Cheryl Batts


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NOTE – From years 2006 till now – Cheryl Batts messages are available DVD video too.



03LCCD2-3 – Cheryl Batts – THE SPIRIT OF FEAR
Fear is the opposite of faith. When ministering to the spirit of fear, you must discern the sources and types of fears that may differ from person to person. Fear can be a constant battle, but walking in faith seven days a week will give you wisdom and strength. It is how you respond to what you feel is the difference between faith and fear.

03LHCD5-3 – Cheryl Batts – MIND CONTROL
Mind control is an important weapon in satan’s arsenal, and is a common spirit that affects the way people think. One of the gifts of God is a sound mind. The mind is renewed through the Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit within us. The Holy Spirit will rebuild our mind if we listen to Him; our body is to be a complete sacrifice!

Jezebel spirits can work in men, as well as Ahab spirits can work in women. The Ahab spirit causes men to be weak in leadership in the home and in the church. Jezebel is a spirit that causes females to forsake the covering of the husband. Jezebel is a controlling spirit, often connected with a spirit of deception that keeps the person from realizing they have this demon. Learn more about both of these common spirits.

Arrested Development is a group of spirits that keep a person from living at the proper maturity for their age. A person will age normally on the outside but have an immature response physically and or emotionally. The demons stop progress past age 13 and bring their victim to any age they want between the ages of 0 and 13. These spirits do not necessarily affect school grades or the ability to learn. Their main focus in on the decision-making process holding the person at a maturity level below age 13. Deliverance is ministered at the end of the teaching.

We are called to seek freedom for ourselves by continually pressing in until we obtain freedom in Jesus. Once obtained, we should whole-heartedly follow our call to bring freedom in Jesus to our families and those God brings to us. The more we press in, following our call, the greater the revelation we will have of Jesus and HIS freedom.

03LHCD11-5 – Cheryl Batts – IN THE MATRIX
Sister Batts defines the matrix as the womb of God, as a place where Christians are protected and nourished – a place to grow deeper in the Spirit of God. She opens Galatians 5:13-24 as a text to show that as you walk in Him the Holy Spirit will nurture you and manifest Himself by fruit in your life. She then shares her personal testimony how God brought her back to the church as her family prayed for her. A vital tape for those reaching out to today’s youth.




04LCCD2-4 – Cheryl Batts – ARMED AND DANGEROUS
II Peter 1:3 His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue. Sister Batts shows by scripture it is necessary to obtain knowledge of how God has armed us so that we can be armed and dangerous to satan. We must understand our weapons and the authority we have to use them and the armor God has provided for us. Then we can be ready to stand and do battle at all times.

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Sister Batts begins in Proverbs with a detailed study about wisdom’s benefits and blessings. She then uses a series of scriptures to show how the spirit of wisdom is related to the other Godly ministering spirits and their benefits.

04LHCD5-3 – Cheryl Batts – THE SPIRIT OF ABUSE
The manifestations of the spirit of abuse are physical, emotional, verbal, and spiritual. This occurs in relationships between families, and friends, in the workplace and in the church. Sister Batts explains all the abuse types – both symptoms and results. She then shows how the Spirit of God can release both the abuser and the abused from this destructive downward pattern. An excellent message for those who counsel both the abuser and abused.

Galatians 5:15 “But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another” Sis. Batts introduces the subject of spiritual abuse, which is done by verbal and spiritual manipulation. She details how friends, prayer partners, and church leaders can manipulate us verbally, shows how pride can lead to spiritual control. Spiritual abuse can come from shepherds who feed themselves and not the flock, those who have greed for gain, those with the hard heart of legalism and finally the hypocrites. These are explained in scripture: the misinterpretation of scriptures to justify excessive discipline, turn the other cheek, forgive always, never appeal to secular authority, wives submit always and never dwell on crime are examined and explained. She then lists the 15 symptoms of a dysfunctional church resulting from abuse. And outlines the correcting course to return to a normal relationship.

Deliverance is a lifestyle, not an “event” in your life. As we must care for our physical bodies with proper food, clothing, relaxation and sleep, we also must care for our spiritual bodies. Sister Batts starts with John 15:7-9 to show that as we grow in deliverance and obey His Word, we will abide in Him and bear fruit – fruit that abides so that the Father is glorified.

Sister Batts uses Jer. 4:1-5, (Amplified version) to show the need for preparation for the deliverance minister. To prepare for the deliverance ministry or to receive deliverance ministry, one must spend time in Bible study, prayer and fasting. This must be done faithfully with praise, worship and humility. The deliverance usually comes little by little and line upon line (Exodus 23:29-30) This requires persistence and care to retain the regained ground. In the process other people will see the difference in you. Deliverance follows the teaching.

1 Sam 15:23 “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” Today we see rebellion against God’s instituted authority in both the general population and in the church. Witchcraft is listed as a work of the flesh. If you continue to practice it, i.e. to attempt to impose your will on others by manipulation or intimidation, it becomes a demonic spiritual bondage. Sis. Batts explains how this is occurring in secular society, jobs, clubs, and service organizations. She then shows how it has spread into the church. She closes the service with deliverance prayers.

04LHCD12-3 – Cheryl Batts – PRIDE
Job 41:33 & 34, likens Leviathan to nothing else on earth, and as the king over all the children of pride. Ps 74:14 states that only the LORD can crush the head of Leviathan. Pride deceives the person and makes them unteachable and unable to receive correction. It manifests with rebellion and stubbornness which leads to deception and bondage. Pride works in a person to refuse to forgive offences because then they can talk and brag about how people have mistreated them, which allows bitterness to enter. Bitterness opens the door for illnesses to enter. Stubbornness brings with it idolatry, bossiness and witchcraft. To minister to a prideful person requires much prayer and fasting, but the LORD Jesus can deliver and heal.




05LHCD4-3 – Cheryl Batts – SOUL TIES
Where do you see soul ties in the Bible? What are the consequences of soul ties – good or bad? Cheryl gives Scriptural examples of soul ties between a variety of different individuals and explains how Godly soul ties will bring forth the purposes of God and evil soul ties render only destruction. This is one of the best messages we have ever heard on soul ties.

Rom 12:1-2 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Cheryl shows that as you try to change with your own will power, what you really do is compromise and then substitute one work of the flesh for another. When this occurs a demon frequently enters your body. The objective is to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. She outlines a plan, through prayer and study of God’s Word for this to be successful.

Sister Batts begins with a discussion of the term king in the spirit world and asks what king is controlling parts of your life? In Ps 149:8 we are given power to execute judgment on kings and nobles to bind them with fetters of iron! To obtain victory over the kings in your life, you begin with rebelling against your flesh by (1) changing your mind and deciding you won’t do that anymore (2) humbling yourself and admitting that you cannot do it by yourself (3) become accountable to your spiritual leadership (4) guard your mouth and speak no evil (5) have a regular routine of fasting (6) you begin to speak good with thanksgiving and finally (7) bind the strongman (king) and call upon God to drive him out.

05LHCD7-15 – Cheryl Batts – THIS IS A LIFESTYLE
Rom 8:21 “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” We have been called into a lifestyle of liberty in Jesus Christ. Jesus came to set the captives free. Sister Batts encourages believers to seek the Spirit of the LORD because where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is liberty. This is done by facing the truths, denying self and becoming obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

05LHCD9-6 – Cheryl Batts – IT’S TIME TO MOVE
God works in our lives at a personal level – right in the middle of our everyday life. That’s how we learn to do things His way. He allows us to come to the end of ourselves so that when He shows up as “Jehovah – nick of time”, there is no disputing it was GOD! Listen carefully to what God is telling you to pray and avoid getting off into witchcraft prayers. We get stuck in the same place, doing the same thing, when we need to be willing to move, to shift, when God says move! Deliverance ministry concludes this message.

Cheryl challenges us to break free from the traditions of man which mind us to doubt and unbelief, because we fail to realize who God is. She encourages us to take off the mask of false pretense and allow the fruit of God’s spirit to operate in us, so that we can be naked and unashamed before God. With humor and wisdom, she explains that we must turn things around so that we exude the presence of God and stay focused on the kingdom vision of compassion and holiness. At the end of this session is the sound of God’s people getting free from mind control bondage, intellect and schizophrenia, fear, diseases and disorders.

05LHCD12-3 – Cheryl Batts – A NEW SEASON
As a cook works the dough to prepare a pastry, so God works us to prepare us for His Glory. A season is the appointed time for something to happen. God’s grace enables you to bear up under the stress until the deliverance from things which hinder us from fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives. As we move into a new season with the resultant great joy and focus we must cut ourselves off from the flesh and allow God to deliver us from our excesses. When deliverance time comes we must be like Peter and step out of the boat in faith into the new season.

05LHCD12-3L – Cheryl Batts – CONFESSIONS
Cheryl takes a practical look at the subject of confessions, causing us to examine what is coming out of our mouths, and asking the question, “Where did that come from?” – mind, will, soul, emotions or spirit? The Word of God transforms all the aforementioned, so consider the importance of time spent there! When the people around you won’t change, Hello! Maybe it’s you that needs changing. You may not always know which unbeliever(s) are watching you. It behooves us all to allow God to purge us of those things that would come out of our mouths that might hinder that unbeliever from coming to God. It’s not about us. It’s all about Jesus and His life flowing through us and out to others. Stay on the potters’s wheel, in the Word, and He will perfect that which concerneth you and Him! Cheryl concludes this message by reading a list of confessions based on the Word.


Cheryl begins with a Word of the Lord then goes into her ministry beginning with the questions, “What prevents us from understanding that God is I AM? What prevents us from seeing as He sees? What prevents us from having the compassion for each other that He wants us to have?” The need for repentance is weaved into the tapestry of this message to clarify to the listener that without repentance, we will never fully come to know Him as I AM, nor see as He sees, nor have the compassion He desires us to have for one another. Don’t be unrepentant. When you’re wrong, admit it. Cheryl also touches on arrested development in this message. Deliverance ministry concludes this message.

06LHCD5-9 – Cheryl Batts – EARTHWORMS
God wants us to have a Kingdom vision and Rhema revelation to know that we know what God wants in all areas of our life. The deliverance on the inside is to reveal His Kingdom on the outside. He uses invisible forces in our lives like “earthworms” to break up the soil in our hearts. He wants to shift us – move us – by the silent moving of the Holy Spirit, prayer, discipline, and meditation on God’s Word. These things change our minds, wills and emotions. This challenging message will encourage you to let God move in your life and heart to be all you can for His Kingdom.

06LHCD7-12 – Cheryl Batts – WHAT’S IN YOUR WALLET?
We are reminded that each of us has an enemy whose sole purpose is to steal, kill and destroy us and that we also have an all powerful GOD that loves us! When an individual goes through things and comes out on the victory side, they have the “goods” to help set someone else free, because we have seen the in’s and out’s and know the way. The listener is reminded of how important it is to remain on the potter’s wheel until the potter is finished. If we take ourselves off too soon, we’ll find ourself lacking. Know it’s not God’s fault. The question is presented, “What’s in your wallet?” “What’s on your ATM card?” How much peace, or power or love? What’s really in your heart? Is there fear and jealousy? It’s time to look at the deposits and credits. The only thing you can withdraw is what has been deposited in your account.

06LHCD9-2 – Cheryl Batts – JESUS THE EXAMPLE – (WHY NO REST)
Our example is Jesus. He did only what the Father told Him to do. Cheryl implores the listener to enter into a deep, intimate relationship with God the Father and to walk in His ways. Jer 6:16, “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.” Call Him in the middle of the winepress. The longer you stay in the winepress, the more the real you, who was made before time, will be revealed. Then God’s love can flow from you and you are able to enter into the rest of God. Cheryl exposes the kingdoms of unbelief, fear, unforgiveness, disobedience and pride. Warfare and deliverance prayers conclude this message.

06LHCD9-2L – Cheryl Batts –  WHO HE IS AS FATHER
In this emotional message, Cheryl uses John 3:16-22 to speak about the love of God. In the depths of Father God is the place where there is healing from wounds, hurts and pains, and the mysteries of yesterday will be understood.

06LHCD11-1L – Cheryl Batts – THE 3 P’S OF THE LOCAL CHURCH
Cheryl talks about the perfecting of the church and how you are to dig in and get the Kingdom vision that God has for you. The 3 P’s are pattern, purpose and power. She encourages you to know who you are and take up your position in the church. God has a plan for your life. He can reach people through you that no one else can come close to.

06LHCD12-1L – Cheryl Batts – DYING TO SELF
Cheryl begins by telling us she is giving a Rhema word. When you resist the killing and crucifying you enter into tribulation which is 6 notches above stress. It affects your prayer life, your ability to praise and you are in tribulation. You must make a step out of the flesh into the Spirit. God is saying there is not a formula; it will not come through man. The Word tells you what God wants you not to do also. This is a very useful teaching. Cheryl concludes with prayer.

06LHCD12-15 – Cheryl Batts – THE 3RD HOUR
Cheryl starts off with Matthew 20:1 – when we all get to heaven we’ll reap the same no matter how long we have been saved. Matthew 20:15 – God has a right to do what He wants to do. It’s His way or no way in the Kingdom of Heaven based on His righteousness. Deuteronomy 15:9 – we must move into the Kingdom of Heaven and know where we are. Our greatest challenge is to check out ourselves if we want to get into the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. We have to minister with our spirit and not our flesh to people. Proverbs 23:6-7 – Don’t fellowship with just everybody; make sure they are moving in the same direction as you are. The Kingdom of God is not made up of robots that do the same thing the same way all the time. Luke 12:36-40 – tells us to be prepared to enter the Kingdom, be awake, watching, go through the test, take the squeeze and challenges. Scream aloud and stand fast. Be excited about the Kingdom and seek after God with all that we have. She says read everything you can about the Kingdom and gives scriptures and explanations. Cheryl says the Kingdom of heaven is what it is all about. In closing she continues with scriptures about the Kingdom being about great wisdom and Mark 4:26 which is a parable about the Kingdom.


07LHCD4-6 – Cheryl Batts – FEAR NOT
Cheryl delivers a powerful message on being prepared for war. “Are you packed?” is the question we need to explore. What do you have in your backpack? 2 Cor 10:1-6 is the text from which an outline is drawn. Know the Commander-in-Chief – train to use the weapons – know what the weapons are – learn to be disciplined and obedient – discover the land mines in our lives. This teaching can mean the difference between life and death.

07LHCD5-9 – Cheryl Batts – WHAT TIME IS IT?
Cheryl brings a “soul-searching” message and repeatedly asks, “What time is it?” Those for whom time is running out – when they come in (to Jesus) – are you ready for that? That generation does not speak “Christianese”. Can you hear what God has to say about yourself? It’s time to be who God has called you to be. It’s time to shake yourself, O Zion, for God is calling. You say, “I can’t fast for medical reasons.” Why do you think fasting just has to be about food? Look at other things in your life you can “give up”, to let God have His way in your life. Hosea states our idols cause us to be a snare – a stumbling block to one another. They also speak of a “landmark” – the place where you can decipher right from wrong in our lives. That’s what time it is! Cheryl ends with, “It’s a good day to die – from all that is not of Jesus.” Deliverance prayers and ministry concludes this teaching.

07LHCD12-12A – Cheryl Batts – Spirit of Arrested Development – 1-of-2
07LHCD12-12B – Cheryl Batts – Spirit of Arrested Development – 2-of-2
As we are living longer some of the people behind us do not know the miracle working power of God. This spirit of arrested development keeps you from growing past the age of 13, works in the mind and starts in a child. Isaiah 5:13, captivity because of no knowledge. Fill children with Jesus at an early age. Pro 3:1, God is telling us to instruct our children. This spirit will not allow a normal conversation on any issue. Small children are selfish. Mine! John 10:10, being childlike and even in looks, in some instances, are the result of this spirit. It can return the victim anywhere from 13 years to younger. Many more symptoms are shared by Cheryl. This demon may cause people to drink or have temper tantrums. They never seem to learn from their experiences – I Cor. 13:11 and cannot balance having more than a few friends at a time. Cheryl follows with much good instruction for parents concerning their children. Arrested development is a strong demon operating with a cluster of more demons. In praying, start at age 2 under the leading of the Holy Spirit, go up the ages, bind and cast out and release maturity in each prayer. When you are being prayed for you should be praying on the inside also. It’s where 2 or 3 are agreed that the answers come. You have a responsibility; fight or not, putting all you can into your deliverance. You will not get all the deliverance God is making available for you if you don’t take that responsibility. When you hear this CD you can take it to others so they can be set free. Have mercy on the ones with this spirit because there is a lot of fear associated with it. Cheryl closes by acknowledging God’s greatness and deliverance prayers from the spirit of arrested development. This is a powerfully anointed deliverance service and many people were delivered.


08LCCD2-4 – Cheryl Batts – HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FIGHT?
Something is at your door and you back away from contending with the devil about encroaching on you and your life. You wind up so tired you can’t think. Amos 6:1 – balance. There are 191 plus scriptures on battles. Get some rest. When in rebellion, get serious with God. Cheryl shares testimony on being out of balance in time past and says you have to get serious with God. He will get your attention in the end times but it’s better to stay yielded to Him. It is in the quiet time that God lets you know who He is. With your mind stayed on Him, you can go forth and win great battles. Look for balance in all that you do. The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. What He wants you to know is not about you; it is about the people your life will touch. Deut 21:10 – as the general of tiredness comes against you, you say God’s Word. There is power, healing, love and all we need in the Word. Job 39:42, Ps 18:39, Ps 55:18, Ps 140:7 – speaks of peace in the day of battle. We need to be rested and be prepared for all battle at all times. He will tell you the time to move. Eccl 9:11 – The time for the great battle is not far away. Stay in balance. Do not be weary in well doing. Cheryl closes with powerful mass deliverance over the congregation. The anointing for deliverance is with this message – listen and get delivered!

08LHCD5-9 – Cheryl Batts – NO FEAR
Cheryl starts by saying this is the first day of your life. Take the time to really hear. She shares that for 2 years she was in a strong state of fear. Do you have profound awe and reverence toward God? This is the deciding factor concerning fear. Fear is mentioned in the Bible 485 times. Psalms 86 – a prayer of deliverance by David. You need to come to the place of reality of what you really are as opposed to what you think you are. Be quiet and listen. God may send a donkey to speak to you. She shares a personal experience where God gave her enough time to repent, and receive relief from fear, self-pity, etc. Then God opened the flood gates. Rom 8:13-30. We turn and look at our self. How about productive pain? Can we empathize with others? New level – new devil and a shift of faith for you. Stay on the potter’s wheel. Trust God and obey. Respond in faith instead of fear. Have enough love and respect for God to obey Him. Psalms 91 is the answer for deliverance from all the demons that attack through fear. Stay under the shadow of God’s wing. If you lose, it is because you choose to lose. Psalms 91 is your security blanket. Fear today should not be part of our make-up. Cheryl closes with deliverance prayers for many kinds of demons that come under the spirit of fear.

Today is like no other day that God woke you up. It is a new day to be conformed as you promised God. He does not forget. There is seriousness in this hour as never before. The change from within is what we resist. We already told Him to do what He is trying to do. Change your ugly stuff into something that looks good – like Him. When you first get saved God’s supposed to change everything around you. God says “not so”, I will change you. You said “I will” and He is going to change you as long as you are here. The change within comes with a price. He has to keep you in the press until you can see what others already see. The fire is hot here. God is trying to do all He can to bring you into balance. The change is within us so we can be what He calls us to be in the Kingdom. Jesus changed the disciples and the world in three years. Rom 8:20. He is the change maker. Quit thinking it is your enemies, etc. Rom 12:2, Joel 12:15. Just when, after a victory, you think you (Ps 41:3) are perfect now, God says (Acts 20:32) we are going to work on (Rom 12:2) something else, forget it! He is not going to do it all in one day. It is a lifestyle. Don’t get (Rom 8:20-28) stuck on how things used to be. The change within will give you discernment on where God has people at. It’s all about the change maker living within us and changing us. Rom 8:21 Now we can go from kindergarten to first grade. Still some stuff the Deliverer wants to set us free from. Basically fear keeps us from change. Not trusting God to change us. It’s really about obedience to do what God calls us to do. Cheryl closes with prayer.

08LHCD11-6 – Cheryl Batts – CHANGE IS COMING
God has been saying, “Gear up for change!” We are encouraged to always be in a state of readiness for change. Stay with Him. He will prepare you for what is on the horizon when you give yourself to Him in prayer. In the days ahead, do not judge the people God is bringing in. He loves them. Let Him change them. Be available to mentor and to pray and watch Him bring the transformation. Be more concerned with how much Light is in you to pierce the darkness in them! Be careful how you treat God’s people. Prayer and prophecy conclude this service.



Cheryl says we need the word of God-the truth. We are not paying attention to what God is telling us to do. The enemy is after our attention. So we take our eyes off the promises of God. We see miracles and then as a result, we become double-minded. Eph. 3:16, 11 Tim. 1;7 speaks of our defense for fear – that we would be “strengthened with might by His spirit,” and “God hath not given us a spirit of fear  but He has given us power and love and a sound mind.” In 1Kings 19, we see Elijah hiding because of fear-what he heard instead of what he’d seen to be true of his God in the past. The bible says to “fear not” 365 times. We must keep our eyes on Jesus, bind and loose, cast all our cares on Him. We then had prayer for forgiveness followed by deliverance.

11LHCD7-6 – Cheryl Batts – MEET ME AT THE WELL
Jn. 4:1-4 Don’t miss your divine appointment at the well – there’s water for the thirsty soul. God will reveal Himself there. Whatever is said at the well, stays – the curse broken there. These are spiritual truths not known before – like who we are and what we’re about. The questions are from our heart – not from our lips. We will understand things by and from the spirit. There can be no preconceived ideas – we’re open to listen. God is whatever you need Him to be at the well. Let your bucket with all the “stuff” down and draw back up what you need. Jesus is waiting for you to save, heal and deliver. Deliverance follows.


Our retail CD’s are higher quality uncompressed WAV audio. Usually there is a DVD video too. But only years of mid 2006 or higher. 

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