2003 Memorial Day Camp Meeting
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CD’s, MP3’s Sets, & Cassette Tapes
** Cassette conversions to mp3 Audio This Month **
All of our retail CD’s are high quality uncompressed WAV files.
We also have CD quality MP3 sets of a whole camp meeting too. These are far more cost effective then buying a single WAV file CD of one speaker. For MP3 sets I’ve been able to compile from 8 to 11 full messages on one CD using jukebox mode. Depends on speaking time. Each full teaching is a single track.
The retail MP3 sets or single CD format is: 128 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo, MP3
DVD Videos are also available from mid-2006 till now.
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The 2003 Memorial Day Camp Meeting
The following is this camp meeting, only in podcast format.
Our mp3 podcast format is, “16 Kbps at 16Hz single track mono.”
These are full messages with all the ministry left on at the end too.
They are clear enough, so we can keep conserve hosting space.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
Deliverance, salvation and love are all based on our relationship with the Holy Father. You can’t have a relationship with God without a relationship with Jesus. We must place more importance on nurturing a continuing relationship with the LORD, to become a more effective blessing to one another.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
The power of evil speech and vain talk, and bondages caused by the “cliche curse” have defiled many people. Many people live under the power of a cliche curse, eventually taking on the characteristics of the cliche. Often the curses are received as children, or through music and media. Many times we don’t realize the effects of these often heard remarks. Group deliverance is held to call out a huge list of clichés!
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
03LHCD5-3 – Cheryl Batts – MIND CONTROL
Mind control is an important weapon in satan’s arsenal, and is a common spirit that affects the way people think. One of the gifts of God is a sound mind. The mind is renewed through the Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit within us. The Holy Spirit will rebuild our mind if we listen to Him; our body is to be a complete sacrifice!
Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008
Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
03LHCD5-4 – Dr. William Null – REJECTION
There is no one who has not suffered some forms of rejection. Rejection is a denial of love and acceptance. Many will then turn to the world for love. Self-rejection will lead to fantasy. Rejection will also lead to retained unforgiveness, bitterness, and revenge. Rejection also lets in the spirit of fear. Rejection can control your life and must be overcome.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
The curse of the bastard is a ten-generation curse, or around 400 years. There is no way to know the things that could have occurred in your bloodline over 400 years. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law; the price has been paid, but we abuse it.
Click above to see other podcast audio messages.
Anything worthwhile takes work. There are things we have to deal with in our lives, and the only way we learn to deal with them is to do so. The hooks in life are painful and cannot be avoided, but walking with the Spirit of God in your life will produce good results. God wants you to not only get the hook out of your jaw, but keep it out.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
The Midianite spirit is a strongman spirit of poverty. Most of us have run into this spirit in some form. It is often used by satan to bring hardship to ministries. It will steal your finances and try to get you to curse yourself by not tithing. God desires that we share what He has given us. Brother Landry shares a number of Scriptures that show this spirit in operation.
Dr. William Null – 1990 to 2003
Dr. William Null – 2004 to 2008
Dr. William Null – DVD Video’s
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
03LHCD5-8A – Dr. William Null – HOW YOUR MIND IS RENEWED 1-OF-2
03LHCD5-8B – Dr. William Null – HOW YOUR MIND IS RENEWED 2-OF-2
Our body is to be a living sacrifice. To get in the will of God, our mind must be renewed. Renewal is a continuous process. We are renewed by walking with the LORD and obeying His Word. Getting rid of any unforgiveness, and learning the character of God. To walk in freedom, you must cultivate an intimate relationship with the LORD. Wonderful Teaching.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
Jezebel spirits can work in men, as well as Ahab spirits can work in women. The Ahab spirit causes men to be weak in leadership in the home and in the church. Jezebel is a spirit that causes females to forsake the covering of the husband. Jezebel is a controlling spirit, often connected with a spirit of deception that keeps the person from realizing they have this demon. Learn more about both of these common spirits.
Click above to see other podcast audio messages.
03LHCD5-10 – Steve Sellars – WHO IS JESUS TO YOU?
He should be everything to you for without Him, we are nothing! Knowledge of your Father will affect your prayer life. The more knowledge of Him you have, the more you want to spend time with Him. We need to know the Father in a close relationship. The closer relationship you have with the Father, the more of your needs that are going to be met. The reason people perish for the lack of knowledge is because they do not know who their Father is.
Click on their name to see their other podcast audio messages.
03LHCD5-11 – Carl Fox – CURSED OBJECTS
Brother Carl Fox shares with us a number of examples of how cursed objects have affected the health and lives of those he has ministered to. Learn how to deal with these objects and how to dispose of them so that no one else can be affected by their power.
** Cassettes to mp3 Audio This Month **
New – LHBC Camp Meeting Coming – New
Every day at camp there will be personal ministry.
Come & get the help you want & need!
Jesus is Your Deliverer!
Call and reserve a bed: 501-525-8204 – CSTime.
Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry.
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation.
Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)
Our thanks to all of you who faithfully help each month,
both financially and with prayer support.
We never take God’s provision for granted.
Thank You!,
Read all about the founders of LHBC.
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