard Pittman – THE PROPHECY 2-OF-2
Brother Pittman relates five prophetic dreams which were given to him by God about His people, and satan’s unwavering determination to destroy them. Then he teaches about the beginning of the nation of Israel. The promises made by God to Abraham were passed to Isaac. This nation escaped from Assyria through the Caucasia Mountains where they disappeared into the western part of Europe. There they settled among the nations along the waters. That was the last that was ever heard of them. God has always known where they were and He said he was going to change their name. The new name would be “Sons of Isaac”, which means Saxons. Eventually, the Saxons inhabited the British Empire and birthed America, which is the last “Light of the entire world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hid.” Pittman is convinced that if we had lost this election we would have lost that Light, and the entire world would have gone into total darkness. God is a loving Father and He will continue to bless His people and heal our land as He has promised.
Christian’s Hebrew Heritage – (Uncle Sam in Bible Prophecy) by Howard Pittman
This book is about understanding Bible prophecy. In order to fully understand Bible prophecy we have to know the meaning of some very key verses of Scripture. The book answers the question, Do Christians really have a Hebrew heritage. Brother Pittman spent many hours studying the Scriptures and researching historical documents. What is so important about the birth of Judah’s illegitimate twin sons that would take up the entire 38th chapter of Genesis. Brother Pittman devotes an entire chapter in this book to answer that question. Does Bible prophecy speak about the United States, the British nations, and such Northwest European nations as Belgium, Holland, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and others. The answers to these and a multitude of other questions are addressed in this latest book of Bro. Pittman. Paperback – 114 pages.
Demons An Eyewitness Account by Howard Pittman
One area he did not cover in Placebo, as fully as he would have liked is the portion that deals with demons. Thus, he wrote An Eyewitess Account. Bro. Pittman states, “It is necessary for me to cover in detail all that I experienced and all that was revealed to me regarding the demons and their entire operations in this physical world. It is not my intent to re-examine that portion of my experience which I related in depth in my first book, but rather to cover in greater detail the activities of the demons in this present, physical world. This must be done so that Christians might be forewarned and forearmed. I was allowed to experience this event so that you might know.”
Phoebe’s Story – By Howard Pittman
Phoebe’s story is the story of one mothers struggle to be free from a life of degradation and sexual pervasion. Held virtually a sex slave for 26 years, and subject to every kind of deviate sexual whim of her detainor, she never gave up hope. But this is not just Phoebe’s story. It is also the story of how the church failed to help her. It is the expose of what an unseen enemy has done to many Christians and how they too, are trapped almost as bad as Phoebe was. It is the story of why the church has no power in the eyes of many people.
Placebo by Howard Pittman
This author had a life after death experience and was given visions of both hell and the demonic forces at work. He was also given the revelation of Placebo: a medication prescribed more for the mental relief of a patient than for the actual effect on his disorder. The question Pittman raises is ‘What is the Church’s Dope?’ Through sugar-coating, the apostate doctor (Satan) is preventing a great number of Christians and Churches from experiencing the power of God to truly change their lives.
Son Of Perdition (Man Of Sin) By Howard Pittman
This book cover is a graphic illustration of Revelation Chapter Six, Verse two, which is John’s description of the false hero who will come as a world savior! Look at him. The crown stands for authority, he will rule. Notice he has no sword or arrows. The bow he holds in hand say he will conquer, but without weapons. He will come as a man of peace. He is not a dictator. A man without weapons, or armies, none-the-less he will conquer the WHOLE WORLD!
The Approaching Final Hour – by Howard Pittman
Bro. Pittman continues in his God-ordained mission of warning the church by teaching on the three judgments of God. Laws are given to protect and bless; defy them and they will curse. He goes on to cite a number of specific instances, quoting statistics published by the U.S Weather Bureau, of God’s remedial judgments in operation in our country when there has been open defiance of God’s laws. For example, the fires that devastated vast areas of Florida started on the heels of the hedonistic festivities of gay day in Orlando, Florida, culminating in the mayor flying the gay flag over the city. Yet God’s mercy was displayed in the midst of judgment. Statistics show that judgments by natural disasters, such as tornadoes, floods, drought, and the like, have risen dramatically in recent years. God is warning America! Will we take heed?
The Covert War – By Howard Pittman
Bro. Pittman had a life after death experience, and was given a front row seat in the theater of the spirit realm. In particular, he was shown visions of hell, the nature of demonic forces, and how these dark forces operate. Learn more about: the Origins of Demons, Who Fights in Spiritual Warfare, The Chain of Command, The Mystery, The Great Counterfeit, Our Main Weapon, and more!
The Curse Of The Lord – by Howard Pittman
This booklet deals with the inherited sickness in the family line and reveals the prophecy of the same in the Bible. Listed are the causes and the cure. 59 pages.
The Day Star By Howard Pittman
The contents of this book was first given to Howard Pittman via the inspiration of the Holy Bible along with the things shown him when in tour of the spirit world. Each point or fact had to be researched to make sure it was supported by the Bible. Then each item of current events has to be substantiated with physical evidence. As a result Howard can truly say that this is a book of fact and not fiction! It is certain that Satan thought he could destroy the worlds last hope (The United States) via the horrible crime of abortion. Oh how close he has come to just doing that. No other crime or sins of the American people could do more to bring the wrath of God down on our nation than this one thing. It just may be that we still have a little time left to correct these great wrongs. If we do, it is only a little. So while we still can, lets work Christians, to correct this great wrong!!!!!
The Fourth Beast – by Howard Pittman
This book explores a list of Bible facts concerning the future world leader as well as many other bizarre Biblical facts that have been overlooked by Bible scholars. Daniel 7:7, After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.
The Helmet Of Salvation – By Howard Pittman
This book was written as the result of questions asked concerning salvation. I found that so many people who had been taught all their life that they must be born again, had never been taught how to be born again. I also found that many preachers could not give a clear outline of the second birth. It appeared that a large number of fundamentalists and Pentecostal Christians did not understand what it means to be born again. So many seen to believe that the second, or spiritual, birth came as the result of an intellectual acknowledgement. So many believed that all one had to do was just walk down an aisle somewhere and make an intellectual commitment in their mind, and they had been born again. With that one acknowledgment they had it made forever. I Believe this book will pull back the dark veil and shed the true light of salvation into the understanding of many people!
THE VEIL – By Howard Pittman
this claim has been made by many, concerning the testimony of Howard O. Pittman. On August 3, 1979 he survived a bizarre experience while in an ambulance in route to a hospital as the result of a massive internal hemorrhage. Howard had spent 26 years in law enforcement. Serving with the New Orleans Police Department and the Louisiana State Police Department. At the same time he was an ordained Baptist Minister. As a result of his experience, Mr. Pittman claims to have received a five point message for the modern Church. Which he outlines in his testimony book PLACEBO. In this book Mr. Pittman exposes some of the fakes or false spirits working through some of the paranormal experience being widely reported in the news media today. He also outlines the awesome reality of life after death.
THE WAY OF THE EAGLE – The Gos-Pil – by Howard Pittman
How does the eagle renew his youth? Learn how, and you can do the same! Consider the way of the eagle, that at about 45 to 50 years of age, the eagle can go through a process to double his life span. “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Job proved the same can be true for a human. (Job 33:25-26 & 42:16) This book is about healing and restoration by applying the procedures outlined in the Holy Bible. We don’t have to die sick! This is not just another book on healing. Bro. Pittman offers well over 100 Scripture references within the 113 pages of this book, to demonstrate what the Gos-pil can do for you and has done for him. It’s never too late to start doing things right. Ex 15:26. Paperback – 113 pages.
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