Dario & Cindy Parish

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Voices From His Excellent Glory

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Note: Dario Parish is Norman Parish Son

NOTE – Dario & Cindy Parish audio messages are also on DVD video too.


07DELTRCD-5 – Dario Parish – Deliverance and Church Growth
This is not just another message on deliverance but one that successfully incorporates the ministry of deliverance with church growth. Most pastors have experienced the opposite when they introduce the deliverance ministry into their local congregation people leave! What a novel idea to think that God meant for the church to grow using deliverance as a resource and tool for that. This is a must hear message for Pastors! Dario defines success as a combination of things. 1) Leadership. 2) A message. 3) A vision. 4) Location. 5) Timing. 6) God’s favor. Each person has to achieve the measure of success God has for them. You have to grow to maintain and grow abundantly to survive. Church growth is more of attitude than effort. Concerning what we do with our resources for different results we need an enlarged vision and must be willing to change. God takes us from uncomfortable to uncomfortable to uncomfortable. Concerning problems in the deliverance ministry Dario addresses 1) The devil will try to isolate you, pretend to illuminate you, and with the body will place seeds of destruction in us. 2) The enemy will cause you to loose focus on what God is doing. He will get you to engage in small battles while real issues are neglected. 3) The Pastor must keep focused on the overall picture and keep the troops in movement to achieve the vision. A church is either growing or it’s stagnant. 4) Attitude don’t just do the minimum. Start multiplying yourself create an atmosphere for growth. 5) Sometimes we are too radical. Sometimes talking about demons only turns people off so they won’t believe. It is our job to connect with them not to turn them off. 6) Pride of what we are and what we can do the problem is not the message but delivery of the message. 7) Beware not to become religious about deliverance. There is a battle for the reality of the Gospel. The Holy Spirit has control. Growth starts with Evangelism. There has to be balance between and in the people in the church and those coming in.


This teaching is entwined with Cindy’s testimony and scripture. She came to Jesus at the age of 13. She explains their ministry in Latin America and being in the US now for 3 years. We are where we are in life “for such a time as this”. Cindy centers this teaching on Jer 29: 4-14, specifically 29:11. God explains what His plan is. God has thoughts towards us. His thoughts are His plans for our life. Isa 55:8 God’s thoughts are so far above ours; they are His plans for our life. God’s plans can put us out of our comfort zone. Vs 28 tells us we need to settle in and accept His plan; we are here for the long haul. Jer 27:9. We can sometimes manipulate people to tell us what we want to hear. False words lead people into rebellion. Rom 8:28, Jam 1:1-4, I Pet 1:6 are some of the scripture references. Suffering that produces life and fruit in our lives is what we have when we know Him. “Know the story behind the glory” is about knowing what people have been through that are sharing the story. Cindy shares 5 things we can do while we are in captivity (going through the trials): 1) Jer. 29:5 – be active; build a house, plant gardens, make plans, be peaceful and settle down 2) Jer. 29:6 – be fruitful; produce fruit in a time of bondage, be diligent 3) Jer. 29:7 – forgiveness; if we are going to be free we have to forgive others and forgive God 4) Seek the peace and prosperity of all around you; bless those who persecute you, your husband, and etc. 5) Jer. 29:12-14 seek Him and He will be found by you; even in your time of captivity. God gives grace to face mistakes and He will walk with you and give you favor. Ps 107:20, 29:14.

09LCCD2-6 – Cindy Parish – Deliverance From Despair
What do you do when you face despair? We look at the story of David from I Sam 30. Be of good cheer for I have overcome says the Lord. She gives a background of the story. David decided to leave the country and go where the Philistines are. He was out of the country living in Ziklag. They burned everything and took David’s 2 wives. Vs. 6 – but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. Vs. 8 – God said to David, Pursue for you shall surely overtake them and you shall surely rescue all. Some of David’s army were angry and became discouraged. Discouragement is lack of courage and becomes despair. There is a saying Hurt people, hurt people. This is what the enemy did in David’s men. They turned against David. David could have depended on them but there was no one to depend on but God. Encouragement brings hope but discouragement brings despair. Encourage means to bind, to cleave to. Self-pity also comes on board when we have discouragement and despair. If despair is not dealt with it can become a root of bitterness. Eph 3:16, 6:10 be strong and mighty in the power of God. Isa 44:20 – a people who eat ashes. It is deception by the enemy. Sometimes it is convenient to live there, in the ashes. What is your Ziklag? Here are things David did which we need to do when in despair: 1) Remembrance – he recalled the goodness of the Lord; remembers the encouragement of the Lord. Stubbornness is steadfastness when the Holy Ghost is in it. References for remembrance: Psa 77:11, 20:7, 42:6, 105:5, 143:5, Lam 3:18-23 when we are in despair don’t wallow in our despair. Vs. 9 – Besor brook means cheerfulness – stay by the brook until you are ready to move out. 2) Seek the Lord’s guidance – do not resort to your own plan. Never make a decision when you are in a moment of despair. Psa 138:3 3) Turn your thoughts towards God 4) Don’t let circumstances get the best of you. Treat others fairly. Misery loves company. 5) Pursue the enemy take back what was stolen from us. Cindy closes with prayer.

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